
Draco Malfoy and the Eye of Orcus

After having lost most of her memory, the young witch Y/N transfers to Hogwarts to start her 5th year. The only connection to her past life is the name of a stranger that is written on her arm. 'Draco Malfoy' Despite all warnings from Hermione and her friends, the girl quickly falls for the seemingly cold-hearted and egoistic Draco and sees a side of him that he has been trying to hide for years. Together they embark on their own adventure, solving the mystery of the Eyes of Orcus - magical pocket watches that hold great yet dangerous powers. But something about Y/N is not quite right.

Chuck45Single · Movies
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He is Dangerous

-Your POV-

"This can't be right!"

Y/N hadn't noticed Hermione appearing next to her, together with Harry and Ron.

Dinner had just ended and everyone was leaving the Great Hall.

"You're not a Slytherin!"

"I mean, the hat said so," Y/N replied, trying her best to not lose her group.

"Well it must have been wrong then," Hermoine stated.

Y/N shrugged. "Is that really so important? Aren't there other things to worry about? What about that new teacher in pink? She really creeped me out."

Some prefect called out for everyone to stay together and to follow them quickly. Y/N couldn't tell whose voice it was as she was too busy trying not to trip over any of the black robes.

"Y/N?" Hermione asked.


The blonde looked at her pleadingly. "Stay away from him, okay?"

The girl felt how she was growing annoyed with Hermione. Who is she to tell her what to do and which house she belongs to? She hardly knows her

Y/N decided to act dumb. "Who?"

Then she walked over to the girl she had sat next to during dinner, leaving the other three behind.


The dormatory was completely dark and everyone was lying in their beds but many voices were whispering, too excited to go to sleep.

The girl from dinner was talking like a waterfall, Y/N tried her best to listen and throw in an occasional 'mhm'. The girl had told her her name but Y/N immediately forgot again and was now too embarrassed to ask.

Did it start with L? Or T?

"Are you nervous for tomorrow? I really didn't want the break to end, my parents and I were on vacation for a few weeks. I actually got a tan! Did you notice? I'll show you tomorrow when we walk to class together."

Unlike Hermione, this girl preferred to talk about herself instead of getting to know her new friend. Usually this was not the type of character Y/N would associate herself with but right now she was happy to not be interviewed.

"Oh this is going to be so exciting, I've never been friends with an American before! I know everything about everyone so I'll make sure you won't accidentally befriend some losers. Cool, right?"


"Also, the school uniform. You'll try yours on tomorrow, exciting! I can shorten the skirt a bit if you want to. You'll look so cute!"



Y/N hears the girl turning in her bed.

"Alright, I love talking to you but I need my beauty sleep. Goodnight bestie." She giggles.


Y/N pulls the blanket over her face and breathes in the long awaited silence. This is going to be more challenging than she thought.


The summer morning was falling through the tall windows, dipping Hogwarts in warm, soft light.

The Great Hall was pretty empty, only few students were already enjoying breakfast.

Y/N had woken up around an hour ago and decided to get up early in order to get some quiet time before her new 'bestie' would attack her again.

She had slept surprisingly well. The bed had the right firmness and her dreams were calm for the first time in weeks.

Not particularly hungry, Y/N ate some strawberry yogurt, thinking about how she'd approach Draco. Or if she should even approach him at all. The Gryffindors had tried several times to warn her but Y/N preferred to form her own opinions. Childish rivalries were just too common amongst teenagers.

A group of voices was approaching and she looked up from her plate to see four Slytherins sitting down quite a bit away from her, one of them being Draco.

Y/N suddenly remembered that she had forgotten last night to wash the name off her arm. She'd have to do that before anyone noticed. Else that would be very awkward.

Draco seemed to be in a better mood than last night. He and his friends - two guys and one girl - were discussing Quidditch, something Y/N never really cared for due to the brutal nature of the game.

"Will you be joining the team this year?" a chubbier kid asked him.

Draco seemed to huff. "No. I've got better things to do." The next sentence was too quiet for Y/N to understand but the girl sitting opposite to him helped out.

"Since when do you care about OWLs?"

Draco just shrugged.

Ah right, OWLs. Who doesn't love transferring to a new school and immediately being faced with important exams?

The group continued talking but something - or rather, someone - pushed themselves into Y/N's vision. Her 'bestie'.

"Forget it."


Confused, Y/N looked up at the girl who sat down next to her a second later.

"I said, forget it. They would never be friends with you. I don't mean to say you're not cool because you totally are but..."

Y/N raised an eyebrow. "But?"

The girl rolled her eyes. "See the guy sitting next to Pansy Parkinson? That's Blaise. He's so hot, right?"


She lowered her voice and leaned forward a bit.

"I tried everything I could to go out with him last year but he just ignored me! Can you believe that? And if he and his friends don't think I'm cool enough...what chances would you have?"

Wait what? Did she just hear that right?

The girl noticed Y/N's offended expression.

"I don't mean that in a bad way, I can teach you how to be cool like me!"

"Thanks." She didn't even try to hide the sarcasm. "Anyway, you said that you know everything about everyone. What can you tell me about Draco Malfoy?"

"Y/N." The girl rolled her eyes again. "Literally everyone knows about him. Him and Harry Potter are the biggest enemies, they hate each other."


She shrugged and put some bacon on her plate. "A lot of things have happened."

Y/N realized that she wouldn't get any clear answer right now. "So which side are you on?"

Her 'bestie' smiled and looked back at the group. "Whatever side Blaise is on."

Luckily with that, the conversation was over for now. More students were entering the hall and the tables started filling up. Y/N watched as an eagle owl landed in front of Draco, dropping a letter.

He opened it and-


She shot around to Hermione standing behind her.

She groaned. "Don't scare me like that!"

"I'm sorry. Can we talk?"

Y/N looked back at Draco who was now reading the letter, his expression darkening.

She sighed. "Alright." Then she turned to the girl without a name. "I'll see you in...?"

"Charms," she answered, mouth still full of bacon.

Y/N got up and followed Hermione out of the Great Hall.

They walked around the school until they found a quiet spot. Hermione pulled Y/N closer.

"Alright, first of all I'm sorry for being that intense yesterday."

An apology. Y/N had not expected that an smiled. "It's okay."

"Good." Hermione looked at her piercingly. "I know this contradicts what I said earlier but if you want to figure out why you have Malfoy's name on your arm, you should talk to him."

That came even more unexpected. "Talk to him? From what I've heard he is not very approachable."

Her friend nodded. "Yes but you have to take the risk. You don't need to make friends with him, honestly you really shouldn't. But maybe just some conversation will help trigger a memory."

That made sense. Y/N had planned to talk to Draco anyway but now she at least had an alibi.

"Okay. I'll see what I can do. But Hermione?"


Y/N scanned her face. "Why are you so invested in this?"

The witch hesitated before she answered.

"Look, there's a lot that you don't know. Maybe it really doesn't mean anything but if it does, it could be very important not only for you but for all of us. But please be careful."

"I will, promise."

Hermione nodded and walked away with a satisfied smile on her lips, leaving Y/N wondering what kind of mess she stumbled into.