
Dragon Ball: Reincarnated As Broly's Sister!

!!!!currently under edit!!! A love story filled with fighting, world colliding decisions, and a bit of Saiyan pride. Oh, and only the cutest couple you'll ever meet. Chisato had a hard life, from being abused by her drunken father, to her boyfriend Fuma cheating on her. One night all of that changes when an old man in Tokyo gives her a game to play. After creating a character called Rhuda, she doesn't realize that the game was waiting for her to make a wish.... And that her game data was corrupted. Thus, her new life being stuck inside the game of XenoVerse 3 begins. Will she overcome her past and forge a new future? Or will she corrupt the game and let chaos reign free? Trigger warning ⚠️: mentions of abuse and neglect

frozenrose99 · Video Games
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84 Chs


[System: Conton City]

Rhuda was back inside the city of Conton. She pulled up [MENU] and selected [STATS], seeing three to place. After a moment to study which she wanted, she chose +1 to Ki, +1 to Stamina, and +1 to Attack, figuring a good spread of points would be helpful.

"Now what?" She asked herself.

Time Patrollers zoomed back and forth all across her vision, and she watched them go on about their video game lives for a time before remembering Shallot at the Plaza.

Quickly she flew toward him but was stopped by a robot. It's hand twirling, the robot said, "Flying Restricted. Level Not Met!"

She tapped down to the ground in a huff. How annoying. After an even more annoying walk through the mass of players she finally saw Shallot. He was talking to a big breasted girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. It would be rude to interrupt so she stood awkwardly, tail swaying back and forth for a time.

"Hey cutie!"

A voice said. It was a namekian, and he leaned down to stare at her openly. He zeroed in on her large breasts, and reached out a green hand to touch one but she knocked it away. "Hey! S-stop looking, pervert!"

"Sorry sorry. Couldn't help myself." He smirked. "You're sexy, ya know that? Like one of those cute little japanese girls who cosplay--"

Rhuda's cheeks burned a deep deep red, and she turned away from him. He only moved to her front again. "Where you going? Wanna team up? Heh, or, we could go on a long nature hike. Just you and me if you get my meaning..."

"N-No thank you..." again she turned from him only to see him even closer. "Aw c'mon. I'm dying for a piece of that ass." He said. "Don't you want a taste of this?"

"N-Not really..."

Rhuda wanted to shrink into the ground. She really, really wished that she could just fly away from him. When he put his hand onto her shoulder she flinched and squeaked. Then heard a cracking sound.

Shallot had appeared from nowhere and broken the namekian's wrist--like it was a glowstick.

"Fuck! That hurt, you piece of shit!" The guy roared.

Shallot's dark eyes narrowed. "Get your hands off my girlfriend, prick."

Rhuda's eyes widened. She wasn't Shallots anything, as far as she knew, and watched as the namekian jumped back with a taunt. "Let's dual. Winner gets to fuck her," he spat.

Shallot walked in front of Rhuda and sighed. "Whatever man. Just don't bore me."

The player tag above the namekian read, 'BlameitonAKON07' and he quickly began powering up. Yellow energy began flaring off his form. Shallot, unimpressed, began to balance on his tail.

"S-Shallot, shouldn't you be concerned?" Rhuda asked.

"Nah. This guy's STATs are weak as shit." He replied. "I could beat him in my sleep."

A group gathered around the two fighters. Rhuda was at the center, and she really didn't care for all the attention. They were staring at her and pointing, talking. As one of two saiyans, both Shallot and Rhuda were already odd enough. But a fight in Conton over her would surely cause rumors to fly. Rhuda just hoped Shallot knew what he was doing.

Finally the namekian was done charging and took off with a burst of ki--and Shallot deflected his punch with his forearm. A ring of light shone around Shallot's body as his attacker was sent flying back, Health depleted to zero.

"See?" Shallot said. "I told you I was maxed. He should have checked my STATs before talking shit."

Rhuda blinked. It was over before it had even began. Truly Shallot had been the best person to team up with. She bowed, "Thank you, Shallot."

"That's right, I know I'm awesome people," he said to the crowd who began cheering, "I'll be signing tits and ass over there." To Rhuda he walked over and rose her chin up, smirking,

"There IS a way you could thank me, ya know?"

"Eh? Ehh?"

There was a deep twinkle in Shallot's gaze. "Date me."

Rhuda walked over to the Time Nest steps. She paced back and forth on the grass, thinking on Shallot's bold offer and of Trunks Brief.

"...Shallot is strong, but..." she nibbled her lip. It was wrong to go for Trunks just to get her hands on the Super Dragon Balls, but she really did need them to go back home. Shallot on the other hand, knew a lot about the game as he'd played through it. Which meant he was likely one of the first to enter the world, probably. Maybe. She didn't ask. In fact, she knew very little about him at all, other than he was trapped here like her.

"What should I do?" She wondered.

It was a game, she reminded herself, not real life. So theoretically...if she could stamp down the guilt, Rhuda could date Trunks and Shallot both, and get her hands on the Dragon Balls. Possibly. Maybe. "Ah...it's no good," she said with a sigh.

With little else to do she looked up at the Nest sky. "If I should be with Trunks, then give me a...a sign!"

"Woah, what?"

The voice asked.

Rhuda threw her hand out and smacked Goku so hard he fell into the granite of the Nest gate. After the dust settled he was rubbing the back of his head. "Yeowch! That really hurt. Remind me not to sneak up on you again."

She ran over and looked at his head, not seeing an injury. "You're not bleeding," she said. "I'm glad."

He gave her a cheeky smile. "Takes a little more than that to hurt me." At once he grew serious.

"So, what's this about you and Trunks?"


"Didn't soundddd like nothin'. Do you love him?" He poked her red cheek, "Do ya? Do ya?"

"Stop that!"

"Eh heh! I'm right! Don't worry; I won't tell a soul."

He crossed his heart, "Your secret is safe with me!"

"Goku..." Rhuda pouted up at him. He pet the top of her head, "I'm serious. I won't tell anyone. In fact, I can help you win him over!"

"R-Really? I mean---I don't need your dumb help!"

"Sure ya do. C'mon, this'll be great!"

Rhuda's definition of great must have had a different meaning. Goku grabbed her wrist and used Instant Transmission, popping up right beside Trunks, who was knee deep in capsule corp parts at the Time Nest. He looked up, "Goku? Rhuda? What's up?"

"Wellllll" Goku grinned widely, "I'm going to make off with Rhuda!"

Trunks dropped the part in his hand. His blue eyes almost popped out of their socket. He finally found his voice, "....I--I don't think Chichi would approve of that..."

"Heh heh! Well ya see, Chichi's gettin' old now and stuff. And Rhuda here will be young as long as I am! It'll be perfect!"

Trunks saw the crimson on Rhuda's face, and wondered just what in the world he had missed. Maybe Goku had taken another hit to the head. "...Uh huh."

"You don't mind, do you?" Goku asked. He leaned to Trunks, "Dooo you?"

"Er--I'm really not the person to ask that--"

"Great! Then--" Goku pecked her cheek, "--this doesn't bother you either, does it?"

Trunks stood up. He now knew that Goku was trying to do something. What, exactly, he didn't know, but Rhuda was practically squirming out of his arms. "Goku. What's going on?"

"Well, you see," Goku looked down at the saiyan woman he held, who quickly shook her head, "...nothing! See ya!"

Just like that they were gone.

Goku put her down. "Man. I was sure that would work."

"I'm so embarrassed..." Rhuda fell to her knees. Steam rose from her cheeks. "I don't think he likes me, Goku."

"Sure he does! How could he not? You're super pretty and a saiyan, too!" Goku gave her a thumbs up, "You gotta be more confident."

"...That's never been...one of my strong suits."

"Strong suit? You don't need a suit to be strong," he said, "ya just gotta win him over. Hmmm....now, what do I know about Trunks..."

"I-It's okay. Thank you for trying." Rhuda stood up. She was beyond humiliated and embarrassed. A price she had to pay for even thinking of being a two timer.

However Goku wasn't done yet. He grabbed her hand. "Hang on a minute. There's gotta be something we can do. Oh! I got it!"


"Me and you! You're gonna be my 'pretend' girlfriend!" He then whispered, "Just don't tell Chichi! Or she'd kill me!"