
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

107 Gula Appears!

In space, the passage of time is imperceptible.

The training of the fourth and the fourth is gradually on the right track. From the beginning, it was difficult for them to stand up. Later, they were even able to catch up with the increasing speed of gravity and ran in the gravity room. At night, whenever the 18th is bored, he will find them to practice both hands, and his fighting skills will also improve.

Slowly, the combat power of several people ranged from tens of thousands, broke through 100,000 one after another, and was still increasing, making Shalu sigh, the effect of the fruit of the spirit tree really needs to be exhausted. Best of all, I was so impatient at the beginning that my body is now resistant to the extract, and drinking it is better than nothing.

100,000 is not the upper limit. The fourth child took the lead in breaking through to 200,000 in a short period of time. The other two followed suit, and the multiplier of the gravity chamber was also adjusted to 100 times. For the three of them, compared with the original, it was relatively The state is still a little better, at least it will not be immediately pressed to the ground by gravity.

Later, the gravity was adjusted to one hundred and fifty times, and they still adapted, and the combat power increased to three hundred thousand.

Two hundred and 60 times! It took them a long time this time, but they still got used to it. The fourth's combat power exceeded 400,000 and reached 510,000, while the other two guards were hovering at 450,000.

And they themselves did not know that they had undergone earth-shaking changes. Because Sharu kept them in the gravity room, every time they made progress, the surrounding gravity would increase a lot, and it was impossible to intuitively feel how powerful they were, and the detectors were also searched. Therefore, they still I always thought that I was just training to have an effect, but I didn't expect to have progressed to this point.

One day, after performing a space jump, Shalu suddenly received a message from the computer:

"Warning: The surrounding space is blocked, and jumping is impossible!"

"What's going on?" He stopped paying attention to the monitor and walked towards the porthole. , looked at the starry sky, and found that in the dark starry sky, countless space battleships suddenly appeared!

"This is... an ambush?" Sharu was a little puzzled. You must know that since he took over the Legion, Frieza's forces in the North Silver (bicb) River have been completely taken over by him, and no one dared to stand in front of him at all. Enemy, but these space battleships outside are not good people at first glance. Who are they?

The shape of the battleship is very imaginary from the spaceship of his own legion, and there are only slight differences. This observation made Sharu have a little understanding.

"Could it be..."

At this moment, only a sound of electrical interference was heard, and an image suddenly appeared on the main screen of the spacecraft, which seemed to be a message from the other party.

When Shalu saw the two people above, he suddenly realized that the other party turned out to be Gula and King Kurd!

Although Frieza is known as the emperor of the universe, he actually controls only the area of ​​the Northern Galaxy, and the vast universe is naturally impossible for one person or one force to control.

Equal to him, there is his brother Gula, and their father, the Kurdish king.

In the original book, after Frieza was killed by Sun Wukong, he was resurrected by the Kurdish king with mechanical transformation and went to the earth to take revenge. Sharu was also wondering why the Kurdish king never came to him. It turned out that he came from the depths of the universe, and it took a certain amount of time. He happened to meet them halfway.

This is such a coincidence that Sharu has to wonder if someone in the legion leaked his whereabouts, which caused the space jump to end and was surrounded by these people!

Then, when he heard the news from Gula and King Kurd on the screen, Sharu was relieved:

"Traitors, listen up, the surrounding space has been blocked, you can't escape, I order you to immediately disarm and dock at me. Fangzhu battleship, accept the inspection, and if you are honest and frank, you can die!"

107 Gula appeared! [Please subscribe! ]-->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

"Traitors, listen carefully, the surrounding space has been blocked, you can't escape, I order you to immediately disarm and dock on our main battleship, accept inspection, if you are honest and calm, you can let you die!

" The voice is exactly the same as his younger brother Frieza, but the difference is that he always seems to maintain the most primitive form of the Frieza family, unlike Frieza who needs to transform to limit his power.

As soon as Shalu heard it, he already understood. Listening to their tone, it seemed that he didn't even know that the spaceship was carrying him. It seemed that he just intercepted the signal of his own spaceship, and wanted to get rid of the Sharu Legion that had changed owners. Just got some information.

Fortunately, they were met by myself. If they were allowed to go to the base, the empty base would not be able to resist the attack of these two people.

He shook his head, and did not choose to escape or obey, but through searching, he found the nearest planet of life, ready to land on it.

It was because the other party didn't know the strength of his side, so Shalu decided to let the fourth and a few people play, so as to test their training results in the past few days.


In the main battleship of the Gula Legion, the tall Kurdish king leaned on a bench, wearing a cape and holding a small wine glass in his hand, while his son Gula stood by and watched. The men in the command room were busy.

"Report! The enemy chose to land on the Q-7498 life planet. After scanning, there are no creatures with a combat power of more than 1,000 on it. Would you like to fire


" Give out the information about Sharu. Send the order and follow them to land on the planet."

"Dare to land on the planet, are these traitors giving up their resistance?" The Kurdish King said contemptuously.

"Your younger brother Frieza is also a waste. He was betrayed by his subordinates and died on the Namek planet. The Legion was also taken away. Now I want to wipe his ass~."

For his descendants, the Kurdish king does not seem to have any affection for him, and the death of his son in his mouth just loses his face.

Gula's expression did not change, and

he said: "Frisana is too weak and too arrogant to take anything seriously. Everything is self-defeating."

"And I won't, this time I killed that thing in the past. Sharu, take over the legion, merge the two legions, and my power will be even higher."