
Dragon Ball Attribute Picking System

Ye Yu traveled to the Dragon Ball world and successfully activated the attribute picking system As long as someone is fighting, he can pick up the combat power attribute dropped by others and use it to strengthen himself. Ye Yu: Son Goku, Vegeta, you transformed into Super Saiyan right here to perform… No, just fight here. then…… [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the combat power attribute +100,000] [Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Instant Transmission attribute] [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the Kamehameha wave] The battlefield of Majin Buu and Vegeta. [Ding, congratulations to the host, get the super-speed regeneration attribute] Then, Ye Yu is awesome, not only has Majin Buu’s super-speed regeneration ability, but also Son Goku’s Instant Transmission, as well as Ginyu Guldo’s time pause ability. Hit, they said that your flash time can pause time by 0.1 second?

TharinduIndunil · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Just Lie Down and Pick Up Combat Power

[Congratulations to the host, get combat power attribute +10]

[Congratulations to the host, get combat power attribute +10]

[Congratulations to the host, get combat power attribute +10]


Ye Yu's mind kept ringing the mechanical system prompts.

At this time, in the mechanized room in front of Ye Yu, a very fierce battle was being staged.

Dozens of green vegetable people are taking turns to attack a human teenager.

Although the human teenager was only four or five years old, his combat effectiveness was not weak.

The dozens of vegetable people, whether they used a surprise attack or a joint attack, were all resolved by the human teenagers.

You know, the vegetable man's combat effectiveness has reached 1,200 points.

If this combat power is placed on the earth, in addition to the Z fighters, I am afraid that even the gods can kill in seconds.

As the fierce battle continued, on the ground of the mechanized room, combat power attributes continued to drop. The scene seemed like a truck dumping one yuan coins, which was very spectacular.

After the human teenager killed all the dozens of vegetable people, the ground of the huge mechanized room was already covered with layers of combat power attributes.

Of course, these combat power attributes are invisible to the vegetable man and the human juvenile, only Ye Yu can see.

Not long after, those combat power attributes seemed to be like golden tadpole scriptures, lined up continuously and gathered into Ye Yu's body.

This process lasted for several breaths.

Ye Yu is not from this world, he has traveled through it.

24 years ago, the year Frieza destroyed the Vegeta star, Ye Yu traveled to the Dragon Ball world and became a newly born Saiyan baby.

At first, Ye Yu didn't feel much happy when he learned that he was Saiyan.

Because he knew that in the near future, Frieza would destroy Planet Vegeta.

But fortunately, Ye Yu was born with a combat power of only 5, and was sent to Red Mountain Star and Earth along with Kakarot, who had a combat power of only 2.

It was exactly the same, Ye Yu escaped.

Ye Yu, who was just born, is just a baby, but he has the memories and thoughts of his previous life.

He did not uphold Saiyan's aggressive thoughts, but got along with the original inhabitants of Red Mountain Star.

When he was 4 years old, his golden finger, which is the system, was activated.

It is a system called [Attribute Picking]

As long as someone is fighting, they will drop the combat power attributes at the place of battle. After the system absorbs these combat power attributes, Ye Yu can increase the combat power.

The drop value of the combat power attribute is related to the combat power of the combatant.

The higher the combat power, the higher the drop value.

The original inhabitants of Red Mountain Star generally have low combat effectiveness, and the highest combat effectiveness is only one or two hundred.

Therefore, the combat power attributes they drop when they fight are only 0.1 or 0.2.

However, although the combat power attribute value dropped each time is relatively low, there is better than nothing.

At least Ye Yu can increase combat effectiveness without hard training.

In addition, if the accumulation is small, the result is more, 10,000 0.1, he also has 1,000 not.

Then, on the Red Mountain Star, whenever there is a fierce battle, Ye Yu will appear.

Of course, he just came to pick up attributes.

A few years later, Ye Yu relied on the attribute picking system to increase his combat power from dozens to more than 5,000.

The combat power of more than 5,000, although compared with people like Frieza, is nothing.

But it can be considered as having the ability to protect itself.

At this time, Ye Yu looked up at the sky and set his goal on the vast universe.

After all, the battle on Red Mountain Star can no longer satisfy Ye Yu, and it only drops 0.1 every time, which is too slow.

Fighting at the level of Frieza, I am afraid that just a casual shot can increase Ye Yu's combat effectiveness by tens of thousands.

Of course, Ye Yu wouldn't be so stupid that he appeared in front of Frieza with more than 5,000 combat power.

After all, he knew that Frieza wanted to kill Saiyan all.

If he appeared in front of Frieza, he would be pinched to death by Frieza immediately.

After leaving the Red Mountain Star, Ye Yu collected combat power attributes all the way.

After nearly 10 years of collecting combat power attributes, his combat power has soared from more than 5,000 to several million.

After all, the fighting power of Universe people can be tens of thousands.

The attributes dropped in each battle are increased from 10 to dozens.

This made Ye Yu excited.

Later, in order to avoid running around looking for a place to fight, Ye Yu found a group of Universe people, let them fight in front of him, and then he lay down to collect the combat power attributes.

Just like the vegetable man and the human boy in the battle room in front of me, both are Ye Yu's people.

Ye Yu made them fight.

As for the effectiveness, it is very obvious

Ye Yu's combat effectiveness increased, it can be said to be calculated in seconds.

Every second, his combat effectiveness is increasing.

However, in a few years, his combat effectiveness has increased from a few million to more than 40 million.

It stands to reason that Saiyan, who has more than 40 million combat power, is fully qualified to transform into Super Saiyan.

But unfortunately, Ye Yu tried a lot of methods but couldn't successfully transform into Super Saiyan.

Saiyan wants to change into Super Saiyan, he needs enough S cells plus emotions such as anger to stimulate the rapid increase of S cells. When there are enough S cells, he can transform successfully.

Ye Yu guessed in his mind that it might be that there were not enough S cells in his body.

But Ye Yu is not worried. He is going to wait until Son Goku and Vegeta and others become Super Saiyan, and then pick up their s-cell attributes.

After all the combat power attributes in the room entered Ye Yu's body, Ye Yu saw that his combat power Hao Ran had increased from 41.33 million to 41.35 million.


"Is it just an increase of more than 20,000 combat power?" Ye Yu squeezed a fist. After feeling that the strength in his body hardly increased, he also said something dissatisfied.

If Piccolo heard Ye Yu's words at this time, he would vomit blood in anger.

I have been cultivating for several years and only increased my combat effectiveness by more than 1,000. If you don't do anything, you just casually increase the combat effectiveness by more than 20,000. Why are you still unsatisfied?

"Host, you are really cunning, you use this method to increase your combat effectiveness!"

At this moment, the electronic sound of the system appeared in Ye Yu's mind.

It seems that even the system can't get used to Ye Yu's cheating method to increase his combat effectiveness.

After all, the original intention of this system is to let Ye Yu go to where others are fighting to collect combat power attributes.

Now Ye Yu is done, he invites an "actor" to perform a battle in front of him, and then he lies down to collect his fighting power.

"Hehe, I just make full use of the advantages of the system!"