
Dragon Ball: Angel within Invincible

After Mark found himself stranded in a desolate world following the demise of Angstrom Levy, he was left to grapple with his thoughts and regrets, desperately hoping his family was safe and sound. Just before his certain departure, a figure descended from the skies like an angel, urging him with excitement to accompany him to his world for an adventure?

Luke_D_Yong · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 10

"Let's fucking go!"

"Watch your tone, Mark," Debbie gently scolded, instinctively covering young Oliver's ears with her hand. Her eyes darted towards Mark, her eldest, with a disbelieving stare that silently conveyed her astonishment and slight disapproval at his choice of words.

"Sorry, Mom. But you've got to admit, it's pretty amazing news. Goku got The Viltrumites backing off with their tails tucked!" Mark explained with an excitement he couldn't contain. The family dinner, which included Mark, his mother Debbie with little Oliver perched on her lap, had been progressing as any other quiet evening would, until the sudden and dramatic appearance of Goku.

Enticed by the aroma wafting from the kitchen, Goku had decided to share the stories of his adventurous exploits, all while enthusiastically attacking the food on his plate. He engaged in the conversation with simple gestures—a nod here, a shrug there—seemingly more interested in his meal than the nuances of the discussion.

Cecil, Director of the Global Defense Agency, chose that moment to make his entrance, materializing right beside Goku with the ease of someone used to the extraordinary. Goku greeted him with a carefree salute, unfazed by the abrupt teleportation. "I gotta hand it to you, Goku. That's good news, but you could went to me first," Cecil remarked, a hint of humor in his voice. He then added with a playful smirk, "You know, we do have food at the Pentagon."

Debbie's maternal warmth shifted to mild annoyance at the sudden intrusion. "Cecil, a little warning next time would be appreciated," she warned, her eyes narrowing just enough to make her point. Cecil met her gaze calmly, almost detached, as if sudden appearances were the norm in their line of work.

"Sorry, Debbie. I only got the news of his return moments ago, and besides, Goku was on an official mission," Cecil replied, trying to smooth over the unexpected drop-in as he pulled up a chair and made himself at home at their dinner table. "I've caught wind of most of the story, but I wanted to get the details straight from the horse's mouth."

Mark, who had been silently absorbing all that had transpired, fixed Cecil with a mildly annoyed look. "Most of the story?" he questioned, his tone laced with skepticism.

Cecil exhaled, a small nod affirming Mark's inquiry. "Yes, the entire ordeal about Goku's battle with Anissa, her proposal to extend the peace from conquering our planet right away for months and Goku's marriage with Anissa," Cecil recounted, turning his gaze back to Goku. "When's the wedding anyway?"

Goku, who had just finished tackling an impressive array of dishes, reclined in his chair, a grin of satisfaction playing across his lips. However, his good mood seemed to evaporate as he absorbed Cecil's words. His face morphed from confusion to irritation. "Hey, that's not fair—I thought she was talking about meat, not 'mate' by actually getting married," Goku protested, his brow furrowing in a childlike scowl that belied his usual confident demeanor.

The room filled with the sounds of amusement as chuckles and giggles broke out among the group. Even Cecil's features softened into a smirk, amused by Goku's reaction. But the levity of the moment was fleeting. Goku's expression soon grew somber once more.

"There's something else, though. Something important we need to talk about," Goku said, his voice dropping to a more serious tone as he locked eyes with Cecil. Then, turning to Mark, he added, "In private."

His gaze then wandered to Debbie and Oliver, and for a moment, his stern facade melted into a look of gentle concern, as if he bore the weight of worries meant only for their ears. It was a fleeting glimpse into the protective side of Goku that he often kept hidden.

Debbie exhaled, a sense of resignation in her breath. She understood all too well that there were secrets, matters of great importance that were not for her and Oliver's ears. She stood up, her movements signaling the end of the evening for her. "Well, it's been quite a day. I think I'll turn in. Goodnight, everyone," she announced, her voice carrying a warm but tired smile.

Echoes of "Goodnight" and "Sleep well" followed her as she exited the room. With her departure, the atmosphere shifted; the levity was replaced by a charged sense of anticipation. Cecil, Goku, and Mark remained seated, a silent agreement passing between them that there were urgent matters to discuss now that they were free from the company of others.

As the last echoes of departure settled, Goku leaned in, his voice a whisper as he began to share his concerns.

"Before me and Anissa went on our separate way she told me there will be another Viltrumite," scrunching his face in thoughts he continued

"I think his name was Conquest, said he would be coming here." Finished Goku looking towards Mark.

Cecil's sigh was heavy with resignation as he suddenly stood up, a string of realization in his thoughts. "God damn it, I knew it couldn't just end like this. That's bad news Goku."

Confusion and concern etched across Mark's face. Why would Cecil react so strongly to the threat of just one Viltrumite? Mark voiced his thoughts aloud.

"What's the big deal? If they send one guy, then together, we can take him down. We've overcome worse odds before."

Goku nodded in agreement, his confidence unwavering. "I'm with Mark on this. If we team up, I'm sure we can handle this Conquest guy."

But Cecil's agitation did not cease, one that couldn't be quelled with bravado alone. He began to pace with restless energy, his mind racing with the implications of what they faced.

"That's not it," he said, halting his stride to emphasize the point.

With a furrowed brow, Mark prompted him, "Cecil?"

Cecil paused, gathering the words to convey the severity of their predicament.

"When Goku set out to confront the Viltrumites a few days ago, we took the opportunity to deploy a probe satellite. Coutesy of Robot, it's a breakthrough in our surveillance capabilities that extends our reach across the Milky Way."

He continued, his voice laced with a mixture of pride and frustration.

"It's a remarkable feat, yet it had its limits too. The satellite's effective range spans about four light-years, and the radar system updates us with signals that can be delayed anywhere from eight hours to a whole day."

Mark's patience was wearing thin, his thirst for action bubbling up. "Cecil, cut to the chase. What are you trying to say?"

Cecil stood motionless for a moment, his eyes locking with Mark's before he spoke.

"Our satellite picked up six to seven objects hurtling through space at incredible speeds. At first, we thought they were simply meteors, flung haphazardly by the magnetic field of some distant star. That was the initial assessment. But if Goku's warning is accurate, and that son of a bitch Conquest is indeed approaching... then it's possible that damned Anissa has misled us, and we're not just facing one Viltrumite. We could be dealing with an entire squad of them on a collision course with Earth."

The weight of Cecil's words hit Mark like a tidal wave, the blood draining from his face as he processed the enormity of the threat. For a moment, he was speechless, a rare occurrence for the normally loquacious hero. Then, finding his voice, he uttered a single, stark exclamation that summed up the gravity of their situation. "Shit."

The atmosphere grew thick with a tense quietude, enveloping each individual in a bubble of contemplation. Moments after, Cecil had teleported himself away, to set the wheels of the Global Defense Agency and the Guardians of the Globe into rapid motion. This left Mark, looking somewhat bewildered, alongside Goku, who stood with a furrowed brow, indicating a storm of thoughts behind his stern expression.

Goku's mind was not at rest. Heeding Cecil's parting words, he centered himself and stretched the tendrils of his Ki outwards, like invisible threads reaching into the vastness of space. He sought out any hint or whisper of movement, any disruption in the cosmic sea that might signal an approaching friend or foe as Cecil had implied.

The search was not in vain. Goku's extraordinary senses latched onto the distinct energy signatures of several beings cutting through the void, their speed a testament to their formidable nature, rivaling even Goku. They were like shooting stars, hurtling with purpose and intent, and among them, one individual stood out from them.

It was emotions that Goku felt through the Ki—a turbulent storm cloud of temper that he recognized immediately. Frustration knitted with threads of anger, tinged with the unmistakable edge of fear. These feelings were not just signatures in the void; they painted a vivid picture of their owner.


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