
Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure

A man is hurled into a different reality, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar body. With no choice but to adapt swiftly, he embarks on a challenging journey to rise to the top. Join him on this adventure to become the strongest in a reality where powerhouses are as common as trees. This is an engaging weak-to-strong story that avoids the cliché of the protagonist becoming overpowered within a few chapters. Expect character development, actions with consequences, and a main character who doesn't sport the typical stone-cold, emotionless face found in other fanfics I have read. Additionally, I recommend reading the auxiliary chapter for guidance on how to fully enjoy this story. The MC possess a remarkable and distinct ability that sets him apart. However, this power will not render him instantly overpowered, ensuring a fair and balanced progression in the storyline. Additionally, it's worth noting that the character's development will not revolve around wishing death upon villains or purely striving to become the strongest. Such predictable paths can make the narrative monotonous to read. Are you tired of reading poorly written harem fanfics that are abandoned faster than a hot potato? Well, your search ends here! Say goodbye to the disappointment and delve into quality stories that will captivate your imagination and keep you engaged for hours on end. Say hello to a world of captivating characters, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable adventures. Don't settle for anything less than the best!

Universe_Buster · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Where is my Goldenfinger???

Before moving forward, I encourage you to read the auxiliary chapter. Whether you're new to the Dragon Ball Z series or familiar with the manga, this chapter provides fundamental insights into the DBZ universe that are worth exploring. So, even if you're already acquainted with DBZ, I recommend giving it a read as it will enhance your understanding.

-------------MC pov

It is truly remarkable, almost beyond belief. If someone had told me in the past that I would one day awaken in an entirely new body, I would have thought them to be delusional and in need of psychiatric help. Yet, here I am, facing this exact situation, still grappling with the unfathomable circumstances that have brought me to this point.

I woke up abruptly as the alarm clock blared in my ear. In a panic, I realized I was late for work. Hurriedly, I took a quick shower, even though I admit it wasn't the most pleasant experience. But hey, when you're working 70 hours a week as an exploited CGI designer, personal hygiene sometimes takes a backseat. Sighing, I left my apartment without having breakfast.

Stepping outside, the unpleasant odors from the street and sewer assaulted my senses like a professional boxer's jab. Living in a bustling metropolitan city, it was a familiar sensation. Glancing at my watch, I saw that it was precisely 7:15 am. I had a mere five minutes to reach the bus station, which was a good ten minutes away. With every ounce of energy, I sprinted as fast as I could, desperate not to miss the bus that held the fate of my day.

Luckily, I managed to arrive just in the nick of time, as the bus driver, a wonderful lady whom I was familiar with, greeted me. "You got lucky again, Kyle," she said with a smile. "I was just about to close the door and leave." Relieved, I showed her my ticket and expressed gratitude for her understanding. I knew she always waited a minute or two before departing.

I took a seat towards the rear of the bus and settled in. Once comfortable, I plugged in my headphones. Listening to music during my commutes became a habit; it helped me escape thoughts of the taxing day ahead. The music had me so engrossed that I nearly missed my stop. After disembarking, I walked a few meters until I reached a towering building.

It was there that I toiled away for a company named BS Entertainment. Like many other corporate entities, it overworked its employees and paid them a mere pittance. The name of the company indeed lived up to its nature - a true BS company, if you catch my drift. With a sigh, I finally made it to my desk, exchanging greetings with my colleagues.

I sat down on my gaming chair, I mean come'on if I was going to work at least ten hours a day I wanted to make sure I could game a little as well hehe. As I was working I received a very weird e-mail, I was very curious about it so I decided to check it out, I opened it and it was a survey from a company called ROB Experience, it asked me which anime did I love the most? there were four selections to make, One piece, Bleach, Naruto and Dragon ball Z,.

I naturally picked DBZ as it had always been my favorite anime even though the story wasn't that compelling. I just loved watching dragon ball characters power up and throw ki blast, it was so cool and enticing to see and let's be honest who hasn't tried throwing a Kamehameha wave once. After answering several questions, I was then asked which of these character do you hate the most, Four selections appeared again, there was Frieza, Zarbon, Dodoria and Cui. I chuckled as to be honest I disliked all the aforementioned characters therefore I moved my computer mouse to pick which one I hated the most which was....

As soon as I selected one of these characters, my surroundings underwent an instantaneous transformation. Confusion washed over me as I swiveled my head, trying to comprehend my new location. To my surprise, the colors around me deviated from Earth's familiar palette. The sky and water shimmered in vivid hues of bright green with beautiful yellow clouds, while the grass took on a mysterious dark teal shade. Being an avid fan of Dragon Ball, I immediately recognized the unmistakable hallmark of only one planet: Namek. With absolute certainty, I realized that I had been transported to the Dragon Ball universe and was now standing on the very grounds of Planet Namek.

After a series of panicked moments, I suddenly became aware of my unusual skin tone and peculiar attire. Frantically, I rushed towards the nearest water source, eager to decipher the changes that had befallen me. To my astonishment, I swiftly arrived at the verdant water's edge, where I glimpsed a reflection of a striking countenance. Angular jawline, well-defined chin and cheekbones, and almond-shaped eyes adorned with reptilian golden irises. My skin had assumed a light blue hue, while my hair, eyebrows, and lashes took on a deep green shade.

Donning a white armor embellished with brown shoulder pads and stomach stripes, I found myself clad in a blue undergarment, and oddly enough, knee-high stockings. Completing this unique ensemble were vibrant purple arm bands. Alas, it dawned on me with dismay—I had been transmigrated into the body of none other than Zarbon. Truly, this was the most unfortunate turn of events!

I was completely taken aback by this whole situation, but surprisingly, I wasn't even angry about the transmigration. After all, my life back on Earth wasn't the rosiest. I just wished I could have transmigrated into a cooler body, like a Saiyan, perhaps? For the love of Beerus, Zarbon is supposed to get killed by Vegeta later, on Namek! How on earth did I transmigrate in less than a second? I literally just blinked, and here I am. Wasn't I supposed to meet some ROB who would grant my every wish? Like an overpowered power or a system that would let me face slap every character in the dragon ball universe? Why couldn't they give me a better body, like Goku or Vegeta? Heck, I'd even take being Krillin! Oh um, nevermind about Krillin...

After taking some time to reflect, I managed to calm down. Realizing that there wasn't much I could do to change the situation, I started thinking about finding a way to leave this planet before Lord Frieza destroys it. As I glanced at Zarbon's reflection, or rather my own reflection, I couldn't help but notice how good looking I am. I mean, I might even give some actors and top male models from my past life a run for their money. Not that good looks can make me stronger though.

As I continued staring at my reflection, something peculiar happened. I suddenly felt a great warmth coursing through my body, starting from my feet and slowly moving towards my head. A flat green screen appeared and disappeared several times before me. And then, it happened. "Initiating... Initating... Transmigration complete," the screen displayed. The letters then changed to "Assimilation," with the body percentage progressing from 20 percent to 30 percent... and then 49 percent... Finally, it stopped at 50 percent. It stayed at that point for a while.

The characters on the screen vanished, and suddenly, several letters started popping up swiftly. They were: "Congratulations on a successful transmigration! Please take note of these commands to activate a few functions on the system." As the letters appeared, I couldn't help but feel overjoyed. I realized that whoever brought me into this universe had granted me an amazing golden finger. I eagerly focused on the screen, determined not to miss any of the commands.

Congratulations on successfully transmigrating! Please take note of the following commands to activate various functions on the system:

1. Status window: This command enables you to view your power level through numerical stats, skills, transformations, and a summary of your life so far.

2. Map: Use this command to obtain information about the topography of an area, including physical features, cities, roads, and more.

3. Radar/scouter: Utilize this command to assess the strength of your opponents, providing a numerical value. It also allows you to scan your surroundings for mystical dragon balls.

Please keep in mind that all system commands are initiated mentally. There is no need to vocalize them, as the system will become nonresponsive if called out verbally.

Upon careful consideration, I realized that this system served as more of a support rather than a direct strengthener. Unfortunately, I couldn't attain god ki in just two chapters and face slap everyone. I took a deep breath, inhaling through my nose and exhaling through my mouth.

Although the system had limited functionality, I chose not to complain. After all, they could have given me nothing at all. Whoever sent me here is clearly incredibly powerful. Anyone with the ability to transport souls across universes, in seconds, should not be underestimated. I decided to make the most of my situation, but first, I'll test out the system commands. I tried the first command, and as expected, it worked.

Status Window:

Name: Zarbon

Power Level: 25,000 (slightly elevated as a result of transmigration). Following the mystical process of transmigration, which enhanced the ki within the body.

Assimilation rate: 50% Engaging in physical activities is likely to lead to an increase in this aspect.

Transformation: Monster form- Unleash the monstrous (and admittedly not so easy on the eyes) form that lies within.

Potential: High. There is a great deal of untapped potential waiting to be unlocked. With the right strategies and focused efforts, the possibilities are limitless. Embrace the challenges and push yourself to new heights, reaching levels of success beyond your imagination.

Karma: -1000 points. This indicates a significantly negative score, suggesting a history of unfavorable actions or behavior. It serves as a reminder of the consequences that can arise from one's choices and actions.

Skills and Techniques: ???, Flight, Royal Martial Arts, Advanced frieza force combat arts, Ki Manipulation, Elegant Blaster, Telekinesis (Intermediate), Monster Crush, ...etc.

Zarbon, a gifted individual hailing from the planet XXX, possesses an inherently high power level. Unfortunately, during his youth, his planet fell prey to King Cold's conquest, driven by his race's exceptional combat prowess and untapped potential. As a result, most of his race now serve in the Frieza Force. Despite his vanity and arrogance, Zarbon's intelligence and strategic brilliance remain undeniable. Interestingly, throughout his life, he indulges in flamboyance and vanity, neglecting training altogether. Zarbon holds a deep reverence and fear for Cold and his lineage. Fortunately, an unfortunate soul has transmigrated into his body, altering his fate.

After carefully reading and going through every single command, I am pleased to report that everything is working flawlessly. Each command executed exactly as intended, leaving me with a sense of accomplishment and a rush of satisfaction. As I stood there, amidst the breathtaking namekian landscape surrounding me, I couldn't help but immerse myself in its serene beauty, pondering my next strategic move with a mix of excitement and anticipation.

For some mysterious reason, I felt a unique sense of distinction within myself. The reason became clear when I discovered that I had an extra set of memories, completely separate from my own. These memories held profound knowledge of awe-inspiring martial arts techniques and the ability to harness the power of ki. Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly embraced this newfound power. One thing I knew for sure: my exciting new life was destined to be one filled with unparalleled thrills!

--------Unknown Location-------

An incredibly large, majestic dark purple spaceship, resembling a colossal metal bug, soared through the vast expanse of the endless space. Its sleek frame gleamed as it effortlessly darted past a mesmerizing array of planets, stars, and solar systems, its speed nothing short of breathtaking.

Inside the ship, within a room aglow with shades of tranquil blue, a figure resided upon a regal red throne, adorned with ornate golden armrests and support. Encircling the throne, six figures occupied half-round stepping platforms, their presence shrouded in an air of reverence and loyalty. With a voice commanding yet tinged with curiosity, the figure on the throne posed a question to one of the beings standing among them, "How long until we reach our destination?"

Responding to the inquiry, one of the figures gracefully descended from their platform, making their way towards a cockpit-like control room. Addressing a being settled in a chair, who was intently focused on manipulating an array of luminescent interfaces, the figure inquired, "How much longer until we finally arrive there?" With a serene yet confident tone, the interface operator replied, "We are set to reach our destination in less than two days." Nodding with a sense of purpose, the figure returned to their previous position to relay the answer to the awaiting leader. "Lord," they began, "it is projected that we will reach our destination in less than two days."

Underneath the hood concealing their facial features, the being seated upon the throne maliciously grinned, an enigmatic aura emanating from within. With silence as their response, the enigmatic figure left their intentions shrouded in mystery.

----Namek----- Unknown location third person POV from now on.

Zarbon, deep in thought, carefully deliberated on his next strategic move. Suddenly, as if guided by an instinct honed through countless battles, he instinctively tilted his head to the left side of his muscular body. With keen eyes, he spotted a minuscule figure elegantly soaring through the vibrant greenish sky of Namek, moving with incredible velocity. And chasing closely behind this intriguing enigma, another individual swiftly pursued, their nimble form blending seamlessly into the surrounding scenery.

The sights that unfolded before Zarbon's eyes ignited a surge of adrenaline within him, fueling his body with tremendous power. Instantly, his latent ki, the life force that defined him, surged forth, enveloping his being in an aura of immeasurable energy. With a resolute determination, he embarked on a relentless pursuit, traversing the boundless skies of Namek, driven by an unwavering pursuit of his enigmatic target. And so, Zarbon's epic journey unfolds amidst the breathtaking backdrop of Namek's majestic splendor.

The second individual, determined to catch up with the swift first person, swiftly turned his head to the right mid-flight. In a hushed, anxious tone, he muttered, "A big ki is following me. It must be Zarbon, always lurking just one step behind, Tch. What a pest!" Without a moment's hesitation, he soared gracefully and effortlessly past the majestic, Namekian mountains, leaving behind a trail of awe-inspiring speed and intensity that mesmerized anyone lucky enough to witness it. With his eyes fixed on the horizon, he continued forward with an unwavering, single-minded focus, driven by an unrelenting determination to find the last Dragon Ball and bring it back -- no matter the personal sacrifices and obstacles that loomed ahead. As the three extraordinary beings traversed the vast expanse of the sky with an astonishing speed that seemed almost surreal, their mere presence alone created an awe-inspiring spectacle, captivating the hearts and minds of those fortunate enough to witness this extraordinary display of power and prowess.

Wherever they ventured, their sheer velocity had a remarkable effect on the surrounding environment, causing the waters below to part in awe, revealing a magnificent display of power and agility. The cascading ripples expanded outward, reflecting the vibrant colors of the suns, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

After soaring through the air for what felt like an eternity, the first individual descended with unwavering grace, landing near a cave. The golden light filtered through the ajisa trees, casting an ethereal glow on the rugged landscape. As he approached the cave, the sound of rustling leaves and softly chirping birds filled the air, heightening the sense of anticipation.

At the entrance of the cave, a lone woman sat on a weathered rock, engrossed in a book that seemed to transport her to another world. Startled by the sudden arrival of the first individual, she stumbled backward, her eyes widening in surprise. The book slipped from her grasp, falling softly to the ground as her gaze met his. With a deliberate rise, her curiosity piqued, she carefully assessed the figure before her, trying to discern if it was a familiar face.

"Oh, it's just Krillin," she said as she let out a sigh of relief. However, her initial calmness quickly faded away as she clenched her fists, furrowed her brows, and tensed her jaws and lips. With flared nostrils, she exclaimed, "Don't scare me like that, Krillin!"

Krillin, the individual in question, was easily recognizable by his distinct features. He sported a hairless head, which highlighted his shorter stature. His eyebrows were perfectly straight, adding to his unique appearance. Notably, he had six dots adorning his forehead, a characteristic that set him apart from others. And if you looked closely, you would notice that Krillin lacked a discernible nose.

Apart from his distinct facial features, Krillin's physique exuded strength. He was seen wearing an orange gi, which was adorned with the revered emblem of the Turtle School. This symbolized his dedication to martial arts and further emphasized his prowess in combat.

"This situation is Dangerous, Bulma," he expressed, his voice and face reflecting deep concern. "Being exposed like this is too risky. Anyone could easily spot you from a significant distance," he cautioned further.

Bulma, the woman in question, stood at an average height, her every feature captivating and enthralling. Her delicate, fair complexion seemed to glow in the sunlight, perfectly accentuating her mesmerizing blue eyes that harmonized with the luscious hue of her vibrant purple locks. Accentuating her forehead, a red bandana was gracefully wrapped, adding a touch of flair to her overall charm. Her long and slender legs complemented her exquisite figure, portraying both strength and grace.

"Oh, please!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with fiery indignation. "Do you really think I'll just sit around twiddling my thumbs in that cave forever?"

As she continued, her excitement grew more evident. "Oh, by the way, is that the Dragon Ball you're holding?" Her eyes sparkled with anticipation as she mentioned it. In response, Krillin's face lit up with a beaming smile, overflowing with pure joy. "Bingo!" he exclaimed.

Unable to contain her curiosity, Bulma approached him, her gaze fixated on the colossal orange orb adorned with a solitary star symbol. "Wow, they are significantly larger than our own dragon balls!" she exclaimed, her surprise tinged with a hint of delay.

Krillin matter-of-factly stated, "The grand elder gave it to me after meticulously examining my memories ." Krillin suddenly recalled something and inquired with genuine curiosity, "Oh, that's right! Bulma, Where is Gohan?" Bulma, her eyes sparkling with excitement, swiftly glanced in the opposite direction, her smile widening as she eagerly replied, "Um, interestingly enough,the dragon radar has detected yet another dragon ball over there, and Gohan, being the courageous kid that he is, naturally went to investigate it!" With a tinge of melancholy in her voice, she continued, "Remember the Namekian village devastated by that monster Vegeta? Well, our advanced radar has detected a faint signal leading in that very direction," her face now reflecting the profound sadness that resonated within her, as she sorrowfully mentioned the tale of the attacked village and the lingering pain it brought.

Krillin's eyes narrowed with suspicion as he immediately pounced on her response, his gaze fixed on Bulma. "What do you mean?" he questioned, his voice laced with concern. "Is he all alone?" Bulma, sensing the gravity of the situation, shrugged her shoulders before confirming in the affirmative. A wave of disapproval washed over Krillin as he shook his head, his thoughts consumed by worry. "That kid...I hope he'll be fine," he muttered to himself.

In the blink of an eye, Krillin's face transformed, a mix of fear and apprehension replacing his previously composed demeanor. The sudden change startled Bulma, who couldn't contain her curiosity. "What's wrong, Krillin?" she blurted out, her voice betraying her own unease. With a trembling voice, Krillin managed to respond, his words escaping him in a wavering tone, "A-A tremendous K-Ki is approaching... h-h-here." The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, leaving Bulma's heart racing with a mix of anticipation and dread.

Trying to calm his frayed nerves, Bulma hastily reassured him, her words laced with a hint of optimism, "Oh, come on, Krillin, don't be a scaredy-cat. It's probably just Gohan." Yet, deep down, both of them knew that something much larger and more ominous loomed on the horizon, their thoughts consumed by the impending clash of powers and the uncertainty that lay ahead.

Krillin's senses sharpen as his body tenses, brimming with anticipation of an impending and formidable encounter. With unwavering conviction, he proclaims, "No, it's not Gohan!" In that moment, a muscular man with a slightly shorter-than-average height emerges, commanding attention. His jet-black hair stylishly spikes upwards, accentuating his well-defined facial features, including a distinct widow's peak. His intense eyes hold a perpetually stern gaze, exuding an unwavering determination.

As he gracefully touches down on the ground, his every movement oozes with amazing poise. Bulma and Krillin, upon recognizing the identity of the man, are thrown into a whirlwind of fear and disbelief. They stutter in unison, "V-V-VEGETA!" It is Vegeta who stands before them, adorned in a regal suit of battle armor. The armor, bearing the proud marks of past battles, stands as a powerful testament to his indomitable spirit.

Beneath the gleaming armor, he wears a dark blue jumpsuit, every inch of it meticulously designed to optimize his performance in battle. The ensemble is complete with white gloves and boots, each element contributing to the formidable presence he embodies. Vegeta's terrifying aura resonates with the unmistakable energy of a true warrior, as his very presence commands both respect and fear.

After witnessing Vegeta's terrifying aura, Krillin's entire body shook in trepidation as he recognized his own mistake. "Crap," he silently cursed himself, his mind racing with regret. Becoming stronger had indeed made him reckless, a fact he now begrudgingly accepted. It suddenly dawned on him that, in his haste, he hadn't even bothered to check for ki as he flew there, only to face the dire consequences of his oversight.

As the trio locked eyes, the tension grew, creating a pregnant silence that seemed to permeate the air itself. Vegeta, standing with an unwavering serenity, a stark contrast to the visibly nervous earthlings whose relentless tremors betrayed their deep-seated apprehension. His voice, laced with amused detachment, broke the silence, tauntingly asking, "Did you miss me?" The question hung in the air, heavy with both threat and arrogance. "Honestly, I didn't anticipate crossing paths with you earthlings here," Vegeta continued, his tone dripping with superiority.

Vegeta's intense gaze fixed upon the dragon ball firmly clenched against Krillin's chest, his smirk speaking volumes of his confidence. Slowly, deliberately, Vegeta uttered, "It seems like we're both after the same prize on this planet, dwarf. Hold onto that ball for now, but know this: if you dare entertain the thought of fleeing with it, both you and the woman will meet your end." His words carried a weight that struck deep into Krillin's core, igniting a combination of fear and determination within him.

With a slight shift in his gaze towards the other side of their surroundings, a flicker of anticipation crossed Vegeta's face. Slightly dampening the intensity of his tone, he remarked, "So, he has finally arrived, huh?" The unspoken implications hung in the air, heightening the suspense and leaving the earthlings to wonder about the magnitude of the imminent clash that awaited them.

And CUT phew first chapter done I am a new writer please bear with me here =) I am trying to improve my writing so tell me what you think by commenting, I'll reply if I have time. I won't make the MC op because then the story will just be boring. Dialogue will be cringy at times because that's how dbz characters converse. They have a sort of mix between formal and non formal way of talking. System won't really impact the story. The story is based on both the anime and the manga as well as other things. NO DRAGON BALL HEROES OR XENOVERSE INCLUDED IN THE STORY. Expect some twist and turns. In addition, the dragon ball universe has some rules that must be followed, if you read the manga a lot like me, you should be familiar with them. I have decided to give Bulma purple hair because, in my opinion, it suits her the best and enhances her appearance.

' Thoughts

" speaking or thinking aloud

-Ka me ha me ha- Skills/ abilities

Universe_Bustercreators' thoughts