
Dragon Ball Attribute Picking System

Ye Yu traveled to the Dragon Ball world and successfully activated the attribute picking system As long as someone is fighting, he can pick up the combat power attribute dropped by others and use it to strengthen himself. Ye Yu: Son Goku, Vegeta, you transformed into Super Saiyan right here to perform… No, just fight here. then…… [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the combat power attribute +100,000] [Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Instant Transmission attribute] [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the Kamehameha wave] The battlefield of Majin Buu and Vegeta. [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the super-speed regeneration attribute] Then, Ye Yu is awesome, not only has Majin Buu’s super-speed regeneration ability, but also Son Goku’s Instant Transmission, as well as Ginyu Guldo’s time pause ability. Hit, they said that your flash time can pause time by 0.1 second?

TharinduIndunil · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Universe Emperor Frieza

"Mr. Ye Yu!"

Just as Ye Yu had a conversation with the system in his mind, in the battle room, the human teenager who had just fought with the vegetable man walked out, stood in front of Ye Yu, and said respectfully.

This human teenager is not a human being on earth, nor is it Saiyan.

By coincidence, after seeing Ye Yu's terrifying fighting power, the boy followed Ye Yu and wanted to vote in Ye Yu's door.

Ye Yu certainly disagrees: I don't want to be the second Piccolo.

"How many times have I told you not to call me a teacher!"

Ye Yu stared at the little guy condescendingly, and said in a rather serious tone.

"is teacher!"

Seeing that the little guy is reluctant and not forgiving, Ye Yu also has a headache.

"Hey, Toss, Master Ye Yu doesn't accept you as a disciple, you can worship me as a teacher!"

At this moment, the mechanical door of the room on the side opened automatically, and a sweaty man walked out of that room.

I saw that the man was tall, and his whole body was full of knotted muscles, which was a match for Rakoom of the Ginyu team.

The man's name is Rapp, and he is a warrior recruited by Ye Yu from the Universe, with a combat power of more than 12,000.

There are many warriors like Rapp in Ye Yu's Universe ship.

Their main duty is to fight each other and then provide Ye Yu with combat power attributes.

Ye Yu's more than 40 million combat power was built by these people.

"Your combat effectiveness is too low, I won't worship you as a teacher!"

After listening to Rapp's words, the young man named Tos said with a disdainful expression on his face.

My combat effectiveness is too low?

Hearing Toss' words, Rapp's face suddenly turned pale.

You little devil is too arrogant, right?

My 12000 combat power is too low?

Of course, in Toss' eyes, 12,000 combat power is indeed low compared to Ye Yu.

"Master Ye Yu!"

Just when Rapp wanted to give a lesson to this ignorant boy, a dog-headed Universe hurried over.

"Master Ye Yu, I have found Frieza's Universe ship, and they are moving towards Namek!"

After hearing the name "Frieza" from the Kotou Universe, both Ye Yu and Rapp changed their expressions.

There was a vague fear in Rapp's eyes.

After all, in this seventh universe, no one who has heard of Frieza's name is not afraid of it.

That is the existence known as the emperor of the universe.

On the contrary, when Ye Yu heard the name "Frieza", there was a touch of excitement in his eyes.

"Have you finally left?"

According to the memory in his mind, Ye Yu knew that Frieza went to Namek this time to capture Namek's Dragon Ball.

In addition, Son Goku also transformed into Super Saiyan on Namek.

This year, Ye Yu has been investigating Frieza's whereabouts in secret.

The purpose is to follow Frieza to Namek, and then collect the combat power attributes dropped by Son Goku and Frieza when they fight.

You should know that the combat power of Super Saiyan Son Goku and Frieza both exceeded 100 million. The combat power attributes dropped by these two men during the battle may reach a terrifying level.

In addition, Ye Yu can also take the opportunity to collect the S-cell attributes of Son Goku Super Saiyan.

In this way, Ye Yu can also transform into Super Saiyan.

However, in addition to these two purposes, Ye Yu has a more important purpose.

That's Guldo from the Ginyu team.

Although this guy is not very good at fighting, he has an ability that Ye Yu cares about. Time is suspended.

Time is suspended, this is a very terrifying ability.

A master can decide life or death in 1 second.

In the late Dragon Ball, Hit of the sixth universe easily defeated the ultra-blue Vegeta with his Time-Skip that can pause time for 0.1 seconds.

And Guldo's ability is even more exaggerated, he can pause time for a few seconds.

Hitt's 0.1 second Time-Skip is so powerful, if the time is suspended for a few seconds, what kind of effect will it achieve?

Ye Yu thinks about it and feels extremely hot in his heart.

Of course it does not mean that you can be invincible with the ability to time out.

Guldo had time to time out, but was killed by Vegeta.

The reason is that Guldo is too weak.

However, Ye Yu believes that as long as he possesses this ability, after his combat power reaches a certain level, and then cooperates with the ability to pause at this time, I am afraid that even Gods of Destruction Beerus will have the power to fight.

"Order to go down and go to Namek!"

As soon as Ye Yu said this, the expressions of Rapp and the kobold changed drastically.

To Namek?

Frieza is at Namek. We go to Namek at this time. What if we meet Frieza?

In the eyes of Rapp and Kobolds, Ye Yu-sama is very powerful.

But that is definitely not Frieza's opponent.

If you fight Frieza, you will definitely die.

In fact, Rapp and Kobold are right, Ye Yu is indeed not the opponent of full power Frieza now.

But this is only now.

After Namek, it's hard to say who is strong and who is weak.

Ye Yu didn't give them a chance to defend, and after greeted them, he left.

In the end, only the kobold and Rapp stood in place with a dazed expression.

"Are you really going to Namek?" the kobold asked.

"Since it was Ye Yu's order, we can only execute it, but Ye Yu-sama must have his reason for doing this!" Rapp said with a wry smile.

"Is that Frieza really so scary?"

At this moment, Toss, who had been watching Rapp and the kobold expressions in his eyes, asked with a puzzled expression on his face.

"More than horror, it is quite horrible!"

"Frieza is known as the Emperor of the Universe. No one has ever beaten him!"

Rapp bent down and taught Toss in earnest.

"Huh? Is Mr. Ye Yu Frieza's opponent?" Toss asked.

"This one..."

Hearing Toss's words, Rapp couldn't answer for a while.

Although what he was thinking in his heart, it must be impossible to beat.

However, he is now Ye Yu's subordinate, and a kid who admires Ye Yu asks that, he really doesn't know how to answer.


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