
Dragon Ball: Reincarnated As Broly's Sister!

!!!!currently under edit!!! A love story filled with fighting, world colliding decisions, and a bit of Saiyan pride. Oh, and only the cutest couple you'll ever meet. Chisato had a hard life, from being abused by her drunken father, to her boyfriend Fuma cheating on her. One night all of that changes when an old man in Tokyo gives her a game to play. After creating a character called Rhuda, she doesn't realize that the game was waiting for her to make a wish.... And that her game data was corrupted. Thus, her new life being stuck inside the game of XenoVerse 3 begins. Will she overcome her past and forge a new future? Or will she corrupt the game and let chaos reign free? Trigger warning ⚠️: mentions of abuse and neglect

frozenrose99 · Video Games
Not enough ratings
84 Chs





Future -- Real World, Japan

The King of Time looked from studying the incoming Data across his three display screens, hearing a 'tap tap'.

"Come in," he said, pushing his glasses up.

"King of Time, while I was watching over mother, she began to dream." Tie began, closing the door behind him.

Tie has had a special connection with his mother since he was tiny. It was one of the reasons 'he' was the one who guarded her and not Kolard, who'd never met her. Tie took his duty quite seriously, and Trunks knew it had to be something significant for his son to leave the Time Nest ruins. Due to the rarity of the event, Trunks closed the workspace with a click of his mouse and wheeled towards Tie.

Trunks folded his hands on the desk and eyed his genius son over them. "I see. What did she dream about, exactly?"

"Shallot. He must have erased her memories of us, somehow, and brought her to the real world." Tie explained. He began to pace back and forth, left hand on the hilt of one of two swords he wore. It would take little for Tie to use it. Each and every training practice with his son had been an exemplary example of what a genius legendary super saiyan was capable of. Trunks would even venture to say that Tie was the strongest out of them, aside from Shallot and his destroyer energy, that is.

"Shallot? I see. So the past her is in the real world, then?" Trunks confirmed, and Tie nodded.

"She is. She thinks he's her boyfriend from school, who stole her from her father and ran off to elope." Tie grit his teeth a little, as though recalling it vividly.

Tie watched his fathers eyes widen before Trunks ran his hand over his long scar and say, "Then he's got the game I fixed with him. My other self won't be able to get to her, not like that."

A flash of light interrupted their conversation. The source of the flash was Zamasu, who appeared in the room looking quite irate. He wore normal attire befitting his title, dark gray and purple, with white boots. His shining silver hair fell across the gray sky of his narrowed eyes as he smacked his hand on the desk, "She's gone!"

Trunks leaned away in his desk chair. Tie, being ever the guardian, pulled his top sword and held it to Zamasu's throat. "Don't enter here without permission from the King."

"Tie, it's alright. He means no harm, I'm sure," Trunks said. Slowly Tie lowered the blade. To Zamasu Trunks said, "We're aware of the situation. How did you make it here? With Shallot having the game, I mean."

"I foresaw the change coming." Zamasu answered. "As a Kai, we get inklings about the future. It was strange, so I ventured here to tell you about this. The girl is off in the real world with that hooligan, Shallot."

'That hooligan' knocked on the door. "Come in," Trunks said, and Shallot the destroyer walked in with all his glory, smirking. His red harem pants and fitting

"Noodles is with me, you say?" Shallot asked, unwrapping his brown tail. It began to wag back and forth, "Couldn't help but overhear."

"You!" Zamasu barked out.

"What? Surprised to see me?" Shallot asked. He smirked and opened his arms, "I didn't get any thanks from you for helping out during the Tournament."

"And you won't receive them." Zamasu replied, coldly narrowing his gray eyes. Those two glared at one another before Tie sank down into a black high backed chair, and crossed his legs. Tie said, "King. I need to go there and correct this anomaly before it gets further out of hand. Mother shouldn't be in the real world at all right now. It's too dangerous."

"You can't go to your own past. She's pregnant with you right now, remember?" Trunks smiled, amused by his sons protective nature. "Besides, we don't know that this is a bad thing."

"It is!" Tie shouted. His blue pupils shrunk in aggravation, "She's about to marry Shallot without knowing anything. Not only that, but Game Master hasn't been defeated. We both know he's developing that other version. It's only a matter of time before he releases it, and Fu could come from the new game and--"

Trunks held his hand up. Instantly Tie fell quiet. "--I understand the dangers. But it's not all bad, is it? She's happy there, or I should think so. Your mother...never got to live the life of a human fully, Tie. She's only known the life of a saiyan, forced to defend everything time and time again. I...can't help but believe this will be a good change for her. Shallot will protect her as best as he can, won't you, Shallot?"

Shallot chuckled. "Damn straight I will. If I know me like I think I know me, I wouldn't have done it without some kind of insurance. I probably have a set of dragon balls and a save watch that works in the real world. That would be something I'd do."

Tie quietly seethed. His Father was taking things too calmly. "So you're fine with her marrying Shallot?"

Trunks shut his eyes. He stayed that way for most of a minute before replying, "No. Of course I'm not, Tie. But she loved Shiroui and gave that future up for us. You understand this, don't you?"

"I..." Tie slowly nodded. "...I get it. You're a much more forgiving man than I am, Father."

"That's why I'm the King." Trunks chuckled.

Shallot ruffled Tie's head. "Oi, it's not that bad having me as a second Dad."

"Don't touch me!" Tie knocked his hand off, "I'd never call you Dad! You ruined my life. And it was you who gave Father his scar. I can't...forget those things."

"It's also me who saved her ass." Shallot replied. "Don't forget that part."

Zamasu had heard enough. He turned to the King and looked down his nose, "This Game Master is working on another version, correct? We should seek him out and destroy him before he has the chance to complete it."

"I was getting to that," Trunks said. "Take Tie's time ring and use it to travel from here and the real world she's at right now. It will be your job to watch over them from afar and report to us anything strange."

"Me?" Zamasu asked, "Why should I offer aid to those mortals?"

"Come off it, Zama," Shallot interrupted, "We all know you have the hots for her. Unless you want 'me' to go in your place. I wouldn't mind at all, ya know, seeing her human form again. Maybe I could have a little R and R..."

"You will not!" Zamasu shouted.

Trunks sighed. "Stop teasing him. And for the record, if anyone of us should go it's Tie, but he can't. Anyway, your ring, Tie. Give it to Zamasu so he can protect my wife."

"Man...I'm jealous of my other self."

Tie stood and ruffled through his open trench coat and pulled out a silver ring. He laid it on the desk. "...This is mine. Or it should be. I'll...never get to see her eyes open."

"You will, son. Our battle isn't through." Trunks replied gently, giving his boy a sympathetic look. "Don't give up hope."

Tie nodded.

After pocketing the Time Ring, Zamasu bowed. "I'll do this because I must. It seems you mortals are relying on me once again."

"We are, Zamasu," Trunks said. "If you fail..."

"I won't!"

"Very well. If there's anything strange to report, come back right away. We'll summon Reimu and Marisa and catch them up to speed in the meantime."

"Summon?" Zamasu blinked. "Just how will you do that?"

Tie sighed, like it was annoying having to explain things and said, "He means bring them back here. Father has their game Data in his system. It isn't hard to do, not for someone like him."

"Kolard loves the gifts, by the way." Shallot said, turning to the door. Over his shoulder he added, "Tell noodles he loves her, too, and wants to master the Double Power Pole. Ya know, when she remembers him."

"Tch! If I must." Zamasu slid on the ring and bowed to the King again. "Farewell, King of Time."




Yokohama, Japan

The water was extra hot as Shallot got in. He moved away to make room for Chisato, who stepped in next. She slid her hands around his waist and kissed his chest. "Taking a shower with Shiroui is so nice." She said.

'Oh God...I'm getting so hard right now.'

Shallots spine trembled a little. If he still had his tail it would definitely be jerking around. As the water pelted over them, misting their nude forms, Shallot inhaled her aroma like cocaine and had the urge to have sex. Instead, he let out a shaky breath and said, "Yeah. Get used to it. I'm renting this boat just for us."

"S-Shiroui...you're very excited. Is it okay? To go out, like that?" She asked, stroking his erection. When he hissed she giggled, "I can help you. Then it will be fine."

"Later....we'll take care of my problem later." He answered.

She had the audacity to pout. "But...I want to eat it at least. Can't I?"

"You're being naughty, girly. Not that I don't mind it...but I...I want to focus on giving you a great day. There will be plenty of time tonight."

'When you're my wife,' he added in his head. Shallot was never the type to wait it out and likely wouldn't, if the wait was too long, but one day he could handle. It was all the more important to him after pining for her for entirely too long.

"Does Shiroui not think I'm pretty?"

His chocolate eyes widened. It was crazy to think she wasn't beautiful, stunning, gorgeous. With a tiny, model like bone structure and curves in all the right places, long silky dark hair and shiny brown eyes, he could never see her as anything but a goddess. Shallot leaned into the water above her head and said, "You take my breath away. But I won't die from having a boner. Besides...if we do something right now, there's no way in hell I'll stop. We'll be late."

"Oh...I see. In that case we should hurry." She grabbed shampoo and deposited some into her palm and rose up on tip toes, putting it into his dark head and began massaging it around. "I'll wash your hair, and you can wash mine. Is that fair?"


His insides flipped around like a fish, feeling tingles and goosebumps over his body.

They had a nice hot shower with one another and got prepared to leave for the day.



"Uwah! Look, Shiroui! The Clock is so big!"

Shallot glanced up, seeing the Cosmo Clock was indeed massive. From the ground floor they walked through Minato Mirai subway station, heading towards the Amusement Park where the Cosmo Clock stood proud. The amusement park was called Yokohama Cosmoworld Theme Park, and that's where he would spend the day with his fetching girlfriend.

First they needed a ticket. Those cost 700 yen, and he was glad they took a credit card, since that's all he had on him. After getting two tickets, they walked hand in hand over to the first ride and stood in line. It was a water ride which would douse them with mist as it went beneath a pool of water and out the other side.

"This ride must be very popular," Chisato said.

The line was seemingly endless. "I'll say. Are you ready to get wet?" He teased, jabbing her ribs.

"Y-Yes. Ano...as long as it's Shiroui who makes me wet."

"Gah...really, Chisato? S-Since when did you become so perverted?" He didn't need a mirror to know his face was red.

"That's your fault." She giggled behind her hand and spied a ice cream stand. "Can we get a cone?"

"We'll lose our place in line."

Chisato pouted a little and bit her lower lip and said, "I'll go for both of us. You stay here. Would that be alright?"

"Sure. Get me a mint chocolate chip cone." He handed her his credit card.


While Chisato merrily went on about her way, Shallot let out a breath and looked up, up to the blue sky. 'I really...did it. Was it the right choice? Should I have tried something else, first?'

The truth was that he wouldn't know if it was the right thing to do or not. He only knew that with every beat of his heart, he loved Chisato. When exactly that had started, even he wasn't sure. Yet it was there just waiting to come out. Now that it had, Shallot would never look back.




Later That Day

"You thought of everything," Chisato said, watching her soon to be husband procure identification for both of them from his backpack.

"That's right, darling," he replied with a chuckle.

The man who was to notarize their marriage was perplexed at having been asked to wed them aboard a gondolier, but when Shiroui waved money at his face, any questions he'd had were put to rest. After filling out the necessary paperwork and stamping it, their rushed vows became official. All that was left was to seal the deal.

Chisato haphazardly stepped across the boat which swayed in the night marina of Yokohama, nearly falling into Shiroui. "Oof! Sorry." She said, straddling his hips.

"Right where I want you." Shiroui teased, clasping her to his chest.

Loud booms set off the raven sky as it became lit with fireworks. There wasn't a festival or real reason for those fireworks, Chisato knew, so the answer lie in her husband. "S-Shiroui...you paid them for fireworks?" She asked, batting her lashes.

He nodded and ran his index finger down her face. "Yep. Since we can't do a real fancy wedding and stuff, I figured this would be best. Enjoy the show babe."

"I am! They're so beautiful."

Both stood up on the gondolier and held each other, watching time after time as the sky boomed. With each boom, Chisatos happiness swelled. She thought she'd burst from it. When Shiroui scooped her into his arm for a tender kiss she gladly returned it. "We're married," he said around her lips, brushing the tip of her nose, "you're all mine, forever."


He sat her down and they kissed once more.