
Both Ways (77)

"GYAAHHHHHH!" Broly shouted out, acting as if he was deranged.

The soldiers all took a step back, King Grill raising his head and looking over the crowd to see what everyone was staring at.

'What manner of beast is that?!' he thought confusedly, completely unfamiliar with Broly's race.

He had never imagined such a huge and muscular creature and was confused by its black hair and dark eyes.

It was actually quite frightening to look at it, muscles heaving forwards and backwards as it breathed heavily, a wide nightmare-fueling smile on its face.

King Grill's mind worked quickly trying to justify the apparition before him, not wanting to be caught off guard on the battlefield.

'An illusion!' he thought after moments of wracking his brain.

"Fire Warriors! Don't be afraid! It is simply an illusion conjured by the Ice Tribe scum! It is just a regular soldier that we've been deceived into seeing as a muscle-bound beast!" King Grill said aloud.

King Grill knew that although it was rare, some people were able to learn magic from their familial crystals, seeing unique and never before seen ki techniques performed by their ancient ancestors. He knew this because his wife when she was alive was among such people, capable of using her ki disguise one thing as another.

It wasn't an impossibility for the same event to be happening right now.

'Why are you shouting?' Yami asked, not getting way Broly was behaving like a mentally-handicapped person.

'It's called acting! These people are just pawns in the conflict so I'll just act like an untamed beast and defeat them, their leaders can then explain to them later that they were knocked out and they were just seeing things'

'That's a shit excuse! If you want to fight them just say that you want to fight them!' Yami said, poking holes in Broly's flawed reasoning.

He didn't get why Broly was trying so hard to be good if he wanted to do something, even if it was 'morally wrong' he should still do it.

'You're right, ever since I first heard about them I really wanted to fight them,' Broly admitted, not even trying to lie, now that he'd been found out.

Yami could feel his blood literally pumping after that two-second exchange.

'Hmph! So you are actually a Saiyan after all! If you want to fight, fight! Plain and simple!'

Broly's actions really didn't make sense with his previous train of thought anyway, if he really wanted to secure the crystals, he could have just threatened Advisor Sizzle or kidnap the two generals he saw fighting earlier.

Now that he had admitted he wanted to fight everything was clear.

It didn't take too long for Yami everything to click in Yami's mind.

It was because Broly didn't want to snap again.

Even though Broly knew that Yami was responsible for the incident that happened at the Tsufurian tournament, it had still left scars on his personality, he wanted to be as good and kind as possible so that he would endanger people.

Yami snickered in his mind.

'As long as Saiyan blood runs through your veins an unexplainable love for fighting will take you hostage, the logic and reasoning you cherish, rendered useless, remember your roots!' Yami said wisely.

A smile appeared on Broly's face, genuinely this time and his thirsty eyes found the Mentelians staring at him with bewilderment.

"An illusion?"

The thought flowed through the minds of the warriors like a stream.

'Of course!'

'That makes sense!'

'Tch! Ice Tribe scum!'

The Fire Tribe warriors all banded together, staring at the common threat in front of them and all roared encouraging each other as they approached Broly.

The Ice Tribe soldiers stared at him confusedly, murmuring to each other quietly.

"I don't recall Queen Drizzle saying anything about an illusion!"

"And why were we affected as well?"

"Queen Drizzle wouldn't do such a thing!"

"Then what the fuck is that?"

The fight between the tribes still occurred, Broly had only attracted a small portion of the soldiers on the edge of the battle, stunning them with his strange appearance.

King Grill headed back into the war feeling happy with himself, he had successfully unmasked a sneaky plot made by Queen Drizzle and he was certain that his soldiers would be able to handle the matter with ease.

A cocky smile stretched on his face as he brought out a two-meter greatsword made of pure fire crystal, he flooded it with his ki and the sword came to life, glowing a bright blue colour.

Without any further deliberation, he descended onto his enemies.

'Did you hear that? They think you're an illusion!' Yami said, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Broly chuckled as the soldiers of the Fire Tribe reached him, at least twelve of them swarming him at once.

Broly brought back his hand and performed his bread and butter ki attack, creating a large orb of ki that shimmered brightly and heaving it quickly.

This was met with numerous jeering.

"Are you an idiot?"

"He must be a new recruit or something!"

"They used him as illusion bait! He had to be mentally down bad!"

Broly was unsure why his attack was met with such a response but he simply waited, watching his ki ball fly towards the chest of a soldier.

The ki orb soundlessly collided with soldiers armour, immediately disappearing. Not even a few seconds later, a red hot layer of fire burst out of the armour, causing the heat in the environment to increase a few folds.

The soldier's appearance completely transformed, before he looked like he was in a sleek red crystalline armour that allowed him free range of movement while giving him solid protection. Now he looked like the descent of an angry Fire God, the crystals being filled immediately and producing hot fire, almost appearing to become fire.

"IT BURNS!" the soldier cried as he winced, the intense heat scorching his body.

Broly and the rest of the soldiers watched in surprise as the man quickly fell down and died under the effects of the blistering heat.

[Storyteller: Scoped! Mob soldier number three was caught lacking and got clapped! Broly's ki is a cheat code! A single punch wasn't thrown yet a soldier already fell at the hands of Broly! I don't even need to tell you!]

More fighting for Broly next chapter

He's about to go in

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