
Dragon Ball: Reincarnated As Broly's Sister!

!!!!currently under edit!!! A love story filled with fighting, world colliding decisions, and a bit of Saiyan pride. Oh, and only the cutest couple you'll ever meet. Chisato had a hard life, from being abused by her drunken father, to her boyfriend Fuma cheating on her. One night all of that changes when an old man in Tokyo gives her a game to play. After creating a character called Rhuda, she doesn't realize that the game was waiting for her to make a wish.... And that her game data was corrupted. Thus, her new life being stuck inside the game of XenoVerse 3 begins. Will she overcome her past and forge a new future? Or will she corrupt the game and let chaos reign free? Trigger warning ⚠️: mentions of abuse and neglect

frozenrose99 · Video Games
Not enough ratings
84 Chs

53.0 Goku & Broly Vs...!

"Who do you think they'll be fighting?" Rhuda asked, gnawing at her jaw. Beside her was Vegeta, the two of them seated on the row of seats just in front of Whis, Beerus, Shin and Elder Kai.

"Beats me. But knowing Kakarot, he'll play around too long and let the enemy power up." Said Vegeta.

The twelve screens that were hung at the middle between the sections of both sides of benches lit up on Planet 01, and they could see Goku and Broly among the different displays at varying angles. "Dad..." Rhuda grabbed her thigh meat and clenched it, trying to remain calm. "Please take this fight seriously..."

From behind them Whis' staff began to glow with a communication. "Hmm. Who could be calling me?" He asked. When he leaned forward he saw it was Bulma and thus answered. "Hello, Bulma. Is something the matter?"

Bulma: "Yes there is! Everyone left me behind! I demand to talk to my husband!"

Vegeta began to sweat and slid down in his seat. "Quiet, woman...!"

Bulma: "I know you can hear me!"

"I had to! This fight is much too serious to bring you along," Vegeta said.

Bulma: "I've been to almost every fight and came out just fine! You just didn't want me there watching!"

Vegeta growled a little and said over his shoulder, "Think what you want. You can be mad at me later."

Bulma: "Oh yeah? I think I'll be mad now! Why does Rhuda get to go, huh?"

"She's fighting in the Tournament. Her purpose here is paramount, so of course she has to attend," Whis answered. "If you'd like, I can keep you on the line so that you can watch it?"

Bulma: "Fine! It'll have to do, since SOMEBODY didn't invite their own WIFE."

Vegeta sighed and looked to the screens, as did Rhuda.



Goku and Broly tapped down on a replica of Earth. Their transport platform vanished into nothing within the ground, and Goku began doing his best to detect any Ki readings. "Hmm. Nothing. How about you Broly?"

Broly shifted his head a little to the left and right, studying for anything. "Nothing."

"I guess we have to go find them on our own then," Goku said.

The area there were at currently was that of a forest. Large trees, old in age, made a thick blanket around them. Their plush foliage was hard to see through, and thus both flew upwards into the air to get a better view. From there Goku saw that across the forest some ways was a mountain range, and atop it two figures. "There!"

Not being able to detect their Ki, Goku and Broly had to fly there. As both drew nearer however, it became apparent who they had to face. Goku's eyes gleamed with the attraction of a fierce battle and he tapped down in front of the bulkier and opposing form.

"Jiren!" "Hit!"


From the stands up above Belmod stood and clapped. "Go get him Jiren!"

Vegeta and Rhuda leaned forward in their seats. "...Dammit!" Vegeta shouted, fisting his hand and hitting the front of another chair, "It was supposed to be MY turn to fight Jiren!"

"Someone's a little jealous," said Whis with a hidden giggle. He elbowed Beerus, who looked off from them and smirked a little. "I'm sure YOUR fight will be much better," Beerus said.

Whis giggled again. "Are you quite sure, My Lord? Don't you think it's too soon?"

Beerus glared at his Angel and put a finger to his lips, "Be quiet!"


"Son Goku." Jiren said. The darkness of his deep eyes softened a little. "...It's been some time."

"Yeah, it has." Goku smiled and stuck his hand out, "Put 'her there!"

Jiren stared at Goku and his outstretched hand then hesitantly clasped it. "You've grown stronger," Jiren said.

"Yep! I can tell you've been training hard too, since the Tournament of Power." Goku looked over to Hit, "Both of you. I can't believe this! This'll be fun!"

As usual, Jiren was shocked by Goku and his battle hungry demeanor. Hit, however, smirked and removed his hand from his long jacket and stuck it out. "...I will face him," he said, pointing a finger to Broly.

Broly reacted with a lowering of his thick brows. He nodded. "Very well. I am Broly."


Those two eyed each other, sizing up the challenge, before Goku clapped his hands. "Alright! Let's get started!"

Broly gave Goku a little look and said, "We need to spread apart."

"Oh, I guess you're right." Goku nodded and began looking around the area, "The planet is supposed to be indestructible, but I'd still prefer us to have a little privacy."




Gohans home - Orange City

"Oh come on, Goku!" Krillin sighed and downed his beer, chucking it to the floor. "He's already thinking of fighting on his on."

Beside him sat Android 18 on the couch, and she crossed her arms and sighed. "That's Goku for you. It would be better to team up with Broly, but he'll never change."

Gohan, whom had drank three beers already, pushed his glasses up and and stared quite heavily at the crystal ball. "Dad...I hope you know what you're doing out there. This isn't any normal fight."




Real World - Tokyo- Gaming Tower Floor 4

"Where did you get that sword? It's badass!"

"Are you actors from the live action?"

"Can we get a picture?"

"Is this part of a promotional?"

Trunks and his team were swarmed and completely surrounded. He looked to each of them and cleared his throat. "Hello! Yes, we are actors from the uh, live action. Right now we're here to...to promote the new Xenoverse game."

As he spoke all fell silent. A tiny boy aged twelve ran up to him, "He sounded just like Mirai Trunks!"

"Yeah, you're right! His voice is identical!"

The back of Trunks neck got sweaty. He looked to Goku, who shrugged, and said, "Who wants an autograph?"

"Oh oh! Me! Me! Hey, can you do a kamehameha pose for us? Pleaseee?"

Goku chuckled. "Sure." He bent with expert quickness and almost released a real one by accident, only remembering at the last second not to show off his power. The crowd of Otaku's grew quiet before their eyes watered with tears. "That was...beautiful!" Said one female. "Can you marry me?"

"I don't think Chichi would like that very much." Goku said with a laugh.

"Kyaaa~! That voice!"




Game World - Planet 01

Goku and Broly flew apart from each other with their enemies following behind. While Broly had chosen an area near water, Goku spotted some nice cliffs and picked it.

"..." Jiren watched Goku atop his peaked cliff. It was his habit not to fight unless being attacked, and not to use more power than necessary to do so. Thus he waited while Goku began stretching and limbering up. "Hup! Hup!" He jumped up and down a time or two before settling.

Gone was the innocent expression of happiness and in its place a driven desire to fight a challenging foe.

"Hope you're ready Jiren." Goku warned.

Jiren smirked. It was signal enough.

Goku spread his arms and legs, and instead of using any sort of appearance changing transformation, only his hair lifted and grew even more detailed and shiny. His dark eyes had a quiet calm about them. "...This is it. The peak of my training. A whole year in the Time Chamber."

Mastered Ultra Instinct had been only accomplished by thorough meditation. Vegeta had told him some time ago that he believed power such as Jirens didn't come from raw strength, but from utilizing every possible attack to it's full height and potential, never wasting energy until at the very last second.

Those words Goku had taken to heart. While in the Time Chamber, training with Rhuda, he began to see a keen difference in his ability when fighting with her using that tactic. It was also a great motivation to his now daughter, whom had been inspired and awed by that particular method.

She'd even began to change her own way of fighting.

"I see." Jiren said.

Jiren could tell that Goku had gained a new sense of fighting. It wouldn't be an easy fight for him, but he'd also been undergoing quite the transformation himself. When he'd sought out to rely on his team to grow stronger, leaning on their friendship, Jiren had a desire to win against Goku no matter what.

The only issue had been that Jiren never killed anyone. It was his relief to learn that Grand Priest had been merely joking when saying they'd fight to the death. It allowed for Jiren to use his full potential without the dangers of his Universe being erased, or the knowledge he'd killed someone noble like Son Goku.

Goku took off for Jiren, not in the sense to deal a direct assault as he normally would have, but to enter into his area to draw out the natural reaction Jiren would have. Jiren waited, his bulky muscles primed for nearly any type of attack, and Goku smirked before jumping away.

"It's the same." Goku said.


"Yeah. No matter what attack I plan to throw at you, you're more than ready for it." Goku said.


Vegeta clicked his tongue. "Chih! He's scared."

"Really? Dad is...scared?" Rhuda asked.

"He won't admit it. But the only reason he managed to beat Jiren in the T.O.P was because he'd had help. Even training in the Time Chamber isn't the same if your enemy is also training. Kakarot doesn't know what Jiren has learned."

Rhuda nodded. "I...see. Then Dad is trying to figure out which attack will work first, to see his level of strength."

"Precisely," Whis said from behind. "Goku's habit of holding back won't work so well against Jiren this time. Jiren knows he can fight Goku as much as he likes. But I suppose even Jiren wouldn't be happy if the match was one sided at this point. After all, he wants to see what Goku has learned too. Those two have formed a bond through their battle. I suspect, however, that Jiren will win this battle."

"He'll have to bluff." Beerus said. "Goku will throw an attack at him he knew worked well before. But even then, Jirens overwhelming strength could turn this into a bloodbath if he wanted it to."

"Hn." Vegeta scowled. "It should be ME out there."

Rhuda, whom was already a bundle of nerves, didn't at first see that Grand Priest was looking at her. When she did notice, however, his wise eyes narrowed a bit.

'Why...does he keep looking at me like that?'



Broly looked at Hit, who he had almost no knowledge on how to fight. Even from what Goku and Vegeta had said about the assassin, Broly hadn't faced an opponent with such a strange and potentially fatal time skipping technique. He'd have to be a quick learner to win the battle.

"..." Hit tilted his head to the side a little.

'I'll have to attack him first. But even then--' Broly began to sweat, wondering exactly what to do. He hadn't mastered his powers fully, and if Hit knew that it would be over. Broly would need to find a way to remain calm and not let his inner rage unleash itself. If Hit could make Broly go into a rage, then it would be easy for someone who could jump time to beat him.

It was the ultimate test of Brolys strength.

With little else to do but go in and try, Broly charged his energy a little. His green aura flared up and away, trickling down his body like a bio hazard. "Urrah!"

Hit didn't seemingly react but there was a tiny, slight movement of his fist within his trench coat.




"Brother!" Rhuda shouted. She leaned forward in her seat only to be pulled back by Vegeta, who had a tight grip on her shoulder. "It hasn't even started and you're worried."

"It's just..." she looked from Vegeta to Broly on the screen, seeing that he wasn't prepared for Hit at all. "...He'll get hurt..."

"Hn. That's how we saiyans grow in strength. You're acting like that's something new." Vegeta said. "Broly will do well as long as he stays calm."


Beerus took his long purple tail and poked Rhuda in the head. "Enough!"

Shin and Elder Kai scowled at Beerus most heavily. "You didn't have to be mean," Shin said.

"I can be mean if I want to! I'm a Destroyer!"

Elder Kai sighed and shook his head, potara earrings swaying. "I should have just stayed in the sword."

"I can make that happen if you don't be quiet," hissed Beerus. Elder Kai jumped and then replied, "You heard the God! Be quiet down there, Rhuda!"

Rhuda hung her head. "...Sorry. I've...never seen a fight like this."

'Will Brother be okay? What if he loses control?'

Only time would tell if Broly and Goku could win their fights.



["She's quivering in fear. This will be easy as pie."

"I beg to differ. The vessel has the same hidden power as Son Gohan. Don't forget that. That's why we're using 'him'." Game Master said.

An alarm bell up above rang out.

GM and his companion looked over to their other sets of monitors within the Gaming Tower. "Looks like they're getting closer."

"What should we do? If they find our base, it's all over!"

Game Master shoved aside his companion and took over his keyboard. "We're going to trap them there. They won't make it past my security. I'll throw a little mischief their way. It should do just fine, for now. We only need to out last the Tournament, after all."


After typing in a complex code, the GM looked to Fu's Hideout. "He's already beginning to channel the energy."

"He is? This soon?"

"Of course! The faster Pandora's Box is filled the sooner we can unleash it. Try to keep up."

"Sorry, Game Master."]