
Dragon Ball : Son of Bardock

The second son of Bradock and Gine is begin sent off from planet Vegeta his ship goes off course and he is separated from Kakarot he crashes lands on a different planet than the one intended for him and the injuries help in awaken memories of a past life he must work hard to avenge his race and parents and prepare for future events I own nothing but my own oc dragon ball Z dragon ball super and the cover art belongs to their respective creators Update when I want

Argent1971 · Anime & Comics
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Gathering thoughts

Daikon pov :

Slowly walking to a nearby cave I decide to sit down and sort out my thoughts and plan for the future.

These memories I have are from another life there is no doubt about that the experiences I have felt are too real for it and the memories too vivid to be a hallucination so I ponder over what I know I used to be a man who lived on earth as a human and watched a show called Dragonball and I now am in that universe as the brother of the protagonist which is not that good considering what happened or is going to happen to Raditiz. I have to face Frieza and Buu and a fucking God of destruction this drastically complicates my life.

These memories have not influenced my sense of self which Is odd as I know I am still the same Daikon Sayian of universe 7 these memories are just extra information to me that I plan to maliciously abuse to get the best out of for not just my self but also my family. Even in my past life, I was a family-oriented person and that Is one thing I have carried into this life as well.

Now my plans for the future are as follows I think to myself making a mental list :

Avenge my race

Achieve super Saiyan

Kill Buu and Cell

Become a candidate for the God of destruction position like Topp.

Those are my long-term goals my short term are much simpler right now I have to establish a friendly relationship with the people of this planet as unlike earth my power level is very weak here and I could be one shot even in my great ape form so I need to be friendly. Now how to do that I need to go and find the grand elder and have him approve of my stay on his planet I suppose as the Namenkians are a peaceful race he should have no trouble in letting me stay but I need for him to allow me the use of the dragon balls.

So having decided on my goals I just begin to fly in a random direction but not before I blew up my space pod with a KI blast I can't have that being tracked to me Kakarot might have been lucky enough not to have been tracked to earth but I wasn't taking any chances.

I have flown across the planet for 3 hours and I still can't find a native which is very frustrating okay time for plant B to make so much noise that the neighbours are forced to come out. So I let my Ki explode raising my power level to its max of 500 if what Bardock told me is true I began to put all my energy into this one attack as I charge it a small ball of purple energy begins to appear in my palm until it suddenly expands to the size of a house completely dwarfing me I then begin to condense the energy ball into a smaller form making it the size of a tennis ball it started to glow as the energy became more compact and so more destructive due to the high levels of concentration.

I then raise my hand and aim at a random direction and let the blat lose I still haven't given this move a name maybe chaos cannon yh which has a nice ring to it chaos cannon is it then. The purple ball travels at insane speed and hits a large mountain with tall trees and bluegrass the ball disappeared and then a blinding light lights the plant up as large gusts of wind blast past me the waves crash onto smaller islands ripping off large chunks of the island just then defending explosion occurs as the light begins not a single trace of a mountain remains or any evidence that a mountain ever existed there, to begin with.

Smiling I just wait in the air someone has to come sooner or later and if they don't they should after three or four more blasts.

"Who are you and what do you want on my planet" a voice from behind me bellows. bloody hell he was able to sneak up on me like that I need to learn how to sense Ki, I could have been dead in an instant but considering who this is it wouldn't have mattered even if I had known . I had turned around and saw who it was was that called me . it was Nail the strongest Nemenkian he has a power level of around 42,000 if I'm correct .

I reply in a stoic voice " I come in peace that was just to get the attention of the locals I think we can talk about a lot if you take me to your leader " just as I was finishing my sentence I feel a spark pain in the back of my neck and my world begins to turn dark.

The end

Sorry for infrequent up dates but my finals are coming up so the updates will be very infrequent till mid June