
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

173 Majin Buu arrives!

"Hahaha Cough" Tude

wanted to laugh, but the vitality of overdraft allowed him to make a few dry cough.

Although he did not control Sharu, his soul that split his soul exploded in his soul. It must It also made this guy unable to bear it at all.

No matter

how strong the body is, the soul is always very fragile.

Sharu's current state is very strange. Although his consciousness is intact and his body is not injured, he just can't control his body, as if his body has already It doesn't belong to me anymore.

But fortunately, this feeling is slowly fading, and Sharu's worries are a little less. Tud

immediately discarded the idea of ​​​​running away, and ordered the three Saiyans who had just succeeded in controlling them to immediately Attacked Sharu.

The three 3

Saiyans who were completely controlled by "2217" were very obedient, with blank eyes, and at the same time turned on the state of Super Saiyans, flashed and crossed three arcs The line came to Sharu.


One of the Saiyans punched Sharu on the shoulder, making a muffled sound.


Another Saiyan flew backwards. Sharu, shot from the air, knocking him into the ground.

Sharu was still unable to move.

Three 3 Saiyans were suspended in the air, and towards the place where Sharu fell, they frantically cast qigong waves.

A huge and terrifying explosion The voices

kept coming and going. Seeing that Sharu seemed to have lost consciousness, was attacked by several Saiyans, but did not even dodge, Di Di was in a hurry, and the shaking from the ground continued and powerful, making her feel as if It was tensed up.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and when she looked at the place where Sharu fell, the expression in Di Di's eyes immediately changed: surprise and joy.

After being attacked by three people in turn, coupled with the continuous bombardment of qigong waves, Shalu didn't even have any scars on his body, and he couldn't even see any scorched marks on his carapace, as if he had never been attacked at all

. Alright!"

Di Di couldn't help cheering, Paipi gave him a surprised look, and immediately withdrew his hand in embarrassment.

And Tud in the air also saw this scene, and he, who was looking forward to appreciating the victory, stared at this moment. Big eyes: "How is that possible!"

"No! No, you guys will go to me again!"

Tudor was insane, even if Sharu couldn't move, the three 3 Saiyans couldn't do any harm to him! How could he? It might be so strong. He immediately stimulated the vitality of several Saiyans, turned it into a temporary surge of power, and flew towards Sharu again.

"Ugh!" All

three Saiyans uttered painful Moaning, the muscles in his upper body also swelled at the same time, and the light-golden battle air outside his body suddenly accelerated.

Sharu's fingers trembled, he had gradually controlled his body, but it was still not enough, he could only move his fingers slightly.

Seeing that the three 3s were inspired by the diver and rushed towards him, Sharu didn't have any panic and impatience in his heart, and he was as calm as ice.

Even if these Saiyans fully motivated him

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The combat power of </center> is impossible to cause much damage to themselves.

The combat power of more than 1,900,000 degrees is already beyond their expectations.

Sure enough, again After a roar, the three 3 Saiyans didn't know how many times they attacked Sharu. Whether it was a physical blow or a qigong wave, Sharu actually carried it down with his body.

"No! It's impossible . !I do not believe!"

Seeing such a scene, Tudor was almost completely insane.

Even if this guy couldn't move at all, like a piece of meat on a chopping board, he let himself shoot at will, and there was no way he could hurt him, he couldn't care about anything, He rushed in front of Sharu frantically, took out a dagger with a strange shape from under his robe, and the sharp edge poked directly at Sharu's eyes.

Eyes are undoubtedly the most vulnerable part of everyone, even if Sharu is strong, and the defense of his carapace is abnormal, but whether he can directly resist this...sharp dagger with his eyes is still unknown.

Tud also can't guess. Sharu has shocked him many times and almost overthrew him. The dagger is getting closer and closer, getting closer and closer. Sharu can't even control his own eyelids. He can only open his eyes and watch the dagger stab in

a daze. However, everything will not happen after all. .Because

Majin Buu has finally arrived! A fireball like a comet suddenly ignited in the sky, rushing towards the battlefield at an extremely fast speed.

Sharu has used the [Practice of Swiftness] many times before, leaving traces There were so many that it was difficult for Majin Buu to see.

"Wow—" The

fireball suddenly stopped, and the flames around him suddenly dissipated, revealing an extremely smooth body.

He was a head taller than ordinary people, and his body was pink. His skin is extremely smooth, his shoulders and head are covered with many pores, his eyes are even darker, and his crimson eyes look extremely dangerous.

Compared with the real Majin Buu, the fake that Tud found It's dwarfed, there is absolutely no comparison.

Big Buu turned his head and took a panoramic view of the scene, and suddenly laughed strangely: "Hee hee you damn fellow, what game are you playing!

" Ren Buu already knew Sharu's strength very well. If he was really at the

mercy of some low-level bugs like Tud, he wouldn't be able to catch up with him after so long.

"Who are you!"

Tudor saw that there was no way he could deal with a Sharu, and suddenly a pink guy appeared. "Wait pink!"

Tudor suddenly thought of that... the idea that he thought was impossible.

Could it be that Saying that these two people are really the one in the rumors... "Green Devil"

and "Pink Devil" for

a while in his heart: Unspeakable despair: "How could it be so coincidental! How could it be so coincidental!"

Hearing Todd's questioning, the playful expression on Majin Buu's face disappeared for a while, and he looked at Todd beside him coldly, as if he saw a noisy mosquito.