
Dragon Ball: Sex Stories

A bunch of sex stories set in the dragon ball universe. (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) chapters release once a week or more Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review. let me know if there are any specific smut stories you might want in the review.

Mad_man13 · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Switching Saiyans: Chapter - 1

Goku and Vegeta are tired of Chi-Chi and Bulma. They decide to suggest a switch of mates for 5 days.


"The idea is born"

[Friday, 22:00, Mt. Paozu]

"Ahh yess Gokuu!!" Chi-Chi moaned as her orgasm raked through her body. Goku continued thrusting into her to reach his own release. 

"Goku. Goku, we can stop now."

"Uhhhh… What??"

"I am happy now, we can stop."

"Oh. Ok."

Goku climbed off Chi-Chi and lay next to her on their bed, listening to how she fell asleep while he thought. 'This has gone on for too long,' Goku thought, 'I mean, neither of us have ever rejected the other's request for sex, but every time I give my utmost best (well, as much as I can give, considering she is a human and I could kill her if I lost control) but she does not even grant me as much as my own orgasm. Is it that much to ask from your wife??' With that thought he too fell asleep, deprived from his own much-needed release.


[Friday, 22:00, Capsule Corp]

Bulma had been working very late for the past few weeks. It was to be expected that, being the president of the world's most profitable company, it would sooner or later take its toll on her. This resulted in fatigue and a very low sex drive. This particular night she took a shower, simply through on an oversized T-shirt and went straight to bed. When Vegeta returned from another intense training session he saw that she was already in bed. He noticed that she had been very tired during the past weeks, but he also noticed that his body had been tired of her being tired. He decided to take a quick shower and then try his luck. During his shower he thought about it all. 'This is preposterous. I am the Prince of all Saiyans. No woman ever rejects me for a simple act such as sex. I do understand that she is tired after working the whole day, but she sleeps enough to restore her energy, seeing that she returns to work the following day! I am tired of being rejected the whole time, simply because she wants to sleep. This will not continue. Bulma, I have had enough of this.' With that, he stepped out of the shower, dried himself with his KI (since this was much faster) and put a towel around his middle. He stepped into their bedroom and noticed her rhythmic breathing. 

"Bulma.." he tried to wake her. "Bulma, wake up." 

"Huh, Vegeta, is something wrong?" Bulma asked, obviously still tired.

"Bulma, will you please get up? I have to talk to you." although, he had not planned to talk very long.

"Vegeta, do you know how tired I am? Can you not see that I work my ass off to run this company and to fix your Gravity Room? I really deserve to sleep now, please let me."

Vegeta smirked. "I think if you have the energy to write that speech and recite it to me, you have enough energy to give me what I want and deserve."

"Vegeta, please, I am not in the mood and I am so, so tired."

Vegeta grabbed her by her arms and pulled her into a sitting position, in order to face him. "Do you even remember the last time we had sex, woman? Saiyans have exceptional memory and yet I cannot remember the last time we made love. Is it that much to ask?!"

Bulma immediately got that fire in her eyes. "Look here, mister. If I had not worked so hard your sorry ass would not have this bed to sleep in, nor nearly as much food as you Saiyans eat. You should get your facts straight. I am sorry that I have been difficult to live with these past few weeks, but I do not plan to do this forever and ever. It will be over within a month or two, and then we can continue with your "needs". Good night, Vegeta." With that she pushed his hands off her arms and went back to sleep. Vegeta was a mess inside. 'She has some nerve! Hmmppfh, my "needs". She has those too, I know it! Woman, we will continue this conversation in the morning.' With that, Vegeta put on some pants and went to sleep, his thoughts racing in his mind.


[Saturday, 07:00, Mt. Paozu]

Chi-Chi woke up, noticing that Goku had already left. 'Probably to catch some fish.' she thought. In actual fact, Goku had been on his way to pay a visit to Vegeta.


[Saturday, 07:00, Capsule Corp]

Vegeta awoke, feeling Goku's KI approaching. Looking at Bulma, still sound asleep next to him, he thought. 'What does Kakarot want now? I still have to finish the argument with Bulma.' He quickly got up and put something decent on, then he waited for Goku in the back yard.

"Hey Vegeta. What's up?" intending the sexual innuendo, which Vegeta picked up.

"Well, not much. In fact, nothing at all. You?" Vegeta continued the ambiguity. 

"Nope, nothing. You too, huh?"

"Yes, and I think it is ridiculous. Who are they to refuse two full blooded Saiyans?!"

"Gosh, Bulma refuses you? Well, I guess in a sense Chi-Chi refuses me too. See, when she reaches her orgasm she is done. She wants to stop and go to sleep. I either have to ignore myself, or take a shower."

"Hah, you're better off than I am. Bulma claims that she is too tired because "she works her ass off in order for me to sleep in a bed and have enough food to eat". Since she is too tired, I never get any."

"Gosh, Vegeta. Who knew we would be in this position, huh?" Goku said with a grin on his face and his hand behind his head.

"NO, I refuse to accept the circumstances. I understand that she works hard and all, but is one night per week too much to ask??"

"Well, Vegeta, she is the president of Capsule Corp and she really does work hard."

"Kakarot, I already know and said that. There must be a way to get our mates back to the way they were…"

"I could always tie Chi-Chi to our bed until I am done. You could blow up Capsule Corp so that she does not have to work so hard anymore."

"Listen to yourself. Those were the worst ideas I have ever heard. Your plan with Chi-Chi might work for one night, but the next she too will reject you because you forced her. And blowing up Capsule Corp will not work! She will simply rebuild it and continue with her work."

"Yeah, you're right, Vegeta. But what could we change so that everything could return to normal again?"

"Maybe, we shouldn't change someone. Maybe we should change something."

"Huh? What do you mean, Vegeta?"

"I mean, how about we exchange mates? That way, we all experience something new, no strings attached, and after a while we will be glad to have our mate back in our arms."

Goku thought about this for a minute. 'That could work. I mean, if there are no strings attached, it might just resolve our problems!' "Vegeta, that is a great plan! Although, I do not know how I will convince Chi-Chi to do this. I mean, she is very conservative. She wouldn't just have sex with someone just for the sake of fucking them, and then to return to me after she had just slept with someone else."

"We won't make it a once off. Say, we do it for a whole week, Monday to Friday. That way it will not feel like a one-night stand, but we will not get too attached to the other. And another thing, although this is quite obvious: no biting! Bulma belongs to me and Chi-Chi belongs to you. We have to control ourselves and not mark them. Understood?"

"Yeah, sure Vegeta. Although I am still worried about how I am going to convince her."

"I will talk to Bulma. I will convince her to take leave and to execute the exchange. She and Chi-Chi are bound to discuss it, so I'll ask her to convince Chi-Chi if you fail to do so. Agreed?"

"Yes, that is perfect! Wow, Vegeta, you have your moments!" Goku said with a big grin on his face.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Ok, go home and talk to your wife. I'll go and argue with mine."

"Ok, raise your power level when you are done talking to Bulma, then I will instant transmission back here when I am done talking to Chi-Chi. Deal?"

"Deal. See you in a while."

And with that, Goku was gone. 'This will result in another argument,' Vegeta thought, 'although, I am fond of those…' he thought with a smirk.


[Saturday, 11:00, Mt. Paozu]

"Chi-Chi, hey Chi-Chi!" Goku called her in order to tell her about the exchange-program.

"Goku? Where have you been? I thought you went to catch some fish?"

"No, I went to Vegeta to discuss something with him. I want to discuss that same thing with you, if you have some time?"

"Yes, I'll make some time. What did you and Vegeta talk about?"

"Our sex lives."

Chi-Chi turned a bright red at this. "What?!?!?! You discussed OUR sex life with Vegeta?!? That is not something you discuss with anyone, Goku!!"

"I know, but Vegeta is the only other full blooded Saiyan and I really could not talk to anyone else."

"Fine. Well?? What did you say to him?"

'Oh boy, how am I going to put this?' "Chi-Chi, I told him that our sex life has not been what it used to be. He told me that he and Bulma experience the same plateau, except Bulma is always tired, so he doesn't get any at all."

"Yes, go on."

"So, he then suggested that we switch mates for a week."

"What?? You want me to sleep with that arrogant bastard?!"

"Yes. Chi-Chi, this will help us. You have to go and sleep with Vegeta and Bulma will sleep with me. After a week we will return to our mates, and everything will be back to normal!" he said with a satisfied grin on his face.

"Normal? Normal?!? Nothing will be normal again after I have slept with that asshole!"

"Chi-Chi, do not talk about him like that. He changed, you know that."

She stood in front of Goku and gave the idea some thought. 'After all, he is rather… good-looking.' "And after that? What happens if we get too attached to each other?"

"We both agreed that it will be sex with no strings attached. We will also not bite the other."

'That seems secure enough…' "Very well, Goku. I'll give it a try. But I promise nothing! If I do not like it after the first night I am coming home!"

"That seems fair enough, Chi-Chi, but I assure you, you will like it." Goku said with a smirk on his face. 'You will like it…'


[Saturday, 11:00, Capsule Corp]

"Vegeta, breakfast is ready!" Bulma yelled into the bathroom where he was taking a shower.

"I'll be there in a second!" He quickly got out and dried himself, got dressed and set off to eat and to argue.

"Good morning." she said a little too flatly to his liking.

"Hmm, is it?" he replied, already thinking back to the rejection of last night.

"Come on, eat. We will talk after your hunger is satiated."

'You are clearly not talking about the hunger I have in mind' he thought bitterly.

After Vegeta ate his breakfast, he searched for Bulma's KI and found it in her laboratory. He went there in order to talk about what he and Kakarot talked about this morning.

"Done eating?" Bulma asked as soon as he entered her lab.

"Yes, thank you. It was sufficient."

"Good." she said, knowing that he meant he enjoyed it.

"Bulma, we have to talk." he said, not beating around the bush.

"Sure, just a second." she replied, continuing to work on her computer.

Vegeta stood a little too close to her, knowing that she would soon be irritated enough and stop working. It did not take very long.

"Well, seeing that you are so anxious to talk, what is it?"

"You and Chi-Chi are going to exchange places in the coming week."

"What do you mean by that? She cannot run Capsule Corp."

"You will take a week's leave and switch places with her. Kakarot and I agreed to exchange mates for five days." Vegeta said, making it clear that he has already decided for her.

"Excuse me?? Am I not allowed to make my own decisions around here?"

"No. Seeing that I am your husband and the head of the house and the Prince of all Saiyans, I have already made up my mind."

"Listen here, mister! I am an intelligent, beautiful and extremely rich woman! I do not need you to make decisions for me!"

"There really is no decision to make. Look, Bulma, you work much too hard. You deserve a week off. Kakarot and I decided that you should take leave and exchange places with his mate."

"So, let me get this straight. You want me to not go to work for a whole week, and live with Goku and cook and clean for him?"

"That's not all. You are going to fuck him too."

Bulma was speechless. "You cannot expect me to sleep with Goku! How can you even suggest such a thing?!"

"Listen here, Bulma, you and I have not had sex in like, forever. Chi-Chi has not given Kakarot an orgasm in like, forever. We have agreed to exchange mates in order to get our own sex lives back on track."

"So, you discussed our sex life with Goku and decided that you want to fuck his wife?!"

"Something like that, yes."

Bulma could not believe her ears. "You… are already tired of me?"

"No, Bulma, I am not tired of you. You are the one that is always tired, don't you see? We never have sex anymore because you are always exhausted! That is why you have to take off from work and have a change of scenery. What better way than with the other full blooded Saiyan?"

Bulma gave this some thought. Vegeta was right, she was always tired. "Ok, Vegeta, you win. I will go and sleep with Goku if that would help."


Vegeta raised his power level to let Goku know that he was done talking to Bulma. Goku appeared a second later.

"So, how did it go?

"Bulma agreed when she realised I was right."

"Oh, that's good. Chi-Chi also agreed, can you believe it? It took some time, but she eventually got used to the idea."

Vegeta smirked. "Very well then, we will start on Monday."


[Sunday, 20:00, Mt. Paozu]


"I'll be there in a second!"

'That man. He is way too carefree, and yet, it is his love for the planet and his friends and family that makes him the strongest warrior.'

"Ah man, that shower was good! I feel so clean."

"Goku, I have something to say."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Are you absolutely sure about this plan of yours? It's not too late to change your mind."

"What? No, it will be worth it! The five days will fly by, you will see! And it could be really fun to prepare food in Bulma's huge kitchen!" he said with a grin.

"Yeah, and real fun to clean it too."

"That is why the bots are there. They clean for you!"

"Oh, that's right. Now all I really have to worry about is the sex."

"Chi-Chi, you will see that you will enjoy it. I'm pretty sure Vegeta is good between the sheets!" Goku said, laughing.

"Better than you?" she said with a smirk. Goku stopped laughing, also smirking.

"I said he is good, not better." and with that, started to kiss her neck, aiming southward.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Goku."

"Huh? What do you mean? We are not going to see each other for five whole days!"

"I thought they will fly by? I'm only thinking, maybe it will be a good idea to stay clean, you know."

"No, I don't know, but ok, if that is what you want."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Chi-Chi."


[Sunday, 20:00, Capsule Corp]


"Yes, Vegeta??"

"I am hungry."

"There are some leftovers in the fridge if you like." she shouted from her laboratory to where he came out of the shower.

"You misunderstood me." he said, suddenly behind her with his breath in her neck.

"Really? You want to do this now??"

"Why on earth not?"

"I don't want to show up on Goku's front step still smelling like you and like sex!"

"Fine." he shot back, and turned to go to sleep.


"No, don't "Vegeta" me. You always have a reason to reject me. It's starting to get humiliating. If this is how it's going to be, then I won't ask you again."

"I promise it will change. Already me taking off from work is a big difference, is it not? It will all get better, really."

"I only thought I could have you one last time before you went to share a bed with him. But if you do not want to, fine. You are intelligent, beautiful and rich enough to make your own decisions."

With that, he went to bed. Bulma stayed up and thought about it for a while. 'Using my own words against me, damn. I will have to pick up some tips from Goku in order to make it up to him when I return…'