
Dragon Ball Genesis (rework)

A boy got reincarnated as goku. Warning this is a wish fulfilment story. Although the main character will not be busted at the beginning he will be the fourth strongest character by the end of the story(behind two Zeno and Grand priest) Slow harem. Most characters will not have a romantic interaction until they have at least 30 chapters of screen time with a few exceptions.R18 chapters are absent until goku reaches the age of 16 in the story (age of consent in my area) Not I do not own the art. If the artist wants to take it down just notify me in the comments. Much appreciated.

Feverflow · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 131 Emergency call

At the lookout.

"Do you have any way of connecting Mr Goku?" dende asked Mr popo.

"Well the Kami used to call him via telepathy, " Mr popo said.

Dende seems to be a little sad when he hears the words as he didn't know how to use magic abilities apart from healing. The only reason why he was able to observe what is happening in the world is that they were on the lookout for where they can see everything that is happening in the world with the help of ki. And the last thing that the previous Guardian left behind. The Crystal ball.

"I think you should utilize the machine that the lady gave you before," Mr popo said.

Dende's eyes quickly shone up as he remembers that tights gave him a mobile phone years ago with her contact in it to call her if he needed any help.

He didn't use it at all since he thought that he have no reason to interact with anyone apart from goku and Mr popo. But now he can use the machine to communicate with goku.

He pulled out the mobile from the junk that he have in his room. The Glass of the mobile was cracked and there were a lot of bruises on the body.

He turned up the power button and luckily even though he haven't used it for a while the battery didn't short circuit and the mobile lit up.

He tries to recall everything that tights taught him in the past to try to at least make a phone call and as if there was Orion's belt in the sky everything that he did was successful and finally, he was able to make a call to the only person that he has in his mobile.

In the west city.

"Hello, you have reached the most popular sci-fi author in the world." tights answer her phone in the middle of the city while she was having a meal.

After returning from namek she was able to publish a book that make her a super star overnight. However, that didn't affect her live style much since she was already very rich the moment she was born she didn't have any use for the wealth she have accumulated from her success. However, her free time was reduced and she wasn't able to spend much time with her friends and family.

"Oh, you are dende aren't you? How is everything going? " she asked.

She hasn't seen and heard from him in a while so she was a little surprised that he called her.

"What goku?.....: No, he isn't here. Do you need me to call him? Ah, I see. Don't worry I will give him your message. Call me back if you have time. Bye"

Tights were surprised that dende told her to warn goku about two suspicious people that are now on earth. She wasn't worried at all since she thought that both might be able to handle whatever comes in his way. But she was a little interested in the suspicious people.

"Another type of aliens. I wonder what they look like" she said to herself as she continue eating.