
Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure

A man is hurled into a different reality, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar body. With no choice but to adapt swiftly, he embarks on a challenging journey to rise to the top. Join him on this adventure to become the strongest in a reality where powerhouses are as common as trees. This is an engaging weak-to-strong story that avoids the cliché of the protagonist becoming overpowered within a few chapters. Expect character development, actions with consequences, and a main character who doesn't sport the typical stone-cold, emotionless face found in other fanfics I have read. Additionally, I recommend reading the auxiliary chapter for guidance on how to fully enjoy this story. The MC possess a remarkable and distinct ability that sets him apart. However, this power will not render him instantly overpowered, ensuring a fair and balanced progression in the storyline. Additionally, it's worth noting that the character's development will not revolve around wishing death upon villains or purely striving to become the strongest. Such predictable paths can make the narrative monotonous to read. Are you tired of reading poorly written harem fanfics that are abandoned faster than a hot potato? Well, your search ends here! Say goodbye to the disappointment and delve into quality stories that will captivate your imagination and keep you engaged for hours on end. Say hello to a world of captivating characters, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable adventures. Don't settle for anything less than the best!

Universe_Buster · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Goku in trouble!


Goku, consumed by extreme fatigue and propelled by the shockwaves of the explosive force, rapidly descended towards the ground. As he landed, a sharp, involuntary "ouch" yelp escaped his lips while he tumbled several times before eventually reaching a stop. Gradually regaining his composure, he struggled to gather his senses, then He staggered back up, his senses dazed from the impact. With a numb gaze, his eyes fixated on the vast plumes of smoke that covered the sky, a formidable manifestation of the aftermath caused by his devastating Kamehameha attack that had struck Frieza.

"That should huff huff take care huff huff of him," Goku hoped, gasping for breath as he felt an immense sense of relief. The extraordinary power he had exerted, pushing his body to its limits with the kaioken times twenty, had taken a toll on him. He winced with every beat of pain that coursed through his battered body, feeling as if every muscle and bone had been torn apart from within. The Earth-raised Saiyan knew that he had given everything he had in this intense battle.

He brushed off the dirt and sand from his body as the shockwaves and ground trembling finally subsided. "PHEW! Can't believe I won! Woohoo! I really defeated such an incredibly strong guy. Better start loo-" Before Goku finished his sentence, Frieza slowly emerged from the Namekian sea with an irate expression. The alien looked very different now. He had the same color scheme as before, but he appeared slightly less imposing with a hunched back. Additionally, he sported several spikes on his back, his head resembled a xenomorph, his nose disappeared, and his bio armor shoulder guards grew longer.

"No wa- way He survived that, -huff huff- and all the damage I did is gone. -Huff Huff- I ain't got a choice now heh heh I guess I'll just keep on fighting for my friends and family. I know I can do this!" Exclaimed Goku with sheer resilience

"You have humiliated me long enough!" Frieza exclaimed in a fit of rage, his voice booming through the air. With a determined malicious glint in his eyes, he raised his index finger toward Goku, a vibrant pink hued light intensifying at his fingertip, its energy pulsating with ominous power. A mischievous grin crept across Frieza's face as he prepared to unleash his devastating attack.

"Ho ho ho," he chuckled slyly, relishing in the moment of impending triumph. In one swift motion, Frieza released the ki from his finger, channeling it into a concentrated laser beam of immense power. It shot forward with awe-inspiring speed, barreling relentlessly toward Goku.

Caught off guard by the unexpected assault, Goku's reaction was instantaneous but futile. Before he could fully comprehend what was happening, the beam pierced through his left shoulder, eliciting a startled yelp of pain from the valiant warrior.

Goku, gasping for breath, struggled to react, his voice filled with shock. "I couldn't even react... huff, huff... this is really bad," he managed to utter. The excruciating pain made it difficult for him to find his composure. The relief came in knowing that although a hole had been burnt into his shoulder by the scorching heat of the beam, no blood oozed from the cauterized wound.

"I will unleash the full extent of my power upon you! NOW BEHOLD Saiyan," Frieza roared, his index finger pointing menacingly at the Saiyan once more. Goku's heart raced with anticipation as he steeled himself for the imminent assault, his voice echoing with the incredible will of Saiyans. "Stop calling me a saiyan already. I have told you I ain't no Saiyan. I am GOKU AN EARTHLING, KAIOKEN TIMES TWENTY! " A surge of fiery, reddish aura erupted from Goku's body, radiating an intense energy that engulfed the surroundings. The air crackled with anticipation, charged with the incredible power that Goku had attained. With supernatural swiftness, Goku lunged forward, the earth trembling beneath his feet. His movements were a blur as he closed in on Frieza, every muscle primed for battle.

A sly smirk formed on Frieza's face, "What a moron. So, you claim not to be a Saiyan, huh? Well, your behavior begs to differ!" his confidence bolstered by Goku's show of power. Undeterred by the Saiyan's rapid response, Frieza unleashed yet another deadly death beam.

"That won't work on me TWICE," Goku confidently uttered as he swiftly evaded Frieza's beam mid-flight. With his body slightly shifting away from the intense energy, Goku gracefully closed the distance between them. In an instant, he appeared right before Frieza and unleashed a mean hook, landing a solid blow on the xenomorph-like alien's face.

Knowing that time was limited for his Kaioken technique, Goku wasted no time. With the momentum from his previous attack, he deftly spun and launched an elbow strike. The impact was so powerful that it sent Frieza's body hurtling away. But Goku, relentless in his pursuit, chased after the tyrant without hesitation.

In response, Frieza, though groggy, unleashed a series of death beams in an attempt to defend himself. However, Goku's aerial maneuverability was nothing short of impressive as he evaded each swift beam effortlessly. He quickly flew past Frieza's body, pivoted mid-air, and with lightning speed, delivered a spinning back kick right at Frieza's gigantic head. The blow landed with such force that it almost seemed comical, causing Frieza's head to nearly be engulfed by his own body.

Undeterred , Goku continued to chase after Frieza, flying dangerously close to the ground. Frieza, realizing the imminent threat, desperately fired multiple death beams once again. But Goku's inhuman speed allowed him to dodge every single one of them with finesse. With unmatched agility, Goku proceeded to slam his feet into the tyrant's back, delivering an uppercut-like strike that sent shockwaves through the air.

The strike sent Frieza flying mercilessly towards the air at great force. Goku ascended after him and sprinting across the air towards Frieza once more, he delivered a powerful punch to the tyrant's face, sending him flying away from his grasp. Frieza was left in shock as he felt the force of the blow and started to fall towards the ground at great speed. Goku flew after him with tremendous speed, rapidly closing in on Frieza so that he wouldn't have time to retaliate. As soon as Goku closed in on Frieza, he cusped his hands to the side in the Kamehameha stance, He yelled with purpose "KAMEHAMEHA" slowly as he unleashed a great wave of last energy at point blank range, The attack was so fierce and powerful, it sent the evil tyrant flying away with great force, the sky and Namekian ground were illuminated once ,more by a bright light, and when the light faded, so did Frieza. He had been completely pushed away by Goku's attack. This was the goal of Goku, to push away Frieza with the blunt force of the attack so he could consume a senzu bean to recuperate his ki and heal from his injuries.

Goku involuntarily deactivated Kaioken as he struggled with shaking hands to grab a senzu bean from the pouch still firmly attached to his attire. all of a sudden his body nosedived toward the ground and slammed against it with a loud tud noise. "I'm spent, my body won't even respond to me anymore. sorry guys I'll...just...take...a...quick....nap" Goku muttered as his eyes became heavier and slammed themselves shut.

A few moments after Goku eyes closed, Frieza struggled his way out from the grasp of the full powered Kamehameha which was propelling him away with great force. His complexion was as pale as ever. with a glint of evil in his eyes he appeared unscathed but the interior of his body was a mess. The attack the Saiyan had unleashed upon the emperor was a brunt force ki wave attack, instead of an obliterate kind, of course it was still hot but it's main purpose was not to turn someone into space dust but to hit with the force to turn into space dust. Those principles are two different things entirely and the emperor knew the difference after all his own Ki attacks are very versatile,

"I won't let him get away so easily," Frieza fiercely declared. With those words, a surge of ki exploded from his body, creating a dazzling aura around him. Determined to to the battlefield and deliver much deserved payback, Frieza prepared to unleash his maximum speed. However, an unexpected challenge arose in the heat of the moment. While focusing on escaping the blast, Frieza lost sight of his opponent, who had managed to push him quite a distance away.

"DAMN IT! Just wait for me, you blasted thing!" Frieza shouted, a mixture of frustration and fury consuming him. To alleviate his anger, he unleashed a powerful ki blast in a random direction he hoped the saiyan would be. With immense force, the blast struck a small-sized island, instantly obliterating it into nonexistence. A cloud of smoke mingled with the explosion, adding to the chaotic aftermath.

In the midst of his intense emotions, Frieza pondered his options. Vengeance and destruction tempted him. The thought of annihilating the entire planet crossed his mind, bringing a mischievous grin to his face. However, he swiftly dismissed the idea, recognizing that his goal still lay in obtaining the dragon balls. Destroying the planet would mean forfeiting his chance to possess their immense power. With a sly chuckle, Frieza concluded, "Ho ho ho... what a delightful idea, but no! The dragon balls remain my primary objective."

Suddenly, as he lost himself in his reverie, he was abruptly torn from his thoughts by the sound of a familiar voice echoing through the air, calling out to him with a mixture of urgency and familiarity.

---------------------Author Notes-----------------

Hey, awesome readers! Hope you enjoy this chapter. I've got some exciting news: I've decided to shorten the chapters, so I can deliver updates more often! Expect a punchy 1.5k to 2.5k words. Trust me, I won't go beyond that. After re-reading my story, I realized the chapters were way too long, haha! Let's keep things snappy and captivating from now on!

It's important to note that Goku initially denied his Saiyan heritage until his battle with Frieza in the original timeline. That pivotal moment marked significant character development as Goku finally embraced his roots. So, for those who claim Goku lacks character development, think again! 😉