
Dragon Ball Broly : Surpass The Legend

A not so random anime fan choke and died after eating a broccoli. What greet him in the after life is nothing he would thought of. No Angel singing choir, no brimstone and fire. Only a bored looking man sitting on a throne in the expansive void.

DonMegalo · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Heeters gonna Heet

I send a telepathic word to the Saiyan Force for the next step of our plan. I use Instant Transmission to the nearest Saiyan, and see the Cerealian refugee holding each other shoulders while the younger one is carried by the adult. I touch the Saiyans leading them and teleport again to the designated refugee camp with Flayk and Wheatto.

We manage to save 18 Namekian and 75 Cerealian, and I think we did a pretty good job overall. I beckon the Saiyans for a meeting when I see Bardock and Taro looking for Tora. I explained what happen to him and his mission. A common Saiyan might not give a damn about their comrade, but these groups of Saiyans are different. Even then, they only grimace in silence and only Taro who has sadness on his face. They felt relieved, however, after I told them the excruciating details of their comrade murderer's execution.

I told them to take a breather for a while, as I know Frieza Force won't detect us here, as we are located on a mountain far above the ground, which invalidated the scouter searching system. After that, I walk towards a group of Namekians who circle a particular big Namekian, although he's not as big as Grand Elder Guru.

"Hello, my name is Broly can I have a chat with your Elder?" I asked the Namekian guarding the big Elder.

The Namekian guard looks at the Elder, receiving a nod of confirmation from him.

"Proceed young Saiyan, my name is Mollusc, but nowadays, my people simply called me Elder" Mollusc, or Elder as he seems to prefer, gave a kind smile.

"Hello, I just want to ask if you don't mind. Do you perhaps know a huge Namekian called Guru?" I asked him.

"Y-You mean Grand Elder Guru!? The Oldest and wisest Namekian in existence!?" he stuttered with wide eyes.

"Yeah, I saw him through an ability of mine" I bullshit the Elder.

"Are you implying that he's still alive young Broly!? Where!? Where is he!?" he asked me and become frantic.

"Ah, he resides on a planet called Namek with a hundred other Namekian" I answered.

"That's wonderful news! I never thought that Grand Elder Guru is still living, and there are still many Namekian alive!" he shouted in excitement.

The other Namekians nearby also start to murmur in excitement for this news. Now that they have a good impression of me as the bearer of good news and one of the saviors of their planet, I can start to give a probing question about Dragon Ball.

"Ahem, furthermore, when I saw Grand Elder Guru, I saw a huge Dragon with a muscular body. I saw a Namekian speak in your language to it, what's that all about?" I asked, innocently.

"Ohhh, that must be Planet Namek Eternal Dragon created by Grand Elder Guru! It's a Dragon who can grant any wish!" he answered, carelessly.

"Hoo, can you summon Eternal Dragon too, Elder Mollusc?" I asked him again.

"Of course! We, Dragon Clan, are famous for our wish-granting Eternal Dragon!" he smiles.

"But it can only be used for an unselfish reason" he continued.

"Hmm, any wish? without limit?" I finally asked the true question that has been bugging me since I read the Dragon Ball Super manga.

"Hmm, not exactly without limit. For example, it can only grant one wish each time the Dragon summoned, and the Dragon Balls, this thing," He shows me the 1 star and 2 stars small Dragon Ball and continue.

"Will scatter around the planet, until they unite again. Then, each time you have a difficult wish, the Dragon would require a sacrifice. For example, if you want to resurrect a dead person, you need to pay 10 years of your life in exchange" the Elder said, nodding sagely.

'As I thought, if it's too good to be true, it probably is' I comment in my mind.

"What if you use it to transport all the refugees to Planet Namek, Elder?" I asked him.

"Well, I wouldn't know. If it's not too far, it probably wouldn't need a big sacrifice. But if we send all the refugees simultaneously, it would need a great sacrifice to grant" the Elder said with regret.

"Ah, Elder Mollusc, what if We ask the Dragon to transfer the knowledge of Grand Elder Guru's KI signature?"

"Hmm, that would work, it's not an outrageous wish after all. What is the purpose of this wish though?" he asked me, confused.

"Ah, my teleport ability requires me to lock on a particular KI signature of an individual. As long as I know it, I can reach it" I explained, but continue.

"By the way, can't an individual ask to be immortal to circumvent the sacrifice? And second, what stops me from grabbing the Dragon Ball before they scatter so I can repeatedly ask for a wish?" I ask the creator for an obvious loophole.

"Ho ho ho, such thing is impossible, child. The Eternal Dragon on this planet, Toronbo, can not grant a wish for immortality, and if, for some reason, you already wish for such from another Dragon, Toronbo will automatically remove your immortality. As for the second one, you can try" he smiles mysteriously, which raises my eyebrow.

"Alright, let's make a wish when all Frieza Force departs from this planet. In the meantime, I have some errands to finish. We will meet again later, bye" I bid my farewell to Elder Mollusc and the other Namekian.

I walk toward my party member, who is sitting on the floor. I told them to meet the other Frieza Force and blend in, then go back to Planet Vegeta to report to the King. I also told Bardock to continue his original plan of sending his son to Earth so we can have a faraway place for a headquarters. Hopefully, they will be alright when they get an assignment to Planet Meat, as the one who kills them in the manga was Team Dodoria, whose cold dead bodies are six feet under, courtesy of yours truly.

I also told Bardock to take Gine with him when they're assigned for a mission to Planet Meat. They gave me a nod of confirmation and fly to their main landing area, then regroup with the bulk of Frieza Force group to hitch a ride home.

As night comes, I saw Frieza's spaceship depart en masse. It means the deal between the Heeters and Frieza pans out. Frieza would just destroy the planet otherwise. I immediately fly to the forest area on the city's outskirts and saw a group of 4 standing on a cliff side. I purposefully flew in front of them then circled and descend to the ground, a couple of meters from them.

"A Saiyan Kid? Those barbarians, What the hell are they doing leaving such a cute boy on this planet!" the female Heeter, sighs in worry.

"Heh, they're a bunch of cold-hearted bastards Macki, what do you expect? Are you perhaps want to ask for a ride kid?" the fat Heeter asks.

"Don't give him any idea Oil, and the kid is better off stranded here anyway, far from what would happen" Elec, the leader said mysteriously with a smirk on his face.

The last one, a short Heeter glaring at me in suspicion without saying anything. With a smile on my face, I start a conversation with them.

"Greetings, my name is Broly. As you said, I'm a Saiyan" I swish my tail.

"And I'm not left behind by my group, I intentionally stay on this planet waiting for you Heeters, Frieza's Planet Brocker," I said to them.

"You're a strange kid. Aren't you like 6 or something?" Elec decides to humor me, at least what I think he's doing.

"4 actually, but that doesn't matter. You said before something's gonna happen to Planet Vegeta right?" I ask Elec, then he answers with a nod.

"I think Frieza is growing restless with the Saiyans, he feared our growing power each time we came back from a mission. He probably plans to kill us off or something like that, as expected of a certified genocidal maniac, am I right?" I ask Elec.

"Hmm, you're pretty astute eh? So what you gonna do about it?" Elec starts to converse with me without the other. As the other Heeter gets bored, they flew away, except Gas who still stays by Elec's side.

"Other plans are already in motion, so I don't need to go to Planet Vegeta myself. What I'm gonna do, however, is to make a deal with you" I start going into business.

"Hm? A runt like you want to make a deal with me? Hah! That's a funny joke kid" Elec is all smiling, but his eyes say a different thing.

"Well, if you would hear me out, maybe you would be interested" I entice him.

"Sure kid, I have nothing better to do anyway. My client is still on the way here, and in the meantime, I can give you some attention" Elec answered with a smirk.

"So! In the future, I plan to kill Frieza, and I want your help as my informant" I said to Elec.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Ahhh...Ha...ha...ha...That's a very funny joke kid, a runt like you? Killing Frieza? The Galactic Emperor? Hah," he ends his laughter with a scoff.

"And me? Working with you? I will be a laughing stock all around the galaxy, and if Frieza hears that I harbor a Saiyan when he plans to eradicate them, heads will roll, mine in particular!" he grimaces.

"Hmm, the uncertainty makes you uncomfortable. Alright, I'll remove it for you" I said, as I look towards Gas.

My eyes glowed green as I send an Invisible Eye Blast, which flung him over the forest. I teleport behind Gas and send a KI blast towards him. He dodges the KI blast by flying upwards and materializing a spear. He hurls it with a shout and immediately flies to enter close combat with me. I dematerialize the spear with a flick of my hand, surprising him, and materialize a big axe and throw it to Gas. His flight path changes as he dodges the thrown axe, but I capitalize with a punch to his abdomen.

Saliva flew over my head as his body bent forward after receiving my punch. With his hands clutching his stomach, and head lowered, I give an upward knee to his jaw. Blood spurt from his mouth, but when I want to continue to give him a beating, he does a backflip midflight and palms his hand in my direction. I put a one-hand guard but got tricked as his magic materialize behind me and slam my back. I was thrown to a waiting punch of Gas. I grit my teeth as I receive the blow, then I grab his right hand with my left. I pull his body and give his face a headbutt.

Blood trickled down from his bent nose, but the wound only serve to anger him. He immediately grabs his necklace to unleash hisinner nature, but before he breaks it, I teleport to his back and give a full nelson midair. After a few seconds of struggle, he fell unconscious. I teleport back to Elec and see a drawn pistol directed at me.

"You have a lot of nerve Saiyan!" he shouted viciously ready to shoot.

"Calm down, he's only unconscious, I can heal him immediately," I said, as I put Gas down and began the healing process.

Gas slowly open his eyes but he didn't struggle, as he know a telltale sign of Healing Magic and if I want him dead, I wouldn't bother to heal him. I materialized a new set of clothes on his body and help him stand. He look confused at first but relent and grab my hand.

"So...What do you think?" I said, grinning.

"I say you're an uncivilized barbarian, but it certainly gets my undivided attention. What about you Gas? Do you think he's good?" he turns to his younger brother for input.

"He's strong, and I can feel he's still not using his full power. I would like to fight you again one day, Broly" Gas acknowledge me.

"Sure thing Gas. Do we have a deal Elec?" I turn back to Elec.

"Haaah, you'll be the death of me, I can feel it kid. Sure, we have a deal, BUT! No one can know about this, and you will provide some help for me, how about it?" Elec asked me.

"What kind of help?" I raise an eyebrow.

"The simplest help from a Saiyan like you. Killing people!" he said grinning.

"As long as the target is strong and I can decline the request, sure, why not?" I said and shake his hand sealing our deal.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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