
Dragon Ball: Angel within Invincible

After Mark found himself stranded in a desolate world following the demise of Angstrom Levy, he was left to grapple with his thoughts and regrets, desperately hoping his family was safe and sound. Just before his certain departure, a figure descended from the skies like an angel, urging him with excitement to accompany him to his world for an adventure?

Luke_D_Yong · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Interlude: Conquest

In the vast, silent expanse of outer space, a lone Viltrumite spacecraft carved its path through the darkness, its engines a soft hum against the backdrop of the infinite cosmos. It wasn't charting a course for any known celestial body, but rather it was patrolling the frontier between the mighty Viltrum Empire and the little blue planet known to its inhabitants as Earth.

Within the metallic walls of this imposing vessel, there was life and purpose. A man, if one could still call him that after so many augmentations, stood like a sentinel before a flickering display. His cybernetic eye, a marvel of Viltrumite technology, glinted as he surveyed the data scrolling across the screen. General Kregg, a decorated figure in the Viltrumite military hierarchy, broke the silence with his deep voice. "You came," he said, nodding at the two figures who had just entered the command center. Flanked by Anissa, a formidable warrior in her own right, was the hulking form of Conquest, his gray-streaked hair and mustache giving him the air of a seasoned fighter, though his cybernetic hand spoke of battles that had exacted their toll.

"General," Anissa responded with a formal tone, her stance rigid, denoting respect and readiness. "Conquest is here, as per your summons."

Conquest said nothing. His presence alone sufficed—his reputation preceded him, and words were seldom necessary. He simply stood there, his massive frame looming near Kregg, an unspoken challenge hanging in the air. The woman with him cast a disapproving glance his way. Conquest was a wild card, a maverick whose indifference to protocol was as well-known as his thirst for violence. He was a creature of impulse, driven by the primal joy of combat, and it was this characteristic that had earned him his name.

"Ready to start the mayhem?" Kregg queried, his voice tinged with disdain. It was common knowledge throughout the Viltrum Empire what Conquest represented. Even among a race of conquerors, he was the embodiment of ruthlessness, a symbol of the terror the Viltrumites could unleash. His legacy was written in the blood of countless foes—and sometimes allies.

Conquest responded with a half-grin, absentmindedly stroking his mustache. "You know my methods, General. What's the mission?"

Kregg's expression hardened as he relayed his instructions. "There's a Viltrumite operative on Earth who is falling behind on their mission—a mission once assigned to Nolan and now to his offspring, Mark. There has been no satisfactory progress, despite Anissa's interventions."

Hearing her name, Conquest turned to Anissa with a mocking sneer. "What's the matter, Anissa? Lost your edge? Or perhaps you've found someone worth sparing?"

Anissa's eyes narrowed, her body tensing like a sprung trap ready to snap. "Watch your tongue, Conquest. My tolerance for your jests is wearing thin," she replied, her voice dripping with warning.

Kregg's patience ran out. "Enough!" he bellowed. "You are elite soldiers of our Empire, not schoolyard bullies. I expect better from both of you."

He addressed Anissa first. "Scout the perimeter. Ensure we're alone. And don't return until you're certain," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for debate.

"Understood, sir," Anissa said crisply and exited the command center with swift, purposeful strides.

Kregg then turned his steely gaze on Conquest. "Your task is to revisit Earth. If the current operative fails, you will intervene. You will crush their resistance, raze their cities, and if need be, annihilate them. But be warned—if you cause unnecessary destruction or deviate from the mission... you will never be entrusted with another. Do I make myself clear?"

Conquest gave a slight nod, his expression unreadable, before turning on his heel and stalking out of the room. The remaining crew members exchanged glances but quickly returned to their duties, the atmosphere tense with unspoken thoughts.

General Kregg let out a weary sigh, his gaze lingering on the distant speck of blue that was Earth. It was a world that had inexplicably stirred something within their most formidable agent, a variable that had not been accounted for. But the orders from Grand Regent Thragg were unambiguous—the Earth held the key to the future of the Viltrum Empire. Its people were not just potential allies but potential to expand Viltrumites, and therein lay its value.

As the ship resumed its silent watch, Kregg contemplated the coming days. Success meant the expansion of their empire and the solidification of their power. Failure was not an option, for Earth's fate, as well as the fate of the Viltrumite present there,

Brace yourselves for the arrival of the indomitable Viltrumite warrior, Conquest.

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