
Dragon Ball - A Saiyan's Fate

Ever since Zane was young, he often felt bored with life. It just seems as if everything and everyone around him sooner or later followed the same old, dull routine. It all just felt suffocating to him, knowing that this was a trap of something that was unavoidable. That was the reason why things like anime and manga appealed to him so much. For he felt that it was a means of escape from this world into one that is way more exciting and adventurous. He especially enjoyed animes like Dragon Ball as it was one of the very first animes he has ever watched. But at last met with his untimely demise, Zane is now being faced in front of a Goddess, lets's see what fate has in store for him now. ---------------------------------------- (A/N: Hello I am a completely new writer and this is my first ever time writing a Fan-Fiction, or any light novel to be exact. Please correct any inconsistencies with the story or just mistakes in grammar and spelling as I will be trying my best to fix them. Thanks!) Discord user: Asroon03#2832 Discord Server to ask questions and help me with some ideas: https://discord.gg/5bWHrt ======================= *Disclaimer!! I don't own any characters and series from Dragon Ball as those are from their respected owners, one being Akira Toriyama* *ALSO I DON'T OWN COVER ART AND IF THE OWNER WISHES ME TO REMOVE IT I WILL!*

Asroon03 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Days on Planet Vegeta

The doors to the throne room opened, all three of them were met with a marvelous room with stained glass windows on both sides. Down the middle of the room was a long red carpet that stretches to the throne. Along the red carpet were 20 royal guards standing in salute. On the throne sat a man with his hands under his chin showing a bored expression.

He had a black eagle's beak hairdo paired with a goatee, he wore velvet and black armor with a turquoise colored cape, while on the inside the color was red. On his armor, a red trident insignia could be seen, he wore an amulet that had a cyan-silver ring enclosing an orange gemstone. The man on the throne was no doubt, King Vegeta.

Taking the lead, Celan walked towards the throne and both Zukai and Zucchi followed suit. The King noticed their presence the moment they entered, he snapped out of his bored gaze and focused on his guest. Knowing who the one leading was, he shifted his gaze to the smaller child on her right, whom he suspected to be the other born prodigy he heard about. Arriving near the throne, Celan kneeled and bowed in front of the King, seeing their mother's actions, the duo copied her and both bowed down to show their respects.

(Editor's note: Ik he's a Saiyan but goddamn he just awakened and started walking.)

"Ah Lady Celan, what a pleasure to see you again." The King started the conversation with a smile.

"Likewise to you as well King Vegeta." Lifting her head she replied to the King.

"It's also a pleasure to see the young miss Zucchi." Although never meeting before the King knew of Ruga and Celan's first child.

"It's an h-honor to meet you, your grace." Being caught off guard, Zucchi replied too fast causing her to stutter with her words. After saying that she looked down shyly as her cheeks started to turn red from embarrassment.

Laughing it off, the King turned his gaze away from her and towards the younger ones, "And you boy, are you perhaps Zukai?"

When hearing the question Zukai looked at the King and simply nodded his head. He could have spoken but after thinking over it, he decided against it seeing how it would be hard to explain why a one-year-old could be able to talk.

(Editor's note: And understanding words is any different?)

"May I?" The King turned his head to Celan while pointing to his scouter suggesting to her that he wanted to use it on Zukai.

The King didn't need to ask but out respect for the family, he still showed his intentions. Celan saw what the King wanted to do and nodded as she had no problems with that. Showing her approval, King Vegeta switched on his red scouter and looked towards Zukai.

"Okay let us see what your power level is....." Midway through his sentence, the King stopped as his eyes widened just a bit. Both Zucchi and Celan were waiting in anticipation to see the King's reaction.

"His power level is at 510!" King Vegeta stated as he was shocked at the increase of power the child had over a year.

Celan and Zucchi were shocked as well as they also didn't expect his power to be this high. Zucchi, in particular, was surprised that even though she trained hard for the past year. Zukai has grown just by sleeping in the incubator for a year. She felt like she was going to have to train even more to be able to catch up.

'If only they knew of my true power, I wonder what face they would make if they saw?' Zukai knew well that his power was already above the King's. As a precaution, Zukai thought best to tell the system beforehand to set his power near the 500's before leaving the incubator

"You are indeed worthy of carrying your family's heritage," The King continued while keeping his eyes on Zukai.

"Celan you know of my son, Prince Vegeta was born just a few days ago with a power level of 500. Currently, he is in the incubator for one year, and seeing how these boys are close in age I suggest we continue the tradition we have between our two families."

"Yes of course your Majesty, Zukai will be more than happy to do so." Celan moved forward and replied seeing that she also wanted to continue the tradition and besides this would mean that her son will be very close to the next heir to the throne.

"It's settled then, bring your son back here in a year so we formally introduce the two, then after that Zukai is going to have to start coming here every day of the week to start his training in order to be the prince's aid." After the King ordered this he waved his hand as if telling them they have permission to leave.

As they were leaving Zucchi turned around and asked a question that has been on her mind since they got there.

"Your Majesty, do you know when father will return?" This time when Zucchi talked she stared right into King Vegeta's eyes, she showed no signs of being scared or nervous.

The King, liking the attitude shown from the little girl as it is befitting of a Saiyan Warrior, answered her question.

"The Royal Assault Team should be done with their assignment in a few months, the return home should also take some time, so I would say in a year is when they should be back."

Hearing the King's answer she was sad at first but quickly changed her expression for at least she now knows the date her father should get back.

Returning home, Celan tells Zucchi to guide Zukai around the mansion, like where his quarters are, dining hall, training grounds, etc. Wanting to immediately start training herself in order to catch up to Zukai and make her family proud, she headed towards the training grounds after showing the mansion grounds to Zukai. Zukai now in his room thought to himself.

'Finally, I am free to do as I please, well at least while within my residence seeing how I doubt they would let a child roam about outside.' One had to remember that Zukai was of nobility so attendants were constantly there to watch over him.

'Well let's just enjoy my time here while I wait for more interesting things to happen. I would like to get along with my sister, though she does seem a little too eager to fight all the time '

1 year later.........

Every day for the last year Zukai could be found doing the same thing over and over again. He continued his daily life and routine of training in the manor such as meditating as soon as he woke up and Image Training at night. Since he wasn't receiving the magical effects of the incubator anymore he couldn't maintain his image training for long since his young body couldn't handle this much strain. Hence why he would use it at night so he could go to sleep after.

Although noticing that the young master's habits were very odd for someone this young the servants just brushed it off as it didn't seem to affect him in a bad way. As long as he wasn't doing any physical training they were okay with it.

Also, it is important to notice that Planet Vegeta's gravity is about 10 times stronger than Earth, but that didn't bother him as his power level exceeded the average Saiyan and his body has already adapted to such an environment during his time in the incubator.

'During this past year, I have been waiting for two things. One is for my father's return and the other is the anticipation of my daily training at the royal palace. Finally, I hope all that waiting was worth it." Zukai thought as he received news from one of the maids that his father Ruga had returned and Prince Vegeta had just finished his time in the incubator. The family then prepared to head towards the palace thinking that they would meet Ruga there as he would surely report his group's success to the King.

While flying with the two women Zukai, (who has now learned to fly and speak a little) ended up thinking that since he is going to train at the palace every day from now on he finally has a good enough excuse to leave the manor on his own. Before he would always have to tag along Celan's side each time she went out just to see what the environment was like on Planet Vegeta. It was mostly rocky desert with few buildings scattered here and there with the main building being the palace of course.

On the way to the palace, he couldn't help but listen in to a conversation between a couple of Saiyans from the commoner area. They talked about how lucky the Saiyans were as two prodigies were born a year apart from each other.

"You never know perhaps one is the fable Legendary Super Saiyan! I hope I get to show the day where Frieza will be at our beck and call! HAHAHA!" Laughed a short fat Saiyan who clearly had too much to drink.

"Hey keep it down will ya! Don't you know that whenever someone talks bad about the emperor they disappear." The other is much more reasonable as he scolded the fat Saiyan.

Flying above with his mother, Zukai could only smirk to that reply, 'It seems like this Saiyan is starting to figure out that Freiza is listening to every conversation they are having through the scouters they designed. If only they found out about it sooner.'

Snapping back to reality all three of them once again reached the palace and headed straight through the main door to the throne room. On the way there Zukai couldn't help but see that Zucchi had the biggest smile on her face knowing that finally, she was going to be reunited with her dad again.

Upon entering the room Zukai was met with a Saiyan that looked like an older version of him. The man had the same hairstyle and skin tone as him, the man's face was, of course, matured and had a beard, but besides that everything on his face from the eyes, mouth, ears were exactly the same as Zukai's. The man was seen casually talking to the King and the King didn't mind at all.

"FATHER!!! YOUR BACK!!" Zucchi immediately ran towards her father.

Turning to see who it was, Ruga showed a smile as he let his daughter hug him for the first time in years.

"Father, while you were away I trained very hard every day to show you how much more powerful I've become!" While still hugging her father Zucchi looked up to show a very proud face.

"Haha, I noticed as your grip started to hurt this old man here," Jokingly saying Ruga continued, "So where is your mother at?"

Zucchi pointed back at Celan who was steadily walking towards them, Ruga can see Celan approach him with a slight smile on her face. Joining their embrace, Celan hugged the two, they looked like the happiest family you could see.

Ruga, noticing that someone was missing, looked around to see a small boy who looked just like him standing quite a few steps aways. Seeing the boy Ruga walked over to the lad and squatted down to the child's height.

"So you must be Zukai."

[Host Status

Name: Zukai (Zane)

Age: 2 years

Lifespan: 120 years

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: Pure Blood Saiyan (Hyper-Elite Warrior Class)

Innate Skills: Born Prodigy in Ki and Martial Arts, Unlimited Potential

Skills: Ki Control(A), Saiyan Fighting Style(B), Kung Fu(B), Muay Tai(B), Jujutsu(B+), Image Training(A)


SP Balance: 120,500

Power Level: Base (17,230)]