
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

231 Sarubi and Ohnogi's grievance!

Back on the rooftop, Yuri Hong had just packed the pergola.

She smiled and watched Sharu slowly finish eating, Yuhi Hong packed the lunch box, bowed to him, and walked under the roof.

Sharu's stern face With a hint of softness, he nodded to her, and watched her leave.

"Whoosh-" Yuhika had

just left when there was a soft sound from the rooftop.

"Your Excellency Sharu, the information you requested ." Anbu

The members handed over a thick document and lowered their heads. Sharu took it

and nodded, and the Anbu ninja disappeared from the same place again, as if he had never been here. He was a little worried: "Kurama, who do you want to start from?" Nine tails stood on his shoulders, all nine tails were attached to Shalu's back, like a fur coat. Hear Shalu He shook his head. In his opinion, except for himself, other tailed beasts were too weak to withstand a single blow, and it was impossible to resist Shalu.

"Well, there is also a tailed beast named Sun Wukong." Shalu was a little surprised, It was found that the information clearly stated in 663: The four-tailed Sun Wukong, and the human Zhuli is the old purple of Yanyin Village. , Sarutobi immediately decided to let Minato stay behind Konoha, and he took a small number of Konoha ninjas and followed Sharu to the land of the land. Sharu was originally unwilling, but because he did not know where the land of the land was. , not to mention finding Iwayin Village, so I had to agree to let Sarutobi lead the way. I learned from the water gate that Sarutobi and Iwayin Village's three generations of Tukage actually have a very old friendship. When it comes to the two of them, Mizuhiko The strange expression on the door's face made Sharu a little puzzled.

He originally thought that Sarutobi wanted to follow him because he was worried that he would start a killing spree in the land of the earth, and he thought of interceding for his old friend the three generations of Tukage "Two Days

Weighing Onogi".

However, when they went through two days When he finally arrived at Yanyin Village, the truth made Sharu speechless for a while.


Sarutobi was wearing a pitch-black battle armor and holding a huge wish-fulfilling golden cudgel, leaning heavily in Yanyin Village. On the outer city wall of the city.

"Onogi! Get out of here for me!"

Although he is old, he usually looks like a wanderer, but now Sarutobi looks very excited, and his voice is full of anger.

Sharu was a little surprised. This old man didn't look like he was here to beg for mercy, but he was the one who really came to find fault! "Swish, swish—" Yanyin

Village is not a vegetarian either. The dark whistle was very tight, and their arrival had long been discovered.

At this time, a group of ninjas wearing rock ninja guards appeared on the roof opposite the city wall, and they stared at Sarutobi Hizan. They are full of anger. Yanyin

Village has always been known for its strong defense

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, surrounded by natural dangers composed of alpine rocks, it can be said that it is a natural The stronghold of the fortress, its folk customs are united and sturdy, as long as the "Tokage" issues

an order, everyone can rush forward like a death squad. " The

same thing, if you do too much, it will be boring. , A thin figure suddenly appeared behind Zhongyan Shinobi.

He was short, and by his appearance, he was very old, with a red nose, with his hands behind his back, he looked like a drunk old alcoholic on the street.

If it weren't for him flying in the air Then Shalu raised his brows. He didn't expect that in this Naruto world, someone could fly! "Last time I was careless, this time, I'm here to find the place!" Sarutobi Hizan

changed his usual calmness He looks like, now he is leaning on a huge stick like a column, just like a local ruffian.

Sharu listened to the conversation between the two of them and was speechless. It is not an old friendship, but an old enemy. Come on! And it seems that Sarutobi Hijen once came to provoke him, but he didn't have a successful experience.

No wonder he rushed with him to support him! Sharu wanted to cover his forehead. , He really did not expect that the old man Sarutobi would still be like a young man.

"Hey back to the place!" Tsuchikage Onoki snorted

coldly, squinted at Sharu, and said, "Just because of this sudden appearance. No matter how powerful he is, is it possible that he can still face all the ninjas in our Iwahidden Village head-on!"

"I think you are old and confused, Sarutobi!"

Tsuchikage has actually received information about Sharu. The

above said It is this guy who is unbelievably powerful and can use the strength of his flesh to resist the Nine Tails.

But Oh Yegi couldn't believe that someone would be so strong, just think that the information is a little exaggerated, or that this information is completely a cover for Konoha! After all, Sharu looks so young and weak at this time. If he can resist the Nine Tails, Lao Tzu will be able to single out the Six Path Immortals! Oh Yemu is very disdainful in his heart. When he was young, he was a hot personality. People, and Konoha's Sarutobi have fought not once or twice on the battlefield, and no one has ever served anyone.

Hearing Ohnogi's words, Sarutobi surprisingly didn't reply, but just used a kind of agitation that made the former look furious. Staring at him, and with a sinister smile on his face, he looked like a sly fox.


Sarutobi glanced at Sharu, who was silent, and then at Ohnogi, and snickered, then stopped immediately, and said solemnly: "This time I came to your Yanyin Village for you. The two people in the village, Zhuli"

"Let them hand over the tailed beast to ensure that it can be cured completely, and there will be no worries about life, otherwise"

Sarutobi's tone was like a bandit, not at all when he was in Konoha, He is as kind as a loving father.

This makes Shalu extremely speechless, and secretly said: people are really complicated!