
Dragon Ball Genesis (rework)

A boy got reincarnated as goku. Warning this is a wish fulfilment story. Although the main character will not be busted at the beginning he will be the fourth strongest character by the end of the story(behind two Zeno and Grand priest) Slow harem. Most characters will not have a romantic interaction until they have at least 30 chapters of screen time with a few exceptions.R18 chapters are absent until goku reaches the age of 16 in the story (age of consent in my area) Not I do not own the art. If the artist wants to take it down just notify me in the comments. Much appreciated.

Feverflow · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 43 The ultimate assist

A red light shines from the dust created by the explosion.

"Kame hame haaaaaaaaa"

Goku fire a red Kamehameha in the direction of Lucifer.

"What the" lucifer just like ghastle has not seen a superhuman before so he was stunned.

He Dodges it by a hair.

"Darm it didn't hit," goku said as he dashed towards lucifer and kick him in the chest. Lucifer protects his chest by blocking with his hand. Goku's kick was so powerful that the arm that he was blocking was bruised.

"You what are you"

Lucifer was starting to question Goku's race as he didn't think a normal human could not do the kind of thing goku was doing.

"I am just a regular low-class Saiyan"

"You? Let's see if you can still smile after I drain all of your blood."

Then a barrage of bullets were shot at them.

"Grr, that hurt" goku said out loud. Although bullets don't kill him it doesn't mean that it's painless. Especially since he still was not very strong compared to other superhumans.

Because of the opening that was made by launch lucifer was able to recover his stance.

"Continuous blood bomber." lucifer uses this chance to attack goku. Goku reflects them by using his hands. A smoke screen was created by the impact as goku disappeared into the smoke again.

"Where is he?" although launch was out in the field his mind was more occupied by goku as he didn't think launch was strong enough to harm him. He was wrong as launch pulled out a shotgun and shot it in the back of his head.

".." he turns backwards where launch was as goku appears behind him to smack him in his face.

Launch throw grenade at their direction creating even more smoke for goku to take advantage of.

"You know you two are annoying "lucifer was starting to piss off. He was able to see in the dark like a vampire but smoke is a different case. For goku who just gained ki sense, this was something that he could fully take advantage of unlike lucifer.

The battle continue for hours as game was not able to take down Lucifer once in for all. He seems to have some sort of a non-powerful healing factor. As the bruise on his arms goku inflicted was starting to fade away.

However, goku knew that something have to be done to keep Lucifer down once in for all. He was starting to get tired as he ate a senzu bean not long before for food.

"Tick tick"

As the ammo run out the guns started to become useless. Launch was starting to get desperate.

"You mother fucker. Just die already. " launch cursed out.

She fires her last missile at lucifer however the missile malfunctions and hit the roof of the castle.

"You missed" Lucifer smiled.

"No, she didn't " goku replied with a smile on his face. It was already night time and today is full moon.