
The Pawn Becomes King (126)

Mushro was extremely troubled.

When he had first arrived on Sythis he had made a mistake and ended up raping the Queen of the Tuffles, who in turn, started to act incredibly ditzy and air-headed around him, coming to his house multiple times for sex and eventually making him move into the castle with her for convenience. About a month later she asked him to marry her and he did.

But it was all a trick.

Queen Nana realised earlier on that being involved with a Saiyan, particularly being married to one, would provide her with all the physical protection she needed and after realising that a certain faction of people with unknown capabilities were conspiring he downfall, this was the decision she elected to take.

For a long time, she pretended to be in love with him, acting like a sweet and stereotypical wife but when she found that his response was genuine and heartfelt, she confessed to him that she was pretending and had used him as a political shield for the longest time. However even after that Mushro still declared his love for her and stated that he had no desire to break up with her.

Leading to the current situation.

Mushro paced back and forth in the royal bedroom, still considering his options.

'What if she says no? How sad would it be for a Saiyan to...'

His heart beat quickly as he contemplated the outcomes of the conversation, thinking of what he could say in response to what she would say.

As a Saiyan, it hurt his pride when he thought about how little control he had in the relationship but he understood that his former thinking was a bit outdated.

The door opened.

Queen Nana walked into the bedroom, wearing a traditional tsufurian dress, the long nightgown accentuating her curves.

She took one look at him and sighed out.

"What is it?"


"Why are you worried?" she said, able to read him easily.

Mushro looked at her and then at the floor then back at her before saying:

"Can we please have a child?" he said, asking awkwardly, closing his eyes and clasping his hands.

Nana looked at him with a dumbfounded expression.

Whether it was faked or not, Nana and Mushro had been having unprotected intercourse for years, he wasn't well versed in the ways a woman could repel pregnancy but he could only assume she had been doing something since nothing had happened yet.

Mushro felt his heart beat thunderously, unsure of how she would react, especially considering the nature and start of their relationship and he could understand why she would say no but he could only beg her to say yes.

He felt warmth around his hands.

"If you really want to, I would be happy to bare your children," she said softly, whispering into his ear.

Nothing short of childish glee lit up on Mushro's face, being moved so much that he immediately embraced Nana, his hulkish figure barely able to touch her with closing in on itself.

'He's so simple yet so refreshing'

It was a huge breath of fresh air and a little heartwarming that she had someone so straightforward and honest. In the first place that was why she came clean to him, not really knowing what she wanted but he still liked her anyway.

She pulled away, seeing nothing short of complete joy on his face causing her cheeks to redden.

'I knew he liked me but it's still nice to see'

"W-What are you doing?" Mushro said, watching her disrobe.

"You said you wanted kids right?"


"Is the army ready?"

"Yes sir!"

Two hooded figures could be seen conversing in an alleyway, catching the eyes of many but nearly all walked away not wanting to be involved in some organ trade scheme.

It made more sense to pretend like nothing was wrong than try to be a hero and end up dead.

"Good, we can finally take over Sythis as we were meant to!"

"Looks like someone is still hung up about it, even though you lost fair and-"

Lord Vanquo had already flown into the air, leaving Lord Bio chuckling in the alleyway before disappearing with his teleporter.

'I want to be there at the castle when we perform the coup, I'm interested to see what face that slut will make'

Lord Vanquo flew through the air, navigating precisely as he weaved under bridges and around buildings and statues. The bottom of his shoes propelled him forward powerfully, doing their best to maintain a steady rate of acceleration.

The moment he took off, the eyes of several guard robots flickered an ominous red, the same algorithm going through all of them.

'Searching for Flying Permit Energy Signature.....Signature Found'

'Flyer shares same body type as suspect: Dr Vaporizer, monitoring actions carefully'


Lord Techno screamed out from his underground base, not believing what he saw on his screen.


Lord Vanquo answered his phone, somewhat irritated.

"What do you-"

"Broly is back!"


These three words shook Lord Vanquo to his core, although he was the Planetary combat specialist, he knew better than anyone he couldn't defeat Broly.

Unprepared that is.


His concentration dipped for a split second, his mind entering fight or flight on how to resolve the situation, forcing him to mistakenly crash into a building.

This gave the robots the pretence they needed to approach Lord Vanquo.

"Emergency Healthcare Robots on command!" they signalled, causing all the people in the nearby area to flee.

"My leg!"

"My back!"

"My sternum!"

The robots quickly tended to the people who had chunks of glass pierced into them by the burst while a particular robot approached Lord Vanquo.


A small signal shot out from the robot, temporarily disabling all Sythis-Grade technology on his body.

"Shit!" Dr Vaporizer stumbled away but the robot gripped him firmly.

"Stop resisting! You have violated the law! You will be processed!"

Lord Vanquo slipped a small pill into his mouth.

In a matter of seconds, his figure grew and his body becomes much taller and muscular.

"Process this!" he shouted, driving his boot into the face of the robot, forcing it off him as he activated his rocket shoes and shot out of the building, not unlike a missile.

'Conditions Met!'

The Spy droids on the land didn't waste time, vaulting into the air after Dr Vaporizer, firing several missiles at him.

'Come on! Come on!' he thought hurriedly, waiting for his teleporter to recover.


A strong hand came from nowhere, driving his fist into Vanquo's chest, disrespecting the custom armour he had.

"K-King Mushro?"

"Stand down!" Mushro said, his face completely livid.


His teleporter was back online.

Dr Vaporizer's teeth ground against each other, looking at the missiles that were rapidly approaching as well as feeling Mushro's firm grip on him.

'I have no other option!' he thought, activating the teleporter.

I hope everything makes sense

LOLRIPcreators' thoughts
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