
Dragon Ball: Sex Stories

A bunch of sex stories set in the dragon ball universe. (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) chapters release once a week or more Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review. let me know if there are any specific smut stories you might want in the review.

Mad_man13 · Anime & Comics
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130 Chs

An Older Model: Chapter 2 (Goku x Videl and Erasa)

To say Erasa was worried about her friend Videl would have been the understatement of a century. It had been a month since the cheerful, extroverted blonde or anyone else had even SEEN Videl, let alone heard from her. It was like she'd fallen off the face of the Earth or something. Not even Gohan seemed to know where she'd gone, though to be fair, he was apparently still dealing with the aftershocks of his parents' divorce.

Still, a full-blown disappearance of their friend seemed like it should take higher priority! Instead, Gohan blew Erasa off every time she tried to bring Videl up, saying things like 'I'm sure she's fine, wherever she is'. It was almost like he knew where Videl was, but wasn't willing to tell her, or something!

To say Erasa was becoming very frustrated and increasingly despondent was another understatement. Perhaps that was why, when the call had finally come in, she'd gone rushing off. The moment she'd heard Videl's voice, the buxom blonde had regained some of her old cheer… and when Videl had asked her to meet with her out in the forest outside the city alone, Erasa hadn't thought twice about it.

Maybe she should have. Maybe she should have stopped and let someone know where she was going, or at least considered what Videl might have wanted. Because the Videl she'd once known and the Videl she meets up with… they're two very different people.


Standing in front of her, much taller than the short scrappy girl that Erasa had known for so many years, is a total beefcake of the feminine variety. It's still visibly Videl… or rather, she looks like if Videl had a beefy, buxom mother or something. But Erasa had met Videl's mother, and besides that, the blonde was well aware of how crazy the world she lived in was.

As Videl smiles and nods, Erasa just accepts it, even as she licks her lips nervously, taking in the change in appearance. Videl was always the shortest of their friend group, having stalled out physically years ago. In comparison, Erasa was a buxom, curvaceous young lady, while Videl was the short one with a fighter's body hidden under baggy clothing.

Not so anymore. Videl was at least a couple inches taller than her now, with broad shoulders and an even broader set of tits. She was stacked up top, but also had an itty-bitty waste and wide flared hips, along with a toned but also large ass. She looked… she looked amazing, a combination of hourglass figure and chiseled fighter that seemed almost impossible to pull off, but somehow, she was doing that. She looked like an Amazonian Warrior Princess straight out of a comic book or something.

However, there were a couple of other differences between the Videl she'd known and this Videl. For one, her hair was much more all over the place… and for two, she now had a monkey's tail flicking around behind herself as she grins at Erasa.

"Um… Videl… what's with the tail?"

It seems like the thing to ask about at this point because… seriously? Videl has a tail! What the fuck?!

Glancing down at her new appendage, Videl blinks and then lets out a chuckle.

"Oh right. That's thanks to the wish I made. On the Dragon Balls."

Blinking owlishly, Erasa just furrows her brow cutely.

"Dragon Balls?"

Nodding, Videl's tail swishes back and forth a bit more aggressively as she explains things to her friend. Apparently, there are these big orange orbs with stars in them called Dragon Balls… and if you gather all of them from across the planet, you get to make a wish. Videl goes on to explain that it used to be a bit of a bigger journey, but thanks to modern technology and convenience, she'd managed to collect them all in a single week.

Setting aside how ridiculous it all sounds, Erasa once again decides to take her friend at face value and ask the most obvious question on her mind.

"You got a wish on magical balls… and you wished for a tail?"

Giggling some more, Videl shakes her head.

"No, silly! The wish I made was a bit grander than that. Basically, I wished that any woman impregnated by Son Goku would become a Saiyan on the spot!"

This, of course, requires further explanation for poor Erasa. Son Goku is, as the name would suggest, Son Gohan's father. More than that, Goku is apparently an alien from a warrior race called the Saiyans, while Gohan is half Saiyan. Both of THEIR monkey tails were cut off, but Videl's wasn't or something.

… And that all led into the reason Videl had called her out here. Erasa was a sacrifice, an offering if you will on the altar to Videl's new beau. Apparently… she wanted Erasa to fuck Goku, or rather, to be fucked and bred by Goku.

That explanation might have sounded like it was the sort of thing that should have seen Erasa turning and running for the hills… but Videl has always been pretty persuasive. And so, the blonde finds herself inside of the Saiyan's home, being molested and played with by Videl while they wait for Goku to come back.

"I'm his new wife, of course… but there's nothing in Saiyan culture that says a male can't have more than one mate. And I know you've always had a thing for big, strong men. You flirted with Gohan off and on, even if your crush on him was never as serious as mine was…"

Blushing up a storm, her tits out and being massaged by Videl's strong hands, Erasa squirms in the transformed woman's grasp.

"W-Well… I… I guess you're not wrong…"

Part of her had thought she would end up settling for Sharpner… rather, that they would end up settling for each other. Erasa HAD had a crush on Gohan for a time, but she'd let it go out of respect for her friend's feelings, realizing Videl wanted a relationship with the young man much more than she did. Meanwhile, Sharpner had a crush on Videl and had tried to date her multiple times, but never succeeded.

It was embarrassing to realize it, but Erasa had been preparing herself for the eventuality that she and the jock-y blond man would eventually end up together. It seemed inevitable… but now Videl had given her another opportunity.

"S-So… Gohan's dad is going to, um, fuck me… and that's going to make me a Saiyan like you?"

"Yep! He's incredibly virile… the likelihood of you getting pregnant right off the bat is super high! And if not the first time, then maybe the next!"

Before Erasa can answer any further questions, the door to the small house suddenly opens up and a man walks in with some fresh cuts of meat laden across his arms. He… Erasa can see the resemblance to Gohan, though he looks a lot simpler and far less nerdy than his son. At seeing her and Videl, with her half-undressed in Videl's lap, Goku blinks and then chuckles, slowly setting down the meat in the kitchen before meandering over.

"This your friend Erasa, Videl? The one you were telling me about?"

"Yep! She wants to carry your babies, just like me! Isn't that right, Erasa?"

To punctuate her words, Videl grabs Erasa's nipples and gives them a good hard pinch and pull, causing the buxom blonde to yelp and squeak, going bright red as Goku smiles down at her kindly.

"Now, now. Don't bully your friend, Videl. I won't force anyone to do anything they don't want to do."

"N-No! I mean… I wanna do it, Mister Goku, s-sir!"

Before Videl can speak up, Erasa is quick to make her own opinion on the matter clear, prompting a blink of surprise from the chiseled beefcake before her. So what if he's Gohan's dad? So what if he's a little older? He's a total fucking DILF, and the benefits… Erasa has always secretly wanted to be strong. She was just never willing to really put in the time before. But this… this seemed like it would be fun.

"See, Goku? Erasa gets it. She WANTS this. She wants to be your broodmare, just like I am. She wants to make you a daddy all over again. Won't you give it to her? Give her your big, hard cock?"

For a moment, the full-blooded Saiyan male just looks at both of them. Then, without further ado, he reaches down and yanks his pants away, revealing his growing member in all of its rapidly hardening glory. Erasa's mouth drops open in shock at his girthy, veiny size, even as she panics for a moment.

"V-Videl… Videl, I dunno if that's going to fit!"

Giggling, Videl shakes her head.

"It'll fit… we just have to be careful. Goku, sir… would you mind laying down. Erasa doesn't have a background in fighting like I do, so we should probably take it easy for her first time… and then let you really have a go at her once she's a Saiyan too."

Shrugging, Son Goku does as he's asked, Gohan's dad seeming way chiller than Erasa would have thought. Though, it was all starting to make sense. Gohan always seemed so high strung about shit… the young man must have gotten that from his mother, which explained why she and his dad had gotten that divorce.

Still, even with Goku laying on his back and Videl walking her forward, his massive pillar of meat, sticking straight up in the air, is still incredibly intimidating. Erasa is pretty sure she could perch atop it as a stool if she wanted to, that's how thick and huge it is. But of course, she's not given that option. Stripped down to nothing in seconds, she finds herself slowly being lowered down onto Goku's cock by Videl.

The female Saiyan holds Erasa's hips steady as the blonde human whimpers and mewls, slowly spreading herself over Goku's shaft. In turn, the DILF Saiyan just stays still, letting her take her time and slowly but surely adjust to his immense size. Inch by inch, his thick fat cock disappears up inside of her. Inch by inch, Erasa finds herself experiencing sex with an alien ape man for the first time.

He's definitely the biggest thing she's ever had inside of her. His cock is stretching her out so gloriously, and all she can do is moan as her eyes flutter in pleasure. Videl, meanwhile, continuously whispers sweet nothings into her ear, telling her how good she's doing and how it's just a little farther. It's never just a little farther, Erasa ultimately discovered, because Goku's cock bottoms out inside of her cunt at about halfway down his prodigiously massive length.

Quivering upon his dick, her insides flexing and clenching along his shaft, Erasa whimpers… but Videl refuses to let her stay still.

"I'll help you out, but you're going to have to move up and down to get him off, Erasa. You're Son Goku's secondary onahole now… time to start acting like it~"

Before Erasa can sputter and ask Videl what she means by that, the transformed young woman grabs her by her hips and begins to fuck her up and down Son Goku's massive cock. The DILF still doesn't move, but then, he doesn't have to. Not with his 'new wife' using her like a sex toy, sliding her up and down his shaft for him as he groans and grunts in pleasure beneath them both.

Erasa, meanwhile, goes wide-eyed and then has her eyes fully roll up in her head, her tongue sticking out from the pleasure as Goku's cockhead rams against her cervix again and again until the tip is pushing through into her womb directly. As the entrance of her womb clenches and squeezes down as hard as it can around the Saiyan cock intruding inside of her, Goku groans… and finally moves, thrusting up into her.

Thankfully, it's only the final thrust that she has to bear. Then, she feels it. Sticky, hot seed explodes all over her insides, coating her womb as she shudders in abject ecstasy and feels herself getting spunked right there on the spot. Goku's load is more than she ever could have imagined, bloating her belly and filling her womb to the absolute brim and then some.

She's not sure how fast it's supposed to work, but apparently Saiyan Physiology is 'VERY FAST INDEED' because a moment later, Erasa feels herself changing. It's like… it's like everything suddenly becomes a little easier. Everything is suddenly a little less challenging. Strength and vitality and raw power that she's never had before suddenly fill her as the blonde human becomes a blonde Saiyan female.

Her body fills out as she finds herself with muscles she's never had before, and an even larger set of tits. She's rocking abs for the first time in her entire life, while also knowing that soon enough, both she and Videl would be sporting matching pregnant bellies. For now, though, neither of them are showing quite yet, even as Son Goku's big strong hands suddenly reach up and grab at Erasa's hips.

Her monkey tail swishes back and forth behind her as the blonde looks down to see an expression of raw, wanton desire on the older male's face.

"You can handle me now… so now, I'm going to go all out."

Not trusting herself to speak, Erasa just nods enthusiastically, eager to begin. Of course, that doesn't help her much, because once Goku really starts to fuck her, she's quickly unable to hold in her voice any longer, squealing and shrieking and shouting herself hoarse at the top of her lungs as she creams herself again and again on her mate's big fat cock.


Hours later, after thoroughly wrecking the house, Videl and Erasa kneel before their mate-husband. The two Saiyan females suck and slurp along either side of Goku's messy cock, their tails swishing around in the air behind them as they constantly meet in the middle, kissing one another sloppily while also cleaning up their beloved's fat member for another round.

Everything had gone exactly as Videl had hoped it would. When she'd made that wish on the Dragon Balls, she'd done so for one reason and one reason only… she couldn't keep up. She'd tried, but Goku was rapidly overwhelming her. And so, she'd gone on a little quest, made a wish on the Dragon Balls, and still been home by dinner time.

But even as a Saiyan, she simply wasn't enough. She'd awakened something in Son Goku, something that his previous wife had clearly browbeat into submission or something. He'd never really allowed himself to lust before, and now… now Videl had roused the beast within. She'd needed backup, and luckily, she had it in the form of Erasa.

But would the two of them, even as full-blooded Saiyans, be enough? Certainly not when they were both in late-stage pregnancy several months down the line. No, they would need to find others. They would need to sacrifice more women to their beloved mate. And if they just so happened to rebuild the Saiyan race at the same time… then that was fine too.


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