
Dragon Ball: Re (Discontinued)

My name is Escallion, well at least that is this current life's name...You see I am originally from another world, and I was reincarnated into this body after my tragic passing... By the hands of....

CrownSaiyan · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

New Beginings

Age 734

'??' POV:

My name is Escallion, well at least that is this current life's name...You see I am originally from another world, and I was reincarnated into this body after my tragic passing... By the hands of....




A truck... Of all things that could've killed me a damn truck did me in.

Unfortunately for me, due to me wanting a safe and carefree new life, I am instead reincarnated as a Saiyan in the Dragon Ball Universe. And down the drain went my plans for living a tranquil life.

A woman of average height and frame enters the room. She is slightly muscular with a pale skin complexion. Her hair is flared with bangs and onyx eyes. She wears Battle Armor with a bodysuit which cuts off at her thighs. Like most Saiyans in Universe 7, she has a tail that she wraps around her waist alongside a belt with utility items. She wears white gloves and boots.

This woman is my mother, from what I have seen she is a technician of sorts, and she is very intellectual, but she lacks battle power.

Said woman- I mean my mother, walks over to the incubator that I float in, and she presses a device against the glass of it.

*Beep* the device sounded before my mother exclaimed, "500?!"

She took a step back from the incubator, seemingly baffled by the reading. I guess that would make sense since she is a low-class Saiyan and their offspring aren't normally strong, heck even Goku was weak at birth.

My Mother, proceeded to laugh proudly as she says, "Just you wait Escallion, the moment you are able to fight I know that you'll be able to give even your father a run for his money."


It has been a few months since I have been out of the Incubator and it seems that I have been born around the same time as Vegeta, the king recently announced the news about his son and his power level of 1000 which seemed to correspond with cannon.

Currently I find myself meditating inside my mother's house. My goal you may ask? To utilize my ki to its fullest extent and even be able to mask it before the imminent destruction of Planet Vegeta. The reason behind said goal. To escape from this place before Frieza arrives and decides to light up the fireworks.

After meditating, my mind feels clearer and my body lighter. So I do what any sane Saiyan would and that is to train my body.

Walking outside the house, I go about 30 feet away from it. Taking in a deep breath, I assume my fighting stance which is a mixture between my own primitive fighting stance and the Turtle Hermit School's.

I allow my body to move on its own as I strike at the air repeatedly, causing it to ripple and for the wind to kick up slightly.

"Fuu." I release the breath that I was holding in. "I can feel myself getting used to this whole superhuman physiology thing, if I were a regular human my body wouldn't be able to withstand these movements." I mutter to myself, kicking the training up a notch, quite literally as I mix my strikes with kicks.

Suddenly I feel something or someone approaching, although my sensing ability hasn't been perfected, I can tell certain powers apart from others. Like the one approaching me at high speeds currently is my mother.

Landing beside me, I halt my training and look at her, "Your back so soon mother?"

She smiles, a rare thing for saiyans to do, "There was an issue at the lab that they wanted fixing, and they allowed me to leave early today. So instead of wasting time I decided to spend more time with my son."

Before you ask... Yes, my mother is a doting one. I don't know if it's my Saiyan DNA that is ruling my mind but sometimes I find her behaviour repulsive. However, seeing that she is my Mother I push those thoughts down.




Timeskip~ Age 737 (10 hours before Frieza's Genocide)

POV: 3rd

Escallion's Mother, caught wind of Frieza's Genocidal plan and commandeered a space pod for her son.

Placing all the necessities inside the space pod and ensuring that all the pod is functioning as it is supposed to. She pats it knowing that there is no hope for her own survival.

Going into her house, she enters his room and picks him up. Surprisingly this didn't awake the boy who was still sleeping soundly.

She places her son in the space pod along with 3 spare sets of armour and a scouter. She kisses his forehead before closing the space pod and launching it.

In space:

'That was anticlimactic.' Escallion thinks to himself, the whole time he pretended to be asleep. As the space pod flies through space, it announces, [Cryogenic Freezing Activated]

He suddenly feels cold, and he sees that the interior of the pod slowly turned blue. Sighing aloud he gives into the cold, recalling that he saw Vegeta and Nappa were in a similar situation in the anime.




On a certain planet:

A 'Shooting Star' crashes into a white hut-like house. Green men rush toward the crash site and open the pod to reveal a toddler with spiky hair and a tail. The eldest of the group inspects the vessel seeing the name Escallion engraved in the seat.

"So, your name is Escallion?" The Green man asks eyeing the boy carefully. Being dizzy from the crash he would barely be able to nod his head.

"I am Moori, an Elder of this Village." The Elder, now known as Moori, informs the young Saiyan.

POV: Escallion

'Planet Namek huh?' I think to myself. There should be a few powerful Namekians here. Hell, it's better than being on Vampa or some other desolate planet.

I manage to climb out of the space pod. With shaky steps, I stand tall, my tail whipping in the wind. The atmosphere here feels quite humid, compared to the vast wastelands I used to live in.

"We should bring him to elder guru." One of the warrior Namekians mutters to another. I can feel their eyes lingering on me.

Moori clears his throat as he opens his arms wide, "Although, you destroyed one of our houses, we welcome you to Namek. If you would be so kind as to follow me, that would be much appreciated."

'He must have sensed my power. Even though I have at around, 500 that is still stronger than most living creatures and I doubt they came in contact with saiyans before this.'






(Chapter End)