
Dragon Ball Impact

Dragon Ball but with extra steps

LordSanctify · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Life Arc

-----After the Events that took place in Universe 7-----

As Life continued to cause destruction and chaos on Planet Sadala, Rikaru, Caulifia, Kale, Cabba, and Riku tried their best to fight him off, but their efforts were in vain. Life was too powerful for them to handle, and they were quickly getting exhausted. The Saiyans of Sadala, who had been watching the battle from a distance, realized that they needed to evacuate the planet before it was too late.

As they made their way to safety, they could hear the sounds of the battle getting more intense. They knew that their friends were in trouble, but there was nothing they could do to help them. They could only hope that they would survive.

Meanwhile, Life continued to laugh maniacally as he powered up his attacks. Rikaru, Caulifia, Kale, Cabba, and Riku were on the ground, barely conscious, and unable to fight back. Life had taken the planet jewels, which were the source of the planet's power, and was using them to fuel his own power.

Just as it seemed that all was lost, a sudden burst of energy filled the air. It was Tsukasa, who had sensed the danger and had come to help. He landed on the ground and faced Life, a determined look on his face.

"You're going to pay for what you've done," Tsukasa said, his voice filled with anger.

Life sneered. "I don't think so, little Namekian. You're no match for me."

Tsukasa ignored his taunts and focused his energy. He powered up and launched himself at Life, delivering a powerful punch to his face. The force of the blow sent Life flying backwards, and he crashed into a nearby mountain.

The Saiyans of Sadala, who had been watching from a distance, cheered at the sight of Tsukasa's bravery. They knew that he was their only hope of defeating Life.

Tsukasa continued to fight, his energy growing stronger with each passing moment. He unleashed a series of devastating attacks on Life, who struggled to keep up with his speed and power. Finally, Tsukasa launched a massive energy blast at Life, which engulfed him in a bright light.

When the light faded, Life was nowhere to be seen. The planet was in ruins, and the Saiyans of Sadala were left to pick up the pieces of their shattered world.

Tsukasa turned to them, a sad expression on his face. "I'm sorry," he said. "I couldn't save your planet."

Caulifia stepped forward and put her hand on his shoulder. "You did everything you could," she said. "We're grateful for your help."

The group looked around at the devastation that surrounded them, knowing that their lives would never be the same. But they were determined to rebuild their world and make it even stronger than before.

Tsukasa approached Beerus and Whis, the god of destruction and angel of universe 7, respectively. He greeted them with respect and said, "Excuse me, Lord Beerus and Whis, I have a request to make."

Beerus glanced at Tsukasa with his usual apathetic expression, while Whis responded with a smile, "What can we do for you, Tsukasa?"

Tsukasa cleared his throat and said, "I noticed that the Saiyans of universe 6 are struggling to face a new threat, and I want to help them. I was wondering if I could train Caulifia, Kale, Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru to help them become stronger."

Beerus raised an eyebrow and asked, "And why would you want to help them?"

Tsukasa replied, "I believe that the strength of universe 7 and 6 is intertwined. We had a friendly tournament between our universes, and I would like to see both of our universes thrive."

Whis nodded in agreement and said, "I believe Tsukasa has a point, Lord Beerus. It wouldn't hurt to have some extra help in case we need it."

Beerus grunted, "Hmph, fine. But you better not make them too strong or else they'll become a nuisance."

Tsukasa bowed in gratitude and said, "Thank you, Lord Beerus and Whis. I will not disappoint you."

As he left, Beerus muttered to himself, "I can't believe I just allowed that."

Whis chuckled and said, "Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine, Lord Beerus. Plus, it'll be a good opportunity for Tsukasa to hone his teaching skills."

Tsukasa went to communicate with Champa and Vados, the god of destruction and angel of universe 6, respectively, and was granted permission to train their Saiyans. He started to train them diligently, making sure to push them to their limits and beyond.

Tsukasa stood in the middle of the training grounds, surrounded by Caulifia, Kale, Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru. He had been impressed with their power and potential during their fight against Life, but he knew that they could still improve.

"Alright, let's get started," Tsukasa said. "Caulifia, Kale, let's work on your fusion technique first. Cabba, Riku, Rikaru, let's work on your ki control."

Caulifia and Kale nodded eagerly, excited to learn from Tsukasa. They stepped forward and began to practice their fusion dance, while Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru concentrated on controlling their energy.

As they trained, Tsukasa watched carefully and gave them pointers. He was impressed with Caulifia and Kale's coordination, and he encouraged them to keep practicing. Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru struggled with their ki control at first, but Tsukasa's guidance helped them improve quickly.

After a few hours of training, Tsukasa called for a break. Caulifia and Kale came over to him, beaming with excitement.

"Tsukasa, you're an amazing teacher!" Caulifia said. "We've never had anyone teach us like this before."

Kale nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we've learned so much already. Thank you, Tsukasa."

Tsukasa smiled. "You two are very talented. I can see why you're so close. Keep up the good work."

As they resumed training, Tsukasa continued to push them to their limits. He wanted to make sure they were ready for whatever challenges they may face in the future.

As the training on Universe 6's Planet Sadala continued, news of Tsukasa's training of the Saiyans spread throughout Universe 7. Goku and the others were amazed by Tsukasa's dedication to protecting another universe, and they knew that they had to step up their own training as well.

Meanwhile, Tsukasa, Caulifia, Kale, Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru continued to push each other to their limits. They trained tirelessly, day and night, honing their skills and perfecting their techniques. They became a tight-knit group, each one relying on the others to help them get stronger.

After a particularly grueling session, they all stopped to rest and eat. Caulifia and Kale lay down next to Tsukasa, enjoying the warmth of his body. Tsukasa blushed a bit, but didn't say anything. He was used to the Saiyan girls' affection, and he knew that they were just being friendly.

"Tsukasa, can I tell you something?" Caulifia asked, her voice soft.

"Sure, what is it?" Tsukasa replied.

"Well, Kale and I have been talking, and we both think you're amazing. We've never met anyone like you before," Caulifia said, her eyes sparkling.

Kale nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're so strong and kind. We feel safe when we're around you."

Tsukasa smiled at them both. "Thank you, Caulifia, Kale. You're both amazing Saiyans as well. I'm honored to be your trainer."

They all laughed and chatted for a while, enjoying each other's company. Tsukasa felt grateful for the bond they had formed, and he knew that they would be ready to face any challenge that came their way.

Life looked down at the earthling fighter he held by the collar and grinned sadistically. "What a pathetic creature. You're all alone and powerless against me," he said with a chuckle.

Suddenly, Tsukasa, Caulifia, Kale, Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru appeared, standing in front of the evil Namekian. "We're not alone," Tsukasa said firmly. "We have each other, and that's all we need to take you down."

Life was taken aback by their sudden appearance and the sheer power they radiated. He released the earthling fighter and stepped back, grinning even wider. "Well, well, well. It seems I've underestimated you all. But don't think for a second that I'll let you stand in the way of my plans."

The group didn't flinch. "We won't let you hurt anyone else," Caulifia said, her eyes locked onto Life's.

"Get ready to face the full force of our power!" Kale added, her eyes glowing green.

Cabba stepped forward, taking a fighting stance. "I won't let you hurt my friends," he declared.

Riku and Rikaru were standing side by side, their eyes focused and ready. "We're with them all the way," Riku said, his voice filled with determination.

The battle between the two sides was intense. Life was strong, but the saiyans from universe 6 were determined to protect their planet and its inhabitants. There were a lot of punches thrown, energy blasts fired, and epic moments of teamwork that left Life reeling.

Throughout the battle, there was intense dialogue and banter between the two sides, each trying to gain the upper hand. Finally, the saiyans were able to land a critical blow on Life, knocking him out cold.

As the dust settled, Tsukasa and the rest of the group stood victorious. They breathed heavily, looking at each other with respect and admiration. "We did it," Cabba said, his fists still clenched.

Caulifia and Kale walked up to Tsukasa, their eyes sparkling with admiration. "You were amazing out there," Caulifia said, causing Tsukasa to blush.

Kale added, "We couldn't have done it without you." Tsukasa smiled, feeling proud of what they had accomplished together.

As Life continued to power up, he revealed his true form - a black and reddish nightmare form. The sky turned dark and ominous, and a cold wind swept across the battlefield. Tsukasa quickly stepped in front of Caulifia and Kale to protect them from Life's attack.

"I won't let you hurt them," Tsukasa said, his voice firm and determined.

Life sneered. "You think you can stop me? I am beyond your feeble abilities, Saiyan."

Tsukasa didn't flinch. "We'll see about that."

Life charged at Tsukasa with incredible speed, but Tsukasa was ready. He dodged and weaved around Life's attacks, landing a few blows of his own. But it was clear that Life was much stronger than before.

Suddenly, Life's body began to crackle with energy. He let out a roar as his body transformed, becoming even more powerful and imposing than before. Tsukasa, Caulifia, and Kale could only stare in shock and horror at the transformation.

"What is that?!" Kale exclaimed.

"It looks like he's tapping into some kind of dark power," Tsukasa said, his eyes narrowed in concentration. "We'll have to be careful."

The transformed Life let out another roar and charged at them again, his power level skyrocketing. Tsukasa, Caulifia, Kale, Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru braced themselves for the fight of their lives.

Tsukasa, Rikaru, Riku, Caulifia, Kale, and Cabba were sent flying into different buildings by Life's powerful attack, causing destruction and chaos all around them. As they struggled to get back on their feet, they could see that Life had transformed into his nightmare form, and his power was overwhelming.

"Get up, everyone!" Tsukasa yelled. "We have to keep fighting!"

Caulifia and Kale nodded determinedly, their eyes fixed on Life as he advanced towards them. Cabba and Riku stood at their sides, ready to fight. Rikaru, however, hesitated, his eyes flickering with fear.

"Rikaru, what's wrong?" Tsukasa asked.

"I...I can't do this," Rikaru stammered. "I'm not strong enough."

"Don't be ridiculous," Tsukasa said firmly. "You're a Saiyan. You're strong enough. Now get up and fight!"

Rikaru hesitated for a moment longer, but then he gritted his teeth and rose to his feet. He wasn't going to let his fear hold him back any longer.

The group launched themselves at Life, but his power was too much for them to handle. He easily batted them aside, sending them flying once again. Tsukasa, Caulifia, and Kale tried to use their combined powers to take him down, but it was no use. Life was too strong.

As they lay on the ground, battered and bruised, Tsukasa realized that they needed a new strategy. They couldn't just rely on their strength alone. They needed to use their minds as well.

"Listen up, everyone," he said. "We need to work together if we're going to beat him. Rikaru, use your energy sensing abilities to track his movements. Cabba, distract him with your speed. Caulifia and Kale, combine your powers with mine. We'll create a barrier to trap him."

The group nodded, and they launched themselves at Life once again, this time with a new plan in mind. They worked together seamlessly, each one playing their part to perfection. With their combined efforts, they managed to trap Life in a powerful barrier.

"Now, Tsukasa!" Caulifia and Kale shouted.

Tsukasa summoned all of his power and launched a powerful energy blast at Life, obliterating him completely. As the smoke cleared, the group looked around at the destruction they had caused.

"We did it," Tsukasa said, a small smile forming on his face. "We won."

The group cheered, but their victory was short-lived. As they looked around at the destruction they had caused, they realized that they had a lot of work to do if they were going to help the people of Sadala rebuild their homes and their lives.

As Life lay powerless on the ground, he gathered the last bit of his strength to fire a death beam towards Caulifia and Kale. Tsukasa quickly moved in front of them, protecting them from the attack.

"Caulifia, Kale, are you guys okay?" Tsukasa asked as he checked on them.

"Yeah, we're fine. Thank you for saving us," Caulifia said, looking up at Tsukasa with a grateful smile.

Kale also looked up at Tsukasa, her cheeks turning slightly red. "Thank you, Tsukasa. You always protect us."

Tsukasa smiled at the two girls, feeling his heart skip a beat. He knew he had developed feelings for them during their training, but he didn't expect them to feel the same way.

As they were catching their breath, Cabba, Riku, and Rikaru approached them. "That was incredible, Tsukasa. You really saved us all," Cabba said with a grin.

Riku nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we couldn't have done it without you."

Tsukasa chuckled. "We're a team, guys. We all worked together to defeat Life."

As they all stood there, feeling victorious, Tsukasa turned to Caulifia and Kale. "Hey, would you guys like to grab something to eat? I'm starving."

Caulifia and Kale looked at each other and then back at Tsukasa, both of them nodding eagerly. "Yeah, let's go!" they said in unison.

As they walked away, Tsukasa couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond he had formed with the universe 6 Saiyans. He knew this was only the beginning of their journey together.

As Tsukasa teleported back to Universe 7, he was greeted by Goku and the others. "Hey, Tsukasa! How was your trip?" Goku asked.

"It was great! I had the chance to train with the Universe 6 Saiyans, and they're all incredible fighters," Tsukasa replied with a smile.

"That's awesome! Did you learn anything new?" Vegeta asked.

"I did, but that's not the only thing I gained from this trip," Tsukasa said, still blushing from the earlier incident with Caulifia and Kale.

"What do you mean?" Bulma asked, curious.

"Well, I got a bit closer to Caulifia and Kale," Tsukasa admitted, causing everyone to gasp in surprise.

Krillin couldn't resist teasing him. "Ooh, Tsukasa's got himself some Saiyan girlfriends!"

"Hey, they just gave me a kiss goodbye," Tsukasa protested, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Sounds like someone's smitten," Yamcha chimed in, chuckling.

Tsukasa shook his head, trying to hide his grin. "Anyway, I promised them I'd come visit again sometime. They're amazing fighters, and I think they can help us out in the future."

"Good to hear. We'll look forward to meeting them someday," Piccolo said.

The group then bid Tsukasa farewell as he used Instant Transmission to return home. As he disappeared, the others couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Tsukasa and his new Saiyan friends.