
Dragon Ball: Angel within Invincible

After Mark found himself stranded in a desolate world following the demise of Angstrom Levy, he was left to grapple with his thoughts and regrets, desperately hoping his family was safe and sound. Just before his certain departure, a figure descended from the skies like an angel, urging him with excitement to accompany him to his world for an adventure?

Luke_D_Yong · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

Anissa's rage simmered like a storm on the cusp of eruption. Conquest's actions were unforgivable, and under any other circumstance, she would have swiftly enacted her retribution. But Conquest was important to the empire, his vile existence tolerated for the power he wielded. It was Viltrumite law, after all, that strength dictated dominion, including over whom one might claim as a mate. Anissa, though lacking Conquest's brute force, possessed a keen mastery of the ancient Viltrumite martial arts, a skill that could turn the tide of any battle.

What had started as a mundane task—to escort Conquest to General Kregg—had spiraled into a relentless clash. The very thought of Conquest, the way he dared to assert his will over hers, ignited a feral anger in her heart. She held onto the hope that on Earth, away from prying eyes, she might have the chance to rid herself of him without implicating Mark or herself.

Her sneer was a silent snarl as she soared through the cosmos with fierce determination, zeroing in on Earth. Amidst her flight, a speck in the distance caught her attention, growing swiftly until it became clear it was another figure, approaching at a startling velocity. The figure's attire and unusual hairstyle suggested he might be Viltrumite, yet something about him was decidedly different.

Curiosity halted Anissa in her tracks, her eyes widening with intrigue. The man stopped as well, mirroring her pause. Many species could navigate the void of space, but none bore the distinctive traits of a Viltrumite. Her mind raced; all known hybrids and Viltrumite offshoots were accounted for, and none should be in this remote sector of space.

"Who are you?" Anissa demanded, breaking protocol out of sheer curiosity. Viltrumite ways were straightforward—attack, then question. But something about this encounter beckoned a deviation from the norm.

The man's eyes widened, a mix of astonishment and delight at the telepathic exchange. "Woah, this is amazing! You can talk through minds too!" he expressed with a childlike wonder, baffling Anissa even further.

"It's a telepathic device for space communication," Anissa stated bluntly, her stance now aggressive and ready for combat. "Identify yourself and state your purpose—immediately," she commanded, her patience wearing thin under her steely exterior.

The man, undeterred by her hostility, maintained his affable demeanor. "Sorry about that, I'm just excited. My name's Goku, a Saiyan from the planet Earth," he replied via the mental link, his tone apologetic yet cheerful.

Earth? The very mention of it made Anissa's heart skip a beat. That was Mark's world. And this term, 'Saiyan'—it stirred distant memories in the recesses of her mind, yet nothing she could firmly grasp.

"And I've heard you're pretty strong!" Goku added, shifting into a combat position that resonated with Anissa's distant past—a Viltrumite training stance that dated back to before the civil unrest within the empire.

A conundrum stood before her. Could it be mere chance that this stranger, this Goku, knew of Viltrumite martial practices? The only way to discern the truth was through engagement. With time on her side before her obligation to report back to General Kregg and the seething desire to vent her wrath, confrontation seemed inevitable. If Goku fell during the skirmish, she rationalized, it would be simple to record him as an unforeseen obstacle in her mission report.

Suspended in the vacuum of space, they mirrored each other's fierce resolve. Then, like twin meteors, they surged forward, their fists meeting with a force that rippled through the cosmos. Anissa reeled from the impact, her warrior's instinct quickly recalibrating as she launched a rapid assault aimed at Goku's cheek. He dodged with deft agility, his counter with an elbow strike fast approaching her face.

Anissa had deftly blocked an earlier assault, setting herself up for a swift counterattack aimed directly at Goku's midsection. Goku, ever the seasoned fighter, mirrored her movements, landing his own punch that made them both reel from the forceful impact. Despite the shockwaves that coursed through their bodies, they maintained their fierce determination and continued the intense skirmish.

Her strikes were not only fast but executed with a precision that hinted at years of rigorous training; her fists and feet moved in a seamless sequence of combinations designed to overwhelm any opponent. Goku, however, was not just any opponent. He matched her speed with his own rapid succession of moves, each strike measured and controlled, as he was not intent on dealing a deadly blow to Anissa.

In a bold maneuver, Anissa attempted to seize an advantage by catching Goku's wrist. Her grip was like iron, unyielding and calculated, as she tried to leverage his arm to throw him off balance. But Goku's instincts were too sharp, his body reacting with supernatural speed. In a blink, he vanished from her grasp, only to reappear moments later behind her, a testament to his extraordinary mastery of combat.

Caught off guard, Anissa whirled around, her elbow slicing through the air towards Goku's face in a desperate bid to regain control. But Goku was already one step ahead, his hand snapping up to intercept her elbow, holding it in a vice-like lock. With her arm immobilized by his grip, Goku seized the opportunity. He spun his body in a fluid motion, his leg arcing through the air to deliver a powerful roundhouse kick aimed at Anissa. The skill and precision behind the kick spoke volumes of his experience and the level of control he wielded in the heat of battle.

Anissa seeing the kick braced for impact. The strike came with such precision that it sent her spiraling backward, a vast departure from the brute force she had come to expect from her kin. It was not the crushing blow of a Viltrumite's raw power but the refined skill of a martial artist. This Saiyan, Goku, fought with a prowess that commanded respect, a level of mastery rarely seen, even among the most elite of her people.

Recovering her stance, Anissa couldn't suppress the thrill of excitement. It had been ages since she had faced a truly worthy adversary.

"You" Anissa shouted through her mind pointing her finger "are worthy of my time, Saiyan" she said, the corners of her mouth lifting into a fierce grin as she prepared to engage once more. Her heart pounded with anticipation, the promise of a genuine challenge rekindling a spark within her that she hadn't felt in years.

Goku's challenge was clear and provocative; with a simple beckon of his finger and a playful lift of his lip, he invited Anissa to engage. She accepted the call to battle without a moment's delay, propelling herself towards him with the velocity of a speeding bullet. Their figures met with a resounding clash amidst the silent, cold expanse of space, ready to resume their intense duel.

Anissa's heart raced with exhilaration. Never before had she encountered a foe like Goku. In her experience, combat with her own kind had always been a swift and merciless affair. Encounters were brutally short, typically culminating in a single, devastating strike designed to end the confrontation before it truly began. Prolonged martial exchanges were unheard of; even among her peers, none but Anissa favored the art of hand-to-hand combat. Her kin preferred instead to strike with lethal precision at an opponent's most vulnerable spots.

But Goku was different. He was not just another warrior; he was a Saiyan, and he fought with the grace and agility befitting a master martial artist. His every movement was a testament to years of disciplined training, his body and mind in perfect harmony as he engaged in the intricate dance of combat. It was as if every punch, every block, every fluid step was part of a choreographed performance marked by both beauty and strength.

Anissa marveled at the sensation, even as her body ached from the strain of battle, her muscles screamed in protest, and wounds on her skin wept crimson. Each time her fists collided with Goku's, a tremor of force reverberated through her arms, but the pain could not wipe the smile from her face. Blood may have been drawn, but the spirit of the fight, the pure joy of being tested to her limits, brought a fierce grin to her lips.

Across from her, Goku mirrored her expression, his own smile acknowledging the rare pleasure of a worthy opponent. It wasn't just about the fight; it was about the respect earned in the exchange of skill, the unspoken bond formed through shared strength, and the honor of meeting in battle with someone who understood the true essence of martial arts. The space around them was silent, but their combat sang a vibrant song of life and challenge.

The fight continued, with neither willing to concede, each blow and counterblow weaving an ever more intricate pattern in the void. The universe itself seemed to pause, bearing witness to a contest not just of physical might, but of indomitable wills. And through it all, the smiles they wore were not merely of enjoyment or of pain, but of mutual admiration for the warrior's path they both walked. This was not just a battle; it was an affirmation of their lives as fighters, a moment that captured the very essence of their existence.

The battle between Anissa and Goku had been titanic, an epic clash that seemed to stretch on indefinitely. But Anissa, with her Viltrumite intellect, was acutely aware that the struggle had lasted precisely 3 hours and 36 minutes of Galactic time. This was not just a testament to her species' keen sense of time even amidst chaos, but also to their ability to analyze and adapt during an intense conflict. In the vacuum of space, no breaths were drawn, but had there been an atmosphere, both warriors would have certainly been gasping for air after such an exertion.

When the dust of their battle settled, Goku broke the stillness that had enveloped them, his voice a beacon of warmth in the cold expanse. "Wow, I didn't think I'd find someone who could keep up with me in a fight. And I mean a real fight, not just a power struggle."

Anissa had lived for millennia, and she could recall only a few instances where she had engaged in a battle that was so focused on the art of combat. Such purity of martial exchange was rare, and she cherished it as a memory from her youth, when she was a cadet under the Viltrum Empire's strict tutelage.

"Likewise, Saiyan," she responded telepathically, her thoughts echoing in Goku's mind. "Your skill in combat surpasses anyone I've ever known."

The mutual respect was palpable, but duty called—especially for a Viltrumite. "I would have enjoyed prolonging our battle, Saiyan, but we Viltrumites have a strong sense of duty. Our missions come first."

Goku's face shifted to a more somber expression. "Right, the mission... I almost lost sight of that."

"So what exactly brought you here, Goku? I'm curious to know. I doubt your journey across the stars was solely to challenge a Viltrumite," Anissa inquired, her gaze intensifying as she sought the truth.

"To be honest, that was part of my intention. But more than that, I'm here to defend Earth. My role as its protector means I must stop you from causing any harm to its people," Goku explained earnestly, his unwavering resolve shining through.

Anissa nodded, her expression unreadable. "With the powers you possess, you could elevate your planet beyond its current state. You could end wars, heal diseases, and bring about a golden age—if only you prepared Earth for our arrival."

Before Goku could reply, she held up a finger, commanding his silence with a gesture. "But you're aligned with Mark, are you not? You view our empire's expansion as an affront to your values, don't you?" she probed.

Goku's response was firm. "Yes, he's a friend, and I've seen enough empires built by tyrants to know I don't like them."

Anissa pondered his words. Her empire's ultimate goal was to expand and bring order to the universe, a mission she was bound to fulfill. Yet, the memory of Conquest, with his ruthless methods, stirred a sense of rebellion within her.

"I could offer you a deal," she offered, her voice taking on a conspiratorial tone.

Goku's curiosity was piqued, his head tilting like a child awaiting a story. "What kind of deal?"

"I can grant Earth a reprieve, a delay in our plans, in return for your help. There's someone coming to earth for Mark, the son of Nolan, likely to educate him further and maybe kill him. His methods will undoubtedly lead to a bloodbath—something I wish to avoid."

"Prevent him from completing his mission, and Earth's confrontation with the Viltrumite Empire could be postponed. We could be talking about several months, maybe even a year," Anissa said, her gaze locked onto Goku's.

Goku listened intently, weighing the truth of her words. He could refuse and attempt to take on the Viltrumite Empire alone, but the potential loss of life weighed heavily on him. Vegeta might have chosen that path, but Goku was different.

"That sounds like a reasonable deal. But what's the catch?" Goku probed, his instincts on high alert for any hint of deception.

Anissa's smile was like that of a Cheshire Cat—full of secrets and unseen depths. "The catch, Goku, is quite simple. You're a formidable warrior, and I've come to admire that."

As she floated closer, her voice dropped to a whisper. "You will become my mate."

Silence enveloped them once more, thick and heavy. Goku's face twisted in confusion.

"Uhh, I don't know about that. Is it some kind of another word for having a plenty of foods together?"





The words hung in the void between them as Anissa processed his innocent question, her mind grappling with the cultural chasm that lay between them.


The silence that followed was a battlefield of its own.