
Dragon Ball: Reborn as Bardock with Uchiha Blood

Kabuto, a college graduate from Earth dies and meets a soul. He is then reborn as Bardock with Uchiha Blood and given a task to kill Zeno in 100 years. Note: I don't own anything and I am just writing for fun, so there will be grammatical mistakes and some places with weird stories.

komega · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

It is exactly as I thought. I am getting stronger every time I kill someone. It must be the effect of the soul who was responsible for my rebirth. Since his soul merged with the system and he was the one who gave me the Uchiha Blood, it might be some feature he had when he was using the system.

After knowing this, I went on firing ki blasts into the city until the strength increases stopped. It would have been better if I had a system screen, but knowing that I have this feature is more than enough for me. I then said to Chisato "Come on. We need to leave before they come here."

Chisato looked confused and disappointed, but still obeyed and led the way away from the city. She then took us to a dump yard, which was filled with many metal scrapes and various other materials which I didn't recognise. She said "They can't find us here. We should be safe for now."

I then flew up and looked around to see if there was anyone that followed us here. I then landed and asked "Ok, we first need to find food and in large quantities. I am starving". She replied "This planet has many animals that we can hunt and eat. The smell from the garbage keeps animals away from this area. making it safe for resting. Tell me when you are ready. We will go hunting."

I nodded and looked around for a place that stinks the least. Chisato then came to me and asked "I didn't know you were this strong. I just heard rumours about you Saiyans. If you are this strong, why didn't you kill all the inhabitants of this planet?" to which I replied "I haven't eaten anything for a while and I don't have enough energy to kill everyone. This planet has 12 moons. Then imagine how big the planet must be to have enough gravity to have so many moons. There should be a large number of Bouleans and they have an annoying ability to stop time. The moment I run out of energy, I will become a lab rat. That's the reason I stopped with one city."

"Wow, I thought that you were just some brute. You can also think. Good, now what's your next plan?" she asked and I replied "I need you to teach me how to stop time". She looked surprised as to how I knew about it. I said "The first time, when we were in prison. You knocked out that Boulean immediately when the door to the prison opened. The only way you can knock him out so fast is either with blinding speeds or by stopping time."

She smiled and said "Nice observation, but it is going to take a lot of time to learn the technique. It took me 4 years to learn this. If you want to start learning it, I would recommend swimming. Try to hold your breath underwater as long as you can."

"I need you to explain properly, or else I will consider that you are scheming against me." I said. I still can't trust this woman. I only met her a few hours ago. This isn't some isekai anime where the MC meets a woman and they become comrades. I need to be careful and stay alert.

She then said "I just escaped with you and you killed everyone in a city. The whole species is now angry with both of us. We are in this together and I need you to trust me if you want me to do the same." and I said "Answer the question I asked before. I know all of this."

She sighed and said "The time stopping ability focuses mainly on holding your breath. While you stop time, you need to hold your breath. So, increasing the amount of time you hold your breath can be significant in a battle."

After she explained the technique a little, she left and I took a nap to get back my energy. I need it to hunt for my lunch. I slept still on guard, waking up for even the smallest disturbances. After the rest, I felt half of my power return to me. I think that should be enough to hunt down an animal.

I got up and looked around for Chisato, who was making something with the metal scrapes. I flew to her and asked "What are you doing?" to which she replied "This device can sense if someone is present in a 500 metres radius. It should help us in both hunting and alerting us if some Boulean is nearby."

"You seem to be good with machines. Where did you learn all this?" I asked and she replied "There is nothing to learn. I spent a lot of time here testing out many parts thrown here. I learnt it on my own". I have to accept, that's a pretty good talent. Chisato then said "Shall we go hunting then. I am also starving."

I nodded and we both headed deep into the woods, looking for our lunch. We didn't have to look for long, because when we were far enough from the dump yard, there were already animals trying to kill us. Chisato said "What do you want to eat? The Zehorse and the Eleig are very good, but if you are willing to spend a little more energy, we can go for the Snager. I heard that it is the tastiest animal on this planet and it is very expensive due to the difficulty in catching it."

"I am not a fool. We will try that good meat later. Right now, I need to focus on my strength. Just tell me which animal is huge and contains nutrients." I asked and she said "That would be the Mega Digiar. It is a venomous bird with a lot of nutrients but disgusting meat. They are difficult to hunt. since they are fast."

"Tell me where I can find them. Hunting them isn't a problem." I said and she led me to a nearby mountain and when we got closer, I could see the huge bird on top of the mountain. Not because it is big, but because I have better eyesight than my previous life. It might be due to the Saiyan blood, or the Uchiha blood.

We didn't even have to climb the mountain. I flew up towards the bird and it looks like it sensed my presence. It immediately screeched at me and farted out a purple gas at me. Chisato shouted from below "That's the poisonous gas which will kill you in 5 mins if you breathe it continuously."

I moved away from the fart cloud and immediately started firing energy blasts at it. It managed to dodge almost all the energy blasts, except the ones that were headed towards its nest. It looks like it blocked the energy blasts from its eggs. I saw this as a perfect opportunity. I fired my energy blasts at the nest and the bird immediately took all the blows.

The bird was about to die, but it still stood between me and its kids. I might look like a cruel and pathetic bastard in this situation, but this bird is also a carnivore and it should have also killed many animals. In the jungle, you should only look after yourself. This is something I was taught by Nappa, our instructor. I was amazed to see him in person.

As its life was ending, the bird decided to give it all and attack with all the strength it had. It flew towards me at great speeds and although I managed to react on time, it still bit my hand and was about to tear off my hand if I hadn't blasted an energy blast at its jaw, stopping it. After that, it fell to the ground and died.

Chisato from below shouted "Wow, you really are strong." and I landed before her with the eggs of the bird. It looks like the yolk didn't develop into a bird. We can make omelette out of them. The bird had sharp teeth and it managed to leave a huge bite near my shoulder and it was bleeding. Chisato looked at it and said "Are you going to be ok? We don't even have any medicine for it."

"It isn't too deep. It should heal in a week. So, where can we find more of these birds?" I asked and she said "There are a lot of these birds in this forest. Since they are very strong, it takes 30 Bouleans to kill them. Even after all the effort, it isn't tasty. So, no one wants to hunt them." Chisato explained and I was happy with this news.

"We are going to hunt more." I said and she looked disappointed hearing this news. She looked at me and said "We are also hunting a Cobul for me, otherwise I will not cook the food."

I agreed to it and it took me 1 hour to find three more of those farting birds and one Cobul. It would take less time if I carried Chisato, but she moved away from me whenever I tried to touch her. So, we had to travel by foot.

We then returned and had a huge feast after a long day, but I don't know if I can call it a feast. I tried the bird meat and I understood why she was against eating it so much. It stinks, it is hard as rubber and very bitter. I somehow managed to eat it and only after my stomach was full, was I feeling full of energy again.

Chisato looked at me after I finished eating three huge birds and asked "Are you really 6 years old?" I ignored her questions and said to her "I will take rest for now so, I need you to be on the lookout. I don't need dinner, so you can wake me up at night and I will be on the lookout at night."

She agreed and I went to sleep, but was still alert to wake up to even the smallest noise. This is also something they taught us in our training. I slept till it was dark and I was woken up to the sound of Chisato walking towards me. She didn't even get close before I woke up.

Chisato was surprised to see me wake up and said "I didn't come to attack you. I came to wake you up. I am tired and want to sleep early." I then got up and moved around a little while Chisato went to her bed, which was hanging on a tree. It is similar to a sleeping bag, but it is hanging on the tree branch. I was offered the sleeping bag, but I preferred to sleep on metal sheets that I placed on the tree, making it my very own treehouse.

I didn't have much to do the whole night, so I worked out with the thrash around me, similar to All Might's training for Midoriya in My hero Academia, but more absurd. I need to push my body to its limits to increase my strength and durability.

I worked out till sunrise and after that, I went to the river to hold my breath. The world record for holding breath underwater is around 20 minutes on earth. Saiyans should be able to hold their breath longer.

Quite some time had passed after the sunrise and Chisato still didn't wake up. I walked up to her and she was sleeping like a log. I didn't disturb her and continued my training. I wanted to go hunt for food, but I can't leave her and go.

So, I waited for her to wake up, which made me work out till afternoon. She then woke up and I said to her "You slept peacefully when we are still in danger. That's careless." Chisato stretched her body and said "I don't know. This is the first time after 15 years that I slept so peacefully."

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