
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

366 The King's Helplessness!

A wave that was so strange that even King Quan had never seen it, emanated from the Jiugou jade writing wheel floating behind Shalu.

The two King Quan did not react at all, and the body of the ancestors of the wind snake seemed to be in a large body. In the vortex, the distortion began.

The distortion time was very short, and the figure of the ancestors of the wind snake suddenly disappeared in place.

"What have you done!"

The King of Wind gave a low voice, waved his hand, and the terrifying law of the whole king moved towards Shalu rushed away frantically.

He was not the only one present. The prophet Quanwang responded very quickly. With a wave of his hand, he wiped out the Quanwang law of the wind.

Shalu looked at the two with cold eyes . King Quan, one of these two guys hates him so much that he can't wait to kill him immediately.

Although the other seems to be protecting him now, he is mysterious and mysterious. It's not clear either.

But what he knows very well is that the current situation has formed a delicate balance.

The King of the Wind is blocked by the King of the Prophet. Unless he chooses to fight with the King of the Prophet, he wants to kill himself. It is an extremely difficult thing.

Therefore, under this balance, Sharu suddenly found himself in control of his own decision.

He was never a person who was afraid of authority, and immediately activated [Divine Might] to put the wind snake first. Min pulled into the different space. With

another move, he threw the Wind Snake Ancestor out and landed next to him.

Shalu suddenly reached out and lifted the Wind Snake Ancestor in the air.


Feng The snake ancestors were stunned for a moment and were about to resist, but Shalu had already calculated everything, where would he give him a chance.

The sharp tail needle was raised high, in front of the two kings, especially the king of wind, It stabbed directly into the body of his tribe, the ancestors of the wind snake.


It is different from the absorption in the past. Although the ancestors of the wind snake had suffered serious injuries in the previous battle with Shalu, their real strength was still there and they were still struggling.

Shalu naturally had a plan to take advantage of the wind snake . Min had never encountered such a bizarre attack before, and while he was in a daze, he raised a fist and slammed into his head with all his


. Powerful.

The Wind Snake Ancestors were stunned when they were hit straight by this punch.

Sharu's fist was naturally not so pleasant.

Although the Wind Snake Ancestors were not as good as the others, they were smashed by Shalu's fist. The head, but seeing the dazed look in his eyes, he has fainted for a short time.

Sharu did not stop, and the tail needle kept absorbing the life essence of the wind snake ancestors.

"Bastard! Stop it!" No matter how

stupid, At this time, the King of the Wind also realized that Sharu was there. With

a roar, he was about to grab it, but he did not expect the King of the Prophet to stand in front of him again.

"Prophet! Do you know where you are?"

King of the Wind shouted loudly He scolded, seeing the wind snake ancestors becoming more and more sluggish, and anxious: "If you stop me again, don't blame me for disregarding the rules of King Quan and taking action against you!"

"You have already broken the rules.

King Quan can't do

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the process of the martial arts competition." At this time, another old voice sounded

in the air again.


The old man with the word, I don't know when, actually appeared beside the prophet Quan Wang.

He glanced at Shalu who was absorbing the ancestors of the wind snake, then turned his eyes to the prophet Quanwang aside, nodded and said: "You really found me a good apprentice. It

is much stronger than those cowardly wastes in the underworld . "

Thank you for the compliment." The

Prophet King Quan had a bright smile on his face, as if the King of Strength was complimenting himself.

"The King of Power, are you going to stop me too!"

King Quan of the Wind was furious. I feel like I'm about to explode.

If Sharu is really allowed to absorb his clan in front of him, he, the King of All, has no face to go down.


Then, another calm voice sounded, the mountain The sturdy body of King Zhiquan also appeared in the field.

As soon as he appeared, he calmed the kings on both sides and said slowly: "We have all seen the battle just now, your clan's defeat is already doomed, You were the one who broke the rules first."

King Feng Zhi was stunned when he heard his words, seeing the three King Quan standing in front of him, no matter how confident he was, he knew that there was absolutely no way he could do anything else.

"Okay, okay."

King Feng Zhiquan glared at the other kings, gritted his teeth, and said, "Very good!"

King Quanzhi of Shan looked at him, only to feel his heart skip a beat: he was restless and didn't say anything

. King Zhiquan sneered, and said: "The person who can't afford to lose the most is to be shamed."

"What did you say!" King Feng Zhiquan

was angry again.

"Lao Li!"

With one sentence, King Li Zhiquan suddenly shrugged his shoulders angrily, and said no more.

"Crack!" There was

a soft sound.

Shalu threw the wind snake ancestors who had been sucked dry on the ground, and looked at the furious King of the Wind, his eyes were still cold.

He disregarded the face of so many Kings present and ignored them. Any one, but raised a pair of hands and felt the surging power in the body. The

wind snake ancestors' attainment of the rule of disease has indeed reached the pinnacle.

This time absorption, it directly pushes Sharu's understanding of the rule of disease. At a very high level, he is approaching the peak.

Now that his speed has improved again, even if he encounters the wind snake ancestors again, he is confident that he is much faster than the latter.

Not only that, the ancestors' godheads are indeed very different from ordinary godheads. After

being absorbed, it actually gave Sharu's body another gain.

You must know that Sharu's body is completely composed of his godhead, which is extremely hard and can be repaired very quickly

. It grew again, and the spikes on the carapace became more slender and sharp, and extremely hideous.

At the center of the eyebrows, two spikes stretched out like eyebrows, and they were completely composed of dazzling gold, which was extremely magnificent.