
Dragon Age: Rise of The Warden

Hi, this is my first time trying to write a book so please go easy on me. Prepare yourselves mortal's, for I bring upon you a story untold, of fate we all know of story of old. Gather and hear for The Warden we do cheer, and hope he get's it right this time my dear. Link to Discord site. https://discord.gg/TtBNzBE

Altered_State_127 · Video Games
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8 Chs

Ch.3 Rude Awakening

(Word count is 2013 slowly working my way up, and thank you to all that have been reading. Shout out to Djkennyken for showing some mad support so far, thank you also to robert21 and PsyLoRD, and last but not least thank you Altered_State_127 I mean I could not do this without this guy, he is the main reason why I write🤣.)

Zane waking up from his nap, and as he opened his eyes, he saw a space devoid of anything but himself. Being surrounded by nothing but white he came to one conclusion. "Well fuck, read enough book's with the reincarnation tag to know where this is going."

"Yeah sorry about the cliche, but if I woke you up in any other place, you may not have been able to accept what is going on. Trust me I hate doing this sort of thing, to low class."

As Zane "turned" around he came face to face with his maker. "Well shit I didn't know I was that handsome"

The better looking copy of him replies with "Oh your not, i'm simply showing you what you would of been if it wasn't for your disease."

"Phf Copy Cat " Zane mumbles

Zane taking a moment to let his new reality set in can't belive he was dead, everything was going great he wasn't hurting anymore and he finally kissed Resh, feeling as if he'd been cheated, starts to question the other him "Can you tell me what happened to them, my family? Also why I died." "Sure but after I tell you you'll have to move on, while I can do whatever I want, sometimes it's not for the best." The copy cat replies.

Zane trying to psych himself up say's "go ahead, I just want some closure."

CC nodding his head said "Yes I understand. Now then we'll start with your parent's, after you passed, they grieved for a while before coming to term's with your death.

They knew you were in pain the entire time so they came to grip with it rather well. Feeling as if they let you down they tried to have another kid for year's, until they eventually had a girl and luckily she was a healthy as can be."

"I helped on that part wouldn't want to leave thing's half-assed, they grew old but stayed together and you sister took over the family business for them.

She got married had kids and was happy, but she alway's wonder about you, her big brother.

She used to watch video's about you trying to know you better, and she felt sadden that she was never able to make any memories alongside you."

Zane had a bitter smile for not being able to see how his little sister grew up. "What of Resh, how did she handle everything."

"Well she was a difficult case, she blamed herself for not being able to save you even though she knew that your body had shut down on itself. It took her year's to find self redemption. She left your families service, but stayed with them, and started helping people with cases just like yours', people with irredeemable disease.

There she finaly met someone, and they reminded her of you so much, they started dating and eventually they got married had a son which they named Zane in memory of the first boy she loved, she lived to the ripe age of 99."

"Funny story it was actually Zane who your sister married, I guess I forgot to mention that they both grew up together. Resh went back to work for your parent's after she had little Zane."

Zane smiled with relief as he knew how all his loved one's were able to move on, and sadden by the fact he would never be there with them to experience it, then as a goofy smile grew on his face he looked at CC asking him "I'm glad to hear it, but another question how many dragon age's came out after I had passed away."

CC acting as if he dosen't understand the question said "Well I don't know maybe they didn't come out with another one or maybe Bioware broke away from EA and started having good games again."

Zane hoping with all his heart that it was the latter "Such a good game company ruined by greed, I do hope that they were able to get away."

CC looked at Zane before he turned serious saying "Okay Zane now that we have your residing attachment rid of we need to start talking about your future, as you already guessed your already reincarnated.

You will be Zane Cousland, son of Eleanor and Bryce Cousland.

I took the liberty of loading you into your last character. Of couse I also changed a few thing's too, I think you'll like them but they are for you to discover later.

Now not only did I put you in your favorite game i'm also giving you something that should help immensely, i'm giving you a half system.

It wont talk or anything it simply display's your current state such as skill's you've learned and the state of your being it'll also act as a HUD and for it to be understandable for you I made it in the theme of Fallout, because your so SPECIAL hahahahahaha.

No but serously, there will also be skill's you can "unlock" but for the most part I would recomend you unlock them with your own talent which is something i've add.

You can try unlocking the skill yourself and it'll show up how far you've progressed and how much longer till you achive it, but if you feel you can't go over the last hurdle then there will also be point's you can use to unlock skill's yourself.

The only reason why I say you should try to unlock them them yourself is that you will be able to control the skill to a finer point instead of just being knowledgeable and knowing "how" to do something.

Also every once in a while I will be sending you challenges if you can complete them i'll reward you with more point's for your skill's and perks.

I've also add a challenge board you can do over time, something like kill 100 darkspawn and it'll reward you with maybe some skill point's or maybe even a free perk. so yeah any question's"

Zane not knowing where to start is simply slackjawed and even though he thought he could handle whatever was thrown his way is just dumbfounded by the generosity of the entity in front of him, finally having a question he asks "why go so far for me?"

"Hmm, Oh it's simple really, every being like me does this. We do it different way's, some are generous, some are dick's, but for the most part we simple do it to relieve our boredom. For we are eternal, we are Alhpa and Beta. We are the beginning and will be the end.

Besides I really want to see what you'll do with the new life and gifts I give you. I hope you don't disappoint me, and while it might be creepy i'll always be watching after all i'm a god bitch, and you are my Holy Champion.

So get Strong, be happy and stay ridiculous. Okay that's our session for the year i'll meet up with again and see if anything need's tweaking."

Even with everything going on Zane still manages to ask one last question, "What do I call you" CC smirk's and crosses his arm's over his chest and said "Call me..."

Before Zane could hear an anwser he's ripped from the world and sent back into the body of the new born Zane Cousland.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love doing that, till next time kid." CC clap's his hand's and the white surrounding goes black. "Clap on's what will human's come up with next"


"Well would you look at that, it's a beautiful baby boy my lady Eleanor."

"Yes he is come let me hold the little one Nan, oh look at that he's already looking around, He look's a lot like his grandfather, but he has bryce's eyes. Oh look at you my precious.

Hi i'm your mother, yes I am, oh I could just hold you all day." Eleanor could not help but cuddle closer to Zane.

Zane looking around the best he can, can only make out faint big blurry object's [welp can't say i'm surprized I guess I should be thankful that I was only in there for a couple seconds I don't want to go through that again.(pun intended) Ok think baby thought's googoo gaga. I'm hopeless.]

*A bunch of baby sounds*

Mallol "Ahhhhhh he's so cute. My lady sense he's a boy do you have a name for him."

Eleanor looking lovingly at her child, she smiled and reponded with "Yes his name will be Zayn Sarim Cousland"

The Priestess looking conflicted finally ask's "It's a lovly name, but why the middle name my lady"

Eleanor able to understand why she asked only said, "Because we couldn't decide which one was better so we gave him both."

Nan smiled saying "He's just been born and he's already unique in the family, I can't wait for him to grow up and see what he does."

"Nan can you go retrieve the getlemen outside the door and tell them it's a boy"

"It would be my please my Lady" Nan walks to the door and pull's it open. In front of her is Bryce and Fergus, she tells them it's a healthy boy, and let's them enter.

Fergus not wanting to wait, runs to his mother to see his new sibling and is surprised by the fact that the baby already has a full head of blonde hair, he turn's to his father and say's "Papa look, he has your hair but it seems like it's lighter."

Bryce reponding to his enthusiastic son said "That's because he's yet to see the sunshine, his hair will turn darker like mine with time."

Fergus being in awe of how little his brother is asks "Mama is it okay if I hold him"

"Haha, yes my dear be careful he may move around on you"

Eleanor holds Zayn out for Furgus. Due to the sudden loss of heat Zayn cries out unintentionally, he's still trying to get use to being a baby.

Fergus seeing his brother cry, is quick to hold him speaking in a voice only Zayn can hear he says' "it's okay don't worry i'll protect you with my sword and shield of truthiness" Upon hear those familiar word's Zayn can't help but laugh.

*Baby giggle's*

Seeing how the baby laughs Bryce says "Seem's like he like's you Fergus what did you say to him"

"I told him i'll alway's protect him"

All the adult's in the room stop to appreciate the warm vibe before Nan start's dragging Mallol out of the room to let the new family of four have a little time to their self.

As soon as they close the door Bryce take's Zayn from Furgus and walk's to the bed Eleanor is laying on. He gets on the bed with her and motions for Furus to climb up there as well.

As the family of four lay all on the same bed they gradulely fall to sleep the only one still awake is Zayn.

[You know this is a nice feeling, I could get use to this. I'll make damn sure that Howe falls way before the game start, but that can wait.

For now let's just enjoy being a baby. Thanks CC]

After Zayn finishes saying thanks, he slowly falls into a deep sleep and since everyone was asleep they didn't notice how Zayn's eye's glowed behind his eyelids before they returned back to normal.

CC appeared out of thin air as is he was part of the decoration's speaking to the sleeping Zayn. "Sorry Kid one last gift from your friendly neighborhood Entity. This should definitely make thing's interesting on your part, and better yet it'll make you stronger." CC disappers' as if he never even appeared, leaving behind his so called gift, and a lot of frustration for the future Hero of Ferelden.

Here you guy's go, sorry about dropping it so late.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Altered_State_127creators' thoughts