
Dragon Ball Genesis (rework)

A boy got reincarnated as goku. Warning this is a wish fulfilment story. Although the main character will not be busted at the beginning he will be the fourth strongest character by the end of the story(behind two Zeno and Grand priest) Slow harem. Most characters will not have a romantic interaction until they have at least 30 chapters of screen time with a few exceptions.R18 chapters are absent until goku reaches the age of 16 in the story (age of consent in my area) Not I do not own the art. If the artist wants to take it down just notify me in the comments. Much appreciated.

Feverflow · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 64 Do or die

"Flying nimbus" kami called out a cloud and a golden yellow cloud appears in front of them.

"This is flying nimbus. This can be ridden by only those that have pure of heart" kami said.

"Now this is yours," he said to chichi.

She looks at the cloud as she has never seen that kind of thing before.

"Really. Is this really mine" she said in excitement?

"You earned it"

Kami said.

During the training process, chichi has to endure everything that the chamber has to offer. On the first day, kami went in together with her to spar and guide her. Teaching her how to control her ki better. Although chichi was talented enough to learn that kind of thing easily the lack of air pressure, the gravity of the chamber and the rapid shift in temperature were starting to affect her body.

Chichi was starting to lose focus during the spars that she have with kami as time goes on. And by the end of the day, she was struggling to even walk straight.

Kami saw that and wanted to stop the training but he couldn't as for him she might be the only one who might be able to stop the demon king. Piccolo was released while kami was in the time chamber. As soon as the demon king got released he gets some sort of unpleasant feeling because of their life link even though he still hasn't figured out that piccolo was out.

"I am going to get out of this place." kami said.

"Mr popo will prepare your food for you in the resting place," he said as he walked out of the chamber.

For the remainder of the day, chichi has to try to adjust to the environment instead of focusing on her martial arts. The training got to the point where when she returned to the resting place she feels like she is in heaven because of how milder it is compared to the infinite space outside of it.

Kami and Mr popo was observing her outside the lookout.

"Do you think we should stop her? This is getting out of hand" Mr popo said.

"No. This is dire. We will only stop her if she said she wanted to or she dies "

Kami said in a cold voice.

Mr popo looked at the girl in sympathy as she was suffering because of his creator's greatest regret. Although Mr popo and even kami already gave up on chichi on the second day as they thought that she might not survive she flipped their expectations over as she survived the training and walked out as a fully powered up warrior.