
Dragon Ball Isekai: Gohan Gamer

SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAS HAPPENED! Gohan's soul was destroyed at the end of the Saiyan saga, creating a new timeline. The Great Zeno was supposed to destroy this anomaly, but he found it more entertaining to reincarnate another soul into Gohan's body. The problem is that this new soul comes from a reality where powers like Ki don't exist, but to help him with this, the Great Zeno gave this mortal a Gamer System to manage his powers. Now the "New Gohan" must assume the responsibilities of the original and do it differently to entertain the Great Zeno, or else... he will destroy everything. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

RenanPMoraes · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

New Techniques and New Consequences

Bom dia pessoas,


Look at that, more than seven thousand words in today's chapter huh... but it's better not to get used to it.


This chapter was very difficult to write because despite being an important part of the protagonist's training, I imagine it would be a bit boring and repetitive for you to read something like this.




That's why I tried to get rid of most of them in this chapter.


Ps: There is a reference to Anime and Tokusatsu in this chapter. Can you find out what they are?


"Today is the day!" Said Gohan feeling hopeful. "Today I will defeat Raditz."


After the defeat against his uncle and the Zenkai Boost he received, Gohan spent 7 days training in the suit that weighed 1 ton inside the Time room. He was so focused on increasing his power that he only registered the increase in Attribute.


[+2,127 MIGHT]

[+758 AGILITY]

[+1,389 SPIRIT]

[+289 MENTAL]


Strength and Spirit rose a lot during the mornings.


He trained his physique by doing Saitama's routine several times each day, and now that he was stronger, he also was practicing flying and the few Ki techniques he had in between exercises. At the end of the day he fought the Saibamen.


It's a shame that for each victory against an enemy he had already defeated in Training Mode, he only gave 1% of XP. That's why it took him 7 days to reach level 2.


[+ 1 Level]


His Agility, Mental and skills increased due to an idea that Gohan put into practice. Extend his fights against Saibamen and practice while fighting. Things like dodge, ki techniques, and damage resistance.


The growth of skills and attributes during the fight is greater than when he was alone.


"I should have brought Krillin." The young man murmurs loudly. "My training gains would be better, he could have taught me the Kienzan and he would also get stronger."


With the new level Gohan also gained +100 attribute points that he could invest wherever he wanted, but he decided to save them, what he gained that really caught his attention were more items.



Silver Attribute Bean (+50%)

Silver Skill Bean (+100)

Silver Special Abilities Bean (+100)  



The young man chose Silver Special Abilities Bean, he was frustrated that the meditation was taking time to level up.



Meditate Lv. 24/100 [ Adept ] = Extra Regen 100% of stamina per minute, Regen 4.8% of KP and HP per minute.



When the silver bean manifested in his hand, he didn't think twice and ate it thinking about increasing his meditation points.


"It tastes like mint… and metal."


[+76 Meditate Levels]

[Meditate Reached Expert Rank]

[+24 Meditate Levels]



Meditate Lv. 24/100 [ Expert ] = Regen 100% of stamina per minute, Regen 20% KP and HP per minute. Passive regen KP and HP 0.24% per minute.



"Do I recover all my HP and KP in 5 minutes?" Questions the surprised young man. "And do I regain a little life even without meditating? Nice!"


But the young man's joy is short-lived, Gohan remembers how he felt about losing against Raditz. Despite the bitter taste in his mouth, the defeat motivated him to train more fervently, he wanted to be as strong as possible to defeat his enemies and he worked hard to do so.


In addition to having become stronger with this 1 week of training, Gohan had also realized that he had not lost because he was weaker than his opponent.


He had lost for another reason.


"There's no point in marinating in sadness and misery, let's see what I have before the rematch against my uncle."



Name: Gohan

Race: Hybrid [Human/Saiyajin]

Level: 2 [1,052.5/2,000]

HP: 19,860

KP: 20,175

PL: 3,356


MIGHT: 3,972

AGILITY: 3,890

SPIRIT: 4,035

MENTAL: 1,527


Points: 300



With his morale boosted by his attributes in the Status window, Gohan didn't hesitate and started training mode by calling out Raditz.




Slayer's music started playing, followed by the same introduction from the announcer as the saiyan materialized in front of him.


Raditz appears with his arms crossed, looking arrogantly at Gohan.


"You've come for another beating, you dirty-blooded mongrel."




Gohan is angered by Raditz's words, but manages to center himself and regain his calm.




Raditz charges at Gohan and attacks with punches and kicks, but Gohan defends himself and dodges all the attacks with ease.


"It seems even an insignificant worm can learn a few tricks." Raditz growls scornfully at the young man.


Realizing that Gohan had no problem keeping up with him in hand-to-hand combat, the veteran warrior moves away and fires a burst of Ki Blast.


Without fear or hesitation in his gaze, Gohan repelled all the energy spheres with his hands.


Raditz's eyes widen, surprised by the younger warrior's skills.


"You may be stronger than before, but that's still not enough to win."


Gohan smiles and answers his opponent.


"Yes you are right."


Raditz freezes at Gohan's response, but then laughs in celebration.


"Finally! You useless brat." He laughs mockingly. "Did you finally understand?"


"I didn't lose you because I was weak." Accept Gohan. "I lost because I was scared."


His opponent crosses his arms and nods in agreement.


"But it wasn't the fear of facing someone stronger who could kill me." Continues Gohan "But it was the fear of taking the life of a sentient being."


In Gohan's first fight, fear made him lose confidence and become distracted. This ended up giving openings for his opponent to exploit while he hesitated to attack and even defend himself.


"You're less of a fool than I thought." Praises Raditz in a sarcastic tone. "But knowing your weakness is one thing, eliminating it is another-."


"No!" Exclaims Gohan cutting his opponent. "I will not become a cold-blooded killer. Just like the original Gohan, I will live with this fear for the rest of my life."


Confused by the young man's response, Raditz stares at him with a raised eyebrow.


Gohan assumes a wide base with his legs and summons his Ki that covers him.


"But how do you intend to fight against those who do not hesitate to kill?" Raditz questions, his voice thick with disbelief. "Are you going to let fear take over your life?"


Gohan closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, focusing on his insides. When he opens them again, a new determination shines in his eyes.


"I will not allow fear to dominate me." Gohan declares, clasping his hands at his sides in a posture familiar to any Dragon Ball fan. "Instead, I will use this fear as a constant reminder of the value of life. Every blow I strike will be with the awareness that I am protecting the weak who cannot defend by themselves, not just destroying my enemy."


Raditz lets out a short, dismissive laugh.


"Foolish, naive and hypocritical to boot." He scoffs. "You are doomed to fail."


Despite the insults, Gohan remains impassive and responds by continuing his technique.


"Kame…" A sphere of light formed in the middle of Gohan's hands.


Surprised by the response Raditz assumed his stance raising both hands towards Gohan, bringing his Ki to the surface preparing his counter attack.


"Hame…" The glow of the sphere intensified as the sound of energy boomed through the air.


"Double Mondey!" The veteran warrior shouts, firing two rays of light, one from each hand, towards his enemy.


"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Gohan shouts, finishing performing the most iconic technique in Dragon Ball and perhaps all anime.






The two beams of energy crossed the air colliding between the two combatants, creating an explosion of light and heat that raised a dense cloud of dust.


The scene transformed into a mix of light and shadows, with the white light from the explosion illuminating the battlefield for a brief moment.


But once the dust began to clear, it became clear that Raditz's technique was more powerful. His energy beams began to engulf Gohan's, absorbing it and increasing its intensity, swallowing the place where the young hybrid was completely.


When the dust finally cleared, Raditz was surprised. He looked at the spot where Gohan was, but there were no signs of life.


"This is impossible! No matter how powerful the enemy is, there is no way a system construct can kill the user." Raditz said in distress.


"Thanks for the info." Whispered a voice behind Raditz.


The veteran tries to turn around quickly, but halfway through something hits his side.



[1,700 DMG]


Gohan's fist hit Raditz's liver, causing the Saiyan to double over in pain.


"Arghh." The older warrior groaned.


The force of the blow sent him staggering backwards, his Ki decreasing as he struggled to regain his balance. Raditz looked at Gohan, his eyes filled with fury and disbelief.


"How…how did you do that?" he gasped, grabbing your waist.


Gohan was standing, his heart pounding in his chest, staring at his agonizing enemy in front of him. He had never felt so alive, so powerful.


"From the beginning I didn't intend to win in the Ki contest." He said simply, his voice firm and unwavering. "It was just a distraction to catch you off guard, something easy since you don't know how to detect Ki."


Raditz sneered, his anger turning into contempt.


"And what's the point if you're not going to finish me-."


"KI STRIKE!" Gohan shouts, invoking his technique and cutting Raditz with a punch to the face.




[27,664 DMG]


Raditz's face received the full force of Gohan's devastating punch.


His features contort in agony as the force of the blow sent him stumbling backwards, his legs curled beneath him. The sound of bones breaking echoed through the air as Raditz's face was severely deformed by the force of the punch.


His nose was crushed, his cheekbones broken, and his jaw dislocated, leaving him with a grotesque, swollen face that bore little resemblance to the proud Saiyan warrior he had once been.




Gohan's body was drenched in sweat, despite not having been hurt he was exhausted and low on Ki. He fell to the ground, panting as he tried to process what had just happened.




With a deep sigh, he closed his eyes and allowed himself a moment of rest. The weight of the victory was overwhelming and he couldn't help but feel pride and accomplishment.


"I did it…" He whispered to himself, a smile spreading across his face. "I defeated that asshole."


[+1,200 XP]

[+ 1 Level]

[+127 MIGHT]

[+325 AGILITY]

[+87 SPIRIT]

[+27 MENTAL]

[+7 Ki Strike]

[+7 Acrobatics Levels]

[+5 Athletics Levels]

[+3 Perception Levels]

[+72 Stealth]

[+ 13 Close Combat]

[+7 Intimidation]



Copper Attribute Bean(+10%)

Copper Skill Bean(+10)

Copper Special Abilities Bean(+10)



"Not bad, but I thought I would gain something more interesting by winning this fight."


[You have defeated a named character.]


"I think I spoke too soon."



Double Mondey Ki Skill

+ 25 Intimidation

+ 50 Oozaru



Gohan looked at the reward options with interest.


Double Mondey was not a unique technique that caught his attention as it was similar to most continuous KI attacks, the points in Intimidation he had several ways to obtain, but now the points in Oozaru...

The boy was not sure if he would be able to master the super Saiyan form before he got to Namek, so he made sure he got a power boost just in case.

"Maybe if I reach a high level, will I be able to control myself like Vegeta?"


Motivated by the X10 bonus from the primate form, Gohan chooses the gorilla option.


[+50 Oozaru]


As soon as he received the points, another window opened.



Silver Attribute Bean(+50%)

Silver Skill Bean(+100)

Silver Special Abilities Bean(+100)






Excited, he opened the Status window and saw that it was true and took out a silver attribute bean and stored it.


"I think I can face Nappa tomorrow." The young man commented, getting up and walking towards his bed.



The next day Gohan trains intensely in the time room, focusing on honing his most powerful ki attack.




The beam flew in the opposite direction of the time room's entrance as the floor vibrated with the energy it released.


Smiling, Gohan could feel his Spirit increasing with each repetition. He was determined to master this attack as he knew it would be a powerful weapon against his enemies.


"KAME… HAME… HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Gohan shouted, launching a wave of powerful energy in the direction opposite the entrance to the time room.


The attack was devastating, and Gohan felt a great sense of satisfaction. He repeated the movement several times, each time with more precision and strength.


[+1 Kamehameha]

[Kamehameha Reached Expert Rank]


"Finally!" Exclaimed Gohan, falling to the floor.


The whole day of training finally paid off when the young man reached Expert Rank in his new attack.


After a few minutes of meditating, Gohan gets up, already choosing his new opponent.




Gohan was already ready for a bombastic song, which would match the great warrior's style, but he was surprised by the whisper of a voice.


[Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the... FLOOOOOR!]


At least until the music explodes throughout the room followed by the announcer's introduction.


[The embodiment of pure, Saiyan brutality!

Behold the indomitable,

the unstoppable,

the bald and the brutal...



Nappa materialized in a cloud of pixels, he was huge, with imposing musculature that seemed almost dazzling. His presence was intimidating, exuding a power that Gohan had never seen before.


"It seems that Kakoroto's spawn decided to face me." Nappa said, smiling mischievously. "You don't stand a chance brat."




Gohan was Unaffected by bravado thanks to his experience losing and then winning against Raditz. He knew he needed to act quickly before Nappa easily dismantled him.




Gohan and Nappa charged at each other, the two warriors clashed exchanging punches with intensity that reverberated through the ground around them.


"So you only needed to be beaten by your uncle to become a man, you brat." Nappa comments, taking a step forward and dodging a kick.


An icy fury takes over Gohan, who spins his body, punching Nappa in the stomach, throwing him away.


"Shut up and fight, you fucking The Rock clone with a mustache." Gohan grumbled, facing his opponent.


Nappa frowned and brought his Ki to the surface.


"Pathetic Earthling, I will break all your bones."


Furious, Nappa attacked the boy, starting a brutal and violent combo of punches and kicks, Gohan in turn retaliated in kind, each of the warriors was trying to dominate the other, establishing the rhythm of the battle.


What followed was a display of violence and brutality that looked more like two beasts trying to kill each other than two warriors fighting.


[125 DMG]


[- 375 HP]


[187 DMG]


[- 407 HP]


[215 DMG]


[- 431 HP]


Gohan tried to avoid Nappa's blows while attacking, but Nappa was faster, and stronger than Raditz. Nappa's punches and kicks impacted Gohan's body, while the young man's caused less damage.


[157 DMG]


[- 389 HP]


[204 DMG]


[- 445 HP]


'If I continue like this I will lose.'


Changing strategy, Gohan crosses his arms in front of his body, receiving Nappa's next kick in the chest.


[- 78 HP]


Gohan received little damage thanks to his raised guard and took advantage of the impact of the blow to jump back, already falling into the posture of his most powerful attack.


"Kamehameha!" Shouted the young man.


The attack caught Nappa by surprise, the veteran warrior was unable to dodge but managed to raise his guard and receive the attack directly.


[574 DMG]


When the dust caused by the attack's explosion settled, Nappa's form was revealed with pieces of destroyed armor, but his body contained few injuries.


"Not bad brat, I almost felt that one." The older warrior laughed mockingly.


"Damn it."Gohan grumbles irritably.


'The attack was good, but this guy is just very resilient.'' Gohan thought to himself. 'And since he's also faster and more experienced than me… I'm fucked.'


"ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" Nappa roared, firing a blast of ki from his mouth.


As he was lost in his thoughts, Gohan was taken by surprise.


[- 5,000 HP]


"Co-coward." Gohan complains, losing consciousness. "Cheater."




"WHO CARES?! I WON" shouted a bombastic voice. "HAHAHAHAHA!"








"Shit." Gohan groans in pain, standing up.




"This is the window of shame." Said the young man, getting up discouraged.


Despite losing the fight, Gohan quickly regained his focus to what he received from the fight yesterday.


[+800 XP]


[+375 MIGHT]

[+128 AGILITY]

[+212 SPIRIT]

[+21 MENTAL]


[+3 Kamehameha]


[+12 Acrobatics Levels]

[+24 Athletics Levels]

[+55 Perception Levels]

[Perception Reached Expert Rank]

[+35 Close Combat]

[+ 15 Ranged Combat]


"Damn! Adept Rank skills have risen a lot. Is it because I used them in a fight against someone stronger than me?"




"Even the zenkai boost was greater than with Raditz."



Name: Gohan

Race: Hybrid [Human/Saiyajin]

Level: 3 [3,052/4,000]

HP: 30,855

KP: 29,115

PL: 4,922


MIGHT: 6,171

AGILITY: 5,646

SPIRIT: 5,823

MENTAL: 2,048


Points: 400



"I'm stronger than Nappa, but if I mess around like I did yesterday, he'll win." Said Gohan analyzing his Status. "And if you take into account that Nappa is 'probably' dumber than me… his Might must be way bigger than mine."


Putting on his training clothes Gohan pondered what he could have done differently to have won the fight against Nappa. He knew that even though he was defeated, there were some things he could have done better. He remembered how Nappa had dominated him with his brute strength and his ability to resist damage.


"That guy was practically a wall of stones." Gohan complains, remembering the fight.


Even taking damage, Nappa received Gohan's blows without hesitation, making Gohan feel weak and desperate.


"Is there a technique to simulate all that resilience?" The young man theorized out loud.


Developing a defense technique wouldn't be a problem for the Saiyan hybrid thanks to his perks, but how would he train defense without someone to attack him?


"Hmm." Murmured Gohan, looking at the half-pound suit he had already abandoned. "I think I how…"




With a sneer, Nappa faced Gohan head on, ready to fight the young man once again. But this time the young man smiled back full of confidence, as if he was sure he would win.


Annoyed by his confidence, Nappa did what came naturally to him, he began to insult his opponent.


"You're smiling too much for a worm who went to sleep with his ass beaten yesterday."


"And you talk too loud for a bald old limp dick asshole."


Nappa's eyes widened at the little warrior's statement.


"What did you just say?" He roared as his body was engulfed by his Ki.


"I mean there are only two reasons why someone so old and grumpy would go around the galaxy destroying everything without ever picking up some women." Said Gohan, taking a fighting stance and bringing his ki to the surface. "The first is that he is impotent."


"And what's the second one?" Nappa asks, about to explode with rage.


"He needs courage to declare himself to his charming prince who he lives with."


"I KILL YOU!" Shouted Nappa, flying towards Gohan.


Nappa throws a direct punch at Gohan, who defends himself by raising only one arm to intercept the punch.


[- 600]


Anticipating his victory, the bald warrior smiles, colliding his fist against the small opponent's forearm. But to his surprise, Gohan also smiles with his body engulfed by a strange and thin transparent bluish aura.


[Lord Camelot Resist 257]


"What?" Questions Nappa out loud.


"Did you notice?" Gohan asked with a mischievous smile. "It's my new technique."


[Real Damage is -343]


"It's not good for resisting more powerful attacks, but it's perfect for the course of the fight against 'normal' blows."



-Lord Camelot Lv. 82/100 [ Adept ]

Cost: 200 KP/Minute Effect: Resist 4.1% of your SPIRIT in damage.



Nappa's eyes widened in surprise, his face turning red with anger.


"YOU MISERABLE BRAT!" Nappa shouted in frustration.


Both throw punches at each other, only to have them collide in a muffled explosion sound.


[187 DMG]


[- 132 HP]


Gohan puffs out his chest with pride, the training hadn't been easy to improve Lord Camelot, he spent the whole day whipping his own back, using the half half ton clothes like a whip.


'I looked like an opus dei priest self-flagellating himself.' Thinks Gohan, remembering the previous day.


"Bastard-." Nappa tries to complain but is cut by a punch to the stomach that makes him bend over.



[425 DMG]


"Talk less and fight more."


The fight continued with the warriors exchanging punches, kicks and even energy blasts from Nappa. During the exchange Gohan continued to use Lord Kamelot frequently to maintain the advantage.




[KP less then 30%]


"Fuck me." Gohan complains, deactivating his ability.


Nappa notices his opponent's frustration and notices the blue aura disappearing.


"Running out of Ki brat?" Questions Nappa mocking his opponent. "That's what happens when brats come to fight real warriors."


Gohan cursed himself for not paying attention to his KP and for having used his power without moderation, as if his Ki reserve was infinite. He was furious with himself for doing everything wrong, which led to an unfavorable situation.


Nappa approached Gohan brimming with pride.


"You think you can defeat me?"


Gohan replied, glaring at him.


"Yes."Said the young man, smirking.


"Then you are a greater fool than your father." Nappa replied, charging his Ki.


In response, Gohan also brought his Ki to the surface, preparing to attack.


"Bureiku Kyanon!" Nappa roared, firing a beam of energy from his mouth.


"Kamehameha!" Gohan shouted, firing at his opponent.


The rays collided, although at first glance they were equal, Nappa's attack began to dominate Gohan's. But despite the situation, the young man was smiling confidently.


'This kid is going to do something bizarre.' The warrior thought, firing a beam of energy from his mouth.


"Kamehameha X 4!" Gohan shouted. 

Thanks to Gohan reaching an expert level, he can increase its kamehameha power.



-Kamehameha Lv. 4/100 [ Expert ]Cost: 2,000 KP

Effect: Continuous Beam Ki attack, 100% SPIRIT damage. Extra 1% damage for every 20 KP you expend.



Gohan had gambled all his remaining Ki trying to overpower his opponent's attack.


"AAARGHH!" Nappa screamed in pain as he received the attack inside his mouth.


The monstrous damage was compounded by hitting Nappa inside his mouth, ignoring the formidable resistances the veteran warrior had.





[720,000 DMG]


"AAAAAAAARGH!!" Gohan roared, falling to the ground.


A burning, searing pain penetrated his hands and reverberated throughout the young man's body.



But instead of celebrating, Gohan falls to his knees.

"My hands." The young man groaned in agony.


It was a horrible sensation of intense burning in his hands, as if the skin was being touched by fire, along with sharp stabs, as if thousands of hot needles were being inserted into the area.




Gohan's hands were blackened and raw, as if they had been burned and flayed.



"What the hell?" Questioned the desperate young man.


Desperate to end his pain, the young man ignored the windows warning of his rewards for victory and sat down to meditate and heal.


After 5 minutes Gohan opened his eyes and noticed that the wounds had closed and the color had started to return to normal, but his hands still hurt and were covered in scabs.


"Hit points are full, but physically I'm still hurt?" Questions the helpless young man. "At least now I know that lost limbs will not be regenerated."


Standing up slowly, being careful not to touch anything with his hands, Gohan begins to mentally open the warning windows.


 [+4,000 XP]

[+ 1 Level]


[+1,525 MIGHT]

[+1,025 AGILITY]

[+1,287 SPIRIT]

[+320 MENTAL]


[+46 Kamehameha]

[+18 Lord Camelot]

[Lord Camelot Reached Expert Rank]

[+15 Lord Camelot]


[+ 35 Acrobatics Levels]

[+ 44 Athletics Levels]

[Athletics Reached Expert Rank]

[+ 1 Athletics Levels]

[+17 Perception Levels]

[+ 17 Close Combat]

[+54 Ranged Combat]



Copper Attribute Bean(+10%)

Copper Skill Bean(+10)

Copper Special Abilities Bean(+10)



[You have defeated a named character.]



Breaker Canon Ki Skill

+ 50 Athletics

+ 85 Oozaru




Silver Attribute Bean(+50%)

Silver Skill Bean(+100)

Silver Special Abilities Bean(+100)  



Without thinking twice, Gohan got the 85 points from Oozaru first.


"I think he had more points for this because he is a more veteran warrior and has used this skill more times."



Oozaru Lv. 10/100 [ Expert ] = X 10 Power Level. Able to maintain some control. User can maintain some semblance of control, enough to choose a target when in rage.



Looking at the transformation text, now at master level, Gohan notices the extra information.


"Some semblance of control is better than none…"


As for the silver bean reward, he chose 1 special Abilities.


"Speaking of which, where are these items?"



[3] Copper Attribute Bean(+10%)

[3] Copper Skill Bean(+10)

[3] Copper Special Abilities Bean(+10)

[1] Silver Attribute Bean(+100)

[1] Silver Special Abilities Bean(+100)




"I'm going to have a ton of supplies when we go to Namek. Now just check the status before going to sleep."



Name: Gohan

Race: Hybrid [Human/Saiyajin]

Level: 4 [7,052/7,500]

HP: 38,480

KP: 35,550

PL: 5,961


MIGHT: 7,696

AGILITY: 6,671

SPIRIT: 7,110

MENTAL: 2,368


Points: 500



"It doesn't seem like much, but with that level of power I could have prolonged the fight against the original Nappa. Giving Goku more time to arrive." Said Gohan analyzing his new power level. "But there's no point in theorizing about past events.


Said the Young Man walking towards his bed.


"I hope sleeping in my bed heals these wounds."




The next day Gohan woke up with his hands completely healed. Happy with the result of a good night's sleep, he called up the training table, already planning what his next fight would be at the end of the day.



[Choose your opponent]

Raditz = PL 1,200

Saibamen = PL 1,200

Nappa = PL 4,000

Vegeta = PL 18,000

Vegeta(Ozaru) = PL 180,000

[Choose your opponent]


But reality hit him harder than Raditz did in his first fight.


The difference of more than twelve thousand PL between Gohan and Vegeta left the young man apprehensive. So Gohan decided to focus on his training until the difference was less obvious and found out why his hands had hurt so much.


To do this, he spent the whole day firing Kamehamehas multiplied in different ways, x2, x3 and even x4 times that had hurt him so much.


The first two made his skin burn, but it didn't hurt or leave any marks. The x4 made his skin hurt and left small burns, only this time, less aggressive than yesterday.


"Why that?" Gohan asked, talking to himself. "Is it because it improved my MIGHT and SPIRIT? Maybe it was because it improved my attack skill level?" Questioned the Young Man.



"Maybe it was because of the 3? The two attributes increase and skill increases?"




"Good to know." Said the young man with the system's response. "At least now I know what happens when I overdo it."


Understanding a little more about the mechanics of his power, Gohan gets up, putting on his weighted clothes, ready to continue his training.


"I will continue my physical training mixed with my ki training." Said the young man thinking out loud. "Ki Strike, Ki Blast and Flight need to reach Expert… as for Kamehameha."



-Kamehameha Lv. 75/100 [ Expert ]Cost: 1,750 KP

Effect: Continuous Beam Ki attack, 100% SPIRIT damage. Extra 1% damage for every 20 KP you expend.



"What will happen if I pass Expert rank?"


Curious about his own train of thought, Gohan gave a mental command to his system and 3 Copper Skill Beans from his inventory were transferred to his hand which the young man was not excited about eating.


"Argh! It tastes like metal and dirt."


[+25 Kamehameha]

[Kamehameha Reached Master Rank]

[+5 Kamehameha]



-Kamehameha Lv. 5/100 [ Expert ]Cost: 1,500 KP

Effect: Continuous Beam Ki attack, 100% SPIRIT damage. Extra 1% damage for every 20 KP you expend. User can slightly bend the energy beam in the middle of the attack. If desired, the user can be pushed by the force of their attack according to Newton's third law.



"In addition to reducing consumption, now I can curve the radius of the attack and I can let the attack throw me back… according to Newton's third law!?" Gohan repeated in surprise. "I never thought I'd have a physics class in Dragon Ball, but I guess this means I can use Ki techniques to throw myself backwards to evade attacks or try to move faster?"


[+15 MENTAL]


"I love it when I'm right." Gohan comments with a smile. "But I don't remember being so good at this kind of critical thinking in my other life… is that because my mental attribute is increasing?"


[+25 MENTAL]


"It makes sense, the attribute is not exactly pure intelligence, mental must be a sum of intelligence, wisdom and memory."


[+50 MENTAL]


"WAIT!" The young man shouts, realizing another mechanic of his system. "In addition to my Human Adaptability perk, is it Mental that affects me learning new skills?",


[+200 MENTAL]


"Damn... now I'm going to have to find a way to train Mental too."


Finishing his complaints, Gohan looks towards the void opposite the entrance.


"I need to venture away from the entrance."




With the ambition to surpass his limits, Gohan ventured beyond the entrance to the Room of Time, seeking a more challenging environment to hone his skills. As he moved away from the known area, he came across a distinct atmosphere.


The thin air made breathing difficult, eliciting a smile of anticipation from the young warrior prepared for the challenge. Without hesitation, he began his training routine inspired by Saitama, which he already mastered masterfully.


The first set was completed with the same efficiency and speed as always, but Gohan noticed an accelerated drain on his stamina. The scorching heat intensified the challenge, but he recognized that this was part of the plan. Ignoring the discomfort, he placed himself on the floor to begin the second set.


But halfway through the push-ups, he felt a relief that would only last a short time.


The temperature plummeted drastically, replacing the heat with an icy cold. The sudden change punished Gohan's body, making him fall to the ground shaking.


Gohan fell to the ground as the cold reached its maximum, the young man let out a groan of pain and despair, but he stood up quickly, refusing to give in.


The new conditions turned family training into hell, but Gohan knew it was crucial for his evolution. With each movement, his muscles contracted and weakened, but he persevered, motivated by overcoming the test.


Hours passed as Gohan persisted in his arduous journey. His energy was gone, and his body showed small wounds caused by alternate contact with the ground, sometimes freezing and sometimes scorching.


Finally, after a day of exhausting training, he concluded the session with a smile and deep fatigue, limping back to the entrance.


"And I still have to fight Nappa." Gohan murmured, deciding to meditate to regain his strength before the battle.


Upon reaching the entrance area, he turned towards the white expanse, contemplating the challenges overcome by venturing beyond the known, the pains and agonies faced in a hostile environment.


"And today was just the first day." He concluded with determination in his voice.




For 40 days, Gohan underwent rigorous training away from the entrance to the Room of Time.


The weather conditions tortured him physically and mentally, but the rewards were worth the suffering.


[+13,635 MIGHT]

[+9,790 AGILITY]

[+11,945 SPIRIT]

[+4,750 MENTAL]


In addition to his attributes, his Ki Skills increased exponentially.


[+53 Flight]

[Kamehameha Reached Expert Rank]

[+75 Flight]


[+45 Kamehameha]

[Kamehameha Reached Master Rank]

[+12 Kamehameha]


[+63 Ki Strike]

[Ki Strike Reached Expert Rank]

[+85 Ki Strike]


[+87 Ki Blast]

[Ki Blast Reached Expert Rank]

[+38 Ki Blast]



[Lord Kamelot Master Rank]



His normal Skills also increased.


[+ 67 Acrobatics Levels]

[Acrobatics Reached Master Rank]

[+ 66 Acrobatics Levels]


[+ 99 Athletics Levels]

[Athletics Reached Master Rank]

[+ 4 Athletics Levels]


[+68 Perception Levels]

[Perception Reached Expert Rank]

[+21 Perception Levels]


[+81 Close Combat]

[Close Combat Reached Master Rank]

[+ 56 Close Combat]


[+1 Ranged Combat]

[Perception Reached Expert Rank]

[+100 Ranged Combat]

[Perception Reached Master Rank]

[+25 Ranged Combat]


Although the last few days have been less productive with my growth, the total of 40 days are notable in their status.



Name: Gohan

Race: Hybrid [Human/Saiyajin]

Level: 5 [8,252/10,000]

HP: 113,375

KP: 101,425

PL: 17,158.5


MIGHT: 22,675

AGILITY: 17,261

SPIRIT: 20,285

MENTAL: 8,413


Points: 600



Gohan looks proudly at his status, finally confident in challenging his next opponent.


"Who knows, maybe in the future I'll be able to fight even farther away too, at least Might would go up a lot."



[Choose your opponent]

Raditz = PL 1,200

Saibamen = PL 1,200

Nappa = PL 4,000

Vegeta = PL 18,000

Vegeta(Ozaru) = PL 180,000

[Choose your opponent]


"Almost equal power level and one extra level." Commented Gohan choosing Vegeta.




This time the music plays loud and fast, reminiscent of classic heavy metal.


[I was born into a scene of angriness and greed

And dominance and persecution

My mother was a queen, my father I've never seen

I was never meant to be

And now I spend my time looking all around

For a man that's nowhere to be found

Until I find him I'm never gonna stop searching

I'm gonna find my man, gonna travel around]


"I don't know the song… but I'd bet the band is Iron Maiden."


[Cause I'm a wrathchild

Yeah, I'm a wrathchild

Yeah, I'm a wrathchild

I'm coming to get you, ooh, yeah, yeah]


"Wrathchild?" Questioned Gohan without remembering the song. "At least it has to do with Vegeta's childhood… I think."


At the end of the chorus, the pixel cloud manifests itself, materializing the prince of the Saiyans with his eyes closed.


[From the depths of space,

a warrior of unrivaled ruthlessness!

He is the fighter who scoffs at your applause!

The conqueror who rages in the face of your cheer!

He is the prince of a fallen kingdom, a sovereign of strength...



Gohan looked at Vegeta with a mixture of respect and challenge.


The Saiyan prince was one of Dragon Ball's most iconic characters and one of his favorites in his past life along with the original Gohan, being able to fight him was an honor for the reincarnated Gohan.


"It took you a long time to challenge me, brat." Comments Vegeta, opening his eyes.




"Let's see if you can fight on equal terms against an elite warrior."


They both prepared themselves in their battle stances, summoning their ki.




The two charged at each other, flying over the white ground of the temple and colliding in an exchange of punches.


"RAAAAAAAAGH!" The warriors shouted, exchanging blows.

[1.378 DMG]


[- 2.109 HP]


[1.704 DMG]


[- 2.331 HP]


Gohan struggled at first to keep up with Vegeta in mid-flight, something that was previously impossible for him. But now, thanks to the hours of training dedicated to his Ki Skills, he was able to keep pace with his powerful opponent.


Vegeta looked at Gohan with a savage smile.


"Are you really ready to face the prince of all Saiyans?" He asked as he fired a ki blast.


Gohan focused on maintaining his balance and avoiding Vegeta's attacks.


"More than ready." Gohan replied, dodging and deflecting the attacks.


They continued to fight for some time, each trying to surpass the other in speed and strength.


Gohan was only able to match Vegeta thanks to the Lord Camelot technique, which reduced part of Vegeta's damage.

[1.781 DMG]


[- 1.847 HP]


[2.104 DMG]


[- 2.331 HP]


[2.554 DMG]


[- 2.531 HP]


"Humpf." Vegeta grumbled, moving away from Gohan. "An interesting technique you created, it proves that you are not a complete idiot like your father."


Surprised by the almost compliment, Gohan smiled, happy to have been recognized by the prince.


"A shame that you use your talents in cowardly tactics instead of fighting like an honorable Saiyan warrior."


Gohan's jaw dropped instantly, shocked by how fast he was back to insulting him.


"You know what? I'll give you a chance." He smiled arrogantly at Gohan, opening his arms. "Show me what you're capable of."


Quickly, Gohan recovered from his surprise and his blood began to boil at his opponent's comments.


"Ok…" Gohan said, closing his eyes. "Let's fucking go."


The young man concentrated on charging his Ki. This time, the energy aura manifested differently than usual.


"What is that?" Vegeta questioned, curious.


The Ki covering Gohan's body fluctuated at a frequency that made the young man look like a candle flickering in the wind. Feeling the energy flow through his body, his muscles began to vibrate in response, his skin took on a reddish tone and veins bulge across his body. His heart was already accelerating with the rhythm of his ki.



Then the energy aura stabilized, now oscillating at a speed that was difficult to follow, it seemed like just a thin layer of red light that surrounded the young man.


His body behaved differently, the muscles in Gohan's body were more compact and defined, and his heart beat at a faster pace than normal.


"I call it Clock-Up!" Exclaimed Gohan, disappearing from Vegeta's sight.


Vegeta's mouth is open, only for the screen to be closed with a punch to the chin.



[4,730 DMG]


The prince staggered back.


"What cheap trick is this?" Vegeta grumbled, passing his hand over his mouth.


With a mischievous smile, Gohan explains to the prince.


"I tried to replicate Kaio-Ken, but I wasn't able to." Gohan commented in a technical tone. "I don't have enough information and my body couldn't handle the load. I suffered from torn muscles, heart overload and severe headaches."


A chill runs down Gohan's back, just remembering the pain. If it weren't for the system's ability to heal 100% after sleeping, it would need weeks, or even months, to recover from the damage to its body.


"Humph!" Vegeta grumbled, mocking Gohan. "Weak."


A vein popped out on the young man's forehead, and he maintained his composure.


"So, I created this technique that only increases my speed, Clock-Up. The problem is that it works in small bursts and consumes a lot of Ki."



-Clock-Up Lv. 78/100 [ Adept ]

Cost: 5,000 KP To change body / 1,000 KP Each Speed Burst Effect: Prepares the body to move in short bursts of speed. Speed Burst X2.78 for 5 seconds.

WARNING: Prolonged use can overload the user's body.




In response, the Saiyan prince laughed loudly.


"It makes sense for a half breed to create something so-." Vegeta tried to insult him, but was cut off again with a punch to the middle of his face.



[5,126 DMG]


"Damn!" Vegeta growled, furious.


"It's not a good technique for prolonged fights." Gohan said, giving a slutty smile. "But it's great for surprise attacks."


"Humph! Great for cowards-." Vegeta tried to insult him once again, only to be cut off this time with a kick to the ear.



[4,854 DMG]




The prince charged, flying in a blind rage. Gohan clenched his fists, waiting for the right time.


"DIE!" Shouted Vegeta, kicking.


But before his blow connected, Gohan disappeared.


"How?" Questioned Vegeta, turning to face the boy twenty meters away.


"You can use it in strategic withdrawals too." Gohan replied smiling.


Fed up with his opponent's tricks, Vegeta roars angrily. His body is completely engulfed by intense Ki like the flames of hell, his power makes the ground around him shake as if an earthquake is happening.


"O boy..." Gohan murmured worriedly.


Suddenly Vegeta exploded in propulsive energy, charging at Gohan with maximum strength, without giving him time to activate the Clock-Up.


"RAAAAAR!" shouted Vegeta, throwing a powerful punch at Gohan's head.


[- 9,984 HP]


The impact sent Gohan's body flying, landing on the ground 20 meters away. But the prince of Saiyans didn't give up, he flew over the young man, landing with a knee in his stomach, only to then mount on top to beat him.


[- 79,984 HP]


"YOU - WILL - PAY - FOR - EVERY - COWARD - COWARD!" Shouted Vegeta, hammering each punch aimed at Gohan.


[- 2,783 HP]

[- 3,217 HP]

[- 2,899 HP]

[- 2,901 HP]

[- 3,004 HP]


With arms raised, Gohan managed to protect himself from the worst, but he was still grunting in pain. Desperate to get out of the situation, he stretched out his right leg and charged it with energy preparing for an attack.




[37,751 DMG]


The kick energized by the technique hits the base of Vegeta's back.


Vegeta expelled the air from his lungs in reaction to the pain, his spine transmitting the intense pain after Gohan's kick throughout his body. He tried to get up, but his body refused to obey the command, throwing him to the ground to the side. The energy flowing through his body seemed to freeze, leaving him paralyzed on the ground.


In a stroke of luck, Gohan had hit the base of his opponent's spine, causing a lot of pain and a short paralysis.


The young man stands up and looks at the proud defenseless warrior on the ground. Gohan hesitated for a second to take advantage of the situation, but he quickly remembered the importance of this training.


"On Namek, the real Vegeta will be much more powerful than this…"


With a bitter taste in his mouth, Gohan stomped his opponent with several Ki Strike attacks.



[73,754 DMG]


[69,987 DMG]


[73,725 DMG]


[71,574 DMG]




"That's no way to win a fight."




Gohan's sadness and anguish only lasts for a short time as he notices the reward windows for his victory.


 [+18,000 XP]

[+2 Level]


"I'm feeling a little better already."



[+7,325 MIGHT]

[+9,239 AGILITY]

[+4,715 SPIRIT]

[+1,787 MENTAL]


"To tell the truth, I'm great."


[+22 Clock-Up]

[Clock-Up Reached Expert Rank]

[+56 Clock-Up]

[+25 Flight]

[+15 Ki Strike]

[Clock-Up Reached Master Rank]

[+42 Ki Strike]

[+15 Lord Camelot]

[+16 Acrobatics Levels]

[+4 Athletics Levels]

[Athletics Reached Expert Rank]

[+4 Athletics Levels]

[+11 Perception Levels]

[+8 Close Combat]



Copper Attribute Bean(+10%)

Copper Skill Bean(+10)

Copper Special Abilities Bean(+10)



[You have defeated a named character.]



Galick Gun Ki Skill

+ 75 Athletics

+ 100 Oozaru




Silver Attribute Bean(+50%)

Silver Skill Bean(+100)

Silver Special Abilities Bean(+100)  



Despite his joy, his vision began to get blurry.


"Hmm?" Murmurs Gohan confused.


Gohan felt weak, falling to the ground, his chest hurting and the pain spreading throughout his body. He tried to get up, but his legs wouldn't obey the command. His vision started to get blurry and he felt his head hurt more.


Panic and fear invaded his mind.


'What is happening?' In addition to the pain, Gohan's body felt like it weighed over a thousand tons. 'Is this the consequence of using Overclocking for so long?'


Things began to spin around him and he fell backwards onto the ground, finally losing consciousness.


Boa noite pessoas,


Oozaru Vegeta is still missing, why didn't I keep writing until I put the fight in this chapter?


Real life stopped me.

And remembering that I'm still looking for a Beta Reader, if you're interested leave me a message.


If you want to talk to me you can find me on X(Twitter) , search for renanp1m .




Thanks for the chapter and keep up the amazing work and as for romantic pairing then keep it Canon and if you want a bit different then add Erasa to the romantic pairing.


Thanks for the compliment.

Keeping Videl is one of the options. But now Erasa… I hadn't considered her. I'll think about this a little.





It warms my heart every time I see a reference to TFS's work in the comments.



A free girl for Gohan's Harem is Zangya All he has to do is save her from Bojack and stick up for her when the other z fighters want to try to kill her after word.


I rewatched the film Zangya appears today at lunch.

If there is no other time when she appears, then I think she is very shallow as a character.

Which isn't bad, it gives me room to work with her however I want.



Seems fun so far, looking forward to what you come up with next, just a shame you went with the typical aggressive "entertain me or I kill you" ROB.

FeMC wise no one beats Bulma, she's smart, rich and supports the one she's with even if they are a worse genocidal mad man than Hitler. She can also make better tech than anyone else can (she made a shrink ray when she was 16 and fixed a space ship when she was 6), only one who comes close to her in utility and intellect is Android 21 and she doesn't exists outside of one very specific verse.


It was a really lazy strategy on my part to use this, but I was so excited to get started that I ended up going with it.

And I also agree that Bulma is the top 3 best girl in the entire Dragon Ball Canon, even taking into account the girls from the expanded universe.