
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

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Vegeta's azure blue arrogance was incomparably

fierce, sweeping all directions with endless vigor. His fists pressed firmly against Sharu's back, and arrogance rushed towards the rear, his whole body like a rocket. "This Saiyan

has risen to the level of a middle-level god!"

"He can actually control his own god-level!"

"It's incredible!" The

sound continued.

However, Sharu still didn't move at all, didn't even feel the tremor.

Vegeta, who had been furious all the time, was cold.

He almost exhausted his strength, but even let this defeat Frieza. The guy who turned his head couldn't do it.

This was undoubtedly a blow to his confidence.

As if he had recovered from his mind, Sharu finally retracted his hand from the giant gate, looked at Vegeta behind him, and lightly compressed Qigong. The cannonball passed.

Vegeta's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhead, and when he turned his head, he fled wildly into the distance.

Fortunately, Sharu did not intend to kill Vegeta, the speed of this compressed qigong bomb was not Not too fast, after chasing Vegeta, it flew for a while, and then it exploded.

The incomparable explosive power swept over everyone, and even blew the only remaining lion statue on the field.

Everyone was shocked . , Sun Wuhan opened his mouth exaggeratedly, pulled his father's shirt and asked, "Dad, are you stronger than him?"

Sun Wukong didn't answer for a long time, but there was no fear on his face, but a fiery fighting spirit. , As if he really wanted to fight Sharu.

Vegeta flew back from a distance and landed next to Sun Wukong, his face was very ugly.

He held his hands and did not play again.

After being promoted to the middle god, the defense of the outer carapace has been qualitatively improved again.

Now Sharu, even the full-strength attack of the ordinary superior god, does not need to be defended at all, and can be resisted directly by the carapace

. Leon swallowed his saliva. He saw with his own eyes that this guy became stronger.

If the current Sharu was put on the same day, when the four of them surrounded him and killed him, it would probably not take five seconds, Artemis He will be solved, and then he will turn his head to deal with himself and others.

There is some sadness in his heart. He has cultivated for so long before he has reached today's strength, but this guy seems to be riding a rocket, rubbing upwards.

At the same time, Leon has some Fortunately, such a terrifying evildoer is now his own.

He observed Sharu for a long time and found that although this guy is ruthless towards the enemy, he is not arrogant at all towards the people around him.

Although he is calm and indifferent, as long as he mentions anything, he is very It's rare that he doesn't agree.

Sharu doesn't know what other people are saying, so he just wants to test one thing.

Can he break the barrier set up by King Wu and Quan?

Above this huge gate, there are all The barrier set by the king can only be opened by defeating the four lion statues.

Over the years, no one has dared to directly bombard this huge gate.

The first point is that this was set by the king, and it must be violated boldly. His rules must be

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Worrying about being revenge by the moody King

of All The first attack, not to mention the gate set up by

King Quan. Secondly, the barrier of rules set by King Quan, can that be broken by ordinary gods? Just one thought can kill King Quan of ordinary gods. The power of a door is definitely not small.

He was bombarded by the rebound force. Who could bear it? But Sharu has been standing in front of the door to observe for so long, and he found a piece of good news

. I didn't put much effort into

this door. The fluctuations on this door are very thin, and with the loss of tens of thousands of years, it has become more fragile.

Sharu felt that he could try to see if he could break it directly.

I saw him Taking two steps back, he suddenly raised his fist, flush with his temple.

"What is this mysterious guy doing?"

"Does he want to bombard the giant gate left by King Quan?

" You are insulting all of our gods!"

"Yes! Even if Lord Quanwang is not angry, those powerful and high-level gods who have already climbed the mountain will definitely find trouble with this guy!

" The shock that Lu gave them was so huge that everyone's attention was focused on him.

"Hey!--" A

splendid golden battle aura wrapped around the body from the soles of Sharu's feet, which had already opened the Super Saiyan Man.

His movements remained motionless, as if he was measuring something.

"This is a Super Saiyan!"

Vegeta exclaimed, looking at Sun Wukong, and found that the latter's eyes were also full of disbelief

that this guy is absolutely Not a Saiyan! Where does the Saiyan have long exoskeletons and horns, but he can transform into a super Saiyan

, which undoubtedly shocked Vegeta. Liza's Super Saiyan is this guy!"

After Sharu defeated Frieza, Vegeta had already forgotten this ridiculous prophecy.

But now Sharu has transformed into a Super Saiyan, which coincides with the prophecy, reminding him of such a thing again.

The corner of Vegeta's mouth twitched, this guy didn't transform, just relying on his body Defense, he easily resisted his full-strength blow.

Now after the transformation, how terrifying the strength will be, unintentionally gathering everyone's attention, Sharu's fist is still raised in the air.

"It's not enough."

"Boom! "

Another golden light shone, and a golden cloak appeared on Shalu's body, flying in the wind. The

nine seeking jades appeared behind him, and in the center was a reincarnation eye of nine-hooked jade! "What is this!"

Vegeta said to Shalu. Lu was speechless.

Shalu, who superimposed the [Tailed Beast Mode] again, sank his mind and took a deep breath. He

punched the giant gate.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on him, as if I want to see if this guy can blow the giant door open six.