
Dragon Ball ReLife

Step into an extraordinary adventure where an ordinary man suddenly awakens as the iconic Son Goku, armed with encyclopedic knowledge of every Dragon Ball saga. With boundless power and the wisdom of countless battles, he's ready to reshape the Dragon Ball universe in ways never imagined. Join him on a thrilling journey as he weaves his own destiny, unfurls untold transformations, and explores the limitless possibilities in this captivating realm of Dragon Ball. [ Peak!!] ( He'll be taking all the hoes, so don't get mad about Bulma and shi like that, if you are then read something else. )

TravisX · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Tournament Part 4

The next fight wasn't very important, but Namu would later face Goku in the semi-finals. After the fight, Goku and his opponent were called onto the stage. The person he was fighting was a dragon-looking monster that honestly looks like he comes from the Pokémon universe. They went onto the stage and got ready to fight.

The fight started with Gilan flying towards Goku using his large wings. Goku moved out of the way, resulting in Gilan flying right out of the ring. It would have been an automatic win for Goku, but it only counted if he had touched the ground.

"Hahahaha, there's no way you can win, Kid!!!" Gilan laughed out loud, trying to taunt Goku, yet he kept his stoic-like expression as if he didn't hear him.

This made Gilan feel a bit of fear. 'This kid is as calm as day, even when he sees that I have the advantage; he must have something up his sleeve,' he thought.

Goku spread his legs apart as he got into his fighting style form. He stared at Gilan as he stayed afloat in the air. If he wanted, Goku would have learned how to fly long ago, but he honestly didn't want to change the future that much.

Seeing as Gilan was hesitating, Goku decided that he should strike. So he bent his legs and then leaped high into the air. He moved like a bullet, invisible to the human eye. The next second, Goku was high above Gilan, with his hands clasped together.

Gilan raised his eyes to look at Goku, but at that very moment, Goku struck him with immense force.


The strike hit Gilan hard, making him soar down to the ground.


The arena cracked from impact, causing a huge dust cloud. Goku went down and landed inside the arena. The crowd was completely silent; no one could believe what had happened. It all happened so fast; they were still trying to process it. Yet the spokesperson reacted faster than them all and shouted, "Goku has struck Gilan!"

Bulma and the gang in the crowd were also shocked. As the dust cloud cleared, they saw Gilan laid down on the ground. Now that they'd seen him, they began to believe what the announcer had said.



The crowd cheered loudly for Goku; none of them had ever seen such a thing in their life, except for Bulma, etc., but you get the point.

"Goku!! A young martial artist has taken down Gilan the monster. How shocking!! Wait, what am I seeing!?"

Gilan, who was laid in the crater, slowly began to get up. He trembled as he felt all the broken bones in his body. He was in a lot of pain, yet he refused to give up. Goku smiled when he saw this; one thing that always impressed him was when someone refused to give up even when the odds were totally against him.

"Kid, you really shocked me, not gonna lie. But I'm not done yet! JAANGYAOOOOMMU!" He shouted, standing straight up. Gilan flapped his wings, checking if they were broken or not. Luckily, they were alright, but his whole body wasn't.

'The impact really did one on me, also his fists; damn that shit hurts!' He thought as he rubbed his head.

"Okay, come at me then," Goku said, smirking as he got into form. Gilan smiled smugly as he took flight.

He pushed his head back and fired a purple-like substance from his mouth. Goku watched as it came at him; he could dodge, but he decided to struggle a little just to make the fight exciting. The purple substance latched around Goku, rendering him unable to move.

"Gahahahahaha, I gotcha now!!! That's my GuruGuru Gum!! Try all you want; you can never get unstuck!!!" He shouted in excitement.

"The Young Warrior Goku has been struck by Gilan's gooey Gum; is that in the rules?" He asked one of the sponsors who were sitting in the crowd. The man raised his thumb in response.

"I guess it is; what will Goku do next!!"

Gilan took this opportunity to take Goku out of the ring, but he wasn't just going to let him out without playing with him a bit, which would turn out to be his biggest mistake.

'Okay, I'm honestly stuck. But I'm sure if I put some effort into it, I'll be able to get out of this bind. Oh, he's coming at me,' he thought as he watched Gilan fly at him.

When he got near him, Goku simply leaped up high into the air. He then flexed his muscles; they bulged as veins began to appear from them. Bulma watched this all with widened eyes while she felt her cave become wet a little.

The next second, Goku broke through the bind; he fell down to the ground and landed swiftly. All the while, Gilan was still floating in the air, staring at him in shock.

"How did you do that!!!!" He shouted.

Well, Goku was bored of the fight now, so he decided that it was time to end things. He sprung at him at blinding speeds; Gilan couldn't even process what had happened. The next second, Goku was in front of him with his fist right in his face. As it landed, Goku's small but powerful fist dented Gilan's face, breaking his nose since it was the first thing he made contact with. Then, on top of that, he flew back into the ground outside the ring.


Goku landed on the edge and wobbled a bit but then got his balance.

"*Whew* That was fun," he said to himself as he smiled.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Goku has won this match!!!!!"

[Crowd noise will be identified with (-) from now on]

- Yeyyyyyy!!!

- Haaaaaaaa!!

"That battle was truly amazing. I'd like to have an interview with these two interesting individuals. Goku and Krillin, please come here for a short Q&A," the man said.

They both went up to the man and stood there, wondering how they would answer each question.

"You two have managed to beat your opponents so far, even though you're so small; you two are strong! Congratulations!" He said.

He brought the mic up to Goku, who simply stared at it. He then brought it to Krillin, who said, "Yeah, man. I mean, I'm just keeping it real, you know what I'm saying. Oh, by the way, shout out to Ray Ray, Tejay, Little Mick, Big fella, and all my homies back in the mountains. Miss y'all."

- Kyahahahahahahaa

- He's so funny!! (he said while laughing breathlessly).

'I taught him well,' Goku thought.