
Dragon Ball: Reincarnated As Broly's Sister!

!!!!currently under edit!!! A love story filled with fighting, world colliding decisions, and a bit of Saiyan pride. Oh, and only the cutest couple you'll ever meet. Chisato had a hard life, from being abused by her drunken father, to her boyfriend Fuma cheating on her. One night all of that changes when an old man in Tokyo gives her a game to play. After creating a character called Rhuda, she doesn't realize that the game was waiting for her to make a wish.... And that her game data was corrupted. Thus, her new life being stuck inside the game of XenoVerse 3 begins. Will she overcome her past and forge a new future? Or will she corrupt the game and let chaos reign free? Trigger warning ⚠️: mentions of abuse and neglect

frozenrose99 · Video Games
Not enough ratings
84 Chs


Trunks shut his eyes a moment, almost dropping the watch in his palm, before jerking awake. "That was a close one." He said, sighing. To lose all the effort he'd put in all night would have been bad. Grabbing another screw, he tightened the tiny, tiny screw into it's matching hole. "There."

It was done.

His first successful 'save' point. 

Made from a labor of love and lots and lots of brain power, with a 'save' point for Rhuda, if anything where to happen it could be undone. Providing of course the watch wasn't destroyed in some way. 

Trunks stood up and staggered as spots came in his eyes. "Time for some coffee. I wasn't expecting it to take so long."

He pocketed the watch in his LAB jacket and left the laboratory, going across the hallway where a break room existed. Within it were vending machines, a complete kitchen setup, and a coffee bar. He pressed a button on the coffee machine. "It's going to be a long day," he said, choosing espresso.

It was bitter and hot, but he drained it in two gulps and made another, drinking it as well.

He looked out the rectangular window to his left and saw it was daytime now. Just as he noticed that, his patrol watch lit up with a call.

"Trunks here."

"Hey. It's 'me." Said his voice. 

"What's up?" Trunk asked his blue haired self.

"I spoke with Rhuda last night. She told me there are others like her here, too. They're all time patrollers."

Trunks chewed his jaw a moment in thought. Chisato had died to get here and so had the others. Just as Trunks had suspected, it wasn't some sort of strange accident, but a cleverly designed plot. Who was the master mind? It had to be someone from her world, someone who had both the powers and the smarts. But he didn't know anything more than that.

"I see. That makes it difficult, then. Any choices she does might affect them, too." He said.

"Right. She also said while they can resurrect, she can't. Makes me wonder..." his other self said.

"...Yeah. Me, too. It must be something to do with their real end game. Like...the Ancient one." Trunks explained. 

It was the only reason that made sense. Trunks explained what Fu had told them about the Ancient one, and updated his parallel self on all the battles so far. When he was done, it was time to leave for the preliminaries. 




Conton was extra loud and annoying, Shallot thought.

He looked over from the grass outside the Time Academy, seeing a throng of fighters and non fighters alike swarming the fountain plaza in lieu of the Tournament. Nobody knew who they'd be facing, as it was all 'hush hush' until after the preliminaries. Only the winners from Conton could face off against the other Universe, and a surprise awaited the winner of the martial arts tournament. 

Shallot had already made sure he was stocked up with Items and the best equipment. He would be the winner, and show Rhuda how awesome he was.

"She's taking forever." He sighed up at the blue sky.

Chisato was the same as Rhuda. He was still getting used to that. After they'd parted ways yesterday, Shallot had spent his time in the hyperbolic time chamber, eating up a whole day of game time to hone his skills.

He was thinking on battle tactics when something moving from the corner of his eyes caught his attention.

It was bluish green with speckles on its back, with beady red eyes and hopping to his direction. Shallot blinked; what in the world was a frog doing in Conton? It looked familiar to him somewhere, but he couldn't place it.


"Wha?" Shallot asked. 

The frog was trying to say something. It pointed to a slip of paper next to it, and Shallot picked it up, reading, "Change...Now? Hu---ahh!!"

When his eyes opened, it was to a new and intimidating version of Conton. Shallot gulped, backing away. He hit a tree, no, a bush, and croaked out, "Ribbit!"

A malicious laugh he heard. It was him, well, someone inside his body. 

"It's been so long since I've got to stretch my arms!" His voice said.

Shallot croaked again; it was Ginyu. The frog had been Ginyu all along. And now that freak had his body! 

He had to get it back somehow, before the matches began.

But a frog wasn't much in the way of intimidation. Shallot hopped over to his real body and tried to climb it, only managing to get kicked off. "Buzz off! This is MY body now! The great Ginyu lives! Ahh, this body is so strong! It's oozing power and strength--so this is what it's like to be a saiyan!"

Shallot sighed. He needed to find someone who could help.

He hopped around in circles but grew tired. It was clear that being in a frog body was hard work, work he wasn't used to doing. So Shallot waited instead for Rhuda to show up. Surely she would recognize him.

Rhuda finally morphed out of the Time Academy. She was looking excited, what with her tail wagging and a ridiculous grin on her face, and she saw Shallot the frog right away. "Oh! Mr. Frog, what are you doing down there?" She cooed.

He was scooped up and held to her bosom. "So cute! And you're a beautiful color." 

Shallot didn't think so, but didn't mind having one on one time with Rhudas tits. They were big and juicy, and he nuzzled them, getting her crop top slimy, before croaking loudly. 

"Eh? What was that?" She asked. 

He croaked again, looking at her face, and lifted his webbed hand, pointing to Ginyu who had taken off for the crowd.

"You...you're a strange frog, aren't you?" She asked, giggling. "So smart. I wonder if you're lost, or someone's pet."

He shook his head.

Rhuda pet his head. "C'mon. You can hang out with me, if you want to."

With little other choice Shallot the frog hopped to her shoulder and got comfortable.

It was going to be a long day.



Rhuda walked over to the Time Nest steps, and waved to Trunks who had just came out of the portal.

"G-Good morning!" She shouted.

He jogged down to meet her. "Good morning, beautiful."

They gave one another smiles of those in love, before Trunks dug through his trench coat. Out from it he pulled a watch. "Here. It took me longer than I thought to make, but this will serve as a 'save' point. It only works here in Conton, and only for you."

Rhuda gasped. 

"You really...made something like that? But how?" She asked.

A drip of sweat ran off his chin. Trunks fastened it around her tiny wrist as he said, "It works similar to a time machine, only made from data collected into it. When you hit 'save' it will catalogue the current surroundings and change it into data, and pressing 'load' will bring you to the last saved point. D-Don't worry, its uh, different from a time machine. Since everything is Data, there are no time distortions made."

Her eyes swam a minute. It was a lot to take in, but somehow her genius boyfriend had created a save point. "Wow...I can't imagine the hard work that went into making this, Trunks...are you sure you w-want 'me' to have it?" She asked.

Trunks chuckled. "Yes, Chisato. Who do you think I made it for? I told you that I'd make sure you had a way to protect yourself."

Warmth filled her chest. How thoughtful, how passionate. To go so far for her, just a normal girl. Her eyes filled with the grateful tears of one not used to receiving gifts. "...T-Thank you, Trunks. I-I'll take r-really r-really good care of it."

He pulled her to him. "My girlfriend...is very...adorable." He murmured to her ear.

Abruptly Trunks jerked away. His nose had brushed something slimy, and he saw two red eyes peering up at him. The eyes belonged to a frog. A frog named Ginyu.

"Chisato!" He shouted, pulling his sword out. "Get back!"


Rhuda stumbled in shock.

Why did he pull his sword out of nowhere?

"That frog--! It's Ginyu!" He said, aiming towards the frog trying to hide behind Rhudas boot.

She quickly grabbed the frog into her hands. "D-Don't hurt him...! Please, Trunks...! He's not a bad frog!"

"That's not it." He said, "...That frog isn't just a frog. He's Ginyu, a member of the Freiza force."

"I--I don't really get it, but...he came up to me, and tried to tell me something." She said, opening her hands to look at the tiny, scared frog. "S-See? He's just sitting here."

Trunks lowered his sword. It appeared Rhuda was right. He put a hand under his chin in thought. "...Yeah. He's not acting like he's trying to take over anyone. Maybe because Ginyu already has...." 

The frog croaked, lifted up on its hind legs and began pointing down the steps and to the crowd below. Trunks nodded. "He's down there, then. Rhuda, we need to find out who Ginyu took over."


Holding the frog in her hands, Rhuda and Trunks went down the steps and began walking around. The crowd spotted Trunks, and several patrollers stopped him to ask if he would be participating. They carried onwards, the frog pointing and shaking his head, until at last there were no Contonians left. 

"He's...not here?" Rhuda asked the frog.

He shook his head. "Ribbit!"

"...I don't know what you're saying, you know...?" She sighed and looked to Trunks, who shook his head. "There's no one left. If Ginyu isn't here, he must be up to no good somewhere else."

"Mhm...I'm worried." 

"I'll tell Goku and Father. They'll help me find him. Wherever Ginyu is, he won't be able to resist fighting in this tournament." Trunks said. 

Before he left, Trunks handed over a satchel of sensu beans. There were six in total, and Rhuda was instructed to use them as needed. She thanked him and Trunks flew off to inform the others. 

"Mr. Frog, I'm sorry. It must be hard stuck like that." She said, petting the frogs head. It croaked. 

"It's too bad a kiss wouldn't make you normal!" Rhuda smiled. "Don't worry. Trunks will fix it."


("Alright! Welcome, one and all, to the battle match of the century! I'll be your host, Catarina! That's right, THE Catarina! Get ready to be covered in blood and plasma folks, this tournament is going to be LIT!")

Rhuda looked up to see a floating platform. Atop that platform was a cat girl, dressed in a pink cute school girl outfit. Her hair, ears and tail were blue, and she had large, purple feline eyes.

Cheers came from the crowd. They were shouting, "CATARINA! CATARINAA!"

She must be famous, Rhuda thought to herself.

"My Lord, the appetizers are this way." Said a familiar voice behind her. It was Whis, beside him Beerus the Destroyer. The Cat God was looking up at Catarina with stars in his feline eyes.

Whis gave a little sigh. "This is why she didn't come to our galaxy."

Beerus glared at his angel attendant and crossed his arms in a huff. "Hmp! I have you know I only sent one hundred fan letters. A paltry amount."

"If you say so, My Lord."

("Thank you, everyone! I'll be here all night, literally! Oh, what's that? Five minutes are left to register for the tournament!)

Rhuda looked around. Shallot was no where to be found. "...Shallot...it's not like him to be so late."

The frog in her hands croaked.

"I wish he were here. I'd...like to pair up with him," she said with a sad sigh. It looked like she would need to find a replacement, and fast.

("We've got a lot of great talent today! I can't wait for the brutality to commence! Don't hold back, folks, or you'll break my heart!")

Rhuda searched for someone, anyone, she thought would team up with her. Then, a heavy hand clenched her shoulder. "Hn. This is where you've been."

She turned to see Vegeta there. He smirked. "Fancy that. I'm in need of your service."

"Y-Yes! T-Thank you so much, Vegeta!" She gave him a tight hug, making the prince all squeamish and flustered. 

"Q-Quit that! We're here to fight, not sing Kum Ba Yah!" He said.

She was led away from the crowd and to a table where a tiny man wearing a skin tight purple and white leotard sat. He looked up with yellow bulbous eyes. "Well, are you here to sign up?" He asked.

Vegeta smacked the table. "Of course we are! Put our names down, this instance!"

"Jeez. Can't you have a little manners? I 'am' a federal galatic--"

"I don't give a damn! Hurry up! If we get disqualified, I'll send Bulma to find you!" Vegeta shouted.

The alien man shivered. "No need to threaten...! Sheesh. Fine, here. Take these; they're your call numbers."

Vegeta had a slip of paper with "009" and Rhudas read "010."

"Now what do we do?" Rhuda asked Vegeta. He shrugged. "Beats the hell out of me."

("Has everyone signed up?")

Loud cheers of agreement. Catarina did a little jig and threw her microphone into the air, caught it and twirled into a bow. ("Great! Then follow me to the tournament ring! Non fighters--and my lovely fans-- report to the stadium!")

Rhuda and Vegeta made their way up the Time Nest steps, bypassed it, and followed it on up to the next set, turning a curve. The ring came into view; stretching across a temple themed area built into the valley of rocky mountains. There were red posts, a large golden gong, and flat white squares that served as the ring.

Rhuda had no idea where to go so she followed Vegeta to the posts and beyond them. There was a room of waiting, where the participants stood and until their turn within a tiny wooden room shielded from view.

("Get ready! I hope you brought your ponchos! This is going to get bloody!")




Trunks listened to the SKOT talk. "We have to find out why he's here." She said, pacing back and forth on the Time Nest grass. Elder Kai nodded his head in agreement.

"Nothing good, I bet. That Ginyu...we've had dealings with him in the past." He said with a stroke to his chin.

SS4 Goku waved his hand, "I can't sense his energy."

"That's a problem." SKOT said with a sigh. "We don't even know who he took over. It could be anyone--!"

The Nest portal shimmered. A newcomer walked in: Jaco. He ran over with a paper in his hands all out of breath. "Ha--ha-- I got here as fast as I could! Here, look at this!"

Trunks took the paper from Jaco and looked it over. It was a list of all the time patrollers of Conton. "...They're all here...wait...no! There's one missing!"

SS4 Vegeta growled, "Well? Who's missing?"

"It's...Shallot!" Trunks said.

SKOT smacked her palm. "That has to be Ginyu. We need to find Shallots body, and fast. Goku, Vegeta, go check Conton! Trunks, use Contons communication system to see if you can track him!"



"On it!"