
Dragon Ball - A Saiyan's Fate

Ever since Zane was young, he often felt bored with life. It just seems as if everything and everyone around him sooner or later followed the same old, dull routine. It all just felt suffocating to him, knowing that this was a trap of something that was unavoidable. That was the reason why things like anime and manga appealed to him so much. For he felt that it was a means of escape from this world into one that is way more exciting and adventurous. He especially enjoyed animes like Dragon Ball as it was one of the very first animes he has ever watched. But at last met with his untimely demise, Zane is now being faced in front of a Goddess, lets's see what fate has in store for him now. ---------------------------------------- (A/N: Hello I am a completely new writer and this is my first ever time writing a Fan-Fiction, or any light novel to be exact. Please correct any inconsistencies with the story or just mistakes in grammar and spelling as I will be trying my best to fix them. Thanks!) Discord user: Asroon03#2832 Discord Server to ask questions and help me with some ideas: https://discord.gg/5bWHrt ======================= *Disclaimer!! I don't own any characters and series from Dragon Ball as those are from their respected owners, one being Akira Toriyama* *ALSO I DON'T OWN COVER ART AND IF THE OWNER WISHES ME TO REMOVE IT I WILL!*

Asroon03 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

First Mission

"Anyone else?" Zukai said as he looked around the room with a stern face.

Everyone was surprised to see Raditz unconscious, no one expected such an outcome to unfold. After a brief silence, Vegeta and the unnamed Saiyan girl were the first ones to snap out of it. Vegeta continued working out while the girl looked at Zukai with a peak of interest.

The Saiyans didn't understand how Raditz fell to the floor, they could at least guess that Zukai was the cause of it and are going to have to be wary of him.

'Wow, I knew my brother was strong, but I didn't think he would be able to win a fight so easily. He took Raditz out just like that while I couldn't do a thing to him.' Zucchi said while cursing her own weakness to fight off a single person.

As Zukai eyed the other Saiyans, he checked everyone's power level. Doing so he noted that the only one who qualified to challenge him was Nappa, as he is older and his power level was at 4,500. But even so, the threat of Nappa besting Zukai was slim, not only is he outmatched in power but in technique and speed as well.

Vegeta, Corta, Darto, Raditz, Zucchi, and the last Saiyan girl all have power levels between 350-590 as Vegeta was the strongest out of all of them while Zucchi was the weakest out of all the children.

He then looked down at Zucchi who by now wasn't in much pain, but after everything that has happened, she forgot to pick herself up. Reaching out a hand towards her, Zucchi took it, and now both of them were staring at each other.

'I can't believe I was going to fight this guy, lucky I didn't or I would have been the one on the floor,' Corta and Darto thought in unison as they both looked at Zukai.

"Hehe interesting, if I remember right, your name must be Zukai. Am I right?" Nappa acknowledges Zukai after witnessing this little brat's power.

Ignoring Nappa, Zukai walked over to a separate section of the training grounds and singled Zucchi to follow him.

"HEY BRAT!! Answer me when I talk to you!" Nappa shouted as he was starting to get ticked off by this guy's behavior.

"Hey ugly, will you shut up, looking at your face makes me want to puke." Zukai, getting tired of this loud mouth Saiyan.

"WHY YOU LITTLE SH*T!! HOW DARE YOU TALK THAT WAY TO ME!" Nappa said while fuming with anger, he started walking to Zukai and Zucchi with his fist closed tight.

"NAPPA! That's enough, leave him alone, he isn't worth your time." Vegeta ordered Nappa. He didn't care about what others did around him, but he couldn't concentrate on training with all this shouting.

"But Prince Vegeta?!" Nappa protested.

"I SAID DROP IT NAPPA!" Vegeta now shouted out as he had enough of this. Nappa could only listen quietly to Vegeta as he was the King's son and what he said was absolute. He turned around to face Zucchi and Zukai and with hatred in his eyes still, he suppressed his emotions and walked back to Vegeta.

'Hmph, the only one that gets to fight Zukai will be me and me only.' Vegeta voiced in his mind as he once again started his training.

"Boys, always thinking with their fists." The yet to be known Saiyan girl said under her breath and she too resumed her training with the Saibamen.

Zukai hearing her words turned his gaze to her. She seemed a year or two older than himself, and her face and skin were light and pristine. There were no doubts that when she grows up she will be a peerless beauty.

Feeling that she was being looked at she turned back to see Zukai staring at her. She looked at him for a second with a hardened face and then turned her attention back to the Saibamen.

(A/N: These Saibamen are less advanced than the ones shown in DBZ, thus their power levels only being between 300-600 instead of the 1,200 power level when the Z-Fighters fought them.)

Zukai didn't think too much about her and trained with Zucchi until it was time to go home. He didn't gain experience at all for any of his skills as they were taking longer and getting harder to advance once they reached B rank. Walking out of the room, at this point Zukai was a little disappointed because at first, he thought this "Royal Training" would at least make him stronger, but it looks like he had his expectations too high.

By this time all the other Saiyans besides Zukai, Zucchi, Nappa, and Vegeta had left the room, and just when Zukai and Zucchi reached the door a voice rang out behind him.

"Zukai!" Vegeta's voice was heard as he called out to him.

Hearing this Zukai immediately regretted his decision of coming to this stupid training session in the first place. For one, there wasn't anything special here that could help improve his skills, and two he was constantly getting annoyed by all these stupid people. Standing in place he just looked over his shoulder to see Vegeta with his usual cocky smug look.

"Your little stunt with Raditz was quite impressive, to say the least."

"Tch, is that all you had to say." Zukai, not feeling in the mood to talk right now quitted his formal attitude he had with the prince earlier.

"Hey, watch how you speak to the prince. Or I swear I will break all your bones!" Nappa said aloud towards Zukai.

"Of course not you imbecile! The reason why I stopped you was to challenge you to a duel, to see who is really the strongest between the two of us! We can't fight now because of a certain tradition belonging to the Royal Assault Team." Vegeta, also tired of how this Saiyan acted, wanted nothing more than to beat him into the ground.

"What does the Royal Assault Team's traditions have to do with why you and my brother can't fight right now?" Zucchi asked as she didn't understand why they couldn't right now.

Hearing an unknown voice, the prince looked at Zucchi for the first time. Vegeta had a look of confusion on his face as he asked, "Who are you?"

Zucchi, madder than ever as the fricken person claims to not know who she was even though she had that incident with Raditz in the start that clearly everyone saw. Plus has he really not noticed that they have been in the same room together literally some feet away for the whole day!

"MY NAME IS ZUCCHI, ZUKAI'S OLDER SISTER YOU JERK!!" Zucchi lashed out at the prince for his dumb remark.

'Hmph, how can someone be so shameless!' Zucchi thought in her mind as she tried hard to contain her urge to beat the prince to a plump.

Not caring at all what the girl said, Vegeta ignored her existence and gave Nappa a look to explain the whole tradition situation as he didn't want to be bothered by such a meaningless task.

"All Saiyans that train in the Royal Training hall are later expected to become members of the Royal Assault Team. You guys are not members yet because you are still too young and weak. But when you come of age and have accumulated enough strength to not only stand among warriors of equal power but to also be able to maintain and control your Oozaru form. As of right now, you guys are part of the Pseudo-Assault Team as your powers are still lacking. Nevertheless, you guys are still technically part of the assault team so the traditions apply to you." Nappa surprisingly explains in a very thorough manner. He really doesn't look like the type to be so informative.

"The traditions say that members of the team can't just fight each other whenever they want as such battles can cause great destruction wherever they are. So that is why fights are planned events meant to be prepared for in advance." Vegeta saying the rest ended it there as for the explanation.

"Zukai I hereby challenge you so that this nonsense of you being my equal can be put to rest!" Vegeta declared proudly.

"I'll pass, as there is nothing in it for me." Even after all the explanations, Zukai didn't give a care about who was the strongest as such matters were meaningless to him. He already knows he would win so why bother?

"Whatt!? ZUKAI YOU CAN'T JUST DECLINE SUCH A CHALLENGE!" Vegeta was thrown off guard by his response. He continued as Zukai showed no signs of stopping.

"What kind of Saiyan warrior are you?! If you don't accept my challenge not only will you be kicked off the Assault team but you will forever be known as Saiyan trash!" Vegeta yelled as he threatens Zukai.

"I don't care, I'll be leaving now. Zucchi let's go." Zukai said bluntly and ordered Zucchi to follow him as if she was a dog!

Zucchi on the other hand was really fed up with all of these boys! Not only was she suddenly attacked but one of them didn't know who she was. Although not liking being treated as some slave she simply followed but made sure to stomp her feet and show a pouting face as she did.

Vegeta and Nappa were at a loss of what to say as they stared at the two Saiyan siblings walking away.

It was right then when Zukai saw a big notification appear right in his face. Opening it up he hurriedly read the contents inside.

[System Notification]

[System Mission: Defeat Vegeta in the challenge in front of everyone!

Time Limit: One year

Rewards (Given upon completion): Starter pack, 50% Discount Card,150,000 SP]

[Congratulations!! Host unlocked first mission! Rewarding 50,000 SP!]

'Alright, my first mission!' Zukai thought in his head excitedly as he was beginning to think that the system was broken or something as he hasn't heard anything from it for quite some time.

Noticing Zukai pause in movement Zucchi, Vegeta, and Nappa stared confusingly at the Saiyan's back as he stood there for a good 15 seconds without saying a word.

Finally just about when someone was going to do something, Zukai turned around abruptly and stated.

"A duel to see who was the strongest?" Zukai looked dead serious at Vegeta with a burning passion! After a pause, he continued.

"Well, why didn't you say so earlier! Man Vegeta you really are an amazing jokester, geez what a funny guy! HAHA! Of course, I accept! I mean what kind of Saiyans turns down a FIGHT!"

[Host Status

Name: Zukai (Zane)

Age: 2 years

Lifespan: 120 years

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: Pure Blood Saiyan (Hyper-Elite Warrior Class)

Innate Skills: Born Prodigy in Ki and Martial Arts, Unlimited Potential

Skills: Ki Control(A), Saiyan Fighting Style(B), Kung Fu(B), Muay Tai(B), Jujutsu(B+), Image Training(A)


SP Balance: 170,500

Power Level: Base (17,230)]

Hey author here, sorry again for the very late chapter but hey at least I got it out today instead of tomorrow. I am mostly keeping true on my daily chapter post lol. Hopefully

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