
Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure

A man is hurled into a different reality, finding himself in a completely unfamiliar body. With no choice but to adapt swiftly, he embarks on a challenging journey to rise to the top. Join him on this adventure to become the strongest in a reality where powerhouses are as common as trees. This is an engaging weak-to-strong story that avoids the cliché of the protagonist becoming overpowered within a few chapters. Expect character development, actions with consequences, and a main character who doesn't sport the typical stone-cold, emotionless face found in other fanfics I have read. Additionally, I recommend reading the auxiliary chapter for guidance on how to fully enjoy this story. The MC possess a remarkable and distinct ability that sets him apart. However, this power will not render him instantly overpowered, ensuring a fair and balanced progression in the storyline. Additionally, it's worth noting that the character's development will not revolve around wishing death upon villains or purely striving to become the strongest. Such predictable paths can make the narrative monotonous to read. Are you tired of reading poorly written harem fanfics that are abandoned faster than a hot potato? Well, your search ends here! Say goodbye to the disappointment and delve into quality stories that will captivate your imagination and keep you engaged for hours on end. Say hello to a world of captivating characters, intricate plotlines, and unforgettable adventures. Don't settle for anything less than the best!

Universe_Buster · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Ginyu Force? Take this D RECOOME

--Namek-- unknown Location

---Vegeta's Pov---

I and the pipsqueaks, were quick to arrive at the location where they relocated to. It amazed me how swiftly they had discovered another cave, as if caves simply sprouted from the ground like plants. Eagerly, we dashed into the cavern and found ourselves before a familiar house, reminiscent of the ones where I had been previously confined with injuries.

Opening the door, the interior greeted my eyes with a sense of déjà vu. The bald earthling swiftly scurried toward a room, disappearing momentarily only to reemerge clutching the two dragon balls. Meanwhile, a woman with stunning purple hair emerged from another room, bombarding us with a barrage of inquiries. Her voice brimmed with curiosity and concern as she questioned the purpose behind our search for the dragon balls, the whereabouts of Zarbon, and my presence.

Comprehending the urgency of our situation, Krillin, the bald-headed earthling, responded with a sense of urgency, "No time to explain." Together with Kakarot's son, we swiftly exited the house and lunged at the entrance of the cave, soon we found ourselves back outside the cave. Sensing the impending danger, I urged the earthlings, "Hurry, follow me! This way, quickly!"

Upon harnessing my immense ki, I propelled myself into the sky, soaring through the air, leading the way to the secret location where I had hidden the dragon balls earlier. In a display of trust and teamwork, Krillin handed one of the dragon balls to Kakarot's brat, solidifying their unity as we embarked on this high-speed journey. Unyielding in our pursuit, we continued to fly, faster than ever before, our determination propelling us toward the destination where the dragon balls were hidden by me.

---Namek---Frieza spaceship--- Just outside the ship

Outside of the imposing spaceship of Frieza, five sleek pods were nested inside five large craters, each perfectly aligned. As the pods' doors slowly hinged upward like synchronized gates, five intriguing beings emerged. They possessed distinct physical attributes, ranging from different statures, varying skin tones, to unique facial features. With an air of absolute confidence, they each ascended gracefully towards Frieza's spaceship, their movements a mesmerizing display of precision and purpose.

Eventually, after a seamless flight, they reached the top of the spaceship. Atop the spaceship, Frieza himself, comfortably nestled inside an egg-shaped hover pod which defied gravity and floated effortlessly. The pod, predominantly black in color, exuded an air of sleek sophistication. However, its elegance was accentuated by the contrasting white bottom and subtle yellowish stripes adorning the front and sides.

Suddenly, a towering figure emerged from the group, exuding a captivating appearance reminiscent of earthlings. This individual possessed a robust build and stood tall, sporting vibrant orange shaggy hair and sharp, penetrating eyes. Their prominent cleft chin complemented their distinct features. Adorning their left eye was a sleek green scouter, while their attire consisted of a pristine black jumpsuit with short sleeves layered under a striking white variant of the Frieza Force Battle Armor. Impeccable white gloves and boots completed their ensemble. Notably, one of the chestplates bore a unique symbol: an exquisite orange circle encompassing a crisp white upside-down triangle, within which lay another contrasting blue triangle.

Suddenly, with a peculiar pose, the individual exclaimed, "Recoooome!"

After him, another towering figure stepped forward. This mysterious individual has a bluish skin complexion that was striking against the backdrop of his crimson irises. His eyes are pupil-less, adding an air of enigma to his appearance. Notably, there are many small spots scattered across his body, like constellations in the night sky. As if mirroring his predecessor, he too donned the same apparel, albeit in a different color palette with no jumpsuit but only tight battle pants.

The azure-hued extraterrestrial bellowed "BURTER!!" while mirroring the stance of the preceding figure, albeit facing the opposite direction.

After that, a person with an average build appeared. Their bright red skin was vibrant, and they had long, white hair flowing down to their hips. Their eyebrows were pure white and framed a face that had a certain charm, especially compared to the people before them. They were dressed just like the rest, with the only difference being an obsidian jumpsuit with long sleeves under their suit of armor.

the being carefully set down the emerald briefcase he held, assuming a new stance while simultaneously shouting, "JEICE!"

Following him was a stout, alien figure. With a light green complexion, this extraterrestrial sported four eyes: two small ones positioned like those of a regular human, and two significantly larger ones situated on the sides of his grotesque head. Like everyone else, he too donned the same armor, complemented by a full-body jumpsuit underneath.

He quickly mirrored Jeice's stance while shouting, "GULDO!"

Finally a tall and regal alien emerged, his purple complexion radiating an aura of otherworldly power. Veins curiously resembling those of a human brain intricately adorned his prominent head, while two sleek conical horns gracefully sprouted from its sides. His attire boasted a black variant of the formidable Battle Armor donned by Frieza's forces, complete with lower side guards, sleek black and white wrist bracers, and the same intriguing insignia embellishing the upper left side of the chest plate. As for his lower body armor, he sported a sleek black undergarment, complementing his intimidating presence.

In a rather peculiar stance, he boldly proclaimed, "GINYU!!" while striking a pose.

In unison, they loudly proclaimed, "And Together, We are the Ginyu Force!" as they gracefully transitioned into new, cringe-inspiring poses.

A subtle, delicate tint of rosy pink could be faintly perceived on Frieza's cheeks, a clear indication of his second-hand embarrassment as he awkwardly witnessed their special poses.

Frieza cleared his throat and said, " Captain Ginyu! I have been awaiting your arrival."

The horned purple alien, now revealed as Ginyu, responded with a smug and self-assured smile. "It's good to know. So, Lord Frieza, what is our mission this time?"

Frieza, with an annoyed intonation, retorted, "That wretched Vegeta betrayed me."

Frieza took a moment to let his words sink in before he resumed, "He not only managed to escape, but also stole my dragon balls. Make sure he receives a thorough beating, but refrain from killing him, as I'll need to extract every last bit of information from him regarding the whereabouts of the dragon balls."

All members of the formidable Ginyu Force, except for Guldo, began manipulating their scouters in search of the elusive saiyan prince. Shortly after, Ginyu, fixated on his Lord Frieza, calmly uttered, "This should prove to be quite effortless. In fact, my scouter has already pinpointed his whereabouts not far from our current location. However, something seems peculiar; he appears to be followed by two others."

Frieza hearing this shocking news furowed his brows as he mutttered " Two others?" then suddenly like a lightning bolt striking him with realization he revealed " Mu mst be those two children who interfered with us. So they were Vegeta's allies after all"

Ginyu exclaimed excitedly, "Those two possess some good chi! How should we take care of them?"

"Kill them." Frieza responded without remorse, unapologetically asserting his cruelty.

Ginyu responded with a self-assured grin, saying, "Very well. Jeice, deliver the scouters to Lord Frieza, and let's proceed to have some Good'ol Fun."

The red skinned man now identified as Jeice picked up the greeen briefcase and headed in friezaa's direction. once he arrived he handed the briefcase over while stating respectfully " Lord Frieza, inhere are the scouters you requested."

Ginyu exclaimed, "Until we meet again, my Lord!" Following his words, each member of the Ginyu Force arranged themselves in a neat line, starting from the shortest to the tallest. Assembled in a circular formation, they harmoniously chanted, "Ginyu Force, Fightooo!" Their distinctive energies surged around them, and with a display of awe-inspiring power, they soared into the sky. Departing at astonishing speed, they left behind a trail of wonder and majesty.

Frieza was left utterly flabbergasted by their shameless behavior as they departed, causing a few beads of anxious sweat to form atop his head. He let out a sigh in response to their antics before retreating back into the spaceship.

--Outer space --

A circular spaceship was swifly flying through the dead silence of outer space with tremendous and remarkable velocity. The vessel is shaped like a tennis ball with several circular viewport all around it. Inside the ship, an automated voice exclaimed loudly continuously " 20 minutes until arrival on namek" A man groggily woke up as a result of the commotion. The man possesses a uniquely eccentric hairstyle, characterized by three bangs hanging to the right of his forehead and two bangs hanging to the left. Additionally, his hair stands up in four distinct spikes at the front, while also featuring three bangs at the back. He took off the blue bed cover hiding his frame and sat up while stretching his muscular and well defined arms.

He soon stood the rest of his physique was revealed to be extremely well defined and proportionately muscular showcasing that the man often times undertook physical training. He walked up to a door and opened it, showing a bathroom sink inside a little room with a tooth brush and tooth paste atop of it. He brushed his teeth thoroughly and rinsed his face with water from the faucet. After that he picked up the towel perched atop a bar and used it to dry his face up and placed it atop his shoulders.

He exited the bathroom, and swiftly headed toward a closet door, which he opened upon arrival, revealing withing multiple pairs of the same apparels. He donned on a blue undeshit, atop of the undershirt he wore an orange Gi, he tied a blue martial cord around his west to make it not loose. Finally, he donned on a pair of flat sole blue high martials arts high boots with white straight line trimmings.

After being fully clothed, He grabbed a white pouch nearby and tied it on the blue beltlike cord around his waist. " Alright" he stated with a determined and serious expression " I feel a bunch of powerful ki and a lot of them are even stronger than Vegeta" he continued speaking his thoughts aloud"

He walked towards one of windows, peeked outside and continued thinking aloud " Why am I so calm? I don't feel scared at all. Maybe training in this intense gravity fried my brains."

And on the spaceship went, It continued on its travel toward the yellow and green ball known as namek.

---Namek--- unknown location

Back on Namek, Vegeta and the Earthlings hurried toward the spot where Vegeta had hidden the Dragon Balls. Vegeta pointed confidently with his right hand, his other hand occupied with clutching a Dragon Ball. With their destination in sight, their pace quickened with renewed strength. As they touched down, Vegeta dashed towards the spot where he had concealed the Dragon Balls.

Krillin, one of the Earthlings, muttered perplexed, "There's nothing here, Vegeta. Did you trick us?" Ignoring him, Vegeta pushed forward with a confident smirk on his lips.

However, their path was obstructed as five figures landed before them. Upon closer inspection, it became apparent that they were the members of the Ginyu Force. Ginyu, the captain, spoke with a condescending smile and attitude, addressing Vegeta, "Yo, little Veggie! Long time no see!"

Taken aback by the sudden arrival and the captain's words, Vegeta and the Earthlings unconsciously took a step back, their fists clenched. Vegeta, his forehead dotted with sweat, frustratingly declared, "Damn it! I was so close! So close to obtaining eternal life."

Meanwhile, Gohan and Krillin, standing slightly behind Vegeta, wore pale expressions of utmost concern. The Ginyu Force members laughed ominously as they observed the fear and shock etched on Vegeta and the Earthlings' faces.

Ginyu confidently inquired, "Are these the Dragon Balls you stole from Lord Frieza?" The Saiyan Prince and the Earthlings physically recoiled at the question, and without uttering a single word, they took several steps backward.

Ginyu, stroking his chin thoughtfully, remarked, "There are only three here, but don't we need four more to make a wish, right Jeice?"

Jeice, upon hearing his captain, responded with his peculiar accent, "Yes, captain! That's correct."

Suddenly, Ginyu clenched his fists tightly and exclaimed, "Damn it! We forgot to ask Lord Frieza how many Dragon Balls Vegeta stole!" The outburst slightly startled the other members of the Ginyu Force, but they quickly composed themselves.

Recoome, one of the towering members, suggested, "Captain, you can take these three back to the spaceship while we interrogate Veggie and the "dudelets."

Ginyu's eyes lit up with realization as he said, "Brilliant plan, Recoome. Now, Veggie, kindly hand those over." Vegeta gritted his teeth, breathing heavily, and defiantly replied, "Over my dead corpse, Ginyu."

Ginyu, amused by Vegeta's bravado, let out a laugh and countered, "Don't be in a hurry, Veggie. Soon enough, you'll wish you were dead." Then, addressing his men, he declared, "Guldo, work your magic."

All eyes instantly fixated on Guldo. Before Vegeta could utter a warning for the earthlings, the three Dragon Balls disappeared from their hands and lay at Ginyu's feet. Vegeta and the Earthlings were so shocked by the unfolding events that their pupils threatened to detach from their eye sockets. Gripping his fists tightly, Vegeta exclaimed with frustration, "Damn it! So it's true that this shrimp can temporarily stop time!"

Guldo, upon hearing Vegeta, stared at him intently and retorted with extreme anger, "Hehe, don't underestimate me, Vegeta. You'll pay dearly if you do."

On the other hand, Krillin, with apprehension on his face, inwardly thought, 'These guys are unbelievably strong, just like Vegeta said. Especially that Ginyu guy, he's a cut above the rest. And the weakest among them can stop time. Goku, hurry up!'

While Krillin was lost in his thoughts, the Dragon Balls ascended in the air, slowly positioning themselves behind Ginyu, as if an invisible force was holding them in place. Ginyu looked at Vegeta with a pitying gaze and remarked, "Unfortunately, I can't play with you today, little Veggie. But don't worry, the guys will make sure you have a wonderful time in my absence."

Suddenly, Jeice, standing behind Ginyu, chimed in, "And when he says 'wonderful time,' he means we're going to hammer you!" Ginyu, slightly taken aback by Jeice's explanation, shot him an annoyed look and through gritted teeth said, "Oi, Jeice, you don't have to tell him that, you idiot." Jeice looked at the captain sheepishly but refrained from retorting.

Meanwhile, Krillin whispered to Vegeta with a barely audible voice, "Vegeta, is there any way out of this without fighting?" Vegeta replied, his gaze fixed on the Ginyu Force, "Running is useless, and you know it. Hopefully, the resilience you showed back on Earth can shine here too."

While Ginyu and his men deliberated their next move, Ginyu began, "Alright, I'll take the Dragon Balls to Lord Frieza as Recoome suggested. You guys can play rock-paper-scissors to decide who will interrogate Vegeta and the 'little aliens.' The winner takes Vegeta, and the runner-up gets the others as a set."

Upon hearing this, every member of the Ginyu Force erupted with joy, exclaiming, "Captain! You're the best!" Ginyu, beaming with pride and sporting a confident smirk, remarked, "Indeed, I am." Soon after, they commenced a game of rock-paper-scissors to determine which "plaything" each member would receive.

Meanwhile, Gohan, Vegeta, and Krillin watched the antics of the Ginyu Force with annoyance etched on their faces. Gohan muttered while staring at them, "Can't we just sneak away while they're occupied?" In response, a disapproving sound came from Vegeta as he warned them, "No, you greenhorn. Even when they're not looking, their bodies are ready to pounce if we try to run."

Krillin nodded in agreement, also looking at Gohan, and said, "Yeah, Gohan, Vegeta is right." And so, the game of rock-paper-scissors continued, while Gohan, Vegeta, and Krillin strategized their next move from a distance.


Zarbon sprinted towards the location of the earthlings at breakneck speed, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. 'I hope I make it in time to absorb Guldo's lifeforce,' he thought urgently. With determination fueling his every move, Zarbon pressed on, sailing through the green-hued Namekian sky.

Once Zarbon sensed the earthlings' ki skyrocketing, a sense of urgency washed over him. 'Damn,' he muttered, realizing the battle had already commenced. Undeterred, Zarbon accelerated even further, parting the waters below each time he flew over a body of water, a testament to his incredible velocity.

Before long, Zarbon caught sight of the battlefield up ahead. Rather than slowing down, he pressed on at an accelerated pace, exhaling with slight discomfort etched on his face. In a flash, he descended onto the battlefield, shocking everyone present. With a lightning-fast maneuver, Zarbon struck Guldo's grotesque head with a ferocious elbow blow. The impact was so potent that Guldo's four eyes widened in disbelief as he toppled forward, landing face-first on the ground.

Zarbon exhaled heavily, his actions finally catching up to him. Yet, in no time he composed himself. He heard Krillin and Gohan shouting, "Thank you Zarbon!" in his direction, to which he responded with a simple nod. With unwavering determination, he firmly lifted Guldo's stout body by the top of his head. Ignoring Guldo's pleas, he swiftly activated his ability, sensing the life force within Guldo rapidly drain away. And then, it happened. Guldo's body disintegrated into small ki particles, as if he had never existed at all, leaving behind his battle armor, full body jumpsuit, gloves and boots.

Dead silence and the wind blowing overtook the battlefield as no one uttered a single word in astonishment at the feat Zarbon just accomplished. He slowly cracked his neck as he turned in the direction of the Ginyu force.

"Who the hell are ya?" Jeice exclaimed, only to be interrupted by Burter who pondered, "Didn't those pipsqueaks refer to him as Zarbon? Could he be the Zarbon we're familiar with?"

They exchanged glances, appearing deep in thought, before synchronously striking distinct poses. Recoome sighed, "Ah, without Guldo, our special poses will lose their spark." However, a smile quickly formed on his face. "No need to fret, I'll ask the captain to make new ones for the four of us since Guldo is dead and everything."

Zarbon couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief at the eccentricity of the Ginyu Force. Despite the recent loss of one of their members, they seemed more concerned with their signature poses than anything else. With a determined stride, Zarbon approached their gathering and calmly declared, "No need to worry over poses any longer. Today, you'll be granted an assisted departure from existence."

Upon hearing Zarbon's voice, Jeice exclaimed, "Bloody hell! It really does sound like Zarbon." Burter nodded in agreement, adding, "Well, well, well. It appears that today we'll be getting rid of not one, but two traitors."

Recoome, with an eager grin on his face and a mischievous glint in his eyes, chimed in quickly while licking his lips. "Anyways, we need to play a round of ROCHAMBO to determine who will take care of the little dudes and the masked dude. Oh, and by the way, I've already got dibs on Vegeta!"

Ignoring Zarbon completely, they continued with their antics. Looking up in the direction of the sky, Zarbon spotted Vegeta, bringing a smile to His face concealed by a mask. "Vegeta probably recognizes my ki signature. I need to be cautious around him because he's not exactly trustworthy at the moment," He thought. With that in mind, Zarbon released his ki, preparing himself for the impending battle.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" He started yelling, his voice reverberating through the air. As his powerful ki erupted from his body, the ground beneath him began to tremble, vibrating ever so slightly. The sheer force of his ki caused the surrounding dust to billow up, creating a swirling cloud around him. In addition, small pebbles were lifted from the ground, suspended temporarily in mid-air. These mesmerizing visuals further emphasized the immense power that Zarbon possessed.

As his power up sequence continued, a wave of anticipation washed over the audacious members of the Ginyu Force. In an instant, their mischievous antics faded into oblivion as sheer astonishment took hold. Their hands fumbled to activate their scouters, desperate to gauge the magnitude of his power level. "OI OI," Burter exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief, "This guy's power level is over 40,000!" The sight of such unprecedented strength rendered the remaining members speechless, their faces frozen in a mixture of awe and dumbfoundedness.

After he finished powering up, Zarbon, his muscles bulging with newfound strength, launched himself at Recoome with unparalleled speed, moving like a lightning bolt. Recoome, momentarily taken aback by this unexpected assault, couldn't react in time. Zarbon closed the distance in an instant, delivering a devastating blow to the side of Recoome's face with a powerful left cross. The impact of the punch left Recoome stunned for a brief moment, allowing Zarbon, with his lightning-fast reflexes, to seize the opportunity. Bringing his hands together with a resounding clap, Zarbon unleashed a double punch uppercut to Recoome's cleft chin, sending the sturdy special force member hurtling skyward in a bewildered daze.

Zarbon swiftly leapt up into the sky with lightning-fast speed towards the precise location where he had sent Recoome's body rocketing moments before. As he ascended, he observed the Ginyu Force member's body soaring through the air with remarkable velocity. Utilizing the momentum and trajectory of Recoome's body, Zarbon clenched his hands together and hammered a forceful blow to his opponent's head, sending the body hurtling back down in a frenzied descent towards the ground.

Descending after the body once again, Zarbon positioned himself directly behind Recoome and tightly wrapped his muscular arm around him, ensuring a secure hold. With the package securely in his grasp, Zarbon propelled himself downward with even greater speed, He navigated through the exhilarating descent with precision and control.

As he continued to swiftly descend through the air, Zarbon could feel Recoome's body struggling and desperately attempting to break free from his firm grip. The determination in Recoome's eyes was undeniable, but no matter how hard the bulky Ginyu Force member fought, it became increasingly apparent that escape was futile. In an instant, gravity had its way and they were just mere meters away from the unforgiving ground below.

With a sly grin spreading across his face, Zarbon playfully taunted, "Night Night, Pineapple Head," right before releasing Recoome. Recoome's body, now free from Zarbon's hold, continued its fast flight trajectory towards impending destruction, despite the overwhelmed warrior's futile attempts to stabilize himself.

The impact was imminent, with Recoome's body colliding against the solid Namekian ground accompanied by a thunderous "boooom." The sheer force of the impact caused a plume of dust to erupt into the air, shrouding the entire surrounding landscape where the package landed and effectively obscuring any onlookers' view of the aftermath.

As the thick cloud of dust gradually settled, revealing the aftermath of the intense beatdown, a large crater appeared, serving as a testament to the tremendous impact that had taken place. From within the center of the crater, Recoome emerged, his towering figure bearing numerous visible injuries, a testament to the sheer strength of the collision. His once formidable armor now lay in shattered fragments, unable to withstand the destructive force unleashed upon it. A significant portion of Recoome's jumpsuit was torn asunder, leaving only the lower half intact, offering a modest semblance of modesty amidst the chaos.

With unwavering determination, Recoome summoned every ounce of strength within him to slowly pull himself out of the smoldering crater. Despite the overwhelming pain that wracked his body, reminiscent of a limp ragdoll tossed around relentlessly by Zarbon, Recoome's spirit burned with an unyielding desire for vengeance. He refused to succumb to the physical hardship he endured, his pride demanding that he exact retribution upon his opponent.

Fixing Zarbon with an unwavering gaze, Recoome bellowed with a voice filled with excitement, "Awright, this is exactly how things should be!"

He clenched his fists, the determination evident in his eyes. With one swift motion, Recoome screamed "RECOOME KICK!!" rapidly charged forward toward Zarbon like a missile, his muscles tensed due to being filled to the brim with ki. Because of his injuries, his movements were erratic and clumsy, but that didn't dampen his spirit to punish his opponent. Recoome's attack proved futile as Zarbon swiftly blocked the knee kick aimed at his face with his own knee. Undeterred, Recoome unleashed a flurry of punches, each one met by Zarbon's precise blocks and graceful evasions, as if he were solving a simple math equation. With every passing second, Recoome's frustration grew, his realization sinking in - no matter how hard he tried, his strength and power alone were not enough to defeat Zarbon.

Recoome, desperate to defeat his opponent, created some distance and let out a bellowing yell that resonated through the battlefield. "Awright, Time to end this," he declared with unwavering determination. As his ki surged, an eerie yet captivating purple flame-like aura enveloped his entire being, radiant and awe-inspiring. The sheer intensity of his power caused the ground to tremble beneath him, numerous cracks spiderwebbing across the surface encircling his formidable presence. With unyielding resolve, Recoome roared, "RECOOME ULTRA...."

Just as the Ginyu Force member was about to unleash his attack, in a breathtaking display of astonishing speed, Zarbon vanished from the naked eye, leaving behind mere whispers of his movement. With unparalleled swiftness, he reappeared effortlessly behind recoome, an enigmatic blue aura engulfing his right hand, its flame-like essence radiating with otherworldly power. In one seamless motion, Zarbon unleashed a devastating karate chop, precisely aimed at Recoome's vulnerable neck. The sheer might of the attack shattered Recoome's neck bones, causing his body to descend in slow motion to the cold hard ground, encapsulating the dramatic essence of a cinematic climax. Recoome lay motionless on the ground, defeated and unconscious, a testament to Zarbon's powerful attack.

Without wasting a single precious second, Zarbon swiftly extended his hand, his fingers trembling with anticipation as he positioned it firmly on Recoome's sweat-soaked back. The air crackled with tension as Zarbon activated his incredible ability of absorption, feeling an exhilarating surge of energy coursing through his fingertips, like a raging river breaking free from its restraints. The raw power flowed completely draining Recoome's fading life force, leaving behind only echoes of his once formidable presence.

As the last remnants of Recoome's life essence dissipated into nothingness, the battlefield fell into a stunned silence. The onlookers, their eyes wide with disbelief, gazed upon the tattered remains of Recoome's jumpsuit. It was a desperate testimony to the overwhelming might that Zarbon had unleashed, sending shockwaves through every fiber of their being. In that one electrifying moment, Zarbon had proven himself to be more than just a warrior; he was an unstoppable force capable of defying the very limits of power and strength.

---Namek--- Slug's spaceship

Toonya arrived back at the ship a few minutes after she and Zarbon departed from each other, a sense of contentment radiating from her beneath the protective hood. She gracefully ascended the ramp, passing by several slug jins who were dutifully stationed, their vigilant eyes scanning the surroundings. As her presence was sensed by the guardians, they straightened their postures, saluting her with utmost respect. With a deep bow, one of them informed, "Welcome Back, Lord Slug eagerly awaits your arrival in his magnificent throne room."

With a subtle, knowing nod, she gracefully acknowledged the slug-jin's astonishing revelation. Slowly, she ascended the gently inclined ramp, feeling its cool surface beneath her feet as she moved toward the awaiting ship. Stepping into the vessel, a dimly lit corridor unfolded before her, bathed in a soft, mysterious glow that cast eerie shadows on the walls. The ambiance was palpable, enough to unsettle even the most steely-hearted and ignite a sense of anticipation within her core.

She walked leisurely, her steps echoing faintly against the metallic flooring, each one carrying her deeper into the twisting passageway. As she approached the corridor's end, she marveled at the multitude of passages that branched off in every direction imaginable, like a labyrinth of possibilities. Disregarding the plethora of options that awaited her, she confidently strode forward, her gaze locked upon a gleaming metallic door nestled betwixt two corridor entrances.

As she approached, the door slid effortlessly to the right, disappearing into the wall. It unveiled a confined, dimly lit room adorned with elaborate golden details, yet utterly devoid of any other discernible features. Toonya stepped inside, and an emotionless mechanical voice echoed through the space, "Please enter your desired destination." A faint sigh escaped her lips as she mustered the necessary effort and uttered, "Throne room." The voice acknowledged her response, "Destination confirmed. Prepare for safe passage."

A seat promptly materialized against the wall, equipped with two seatbelts for safety. Toonya, however, chose to remain standing, unaffected by the slight shaking of the room as it ascended. Despite the rapid movement, her feet remained firmly planted in her original position. "Destination reached in 5...4...3...2...1...0. Please make sure there is solid ground before exiting," the voice announced.

Toonya nonchalantly stepped out of her transport, seemingly unconcerned by her surroundings. As she entered the room, she was greeted by a chilling sight - dark and ominous decorations, adorned with statues and symbols symbolizing the dominance and tyranny of Slug. The throne itself was impressively massive and imposing, reminiscent of the throne in the ship control room but even more grandiose. It was meticulously designed to showcase Slug's elevated position as a Ruler. Taking her place on the raised dais, Toonya approached the throne where Slug sat. Present in the room were only Slug's most elite soldiers, with the exception of the lifeless ones.

Upon witnessing Toonya's arrival on the dais, Lord Slug, with a piercing gaze and a voice filled with authority, immediately questioned, "Did you successfully eliminate the imposter?"

With humble bow, she replied, "Indeed, my lord. The battle was arduous, but in your honor, I have vanquished him."

The occupants of the room, except for a spiky white-haired man with , were taken aback by the revelation. It was evident that the masked man's swift elimination of Zeuun and Wings showcased his extraordinary power. However, she had managed to defeat him. Despite Wings and Zeuun being the least formidable among them, it remained a noteworthy achievement.

Slug nodded his head in satisfaction at Toonya's answer, a hint of triumph gleaming in his eyes as he exclaimed with glee, "Great! That's exactly how I envision my elite warrior to be - unwavering, resourceful, and ready for any challenge. Unlike Zeuun and Dorodabo, who proved themselves to be utterly pathetic, succumbing to their fate in such a critical moment. Now, tell me, did you successfully unmask him?"

Toonya gently shook her head, her long, flowing locks swaying with the movement, while speaking with a hint of sarcasm evident in her voice. "In your honor, my Lord," she began, her eyes gleaming mischievously, "I reduced him to mere specks of stardust. However, I did not consider unveiling his undignified appearance, as it might have tarnished your grandeur and the aura of omnipotence that surrounds you."

Bursting into hearty laughter at her response, he exclaimed, "Excellent! Once we finish our task here on Namek, I'll make sure to reward you generously for your diligent efforts."

Tonya smirked deviously, her sinister intentions hidden from prying eyes. She thought to herself, 'No need to thank me, slug, because I will repay you with swift retribution here on Namek for your past transgressions.' Meanwhile, on the dais stood an imposing figure, radiating power. With a striking countenance, white eyebrows, and spiky hair, he possessed captivating green eyes. Clad in a dark metallic suit of full body armor, adorned with two blue shoulder guards, he respectfully addressed "Lord Slug! What are your instructions for our next move?"

Slug smiled wickedly and replied with an authoritarian tone " We must be prepared for the upcoming battle. I want you to organize all the warrior, Get that done as soon as possible then we will all head into battle against Frieza and his army." His voice filled with conviction as he continued " I have high expectations of all of you! Don't disappoint me!" The group nodded in acknowledgement and dispersed.

The elite warriors swiftly embarked on preparations for the imminent battle as commanded by their Lord. Toonya caught up with Taroung and entered his chambers shortly after. She gracefully removed her hood and teasingly whispered, "Did you miss me, little Taroung?"

Taroung made his way towards the armory, removing his armor with an exasperated expression. He voiced his frustration, "Why do you persist on calling me that when I'm already taller than you?"

With a mischievous smirk on her face, she replied, "Oh my... shall I show you why you are still little taroung," tauntingly cracking her knuckles as she prepared to prove her point.

The room fell into a palpable silence, thick with suspense, as Taroung wearily sighed, his brows furrowed, and he exasperatedly responded, "Please, I don't... I don't wanna fight today." The weariness in his voice echoed the weight of his words, conveying a profound sense of reluctance and exhaustion.

She couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, her eyes twinkling with amusement, as she watched his reaction. With a playful sparkle in her gaze, she gracefully made a subtle gesture with her hand - as if gently indicating something of importance. Catching on to her signal, taroung quickly reassured her with a reassuring smile, "No worries at all. I always meticulously inspect the surroundings to make sure there are no hidden cameras or recording devices."

She nodded, her eyes filled with understanding as she slowly uttered, "I met a guy today, you know, from my dad's home planet. It was such a weird encounter."

Taroung's eyebrows lifted in slight surprise as he replied, "Wait, you did? It's incredible how interconnected our paths are in this vast and mysterious universe we call home."

She then stated, her face contorted with pain, "He...He looked..." Her voice trailed off as she struggled to find the right words, but the weight of her emotions halted her mid-sentence.

Taround, who had been intently focused on removing the remaining pieces of his armor, suddenly noticed Toonya's unusual behavior. Concerned, he paused and looked at her with a furrowed brow, before speaking in a worried tone, "Toonya, are you okay? Is something bothering you?"

After a brief moment to collect herself, she regained her bearings quickly and replied, "Yes, thank you for asking. I am fine." Her voice trembled slightly as she recounted the unexpected encounter. The man she had just seen bore an uncanny resemblance to her own father. It was as if she was looking into a mirror, the only discernible difference being the slightly different angle of their faces. The resemblance sent a rush of emotions through her, momentarily transporting her back to cherished memories of her family.

Taroung approached her with a gentle smile, his eyes filled with warmth and concern. He wrapped her in a warm and comforting hug, feeling her arms encircle him in return. Leaning in, he whispered softly, "If you ever feel like talking, remember that I'm always here for you, no matter what."

She soon replied with a thankful tone, "Thanks, Tar-Tar! But I'll be just fine, at least until we find a way to finally get rid of that certain someone ."

Taroung flashed a warm smile at his friend and reassuringly said, "You know what? I am absolutely confident that you'll be just fine! Throughout our friendship, you have always demonstrated remarkable strength, especially after everything we've been through together."

She stood apart from him, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Then, with a teasing tone, she uttered, "Compliments alone won't land you in my panties, my dear little taroung."

upon hearing that, he muttered under his breath " Who wants to see your dirty old panties"

She swiftly whipped her head in his direction, her eyes narrowing into a piercing gaze. A very threatening smile formed on her lips as she uttered in a low, ominous tone, "What was that?"

"Uh, um, well, you see," he stammered, his voice filled with nervousness. He immediately took a step back, feeling the beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. The anxiety was palpable as he struggled to find the right words, his mind racing to come up with an explanation.

She shook her head gently, a hint of disbelief in her eyes. But as she spoke again, her voice took on a serious tone, emphasizing the importance of her next words. "Anyways," she continued, gathering her thoughts, "like I was saying, the guy I met and I decided to forge an alliance. It's remarkable how our paths aligned, as if sharing a mutual grudge against Slug brought us together." (Author's note: She assumes that Zarbon harbors a grudge against Slug.)

Taroung replied with a serious expression on his face, his brows furrowed as he questioned, "Can he be trusted?" His voice was filled with skepticism, uncertain of whether to place his faith in the person in question.

Toonya nodded her head knowingly, her eyes filled with a hint of mysterious insight. "Yes," she said, her voice carrying an air of confidence. "You know how my psychic abilities work. I have an uncanny knack for sensing if someone harbors ill intentions towards me." Pausing for a moment, her gaze shifted as she continued, "At that moment, I could sense no such negativity emanating from him. Hopefully, it will remain that way."

Taroung smiled gently and responded, his voice tinged with a touch of amusement, "Yeah, I completely forgot for a moment there that you were a true freak of nature." However, his smile quickly faded as he cautiously raised his hands, creating a makeshift shield as his widened eyes darted nervously towards Toonya, an unmistakable tinge of fear lingering in his gaze.

A very ominous smile graced Toonya's lips, revealing a hint of mischief and excitement. With an air of confidence, she stated, "ARA ARA, Freak of nature? Oh, little Taroung actually called me that" As her words trailed off, sparks of blue electricity began to crackle on her fingertips, intensifying the eerie presence that surrounded her. It was a chilling sight that sent shivers down the spines of those who witnessed it. She then approached him with purpose and proceeded to unleash an ass whooping so bad it cannot be written into words.

-----Author Note------

Dear readers,

Did you enjoy the brief battle between Zarbon and Recoome? In both the anime and the manga, even Vegeta, with a lesser power level than Recoome, managed to inflict slight injuries on him because Recoome underestimated him. In our case, the scenario is similar, except that Zarbon is much stronger than both canon Vegeta.

While we aren't provided with an exact power level for Recoome, what we do know is that Recoome, Jeice, and Burter possess the same amount of ki, as stated by Krillin. Additionally, Recoome's power level falls between 30,000 and 60,000. For the purposes of this fanfiction, I have decided to assign him a power level of 50,000.

Additionally I've made the decision to introduce original characters (OCs) into this fanfiction. It's important to note that this work is not considered canonical. Furthermore, as you may have already noticed, several events will deviate from the established canon.

Please take a moment to share your thoughts on how you're enjoying things so far! Your comments, both positive and constructive, are greatly valued as they motivate and drive me forward.