
Dragon Ball: Lao Tzu is Sharu

Traveling to the Dragon Ball world turned out to be Sharu, who evolved endlessly, and was born to Planet Vegeta, which had not been destroyed before the main storyline began. See how Zhang Heng starts with an egg, eats it one bite at a time, becomes stronger step by step, breaks through the boundaries of genes and blood, and becomes the ultimate form that transcends the complete body. "Super Sharu God!" ---------------------- "There is nothing that can't be solved by a single shot of vitality." "If there is..." " Then send it twice." This novel is not mine I will not leave a description this time it will be in English instead of Spanish

Copia_San · Anime & Comics
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384 Chs

102 The news is coming!

"Not yet, but when I do, I will make one for your brother."

Shalu told her the truth without hiding anything.

"In return, you want to be my subordinate."

"Your subordinate?" No. 18 narrowed his eyes and looked at Shalu with an inexplicable look in his eyes, and then opened his mouth and asked, "How long is the deadline


Lu thought for a while, and said a number casually: "Twenty years."

"Okay!" Unexpectedly, No. 18 agreed without even thinking about it, and Shalu suddenly came over. For these androids, time or time Speaking of life, it is really long and boring. Twenty years is really nothing.

"However, I won't listen to you, and I will kill you at any time." No. 18 took back her fighting stance and returned to her normal appearance like a big girl next door, but her words were full of threats:

" After all, it is easier to kill you and dig out the energy furnace in your body."

Sharu laughed dumbly 033, although this new subordinate doesn't seem so obedient, he always has a way to make her obey him. Order.

After speaking on the 18th, he glanced at Shalu again, and walked into the base without any embarrassment.

"I just saw that there seems to be a pub over there. I went for a drink and reported your name at the checkout, right?"

Looking back at Shalu, Shalu felt that there was even a hint of sarcasm in the corner of her eyes, and shook her head. Shaking his head, he didn't speak.


ordered the intelligence department to collect information on the powerhouses in the universe. Sharu waited for many days in the space fortress, and gradually adapted to the power after he became a complete body, and the progress was very fast.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Xueling often put down the affairs in hand, ran to accompany Sha Lu, did not speak, just sat aside and looked at him quietly, as if everything was enough.

Bulma was still instructed by Shalu to continue the work of eliminating the sequelae of the fruit of the spiritual tree in the research room, striving to find a quick and easy method to extend it to the entire legion and enhance the strength of the legion.

The other people in the base are not as peaceful as they are. Every day, the fighters had a rough time, because suddenly there was a combative and powerful woman in the base, threatening to be too boring and to challenge all the fighters in the base.

The strength of No. 18 exceeded the average strength of the Sharu Legion by too much. Except for Sharu, almost no one could resist her. Because the gap is too large, No. 18 only uses the opponent's chi, and if she uses the chi that exceeds the limit, then she loses.

However, the fighting skills that Dr. Gro has instilled in her are no match for these ordinary warriors. Every guy who was forcibly caught by her to fight was beaten up. Although there is no life worry, it is still three or four. Can't get out of the treatment cabin.

102 The news is coming! [Please subscribe! ]-->>(Page 1/2), please click the next page to continue reading.

However, the fighting skills that Dr. Gro has instilled in her are no match for these ordinary warriors. Every guy who was forcibly caught by her to fight was beaten up. Although there is no life worry, it is still three or four. Can't get out of the treatment cabin.

The base was thrown into chaos by No. 18 for a while, and everyone would hide when they saw her, for fear of being caught and fighting her. Despite this, many guys who have recovered from their injuries have found that their combat effectiveness has improved, and their combat skills have also improved a lot. For a time, they were both respectful and afraid of No. 18.

Among them, the most special ones are the seven guards of Xueling—the fourth and the others. After fighting against No. 18 for the first time due to a conflict of emotions, he was beaten with broken bones and was in a state of embarrassment. Unexpectedly, after the treatment was healed, these guys actually tasted the sweetness. They knew that if they fought against No. 18, it would be beneficial to their own strength. There are huge benefits to upgrading.

Therefore, (bifc) with Xueling's intentional or unintentional acquiescence, these guys temporarily gave up the guard job, and took turns looking for No. 18 to fight together all day long, making No. 18 very annoying, and each time they made more and more moves Heavy.

These guards were still enjoying it, especially the fourth child, who was beaten to the point of being broken every time, and his consciousness was blurred, but he still enjoyed it.

Seeing how badly they were beaten, the other fighters often couldn't help but gasp and decided to stay away from these abnormal guys as far as possible.

The easy days passed quickly. Sharu finally received information from the intelligence department, saying that in recent years, more and more strange news has come from the C-093 galaxy, and the legionnaires stationed there are often wiped out. It means that it is a monster with golden light all over its body, which is extremely powerful.

As soon as Sharu heard it, and when he saw the blurred images sent back, he immediately decided that this was a Super Saiyan!

And now in the universe, as far as he knows, there is only one strange Super Saiyan. That was Broly who escaped from Planet Vegeta back then!

As soon as he thought of this guy, Sharu looked at the blurry tall figure on the screen, and his heart immediately became hot. More than 20 years later, I don't know what this "legendary Super Saiyan" has reached!

If you absorb him, then your combat power will definitely grow wildly again, and after absorbing him with your own physique, there is a chance that you can use the transformation of a Super Saiyan...

"Super Saiyan..." Sharu couldn't wait in his heart. Since he became a complete body, the limitation of Kaiwang Fist has made this skill almost abolished. After only doubling Kaiwang Fist, the bones in his body made a repressed rubbing sound. As if about to be crushed.

But if you can learn to transform into a Super Saiyan, then everything will no longer be a problem.

At this time, in front of Sharu, it seemed that no one could resist him. But he knew that in this seventh universe alone, there were still ancient demons - Buu, Beerus, the god of destruction, and the king of the gods, who had an inseparable relationship with the underworld.

Garen said that his time is only three months. If he doesn't go to the underworld at that time, someone will naturally come to clean him up.

However, who stipulated that Sharu must listen to them?

Sharu was never the kind of person who would submit to a powerful force. Someone would press him with a powerful wrist and force him to do something, and he would directly break the wrist!

So, looking for Broly is imperative. He has to be so powerful that no one from the underworld can touch him, so that he can completely control his own destiny! .