
Dragon Ball: Sex Stories

A bunch of sex stories set in the dragon ball universe. (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) chapters release once a week or more Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review. let me know if there are any specific smut stories you might want in the review.

Mad_man13 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

Working off the Debt (Gohan and Goten x Videl)

To pay off Chichi's debts, her sons go to work in Mr Satan's mansion, until Videl comes to them with an offer. An offer to pay off all their mother's debts...in return for a single night.

For one night, they will be hers, to do with as she wishes.

A night as her sex slaves.


There was a lot to be said for having a parent that saved the earth, but it put a right dampener on your social life. And when said saviour had vowed that no boy could touch his daughter unless they could prove they were stronger than the man who beat Cell…

Well, Videl had long since given up on the idea that any boy would come to ask her out.

So it was with undisguised interest that, from the window high atop her ivory tower, she watched the two walking towards her house.

Then again, she doubted anyone would call these two boys. They definitely weren't like any of the boys she'd met at OSU. They were all pompous, sanctimonious elitists with their heads up their asses and muscle-bound frat boys. Or a combo of both, like that douche Sharpener.

They were always sniffing around her like dogs, either trying to use her to get close to her dad or just humping her leg, trying to get a quick, sneaky fuck. She couldn't stand them, any of them.

These two, however, they were something else. A different breed altogether. They stood tall, their bodies hard and broad, with skin bronzed from the sun and hair as dark as a raven's wing. They must be relations. Cousins, or maybe even brothers, they looked so much alike and even from her vantage point, Videl could see they both carried themselves with the same, certain easy nonchalance. As if they hadn't a care in the world, or just didn't give a shit-

"Good morning, Videl."

Videl whirled around as a bubbly voice sung out behind to see a tall girl with a short mess of blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Erasa, her personal maid, bursting into her bedroom with all her customary energy and good cheer. Not to mention a certain disregard for knocking. From anyone else, that would have just seemed rude, but not Erasa. With her, it was just part of her charm.

Embarrassed, Videl nodded, forcing a smile. "Morning Erasa."

"Oh wow, look who's up." The blonde ginned, laying the tray of morning tea down on the sideboard, and apparently blissfully ignorant to the fact she'd walked in on. "Someone should call a press conference. Usually I have to drag you out of bed kicking and screaming. Well, this is what morning looks like. Hope you got a good look. You probably won't see it again for a year or two…"

"Bitch." Videl muttered, flipping her the finger. Yet even as she did, her eyes kept drifting back down to the pair.

"Aww…" Erasa pouted mockingly as she went about her duties, tiding and collecting up the clothes dumped on the floor. "There's no need to be so mean. I was only joking. Besides, it's much too nice a day to spend it in bed."

"Yeah, much too nice." agreed Videl, though only half listening to the serving girl and with absolutely zero interest in the weather as she watched the pair walking up the house's driveway. Below her, a door slammed and Jean, her father's footman, came hurrying down the front steps to meet them.

Interesting. If Jean was expecting them, then that means they must have business at the house. "Erasa, who's that?"

"Who's who, Videl?" she asked, coming over to stand next to her.

Videl pointed at the pair. "Down there, talking with Jean."

"Oh my, what cuties, and two for the price of one." Erasa cooed, peeking over Videl's shoulder. "Hmm… I think they're the new boys from the mountains. Here to work off a debt."

Videl arched a brow. "A debt? To dad…"

"I believe so." Erasa nodded. "I heard their mother lost a game of cards to Mr Hercule. She couldn't pay what she owed, so she sent her sons here to work it off."

"Really…" Videl mused, and turned an appraising eye back down to the pair, the cogs in her head turning with an idea.


"Wow! Look at this place, Gohan… it's huge," Observed Goten, his eyes going wide as he took in the Satan estate.

"Yes, most impressive." Gohan nodded, not bothering to hide his amusement.

Unlike his brother, who shared their father's habit of stating the obvious, Gohan followed their mother and rarely dropped his reserve. Yet even he couldn't hide his awe as he took in the estate. An edifice of gleaming white marble, three stories high and fronted by a curving pair of steps around a fountain, that led up to a veranda where four columns supported a balcony half the width of the house.

As Goten had so eloquently said, it was huge.

Of course, the Son Brothers had seen bigger, more impressive structures. The capsule Corp dome could have swallowed up the estate many times over. However, that was the base of operations for the entire corporation. A multi-layered labyrinth, housing hundreds of labs, offices, testing facilities and storage warehouses of a trillion zeni business. This was just one man's house. A house big enough to fit their entire village, and everyone in the surrounding mountains, under its roof.

"Do you think he's compensating for something?" Goten grinned, voicing his brother's thoughts as their gazes drifted over the afro sporting gold bust that stood so proudly in the centre of the fountain. They had set it in 'The Champ's' world famous victory pose.

"I doubt it." Gohan rolled his eyes at the crude innuendo. "Hercule Satan doesn't strike me as the sort. This is more like his inflated ego at work. Everyone thinks he saved the world, so he wants to keep reminding them of it."

"What? You mean he's got it, so flaunt it?" Goten gave his brother an incredulous look.

Gohan shrugged. "Something like that."

"Ironic." His tone suddenly bitter, Goten slowly turned his eyes up to the cloudless blue sky above. "He spends the Cell games hiding behind a rock and somehow comes out a hero. We lose dad, save the world, and end up without a pot to piss in."

As whenever their dad came up in conversation, Gohan felt a rush of pity for his brother. Although they had both loved their dad, like so many twins, their experiences with their parents had been far from equal. Their mother had mainly raised him and while she had had him studying at home, Goten had been off training with their dad. They had spent his entire childhood sparing out in the wilds and so he'd felt the loss more keenly after Goku had died in the Cell Games.

For all the pain and guilt that had hung about his neck, Gohan knew it weighed more heavily on Goten.

Just as had the feelings of betrayal by their dad's decision to remain dead.

Slowly, he put a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. "Yeah, maybe. But we don't have to spend our lives terrified we'll get exposed for a fraud."

"Well, he's got a pretty nice cave to hide in." Goten spat out angrily, "Fuck it, why did it have to be him, of all people?"

"Because it was." said Gohan simply. "Life is Inexorable."

It was the only answer he'd ever found.

The words hung in the air between them, palpable with meaning and memory, and responsibility.

Of course, they should have known better. After all, how could they of known?

They had just been boys. Stupid, ignorant mountain kids. Growing up in an environment conducive to study and training had done little to prepare them for life, for the ways of the real world. Why should they have ever wondered how their mother put food on the table every night, or could afford to cloth them and send them off to good city schools…

Then reality came crashing through their door.

Unbeknownst to all but her father, Chichi had become a professional gambler to support her family after Goku's winnings from the 23rd World Martial Art's Tournament had dried up. She'd been good, never taking too many risks or betting more than she could afford to lose. Once a month she'd gone down to the local casino and by the evening's end she'd arrived back home with just enough to keep her family fed and clothed for another quarter. It had been simple, but safe.

Then the unthinkable had happened. Their father had died in the Cell Games, and this time, he didn't want to come home.

And Chichi, left alone with two kids to raise, was forced to take greater and greater risks. Larger bets. Bigger games. Whatever it took to support her family.

Finally, she'd entered a national contest. A tournament of some of the best gamblers in the country, the grand prize large enough to send both Gohan and Goten to one of the finest universities in world and stock their larder with enough food to feed an army of Saiyans.

All she'd needed to do was keep her cool, play her game...

Then Hercule Satan, the man who had stolen the credit for defeating Cell and saving the World, from her sons, had sat down across from her, and she'd seen red. She'd bet everything she had, and more on a bluff to take it all from him, called him out, and lost.

Hercule might have been a mediocre martial artist, but he was an elite gambler, who suddenly had her nuts in a vice, and there was only one way she could pay him off.

"Inexorable?" The boyish gleam was back in Goten's eyes. His brother could be such a nerd sometimes. "Big word. You read that in a book."

"Yeah, I did. I read that in a book. It was a great big red book but you know what, I recon you would like it." Gohan's grin matched his brother's. "It has a lot of pictures."

His smirk dropping into a look of mocked pain, Goten flipped him the finger. "Haha… funny fucker, aren't you?"

"I have my mo-ah shit, heads up, here comes the welcome party." Gohan warned with a nod up to the house.

Following his lead, Goten glanced up and quietly groaned at the sight of the footman walking down the steps towards them. "Guess that means we're really going to go through with this, then, aren't we?"

He'd been quietly hoping this was all some sort of bad joke. Ever since their mother had declared one morning, over breakfast, they had to go away to work off her debts, he'd been expecting Michael Aspel to pop to announce a 'This is your life!' special.

Oh well, a boy could always dream. The seconds were ticking down, but there was always a chance.

His brother was less optimistic. "What choice do we have? You fancy telling mum you don't want to do it?" Goten didn't answer, just shot him a look that was plain he must've thought his brother had gone mad, among other things. "There you go then. Just smile and let big brother do all that talking."

"Errr… Not that big brother crap again!" Goten groaned, his eyes narrowing. "You know you're only seven minutes older than me, right?"

"Yeah, but that still makes me the big brother." Gohan joked, but as he turned his gaze front and centre, he glimpsed movement out of the corner of his eye and glanced up to the tower rising out of the mansion's north-west wing. A girl stood at its highest window, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. A beauty with skin like ivory, raven tresses that tumbled down past her shoulders and eyes as blue and bright as the sky above her. Obviously fresh from her bed, her hair was a sexy tangle, and she wore a flimsy thing of black silk that might have been a robe, tied around her narrow waist but only went down to her mid-thigh and did nothing to hide a pair of flawless mile-long legs. Or conceal the tops of breasts that stood full and firm against their confinement, just begging to be freed and worshiped.

Worshiped, yes, she was an angel to be worshiped, and just the sight of her made his heart flutter and breath quicken

Then, as quickly as he'd seen her, she was gone, and he had to force his eyes back down to the footman walking up to them.

If he had noticed his brother's distraction, Goten gave no sign of it and stood stiffly, his back almost ramrod straight as he stood to attention like a soldier on parade, wearing a smile that did not meet his eyes. Softly, so only Gohan could hear, he mouthed, "care to finish this later with a spare? Last man standing wins."

Unable to forget the sight of the girl watching over them, Gohan just nodded, swallowed to force the dryness down and croaked. "You're on, baby brother."


"That's it! I can't take this anymore!"

With a crack, the huge oak doors swung inward and Goten come stalking into the lounge of the Satan Mansion's west wing, a fury of golden flames blazing around him. Accustomed as he was to his brother's temper tantrums, Gohan didn't even look up from his work polishing the furniture. "Something bothering you, baby brother?"

"This ain't the time, Gohan, this really ain't the fucking time!" If looks could kill, the glare Goten shot him would have been lethal. "Cleaning clothes and scrubbing dish's, this isn't work for Sayain warriors."

That made Gohan chuckle. It always amused him to watch his usually laid back brother walk the line, before completely losing his shit.

"You've been spending too much time with Vegeta." Leaving his shamy leather on the gleaming oak top of the drinks cabinet and turned to face his brother, folding his arms over his chest. "What did you expect, oiled up prize fighting, Or perhaps a grease down and a shiatsu? We're not martial artists here, Goten. Were not fighters, or warriors, or the saviours of the world. We're nothing but a pair of penniless mountain kids whose mother got into debt. They don't know or care about us, so just grin and bear it, it could always be worse."

"Yeah, how?" Goten asked, the golden flames enveloping him slowly burning away to nothing.

Gohan thought on it for a second, faltered as he realised maybe it couldn't get any worse. "Err… we could have to wear one of master Roshi's uniforms."

That put the bit back into Goten's mouth and he couldn't help grinning despite himself as he started fingering the collar of his uniform shirt. "You mean those sexy lace things he kept hidden in the upstairs wardrobe? Ha, I'd rather that to these. At least I'd be able to move, this damn thing's so tight, it feels like a prison."

There was no doubting that, Gohan silently agreed, turning back to finish his work on the sideboard. A prison just about summed this place up. All that was missing was the ball and chain around the ankle.

The interrogation by the Satan's footman, Jean Delacour had given them would certainly of been worthy of the KGB, anyway. Then after half an hour of quizzing them on everything from how they took their morning tea to whether they dress to the right or to the left, he led them round the house and down to a dingy little room in the cellar. Of course, like the rest of the house, it was obscenely large and was probably bigger than their family's house. Jean claimed it was part of the servant's quarters, but there was a sense of a dungeon about it. It was so barren. No luxuries. No personal effects. Not even a window to break up the bare stone walls. Just two beds, a chair and a wardrobe full of the house staff's grey uniform. And a door that would be securely locked each night after they'd finished their work.

Then there had just been the minor matter of getting settled, or not. They'd had exactly thirty minutes to get unpacked and dressed in their uniforms before being expected to report back to the house to be shown their duties. Then again, Gohan supposed that, if nothing else, the song and dance his brother made while trying to wriggle into the tight grey suit had almost made it all worthwhile, almost.

"Well," Gohan said, forcing a grin. "At least we don't have to cook."

That brought Goten's easy smile back into place. "Yeah, could you imagine the time they'd add on if we gave the whole house food poisoning?" He laughed, some of his usual good nature returning. "So what's next on our list of labours? Clean the dojo in a single day or find and bring back the Satan's lost puppy Cerberus?"

"Actually, our dog's name is Bee."

Both brothers' heads snapped up to see A girl leaning against the still open doorway. A beauty with a cascade of raven tresses held up by a red headband and bright blue eyes that twinkled as she watched them.

"Err Hello." Gohan's stomach did a double flip when he recognised her as the girl he'd seen at the window. She'd swapped her robe for a sleeveless red turtleneck dress that was belted around her narrow waist and hugged her hourglass form in all the right places. She'd also donned a pair of black leggings and white thigh-high boots that turned her legs into mile long works of art.

The way Goten's mouth was hanging down past his knees said his brother agreed with his observation.

Her soft pink lips pursed as she took them in, then spread into a wide feline smile that was as sexy as it was mischievous, and reminded Gohan of Android 18. "So you're the new boys. Do you know who I am?"

Goten forced down a swallow, his throat suddenly unbearably dry. Kami, that voice, so soft and sweet. It was the voice of an angel, a sexy dirty angel. The sort of angel he longed to hear moaning his name as he gave her the sheet-clawing, back arching fuck of the century. "Um… should we?"

Hmmm… cute. Videl mussed, raking over the pair, taking in their boyish but devastating good looks and deliciously cut bodies. The uniforms were made for them; she decided. The suits might've been a little too tight for them to be comfortable, but that only helped to show off the hard lines beneath and emphasise those broad shoulders and long powerful legs and arms.

"I'm Videl, Videl Satan. Mr Satan's Daughter." She said, pushing off from the door and started towards them, emphasising her role in the house just enough to say 'that's right boys, I'm your new boss.' "And you are?"

They glanced at each other nervously, their matching dark eyes meeting for the briefest moment but in which they seemed to share a thousand words, and Videl decided they had to be twins. Not identical for sure, but if they had that sort of rapport then they were definitely closer than typical brothers.

Or else had been through a lot more shit together than your typical siblings had to be so close.

"Gohan" the taller of the two introduced himself. He was ridiculously handsome. Panty meltingly so in fact. With dark hair cut short and spiky, a face slightly longer than his brother's but with a jaw that could only have been chiselled by a master mason. Yet for all his good looks, his eyes were uncertain, and he had the look of a worrier, but only in the sweetest of ways, like the husband who would open doors for his pregnant wife because he didn't want her to overdo it. Yes, he was the sweet one, but there was an edge to him to, a protective fire that just needed a spark to blaze out of control and consume all that threatened those he loved. Definitely the marrying kind, the sort of boy she had dreamed of bringing home to meet her parents, once upon a time, but now it could only be in another life…

A life where her mother was alive, and her dad wasn't the world's saviour.

"Goten." The other brother added, and Videl knew immediately that he was the player of the two. He just had the look, the easy grin, the unjustifiable swagger and confidence that signaled to every woman in sight he was dynamite in the sack and went so perfectly with those exquisitely defined check bones and thick waves of dark raven black hair that were just that bit too long. Yet there was something else, a certain depth to his eyes that belied the cock sure glint said there were skeletons in the closet, secrets he hid that a part of her so desperately wanted to uncover.

"Pleasure." And girl, will it be. Videl promised herself, putting on a smile that was as sugar sweet. "Now I have a deal to discuss with you boys. How would you like to go home first thing tomorrow?"

Shaking themselves out of their daze, Gohan and Goten shared another look. Could it be? Was she serious? It sounded too good to be true, but then, what did they have to lose? With that in mind, they nodded together and then in unison said "What would we have to do?"

"Nothing much…" Videl's eyes slanted in an almost feline fashion as her smile turned to pure wickedness.

Good, everything was going exactly according to plan.


"What do you think she wants?" Goten asked for the fifth time. Standing against the wall, with his arms folded and foot tapping a quick beat on the floor, he made a near perfect impression of their mother.

Gohan couldn't help grinning with the thought. All that was missing was the frying pan…

"A little respect when you come home." He mused from his cot, resting his head in his hands, staring up at the sky much the way their dad had whenever they were relaxing out in the fields together. Except there was no sky here. No sun, no stars, not even the chorus of distant bird song. Just a bare stone ceiling, bathed in the soft light of the only light in the room. His internal clock told him it would probably be night now, but apart from that they knew nothing of the world outside, but that was enough to make his heart pound all the same as Videl's parting promise echoed once again in his ears.

"I'll come to your room tonight after lights out. Just do as I say, and in the morning, all your mother's debts will be settled."

That was all she'd promised. It wasn't much, but it had been enough all the same to make the hours of work after pass in moments. So fast in fact he couldn't recall much of anything after watching her depart, his eyes drawn inexorably to the slow enticing sway of her hips as she sashayed out, until the door slammed shut.

"Ha-ha-ha… very funny Athena, you going to spell that out for me next?" Goten scoffed, rounding on his brother. Bastard, how could someone with a stick so far up their ass all the time be so relaxed.

"I would, if I thought you could spell it." Gohan shot back, quicker than usual.

Gritting his teeth, Goten did his best to resist his brother's baiting. "R, E, S, P, E, C, T. It's right there in the song, genius."

"Right," Gohan grinned knowingly. His brother could be so easy to get to when he was like this. It almost took the fun out of it, almost. "Well, now that you've shown you can spell to the level of a seven-year-old, why don't you save the shoe leather and sit down. Wearing out the vinyl with that infernal tap dancing won't bring her here any quicker."

Goten growled and spun away, throwing himself onto his bed. "Errr… I can't help it, we didn't all spend a year in Piccolo's control your emotions school, alright," He air quoted his little nick name for Gohan's training to fight the Sayains. Having already been trained by their Dad, he'd been taken by Krillin to train under Master Roshi, then under Kami on the Lookout with the other Z-Fighters while Gohan had received the Namek's more intensive training camp. "While you were meditating under a waterfall, finally learning not to piss your pants at the sight of a sabre cat, I was running around buckets of water for Master Roshi and then getting my head kicked in, in the lookout's Room of Time."

With a sigh, Gohan swung his long legs over the side and sat up on the bed. "It wasn't exactly a picnic for me either, you know. I bet the water bucket's didn't spend six months trying to eat you while you were running them back and forth." It wasn't the first time they'd had this debate and the familiar back and forth helped settle both their nerves. "I bet the food was better than apples and roast dino tail for breakfast, lunch and dinner, too. Don't suppose Mr Popo ever forgot the feather pillows while I was out kipping in the dirt?"

"Piss off, I had to make do with a rollout and you know it." Goten grabbed his pillow and threw it at his brother's head.

His aim was spot on, but Gohan was faster. He plucked the pillow from the air long before it hit its mark and shoved it under his head. "Still sounds better than sleeping in the dirt at the back of a cave. At Least you had a blanket and something soft under you."

Goten shot daggers at his stolen pillow. "Making up for it now, though, aren't you, git."

Gohan shrugged, his eyes back up at the ceiling. "Finders keepers, little brother."

The words hung there, but this time Goten didn't bite. He just lay back with his head in his hands and stared back up the ceiling and started counting the number of bricks in the ceiling and walls.

He couldn't help feeling restless, he'd never been comfortable just sitting back. He didn't like waiting for something to happen. No, he needed to be doing something, had to keep himself busy…

Had to take back control.

He'd spent so many years of his life with no control over it, caught up in the web of others, only ever able to react as they pulled the strings and made him dance. Vegeta, Frieza, Dr Gero, Cell, even his own father had played games with his life, but not anymore. He didn't play those games any more. Now he was in control of his life.

Or so he'd thought.

Right up until his mother announced over breakfast she needed them to come here and work off her debt. And then the illusion of control was over, and he was a little boy again, helpless and powerless as his dad told them all he wouldn't be coming back. That he wanted to train and

That he thought the world would be better off without him around.

But he never thought to ask his family how they felt about that…

His family, friends, everyone who loved him.

He ran out on them

Goten shock his head, pushing the darkness away. What's done is done, his dad was dead and gone, forever. Dwelling on it wouldn't change the past, or bring him back, and he'd been doing so well at putting that all behind him.

It was the damn cell; he was sure. Being trapped in this damn cage was starting to make his skin crawl.

Kami, it would be so easy for it all to be over, right now. All it would take was one blast, one little punch, and the walls around them would be nothing but rubble, and they would be free. Just the thought of it made his fingers itch, the gathering energy there crackling and sparking into an aurora of light-

"I wonder what she's about?"

"Videl?" Goten blinked, so surprised by the question, he released the energy and glanced sideways to see his brother watching him intently from his bed. "What do you mean?"

Gohan shrugged, pretending not to have sensed the dark energy that had been gathering around his brother like a storm. "Well, she's after something. We're after something. What we want is obvious, but what could she want from us?"

It was Goten's turn to shrug. "Attractive girl like her… probably daddy issues. Old man Satan didn't buy her the right pony for her birthday or something so now she's trying to get back at him. Bet she's an influencer on Instagram. Probably have up on the roof doing something that'll embarrass daddy in time for the morning news."

"Yeah, maybe…" But Gohan wasn't so sure. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he'd sensed it when he'd seen her up in that tower. There was just something about her, something guarded and unreachable, a sense of longing for something that just didn't go with the spoiled rich girl act.

Goten noticed his uncertainty. "You got a better idea?"

"Nah, forget it." Gohan muttered with a sigh, rolling back onto his back to look up at the ceiling. "It's nothing."

"Come on, don't give me that shit." Snapped Goten, shoving a hand through his hair to clear them from his eyes as he sat up to glare at his twin. "You never ask a question unless you already have an answer. Mum said it always drove your tutors nuts. So come on, Genius, let's hear it, what do you think she wants?"

The remark brought a bitter twist to Gohan's mouth. Genius, from anyone else that would have been humour. A bad joke about his higher than average IQ and uncanny ability for retaining facts. From anyone else, but not his brother. From Goten, that was his reminder, his subtle way of pointing out that for all his smarts, it was his fault their dad was dead… and that he held him responsible.

As if he needed the reminder. He knew well that, for all their kind words, there wasn't one of his dad's friends that didn't blame him. If he did, why shouldn't they. After all, he hadn't been able to look at himself in the mirror since.

Very well, he wants to hear it, fine…

"I think…" His words died in his throat as outside the room's door another swung shut with a bang and footsteps echoed down the hall. The brothers shared a look, it was time. "We should be careful what we wish for."

Goten nodded. "Ready?"

"As we'll ever be." Gohan grumbled back as they both rose to their feet and moved to stand by the foots of their beds. When the door lock clanged and the door swung inward, they immediately jumped to attention, with heads high and arms behind back, like a proper pair of toy soldiers.

Videl didn't wait for an invitation. She just slipped through the opening and spun to push it shut behind her in a whirlwind of confidence and energy that stole their breath away. Or perhaps it was her choice of attire. She'd changed out of her red dress, and swapped it for a black Kimono-style robe. It was a simple thing with a short cut that ended at the elbows and knees, the dark satin flattering her soft milky skin while the tie at the waist pushed up the swells of her breasts. With a start, Gohan realised it was the same thing he'd glimpsed her wearing at her window that very morning when they arrived at the mansion. He'd thought she was beautiful then, from afar, but seeing her in it this close… he knew he'd never been more wrong.

Beautiful didn't come close.

She was amazing, incredible, and utterly gorgeous. The sexiest girl he had ever seen.

Just being this close to her made his skin tingle with awareness, stirring a hunger inside him. Her very presence called to a part of him he'd forgotten was there. The part of him that was bestial and primal. The part of him that craved to know what those long legs felt like wrapped around his waist. How her hands would claw at his back. The way she'd moan as he went balls deep in her greedy cunt and emptied his seed inside her, branding her as his own.

It was instinctual and primal. An animal's hunger. A Saiyan's hunger.

Feeling the sensation settle between his legs, followed by the telltale stirrings, he shot a glance to his brother, just in time to see his twin turning to him. His eyes were dark, tinted with hunger. The same hunger he knew Goten could see in his own.

Not good.

"Hmmm… No. no, this won't do at all." Videl observed, giving them both a once over, then clicking her tongue disapproval. "Strip."

"Errr excuse me." Gohan blinked, sure he'd misheard.

"You heard me, strip." She over emphasised the order and put her hands on her hips in a way that at any other time would have been a half decent impression of their mother.

The twins shot each other another look. Had she really just said that?

"You want us to… um take our clothes off?" Goten repeated, slowly, a hint of a blush creeping across his checks. "All of them?"

It wasn't that he was bashful. He'd certainly had his share of girlfriends, and none had ever proposed saving themselves for marriage. He'd just never had a girl actually command him to strip off his clothes before, along with his brother, no less.

"That's right, down to your bare ass." She teased playfully. Yet there was an edge of impatience to her voice, and when the pair shared another look, she lost her sense of humour. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get 'em off." She ordered, crossing her arms.

"Ah… Bugger it" Gohan grunted, and with a shrug, started working on his shirt buttons. "What's the worst that can happen."

"Yeah, that's the… the spirit" She giggled, then trailed off as the undoing of each button teased her with glimpses of a broad chest, etched by lines that marked out hard slabs of bronzed muscle. And as she Admired the line that ran down from his collarbone to that washboard abdomen, she couldn't remember ever wanting to lick anything so badly in her life.

"Would you like us to do a little dance too, while we're at it?" Goten threw out, following his brother's example. Yet where Gohan was slow and methodical, making her core clench in anticipation with his strip tease, he was to the point and reached back to drag his shirt over his head, revealing a rugged torso the mirror image of his brother's. Tight and hard, without a shred of excess fat, and flaunting the tips of the deep V rising out of the trouser waistline…

"Mmmm… maybe later." Videl purred, slowly licking her lips, heat rushing through as they discarded their shirts. If she wanted to lick one brother, then she would quite happily sink her teeth into the other. On their own, either would have been breathtaking, but together, they were sex on legs. As near to perfection as she had ever seen. The walking personification of every fantasy that had ever brought her to a brain melting orgasm, and tonight, they were all hers. "For now, I want to see what I'm buying."

No sooner were the words out of her mouth than they were tearing at the fastenings of their trousers and shoving them down their long legs. The situation must have been affecting them too, their cocks stood rampant, thick and swollen and fucking huge between legs as powerful as tree trunks.

And suddenly Videl started to wonder if maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...

Just the very idea should have been inconceivable. She was Videl Satan, the daughter of the earth's saviour. She never doubted herself, she couldn't. No matter the odds, she had to face them. It was the only way, the only way she could ever hope to escape her father's overbearing shadow.

It was why she'd learned to fight. Why, instead of doing all the things that girls her age did, she'd faced the odds and any challenger that came with them. Why she'd knocked down every wall that stood in her way until the world had learned her name. Learned she was a girl not to be taken lightly. A woman equal to any man, and was as fiercely tenacious as she was beautiful. Or at least, that's what they liked to say. None of them knew her, not the real her, but in one thing at least they were right. She always knew what she wanted and how to get it. It was that sort of thinking that had driven her to be so bold as to leap from her tower into their arms and brazenly offer them their freedom.

It had seemed like such a good idea at the time. Buy their freedom in return for a night. A night too finally escape the bonds and responsibilities her position thrust upon her and just be herself. Be the girl she wanted to be. To lose her virginity and not worry about the morning after, and if they'd go running to the press with the story, or try to use her to get close to her father.

A night to live out all her most secret fantasies and finally feel the touch of a man.

Or rather men.

But now the night had come, and as she took in the sight of their cocks, still rising between their legs, she knew she'd gotten in over her head. Oh my Kami, are those things real? They're gigantic… how the fuck are they going to fit?

Recognising the uncertainty flooding her cereal eyes, and with it their shrinking chances of freedom, the brother's shot one another a look and nodded in unison. Then, in the blink of an eye, they crossed the room to surround her, Gohan in front and Goten behind, caging her with their bodies.

It was the first she'd been this close to either of them, and it suddenly struck her how tall they both were. Tall and powerful. Awareness rippled through her skin. Awareness of their proximity and nakedness. Of the warmth of their naked flash washing over her from both sides, enveloping her, reaching through her clothes to heat her flesh and fog her thoughts. She tried to breathe, to clear her head, but the air space around them was suddenly thick with the mouth-watering aromas of old leather and freshly cut timber, impairing any ability she had to think clearly.

There shouldn't be a man alive that could affect her this way, but here there were two, and she didn't know what to do. She felt completely helpless. Trapped and cornered, like a bunny rabbit in a trap, being circled by a pair of ravenous wolves, about to devour her at any moment.

"Why are you doing this?" Gohan asked, cupping her chin in one firm hand and angling her face up to meet his eyes. She was sure she'd never seen eyes so deep and dark. So dark they were almost black, deep enough for her to lose herself in and never be found again.

Behind her, Goten's lips were soft against her neck, his breathing slow and deep with each exhale, sending tingles through her skin. "What do you want?"

"I… I want… I want…" She tried to speak, to say something, anything, but the words stuck in her throat and she couldn't muster the energy to force them out. This was their fault, she knew. They'd done this to her. They'd tricked her somehow, lured her into their trap, and bewitched her into falling under their spell. But she didn't care. At that moment, they could have done what they liked with her, so long as they didn't stop.

Arms circled her waist, hands linking across her belly and drawing her back against the hard wall of manliness at her back while the thumb of the hand cupping her chin brushed over her check. It was deliciously rough against her skin and she could feel her body rising onto her tiptoes as the man in front of her bowed his head.

"To be free." The words left her in a rush. One moment of clarity, before her eyes closed and the storm of her emotions rushed to the surface as she crushed her mouth to Gohan's.


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