
Dragon Ball - Timeless Saiyan

Reincarnated as Trunks Briefs

Nameless_Tea · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


- Age 774 -

Night sky filled with bright myriad stars, A figure was shrouded in thin golden aura around his silhouette,

"Throughout the heavens and throughout the earth...I alone am the honored one" Trunks pointed his finger towards the sky with a warm smile.

"That's the spirit....if you didn't struggle this won't be satisfying" Although 18 seemed unfazed she was astonished by Trunks who had heartfelt smile, just a while ago he seemed as if he was give up on living but now it was different.


[ Infinity Cannon ]

Firing more full powered Ki beam she soon found herself missing most of her attacks, failing to keep distance against him they soon engaged in close combat.

Blow after blow they exchanged punches, kicks but it seemed to be different for both the fighters,

'W-what the hell' 18 widened her eyes as her attacks were missing, she was vastly faster and stronger than Trunks but somehow her attacks are missing not being evaded.?

'Is he reading my mind?' She quickly rejected that possibility, if he could read her thoughts he wouldn't have gotten off-guard by her [ Android shield ].

"..Not bad" Trunks commented who saw 18's left hand 5 inchs away for his face, appreciating her attacks as he continued to evade her attacks.

'Come on!! you should have punched instead using your ki attack'

'Left under kick was the optimal move you should have taken'

'So many mistakes, why are you even attacking at my weak points'

But he could sense death on each incoming blow, as 18 attacks slightly missed no it was planned he purposefully let himself down his guard giving an opening but like a conductor in orchestra he made her move the way he wanted.

It wasn't Instincts nor was it intuition, his whole mind and body existed on sole purpose on survival and sole purpose on victory as such he was being pushed beyond his limits that gave rise to this perfect state.


Each attack from 18 threatened to end his life, Trunks with his defenses being subpar. he could sense one blow was enough yet he continued on purposefully giving her the advantage only staying at her right side, where she could see him where she could attack him at her best spot.

Avoiding her blindspots and moving his body in a better position where 18 could kill him, even he felt like he was a lunatic who got addicted to the feeling of facing death yet each time he faced death more he felt his connection with his body,

He felt like he was living, more alive than ever and more powerful

All senses, each and every fiber of his body moved as one, the violent burst of strength forcing his body to pull more energy, he felt he was at his peak it was addicting for Trunks.

"S-stop m-moving.." For the first time since her rebirth she felt fear, pure dread towards a boy who was way weaker than her, she no longer wished to avenge 17 nor did she wanted any sort of revenge.

'I thought it was weird seeing him....but' she realized what Trunks was doing, The Android fought a lot of strong fighters the Green man and Vegeta but they weren't a issue it wasn't like this,

This isn't a fight,

"H-how are you doing this..." 18 soon understood her action were only lead by Trunks like marionette with his strings attached to his puppet,

Every move she made was calculated by Trunks leaving her to despair, her fully powered ki was worthless, the punches were missed or evaded.

She did everything she could, her last option was to use the Android bomb that Gero equipped with but she was reluctant on dying, all she wanted was to live, not wishing to bother anyone, at her end she realised what others felt like, facing a monster.

"....Is that all you could do?" with a disappointed face Trunks looked at 18 who prepared to escape as her instincts were screaming at her to run away,

Teleporting in front of her Trunks soon attacked her, it was exhilarating experience unlike he ever experienced he no longer cared whether he was stronger than her or the future nor did he wanted to be Super saiyan.

As he continued to fight 18, Trunks polished his style at high rate. Under pressure he evolved at faster rate not only techniques but his energy slowing increased,

'Put more strength behind that punch'

'More sharper'

'More power'

'More faster'

'More wild'

'More free'


"...More" Slowly the thin golden silhouette expanded that burst out as electrical sparks dance around the bright golden aura.

Trunks felt the power coursing through his body he hadn't realised but his power was 2 times stronger than Gohan at his super saiyan, his hair stayed lavender but strangely defied gravity, his aura was flame like golden around it electrical sparks followed.

This burst of power had his attacks burst through 18's shield, like a rag doll she was continuously sent across field where he teleported to and continued his attacks,

Faster than her thoughts she was bombarded with attacks sending her across the fields leaving more destruction.

"This is for Gohan" Crossing his arms over his forehead one hand in front of the other with the hand going in opposite directions, slowing condensing ki towards a swirl yellow light formed,

[ Masenkō ]

Thrusting his arms Ki beam rapidly blasted towards 18.


As the bright light quickly swallowed 18 slowing consuming her atom by atom, vanishing into thin air her last thoughts were why did they have to suffer.

Greenish-blue tinted hue slowly shifted back towards his blue hue eye, the golden aura slowly dissipated.

Trunks soon broke out his transformation and soon his body gave up refusing to move any longer he crashed down leaving more injuries.

Every part of his body felt like they have been stabbed by needles,


As he spat out blood,

'What was that? was that Super saiyan transformation??'

'It was only 5 seconds!'

'Did I finish 18?'

'What happened'

filled with such thoughts Trunks lost consciousness.