
Dragon Ball Academia

Kenta Yamazai is a headstrong kid with a lover for fighting and breaking his limits. His childhood wasn't easy after his parents died, and he started living in an orphanage. He likes watching anime and loves it. Both Dragon Ball and My Hero Academia are his favorites. He always wanted to be as strong as the characters, so he trained daily to reach new heights. One day, when he is jogging outside, a portal opens up and transports him to My Hero Academia, altering his body and becoming a Saiyan. Now, in a world where being a superhero is the norm, he decides to become a Hero and stop All for One and his plans once and for all.

Bizzare_Joe · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Isekai, Saiyan, and Hideout

The morning is beautiful with the sun coming up. The sky is clear, the birds are chirping, and everyone is having a good time. In the midst is someone jogging around while using earphones to listen to his phone.

The person in question is a 14-year-old boy with black hair, red eyes, and a scar over his right eye. He wears a black tank-top shirt, red sports shorts, and white shoes. His muscles also have a four-pack.

His name is Kenta Yamazai, a young boy with a tragic past. After his parents pass away, he lives in an orphanage but tries to get along with the other kids. He watches TV a lot and loves watching anime. He finds the characters impressive, inspiring him to strengthen his body, so he jogs daily.

As he jogs, he stops to look at the store and sees new merchandise for My Hero Academia and Dragon Ball. He sees figures of Lady Nagant with her rifle out and Android with a sexy pose.

Kenta: "Ah, Sweet, I don't have those yet; I better buy them after my jog."

Kenta often watches the Dragon Ball and My Hero Academia series; he finds time to buy merchandise from the two shows. He did feel a bit sad that it started to show tragedy since it reminded him of his, but he felt a little better after things started to get awesome.

Kenta: "Well, time to get back to my jog and break my limit."

He then started jogging again and passed by some people on the way. He turns to an alleyway to get to his next stop. Then suddenly he started to fall wind in his face and blowing very fast.

Kenta: "Wo, what's going on?"

He turns and around and saw what looks like a portal, and it started sucking stuff in. He then felt that he was being lifted. He looks down, sees that he is not on the ground, and is getting closer to the portal. He tried to run back down, but it was too late as the portal sucked him in.

Inside the portal is a blue vortex spinning around in circles. Kenta screams as he is getting spun around with no stop. He then feels his body being shocked.

Kenta: "What is happening!?"

He looks forward and sees an exit coming to him. He braces for impact as the portal spits him out, and he lands on the ground.

Kenta: "Ouch, that sting; why would a portal appear out of nowhere."

Kentai looks around and seems to be in an alleyway. He then sees a light at the exit, making it daytime.

Kenta: "Well, let's hope that portal didn't send me to Iraq."

He started walking to the exit and came out to see a city. He looks around and sees nothing different; looking to his left, he becomes shocked to see a bear walking the street with two feet and no one batting an eye.

Kenta: "Okay, this is not my world."

He then sees more people with animals appear around like it is normal. He then sees a store and looks in it to see lots of merchandise that seems to be My Hero Academia but seems to have only heroes and not the U.A. students. There was a ton of All Might merchandise that customers were buying. It was then he realized Something.

Kenta: "Wait, merchandise of Pro Heroes, customers buy All Might Merchandise, animal people walking around. Oh my god, I'm in My Hero Academia!"

Kenta could not believe what he said, thinking he would appear in the fictional world of My Hero Academia, where heroes and villains are ordinary. He then sighs.

Kenta: "This is nuts; I better find a place to lay low until I figure out what's happening.

He then started walking around the city and kept looking at the people. He finds it weird how My Hero Academia and the Dragon Ball series are so different; it's fantastic. In the Dragon Ball Series, most people don't have powers, while some use them to do what they want or to help people. In My Hero Academia, superpowers are ordinary, while those without powers are poorly treated like trash, and you need a license to help people.

He then saw an alleyway and went in it, only to discover three delinquents there and see him.

Delinquent 1: "Hey guys, look what we have here, a lost little boy."

Delinquent 2: "If you what good for you, hand over your cash right now."

Delinquent 3: "Yeah, Heheheheh."

Kenta looks at them before smirking.

Kenta: "Y'know, you should not underestimate me like that; it can get you into trouble.

Delinquent 1: "Ha, you hear what he said, guys? Why don't I show him what's happening here."

He then walks forward to Kenta and puts his hand up, and a ball of fire appears.

Delinquent 1: "Now you see what's going on, so why don't you just- OOOOOHHHHH!"

He didn't finish because Kenta punched him in the gut and threw him to the other delinquents. They caught him, and Delinquent 2 made his hand into a sword.

Delinquent 2: "THAT IT, YOUR DEAD PAL!"

He charges at Kenta but swipes his leg and trips Delinquent 2. Delinquent 3 brings out a wreaking ball and starts to spin it around. He then sends it straight to Kenta but dodges at the last minute and goes straight to him, giving him a mean punch to the face and knocking him backward. Delinquent 1 started to get up and looked at him in anger.

Delinquent 1: "TAKE THIS YOUR FREAK!"

He then makes another fireball and throws it at Kenta. Kenta holds his hand to try to stop the fireball, but then a ball of energy appears in his hand and fires at the fireball. The fireball extinguishes, but the Ball of energy hits straight at Delinquent 1 face, making him scream in pain. Kenta then looks at his hand in shock.

Kenta "What the!?"

Delinquent 2 gets up, sees Kenta looking at his hands, and charges him with his swords. Kenta noticed this and went to stop him by holding his sword hands. He grabs them and breaks when Kenta tightens his grip on them. Delinquent 2 looks at his hands in shock, and Kenta uses this moment to punch him in the face, making him go to his buddies. Kenta's eyes widen after realizing Something.

Kenta: "Wait, this is..."

Delinquent 3 got up and started spinning his wrecking Ball in anger. He swings it straight at Kenta, but he notices it, uses his hand to summon the energy ball, and fires at it, shattering it into pieces. The delinquents noticed this and started panicking as Kenta decided to get closer. He stops and brings his fist to his face, closing it while smirking.

Kenta: "Wanna still fight."

That was all it took, and the delinquents started running in fear. Now all alone, Kenta looks back to his hand and summons another energy ball. He then concentrates, and the energy ball disappears. He then realizes what he has.

Kenta: "Ball of energy coming out of me, my strength increasing, and my love for fighting seems to be amplified. There is only one thing I have become: I became a Saiyan.

Saiyans are an alien race of warriors whose lust for battle surpasses that of humans. They could transform into giant apes and destroy planets for their business. They also grow stronger after surviving death situations. They were wiped out by Freiza, who feared the legend of the Super Saiyan.

Some of the Saiyans survive while off the planet; 2 of them are Main Characters of the Dragon Ball series. Goku, the Saiyan raised on Earth, and Vegeta, the Prince of all Saiyans.

Kenta: "Something about that portal changed me. I got to find a place to lay low now before the cops show up; I still can't believe you can get arrested for just doing the right thing. This makes me not trust the Hero Public Safety Commission even more. Well, time to find a place to hide."

He started running to find a hiding place, unaware that the delinquents were getting arrested and a hero was listening to their stories.


The delinquents run away in fear after seeing how scary Kenta can be. While running, out of nowhere, they are wrapped in a scarf and cannot move. Then, two people came out of the open.

The first is the one that captures them. He is a slender, tall, pale-skinned man with messy, shoulder-length black hair partially hanging in front of his face. He sports a baggy black outfit that consists of a long-sleeved shirt and matching pants that tuck into his boots. He also always wears a utility belt and a wrap scarf holding the delinquents. He also has bright yellow goggles over his eyes.

The other is a tall man with short black hair and somewhat rectangular black eyes. He wears a tan overcoat and matching hat, underneath which he wears a black suit, a green tie at his neck with matching slacks, and dress shoes.

These are Shota Aizawa, Eraser Head, and Naomasa Tsukauchi, A Pro Hero who works at night and the other is a member of the Police force.

Tsukauchi: Thanks, Eraser Head; these guys have been giving us trouble for weeks. I'll make sure to contact their parents.

Aizawa: "Good; I swear, why can't these kids learn their lesson these days?"

Delinquent 1: "Man, we got caught by the heroes; this sucks."

Delinquent 2: "Yeah, man, first we get beaten up by a kid, then we get caught by the heroes; why is our luck so bad?"

Both Aizawa and Tsukauchi heard what they said and wondered what they were talking about.

Aizawa: "What that? You got your butts kicked by a kid?"

Delinquent 3: "Yeah, he fired some energy ball at us and broke my bro's sword hands; he was just too strong. How is someone like that even possible?"

Aizawa and Tsukauchi look at each other, knowing what might have happened.

Tsukauchi: "They may be talking about a new vigilante appearing."

Aizawa: "Great, just what I need, another one. I already finished dealing with the old vigilantes, and now a new one appears."

Tsukauchi knew what he was talking about. In Naruhata, there used to be 3 vigilantes, Knuckleduster, Pop☆Step, and The Crawler, who protected the city at night. The 3 of them went separate ways; Knuckleduster is still a vigilante, Pop☆Step retires, and The Crawler becomes a sidekick to Captain Celebrity, moves to America, and is now called The Skycrawler.

Tsukauchi: Well, for now, we should take care of these kids before dealing with the new vigilante."

Aizawa: "Agree, come on, you sad sacks, time to go to juvie."

The hero and police detective started walking to the police station with the 3 delinquents in tow. While they were walking, Aizawa's mind was somewhere else."

Aizawa's thoughts: ("A new vigilante, let's just hope this one doesn't cause more trouble than the last ones.")


Kenta finally found a place to hide out, an abandoned restaurant by a port.

Kenta: "It may not be the best, but it will do for now."

He went in and saw how dusty this place was. He opened some doors and found a break room with a couch. He went inside and dusted the couch a bit, making him cough from the dust. He then lay down while looking at the ceiling.

Kenta: "This has been a rough day; I would never have imagined being Isekai to My Hero Academia of all places or becoming a Saiyan of all things. I have a long day ahead of me, but for now, I should rest."

His eyes started to close, and he fell asleep, letting him rest to prepare for what tomorrow has in store for him.