
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

225 Wishful thinking (below)

Danzo thought he had taken everything into account.

Although this kind of behavior was still a bit risky, because he didn't know how much ability Sharu had, but once he succeeded, the rewards were enormous. Being

able to use his body to hard Anti-tailed beast, this is undoubtedly the ability only in mythology.

"Your choice is that my body is about to die."

"Before I die, my subordinates will activate the detonation charm and you will get nothing!"

"Quick , Take out what you used to heal Uzumaki Kushina." Danzo

's voice was weak, but there was a feeling that he had eaten Sharu thoroughly.

He even asked Sharu to take out fairy beans to heal his body.

It was the first time that Sharu saw someone so "strong" in front of him

, and he was a little stunned.

At the same time, there was a feeling of crying and laughing in his heart.

"Although I don't remember your name very clearly until now"

"But I think You have misunderstood something."

Danzo's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Sharu, he found that this guy was still calm.

But at this time, the calmness made him a little terrified.

"I'm not a ninja, I'm familiar with you. Everyone is different."

"Even, I don't need your help at all."

"I can directly turn the world upside down, although it's a little troublesome, but it's a way out of nowhere.

" Danzo's first reaction to Sharu's words was that he couldn't believe it, and the second reaction was that he might have made a wrong step.

In fact, most of his judgments about Sharu's ability were indeed correct.

But it was obvious Yes, there was a major deviation in his speculation about Sharu's power.

And this deviation is likely to kill him.

He guessed that Sharu asked Konoha to save the kid and his wife. Therefore, as long as he grasped Sharu's demands, he would be able to Take hold of this strange and powerful guy.

It can be said that things have progressed to this point, and it can be said that the development is completely in accordance with Danzo's plan.

But his plan was completely wrong from the beginning of the estimate of Shalu's strength, and it is naturally destined to be impossible.

"You don't know. Your

world is only so big."

"The moon is smaller than ordinary satellites, and even the starlight and the sun are fake, all from the turbulent refraction of space in the riotous void. "

Although the planet you live in is large, it is true that you have directly or indirectly destroyed a larger planet."

"The planet that was sent to the Destruction God Realm was more than three times larger than the planet."

Speaking of this, Sharu suddenly It stopped, and it was like something happened in the past. There was a feeling of sigh.

Looking at the stunned Danzo in front of him, and the third and fourth Hokage behind him who had not dared to move, Sharu shook his head.

These things and When they say it, they completely understand things.

Just like the heliocentric theory proposed by Copernicus in the Middle Ages, people at that time could hardly imagine that the world they have been living in would be a sphere.

They even wondered how the people under the sphere still Can stand on the ground and won't fall

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to go.

Danzang was stunned for a while, then suddenly burst into laughter, blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth, as if mad General: "No! You are just trying to confuse me how someone could have reached this point"

Shalu didn't speak, just looked at him calmly, without the slightest movement in his eyes.

"You don't! Impossible!"

Danzo's voice became louder and louder, but his breath became weaker and weaker, and even his words were a little unstable.

Looking at Shalu's eyes, it has gradually changed from disbelief to fear "

Hurry up and take out that... bean of yours, otherwise, what you want"

Even though his throat was strangled, Danzo grabbed Sharu's arm, like a lamb that was about to die, struggling with all his might

. Lu was still unmoved, just looked at him quietly, there was not even a sneering look in his eyes, as calm as the eternal starry sky.

Minato looked at Danzo, who had lost an inch, and Sharu's back, behind him. A little chilled, and the hand that was hanging down trembled involuntarily. Sarutobi had already picked

up the cigarette pot, and the sparks inside had already disappeared. The voice in his mouth was like a mosquito. Sharu 's hand was as unshakable as an iron pillar, choking his throat tightly, letting him die. The sound was as if the lead had been ignited. Minato and Sarutobi were both startled and secretly said: This is Danzo's subordinate who is hiding in the dark. I don't know how to find out that Danzo is about to die. The last step was taken. They were about to remind them loudly, but Shalu reacted faster than them. He suddenly disappeared with Danzo in his place, and there was a sudden "boom" from the ceiling of the large conference hall . The gravel and wood rustled down. "Boom!" Through the large hole in the ceiling, a violent explosion could be seen in the sky, and the fire was all over the sky.

Minato and Sarutobi looked at each other, and both saw a wry smile in each other's eyes.

Unexpectedly, Konoha's veteran,

the behind-the-scenes controller of the "Gen:" organization, ended up in the end. Wang Hao turned into a firework. .And

it doesn't look so gorgeous.


Sharu's figure appeared again, holding a nearly charred corpse in his hand.

It was impossible for the explosion to hurt Sharu, even Danzo's body parts were almost intact in his hands.

However, with such a small thing, it was obvious that Danzo's memory could not be absorbed from it.

Sharu threw it away and looked back at Minato and Danzo . Lightly said: "This guy is dead.

My business please hurry up."

Then, the figure disappeared again. Minato

and Sarutobi looked at each other, and almost both saw determination in each other's eyes.

Even if they belonged to The whole half of the members of the Anbu in Danzo have been removed, and Sharu's request must be completed as soon as possible