
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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118 Absorb Broly! (above)

"Sir Sharu, what are you going to do to save this muscle monster!" the

fourth child asked in shock.

No. 1 watched Sharu's movements, he had already fed the fairy beans into Broly's mouth, and immediately He murmured: "I don't know if he is crazy or maybe!"

Sharu is not crazy.

In his calculations, Broly, as the legendary Super Saiyan, has the same blood concentration in his body. The ancient Saiyans must be almost the same. He only absorbed a drop of his blood and obtained [The Law of War] and [Blood Rebirth], not to mention completely absorbed Broly.

But the current Broly The combat power is too low, but at the same time there are infinite possibilities for improvement, so Sharu must try to see if he can maximize the profits he will get.

This behavior is undoubtedly extremely risky.

No one can guarantee that the death will be reborn . Broly, to what extent will his combat power be improved, as the legendary Super Saiyan, the common sense of ordinary Saiyans is difficult to learn from him. But

Sharu still did it, he gave Broly fed a precious fairy bean. Even a fatal injury like a cut throat can completely restore him.

He slowly took two steps back and quietly watched Broly's changes.

The effect of the fairy bean Broly's body exploded all of a sudden, all kinds of injuries on the strong and arrogant body were completely repaired at this moment, and even the

huge wound on the throat also closed and disappeared. The pure Saiyan spirit gushed out from his body, and the moment he opened his eyes, his pupils turned completely white, directly transforming into the third stage of Super Saiyan! He is like a robot , floated upright from the ground, and then slowly straightened his posture, looking at Shalu's eyes, full of frightening anger and madness.

Shalu looked at Broly quietly and found that His combat power has increased dramatically.

He was only 1.4 billion combat power just now, but now it seems that he has reached more than 6 billion, almost four times more! This makes Shalu extremely hot in his heart. Once he can absorb Broly, it does not mean that He can also increase his combat power by more than four times through the upgraded [Blood Rebirth]! "Roar!"

Broly opened his mouth and let out a huge roar, his expression was still irrational, full of crazy bloodthirsty feelings, just for the person in front of him. Sharu added a sense of hatred and hatred.

He opened his huge palm and placed it across Sharu's face, and then a terrifying qi burst out from within, forming a terrifying huge wave. Everything in front of him was swept away. Whether it was a solid building or the ground, it was irresistibly turned into powder in

this qigong wave. The moment Broly made his move, he had already left the place. Looking at the attack caused by Broly, he secretly said: "Strength, speed, and the power of chi have all been greatly increased. I don't know what the defense is like. ." <center>-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading</center> Thinking of this, Sharu released a huge qigong bomb, which was almost the same as when he played against Jialong, and then suddenly launched. The [Compression] skill, compresses this huge qigong bomb to the size of a grain of rice. "Boom." With a light sound, Shalu flicked his fingers and released the compressed qigong bomb, and went straight to the ground at an extremely fast speed. Broly left. He is worthy of being the legendary Super Saiyan. He has an almost instinctive and terrifying intuition about the grasp of consciousness in battle. In an instant, it was clear that it contained a huge amount of energy, even if it was to destroy the planet underfoot, it was more than enough.

However, the arrogance of the Saiyan did not allow him to step back. He roared wildly and clenched his huge fists. Because the force was so strong, the joints burst out, and he slammed straight at the qigong bomb.

"Boom!" An

earth-shattering loud noise erupted! What followed was an extreme light that stabbed everyone to the point of being unable to open their eyes.

With the battle between the two as the center, a huge and terrifying energy wave took the shape of an oval. It spread quickly, and all the stones and city walls in front of it were like paper paste, and were easily ground into powder. The

moat was evaporated frantically, and the temperature was extremely high for a while, and it seemed that even water vapor no longer existed

. The huge city that Palagas painstakingly built was finally destroyed by this blow, and the land with a radius of 50 kilometers was affected by this blow, forming a deep circular crater.

On the inner land, due to the pressure generated by the explosion of the compressed qigong wave, the sand and soil were squeezed into little crystal fragments, and many of them were squeezed into small glass

smoke by the high temperature and high pressure. The sky turned into a cloud of dust. It is foreseeable that the new planet Vegeta under Sharu's move will no longer be suitable for life in the next 20 years.

No. 1 attacked in Sharu In an instant, the energy hood has been opened, holding the fourth and others in his hands, shrinking inside the energy hood, although the shock wave from the outside cannot hurt them, but that... a huge force still pushes the energy hood far away When

they returned to the center of the battlefield, they saw Sharu standing on the ground at a glance. He had his hands behind his back, and on the ground lay Broly, who was knocked unconscious again by the qigong bomb.

"Both of them are actually fine!" The

fourth child was horrified.

Needless to say, Sharu, the image in their hearts was close to a myth.

But that... the muscle monster clearly resisted that tiny but terrifying qigong bullet with its fists, why wasn't it blasted into powder, but just lost consciousness, and Shalu carefully observed Broly's seriously injured and dying body, It was found that he suffered almost no trauma, and was completely in a coma due to the severe injury caused by the shock to his internal organs.

"This defense against Qi is unparalleled!"

Even Sharu had to be truly amazed. Eight.