
Continous Rise In Strength (11)


From various walls in the training room, faceless pale blue humanoids with metallic bands around their necks and arms emerged seemingly out of nowhere.

"These are going to be your combat partners! They are the latest in our line of androids with nearly all of our martial arts knowledge programmed into their very being!" Dr Limiter spoke through a megaphone pole that retracted back into a wall.

A pale blue humanoid charged at each of them, creating a one on one scenario.

"The Androids will gradually become more difficult to fight against as you fight! Please try your best!"

An android swung its fist at Paragus.

"So fast!"

Paragus only saw blue as the android pummeled his face, causing him to stumble backwards. The android didn't ease off at all, pressing Paragus by throwing multiple punches at him.





The android womped Paragus in a very basic manner, not using any complex techniques at all, just basic Martial Arts not even using its legs.

Paragus grew frustrated at being overwhelmed so easily.

"HRAAAAH!" Paragus yelled quickly turning into his stronger form. Paragus had no idea why but when he reached a certain level of concentration in battle, his muscles would swell and his ki would nearly triple.

The Android still didn't let up though, swarming Paragus with strings of punches.


The sound of metal meeting metal rang throughout the room.

"It seems like it's attacks are much less impactful in this form," Paragus noted mentally, this was the first time he had been in combat with this form.

Paragus brushed the Android's incoming left arm and delivered a mighty strong blow to its chest, sending it a few inches into the air before slamming his fist repeatedly into its head.

"Interesting!" Dr Limiter said with a vested interest. He and a whole department of Biology were busy making notes on the Saiyan's actions.

"It appears that the Saiyan's have the ability to undergo some kind of physical transformation in combat! One that is completely unrelated to their Giant Ape form!" Dr Limiter scribbled away on his notepad, other scientists doing similarly.

At the same time!

An android charged at Aspa, dashing forward without wasting any movements.

"So fast!" Aspa admired the androids movement technique as he closed the distance between them in seemingly no time.

The android was completely silent, its face not showing any response or hint to what it was doing. Noticing this Aspa concentrated.


The androids fist brushed past Aspa's head as Aspa dodged at the last moment, Aspa jumped back trying to create some space but the Andriod jumped towards him, putting all of its weight forward gambling on a single punch. Aspa leaned to the side, again narrowly avoiding its punch.

'An opening!' Aspa thought inwardly as he saw the Android miss.

Hurriedly, he struck the Androids abdomen with his knee.

"So hard!" Aspa yelled frustratedly as his leg collided with metal.

Despite Aspa's yell, his attack did its job lifting the Andoird off the ground.

Aspa capitalised off this by throwing a straight punch as hard as he could at the Android's head.

Time seemed to slow down as he subconsciously copied the Android's form, wasting no movements, he clearly saw his fist travelling towards the android's face. Aspa smiled briefly, happy with some of the progress he made.


Aspa felt something hard connect to the back of his head, for a brief second he lost focus, the world around him becoming dark.

"Ugghh!" Aspa groaned again as something hard connected with his stomach. He barely resisted the urge to fall over.

The Android managed to kick the back of Aspa's head at an impossible angle then, recovering from its missed hit, followed up with a swift punch to gut, severely disorientating Aspa.

"RAH!" Rage flickered in Aspa's eyes as his ki flared, he hadn't been able to land a single hit on the Android and he didn't like that at all. Aspa found new speed, gradually dodging more and more of the Android's jabs.

It was at this point the android suddenly slowed down, creating what Aspa thought was a clear opening. Aspa threw his fist straight towards the Android, thinking it was impossible to dodge at this point.

He was right the Andoird didn't dodge.

The Android then sped up, using it's left arm to deflect Aspa's fist and sent its right arm straight to Aspa's chest.

"KUAH!" Aspa coughed out all the air in his lungs under the impact, his body flew towards the wall behind him.


He bounced off the wall before finding his feet with a crooked posture.

The Android for the first time in this interaction spoke.

"Analysing guinea pig, determining to be... overhyped," it said passively.

"I AM THE HYPE!" Aspa roared charging at the Android, swinging furiously, his hands connected multiple times pushing the Android back.

Dr Limiter looked at Aspa weirdly.

"While he has not gone under a physical transformation, his ki has been increased by a few folds!" Dr Limiter said, confirming his suspicions with a ki detection device otherwise known as a Power Scouter.

At the same time!

An Android charged towards Celery, arriving in front of her it gave her no time to think. The Android spread its legs out, adopting a wide stance quickly, then thrust its fist at Celery.

Celery did not even have time to respond so she hurriedly crossed her arms trying to block the blow.

"ACK!" Celery was sent flying back, stopping just before making contact with the wall.

"HRRGHH!" Celery grunted, releasing ki and enveloping her body with it.

Celery created space between herself and the Robot in the wide room.

The Robot processing this charged at Celery the same way it had before.

She saw this frame by frame and her brain worked, thinking quickly about what to do.

Celery deflected the punch before sending a palm out which pushed the Android back. The robot then pushed forward, putting all its weight into one attack.

Celery caught its arm, spun her back and leaned forward putting all her weight into lifting the Android off its feet and throwing it over her shoulder. Celery had just attempted a move she saw in a Martial Arts book she had read with fleeting interest, sh didn't think it would be as useful as it was.


The Android hit the ground with force but Celery didn't let go of its arm. She pulled back and began stomping on the Android.

"She seems to be the brightest of the three, at level one any basic martial arts move will be able to overwhelm the Androids." Dr Limiter said, somewhat disappointed that Celery did not display a similar boost in power like Aspa and Paragus.

"It seems that their strength is born from necessity, not desire. Interesting....." Dr Limiter said scribbling again on his notepad.

Paragus was first to throw his beaten android into the centre, followed by Celery whose Android seemed to be missing an arm.

Aspa was much faster than his Android, eagerly ducking and weaving any blow the Android would deliver but he still couldn't deal decent damage to it and in a battle of attrition he would lose because he was not at Android.

Aspa decisively made space between the two of them, inching closer to the wall. The Android did what it always did, charged as fast as it could put all of its weight into one punch.

Aspa deliberately waited for the Android to get close then darted right at the last moment, swinging his right hand into the back of the Android's head crashing it into the wall.

The Android and the wall seemed to be made of the same material so the damage was not extremely significant.

"HNNN!" Aspa grunted before repeatedly slamming the Android's head into the wall until it stopped moving.

Aspa then threw the mutilated Android into the centre along with the other two Androids.

Aspa and Celery looked at each other with visible satisfaction, while the volume of ki they had increased by was not incredible they could feel the martial arts training paying off.

On Planet Vegeta their training methods were literally being beaten by elders of varying power levels until their bodies grew in response, now they felt like they were using the muscles they had trained for so many years.

They both turned to look at Paragus in awe, he had the same appearance as when he approached them initially and it was still as oppressive, they could feel the ki pouring off his body.

"Very good! Time for the next test!"

"Another one?" Aspa said slightly worn out by his fight with the Android.

"What's wrong out of stamina already?" Celery said looking at Aspa from head to toe.

"Bring it on!" Aspa said, his cheeks flushing red slightly.


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