
Dragon Ball: Dimension Distortion

Read the entire synopsis if you want all of the details Welcome to the Re Write of my first story on webnovel! The previous one being Dragon Ball Time Patrol: Universal Destruction! This is a brand new story! but some things will remain the same! this story is about The Time Patrol there isn't just one MC! I hope you enjoy the story and remember to leave a comment on how it could be better! I will still include all of those extra chapters when the main story is complete! Ill be adding more Characters so if you have an OC of yours and you want them featured Message me on Discord at Nico Leztier#6474

Nico_Leztier · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

First Mission! Raditz!

Nico woke up from a slap to the face. He backfilled and landed on his feet. He looked around and saw Chronoa and Samantha standing there. Nico dropped his guard and walked over to them.

"What's up?", Nico tried to play off what just happened like it was normal.

"I see you adorn your fathers outfit Nico…", Chronoa looked at Nico and noticed it was worn and tattered, "Here ill fix it for you", Chronoa snapped her fingers and Nico's outfit was repaired to pertsine condition.

"Whoa that's cool", Nico Stretched getting a new feel for the outfit now that it wasn't so loose.

"I know I'm the best!" Chronoa just chuckled.

Nico powered up to his maximum trying to access that power he had while fighting Mira to no avail. He kept trying to power up while old kai walked up to Samantha and gave her butt a squeeze. Samantha whipped around to see the old kai with a demented smile.

"Hey you old geezer!", Samantha hopped back and stared at the old kai who looked like he was in heaven, "You Damn old Pervert!", Samantha charged a blast in her right arm and old Kai started to talk snapped back to reality.

"No Respect for your elders' ', Old Kai put his hands behind his back.

"Respect my ASS!", She then thought about that for a moment, "Literally!"

"I Can unlock your Potential if you give me a little kiss", The old kai was laughing perversely while looking at all of Samantha's features.

"NO WAY YOU OLD PERVERT!", Samantha screamed and ran behind Nico.

"That's too bad and you were my type too", Old kai frowned and walked to the time valt this being the time Chronoa speaks up.

"Sorry about him", Chronoa let out a deep sigh and shook her head, "That damn pervert", Chronoa grabbed something from her pocket and it was some kind of scroll, "Take this and remember be careful", Chronoa started to walk away without explaining anything to Nico.

"What?", Nico called after her confused.

"You know what to do don't you tatsuya?", Chronoa blinked twice before realizing that's Tatsuya's son not him, "Right i forgot silly me…", Chronoa walked back over to Nico and began to explain how it worked, "That thing you have in your hand there is time scroll and it can take you to a certain part of history, as a time patroller your job is to correct any alterations to history weather good or bad caused by those two goons Towa and Mira.", at the mention of Mira's name Nico's power spiked and his hair was standing on end.

"Mira….", Nico's voice was vindictive and there was an immense sensation of blood lust behind his words.

"Well just remember to be careful this is a solo mission", Chronoa put her hands behind her head and walked away.

Nico opened the scroll and a bright flash of light enveloped him as he was transported to the Fight against Raditz.

[Age 763]

"AGGHH!", Goku was on the ground and Raditz was stomping on his Ribs. Piccolo fired his Special Beam Cannon but Raditz's dodged last minute covered in a mysterious purple Qi.

A mysterious white light appeared in the sky and Nico face planted on the ground and got back up everyone looking his way. Raditz had no idea if this new guy was on his side or not so he shot off two Qi blasts separating everyone.

"Who are you?", Piccolo questioned Nico while Goku was just glad for the help.

"I doesn't matter who he is!", Goku shouted at Piccolo when Raditz suddenly appeared in front of Goku and slammed him into the dirt causing a dirt cloud to form.

"Goku!", Piccolo Shouted for Goku but he was cut short by Raditz when he shot a Qi blast and Piccolo lost an arm trying to doge.

"If you think you and your friends can beat me your sorely mistaken Kakarot!", Raditz Laughed out loud, giving Nico time to rush in and land a few blows.

Raditz was outrageously strong, but Nico outclassed him in technique alone. When Raditz punched he was met with the after image and Nico managed to grab his tail witch incapacitated Raditz.

"Wait, we can talk about this! "Raditz begged with Nico.

"What's there to say?", Nico replied coldly, blood running down his cheek

"Ill leave this planet in peace!", Raditz had a hard time crawling away when Goku yelled at him.

"You promise you'll leave?", Goku was breathing hard and he obviously hand several fractures and bruises but he still wanted to show mercy to this guy.

"Yes, just tell this guy to let me go!", Raditz bellowed.

"Just let him leave and no one will have to die", Goku walked over and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Ok….", Nico let go of Raditz's tail.

Raditz used his elbows to smack Nico and Gokus face in at the same time. He then launched two separate qi waves one at Nico and one at Goku.

"Double Sunday!", Raditz yelled out and the beams made a direct hit on both Goku and Nico.

"You bastard!", Nico got up and half of his uniform was vaporized in that blast. Raditz looked back at Nico and realized he was a Saiyan but not fully.

"You're just like that Brat!", Raditz pointed over to his space pod and Gohan was crying inside, "Weak and Helpless", Suddenly Nico saw the same villainy in Raditz that he did in Mira.

"You…..DONT DESERVE MERCY!", Nico's hair spiked up and Raditz scouter exploded at the sheer amount of power Radiating off Nico.

"Nappa!", A mysterious man called out to a tall figure.

"What Vageta?", the voice was annoying and shrill

"Looks like Kakarot has the power we need", Vageta bit off a piece of the meat he was eating.

Nico rushed in and pummeled Raditz into the dirt. Every second was another bone broken and it was starting to add up quickly. Nico knew this wasn't the power he had against Mira but an incomplete version of it. So he made quick work of Raditz but he didnt kill him.

"What happened to no mercy?", Raditz laughed as he started to charge a beam pointing down. When Goku put him in a full nelson, "Kakarot what are you doing?", Raditz tried his best to get out of Goku's full nelson but to no avail.

"Piccolo do it!", Goku shouted at Piccolo to finish them off.

"Gladly!", Piccolo fired off his attack, "Special Beam Cannon!", it drilled through Goku and Raditz, and surprisingly Raditz was still standing but everyone was on their last legs and suddenly a spike in Qi happened and in a flash Raditz was on the ground dead and Gohan was out cold beside his dead father.

Poor Gohan he just can catch a break can he?

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