
Dragon Ball Genesis (rework)

A boy got reincarnated as goku. Warning this is a wish fulfilment story. Although the main character will not be busted at the beginning he will be the fourth strongest character by the end of the story(behind two Zeno and Grand priest) Slow harem. Most characters will not have a romantic interaction until they have at least 30 chapters of screen time with a few exceptions.R18 chapters are absent until goku reaches the age of 16 in the story (age of consent in my area) Not I do not own the art. If the artist wants to take it down just notify me in the comments. Much appreciated.

Feverflow · Anime & Comics
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136 Chs

Chapter 11 The great oolong

Three days later. Goku and Bulma arrived at the small village.

"It's pretty quiet here I wonder if it's deserted"

"No, I can sense people here"

"Wait you can do that"

"There are still many things you don't know about me"

"I don't know what is more strange you being able to sense people or the fact that this place still has some people "

"Hello is someone here?"

Bulma shouted.

"That's weird, maybe nobody is here after all. Let's get the dragon ball and get out of here"

Then Goku walked towards a door and knocked.

"I know you are in here if you don't answer back in a minute I am going to turn this building into dust"

Goku threatened. Then a man came running out of the house with an axe and attack goku.

Goku evades by a hair and bitchslap the old man into the nearby chair.

"Papa" a little girl came out and runs towards the Goldman.

"Do you really need to do that much?"

Bulma said.

"He has an axe it's either him or me."

"Well when you said it like that"

"Ok we're gonna play a game it's either gonna be a good cop or bad cop"

Goku continued and look at the old man.

"Please forgive me great oolong sama. I will give you money food or anything please spare my daughter"

The old man pleaded with goku and Bulma.


Buma was intrigued.

"Tell me more about this oolong "

Bulma asked.

"Wait you are not oolong?"

And then the man told us about this infamous oolong.

"You see just yesterday oolong a demon-like being appears and demanded my daughter he is supposed to come at 12. He seems to be some sort of a pervert and have already kidnapped some girls from the village "

"Why don't you just beat him?"

"But he is huge"

"Have you seen some kind of thing like this"

Goku pulled out his Dragon ball and asked.

The villagers that came to listen to this conversation didn't reply.

I think I was too rough with him. Well it doesn't hurt to push a little farther goku thought and said

"If you don't give me the answer I will turn you into pieces" and smashed a table.

"Goku what are you doing?"

"Just wait a minute I have something like that"

An old woman from the crowd said.

"See Bulma mind games always work"

"Wait so you are not gonna eat us"

The old man said. Goku just look at them while giving a big smile.