
Dragon Ball: Dimension Distortion

Read the entire synopsis if you want all of the details Welcome to the Re Write of my first story on webnovel! The previous one being Dragon Ball Time Patrol: Universal Destruction! This is a brand new story! but some things will remain the same! this story is about The Time Patrol there isn't just one MC! I hope you enjoy the story and remember to leave a comment on how it could be better! I will still include all of those extra chapters when the main story is complete! Ill be adding more Characters so if you have an OC of yours and you want them featured Message me on Discord at Nico Leztier#6474

Nico_Leztier · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Defuse the Situation! An ice cold Heart! Part 3

There was a loud boom from the collision of the two fighting, and Frieza was knocked back. He got off the ground and looked around to see what he could do about his massive casualties.

"Men!, regroup and retreat. We did not win here on this day!", the remaining soldiers to frieza's army scrambled to the mothership and they left the scene.

Nico was in the middle of pounding on crystallos when he heard a voice from behind.

"Nico dont kill him….he…", samantha was dying and all nico could do was watch, "Nico save his Ice cold Heart…."Samantha was on her last legs.

"You think i'm worth saving?", Cyrsatllos powered up, "Dont make me laugh", Crystallos rushed toward nico thinking his guard was down. Nico caught the punch and broke his wrist.

"You're right scum like you deserve to die", Nico looked at cystallos with cold dead eyes. The life that was once present is now gone with the last tie keeping him tethered to being human.

"I don't understand what went wrong?", crystallos was on the ground surrounded by his Soldiers dead bodys the weight of what he had done finally taking effect.

"You forgot what it means to love and be loved", Nico powered down and fell on him knees crying to the heavens for an answer that would never come.

"Nico….i….", Smantha coughed up blood and Nico ran over to her, He held her close to his heart. Nico wouldn't know what to do if he lost Samantha as he lost his father, "Nico…im…scared…. I cant feel my body", Her voice was soft and low.

"Hey samantha….do you remember when we met?", Nico looked into Samatha's eyes once a beautiful ocean blue now a dead white.

"How could i…forget", she tried to laugh but she only bled more.

"When i see you again well talk about it like it was yesterday, I swear", with those final words echoing thorough Samantha's ears she died in Nico's arms.

Im back! Sorry for the short chapter! i hope you enjoy!

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