
Dr. Heart Stealer

Trafalgar Law attempted to leave an immoral life by becoming a doctor. He, who killed a hundred of people in one night, is trying to save lives with the same hands. Airi turned her back and didn't dare to watch him walking away. She was also impressed with her own self. This time, she will not be doing anything idiotic. She's an intelligent woman, a decent one, someone who would prefer to keep gathering back her composure. On the other hand, Trafalgar's chest felt heavy while getting farther and farther away from the lady. Was he expecting her to stop him? Why would she? It's a decision he already risks a lot for. Credit goes for Oda and the creator of the Fan-art

Yel_lue04 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 8: Family Photo

Hospital Entrance

Airi held unto her chest. She stepped forward then back again. She circles around for quite some time.

"Airi! Are you going to visit Doctor Kureha?", Shirahoshi called her attention. She flinched and looked at the bubbly pink hair walking towards the entrance with her attendant. "Camie, she's Airi, one of my schoolmates", Shirahoshi introduced. "Nice to meet you", the greenhead politely bowed. "Are you with someone?", Shirahoshi peeked behind her and saw no one.

"Why don't we go together?", Shirahoshi held her hand. Airi flinched. "It's okay. When my mother was alive, she will always hold my hand as we go inside the hospital. She knew I was scared of the injection and everything. Her warm hands make me feel at ease", Shirahoshi swing their hands as they march towards the place.


"I'll just be outside. If you scream my name, I'll come right away", Shirahoshi gave a thumbs up and left the room.

"Eh?! Dr. Kureha is on leave", Airi heard Shirahoshi from outside. Airi closed her eyes and felt cold sweat forming. The door slid open. She stood up. She's mistaken. It's too bold for her to make this decision.

She opened her eyes and her jaw dropped as she saw who was in front of her. "I'm an intern for the cardiology department. I'll be doing the examination", he said without looking at the patient because he was busy writing something on a sheet of paper.

"Trafalgar-sensei?", Airi called his name. The man raised his head and looked at the bewildered lady. "You're interning? How about school duties?", Airi found herself dumbfounded. "I do grave shifts", Trafalgar answered. He sat on the chair. "How do you feel?", Trafalgar asked. Airi is taking the time to process his question. He would always complain about students getting sick here and there and now he is asking about her welfare. "Warm days make my chest feel tight", he said and sat on the chair in front of him. "Have you been taking medicines?", Trafalgar asked. "I...I'm not", Airi looked away.

"You should be taking a lot of fish oils. Anyway, I'll run a test on you. I already saw notes from Marco's record. Where's your family's consent?", Trafalgar asked. Airi gulped. "My Mom is always busy so I have no time to ask for her signature", Airi informed. "Let me call her, then", Trafalgar looked at the information sheet. Airi grabbed it from him. "I... I need to go", she said with a flustered expression. She held onto the door but Trafalgar pushed his feet against the door. "I'll get the consent later. Let's get you checked up", Trafalgar prepared his stethoscope.

"Sit", he ordered. Airi did as was instructed. Trafalgar stood and stood behind her. She felt the cold metal making contact with her skin at the back. "Breathe", Trafalgar said. He noted something. He removed the chest piece and slid it inside Airi's front. She felt the metal as well as Trafalgar's long slender fingers. She flinched. "Breathe", Trafalgar repeated. Trafalgar sighed watching the lady's flushed face in the mirror. "I'll have the nurse draw blood samples from you", Trafalgar wrote on a paper.

Airi looked at it.

He still has decent handwriting.

"I need to talk to your parent. Write down their contact number", Trafalgar opened his palm indicating Airi to give back the paper she grabbed from him a while ago. "Can you...", her voice was soft. She stood up and covered her mouth. "If you don't write a number, we can't go further with your assessment", Trafalgar informed. Airi looked around and saw the toilet. She opened it widely and threw it out.

Trafalgar walked behind her. He just stood observing the lady. Trafalgar offered tissue paper. She washed her mouth with water and remained in front of the faucet. "Did you know that some people die in their first attacks?", Trafalgar clicked his pen. Airi felt her chest tightening. "So if you won't get to know what's happening with that heart of yours, you wouldn't know how to counter it", Trafalgar leaned on the wall.

Airi grabbed onto her things and left the room.

"Airi?", Shirahoshi stood up and watch her running away. "Sensei?", Shirahoshi saw Trafalgar leaving the room. "You're still here", Trafalgar closed the door. "It's been a while since I saw Airi visiting the hospital. She wasn't this aversive when it comes to hospitals before. Something must have happened. I guess even if it's already painful for her, she's putting up a straight face", Shirahoshi opened.

Hospital Park

"Yohoho, isn't this Isobe-san?", Brook saw the lady sitting on the bench. "Brook-sensei", Airi recognized. "You look pale. Do you want me to accompany you inside?", Brook pointed at the hospital. "I just went out", Airi answered. "I see. I just went out as well. I had indigestion", he laughed.

Brook always looked like a happy clown who never had problems.

"Sensei, did you ever have bad memories about hospitals?", Airi asked.

"Hmmm?", Brook looked at the lady and saw a pair of wandering eyes. She was her student in Music last year, she has a unique taste in music. He chuckled as he remembered something. "I lost my friends, my bandmates, after a car accident. Some died on spot and some weren't able to hold longer in the hospital. I was the lone survivor. I watch how each one of them bit the dust", Brook said with a resting smile face. "And still, you're fine with entering this place?", Airi looked at the huge building. "I was lonely, sadder than I could imagine. One by one, they die and I'm the only one who's left. I often doubt if I was better off dead than any of them. I wandered aimlessly with my life, but a young child made me realize that I am allowed to live. He said my music was fun. Who cares if I deserve it or not, it's rather a slap on my friend's face if I waste a life they weren't able to have", Brook smiled.

"Then, are you telling me to disregard that feeling... that guilt of being the one who lived?", Airi held on her chest.

Brook looked at the sky.

"Your brother couldn't be happier to see you living your life well and better than before", Brook stood up. "Yohohoh~ See you at school, Isobe-san", Brook waved his hand.

"Sensei. Thank you...for sharing something very personal", Airi bowed very low. "Uhm, let's sing together about it someday, Isobe-san. Yohoho", Brook chuckled then left.

" I don't know to sing, though", Airi raised her head and saw that Brook is already gone.

Trafalgar's Apartment

Trafalgar looked at the photo on his table. It was a younger girl next to him. Both of them are smiling widely.


His phone rang.

"Your engagement part is around the corner. Aren't you going to meet your wife-to-be?".

"I don't have to".

"She's a dear. If it's not because of you, I could have kept her for myself".

"Then why don't you?"

"I have other things to do".

"I also have".

Trafalgar ended the call. He opened the veranda and stood outside.

Law, look at me. I look funny, right?

I have a trick to show.

He smiled and looked at the city lights.

"What if we invite Airi next time? She's really good at shooting games! I heard she's in the archery club in middle high but quit", he heard a familiar voice so he hid behind curtains. "Really? She's really talented. If she smiles more, boys will come swarming towards her", Nami commented. "I'm still falling for her regardless of her cool demeanor", Sanji's eyes are all hearts.

The Next Day

Someone knocked on Trafalgar's door. He yawned and opened the door.

"Yo", Kid waved. Behind him is Airi carrying a white cat. He looked at her and she evaded his stares. "Wear something", Kid pushed the half-naked man inside. After wearing a yellow sweatshirt, Trafalgar let them enter.

Airi looked around the bachelor's pad apartment. It's neat and fragrant like the clinic. Trafalgar seems to like a certain scent. She saw a lemon-scented candle on the table. The cat suddenly jumped out of Airi's arm and lay down on Trafalgar's bed. "She's fitting perfectly", Kid noticed. "It's my day off. Didn't I tell you to call before coming over?", Trafalgar said with an irritated tone. "You should feel lucky that I even bothered to", Kid opened his screen and entered a game. "Your remote?", he searched around the sofa. Trafalgar started preparing some tea. "Why are you here as well?", Trafalgar annoyingly asked.

"I need someone to take care of the cat. My mother said she'll feed it to the dogs", Airi informed. "Do I look like someone who wants to take care of a cat?", Trafalgar clicked his tongue. "Marco-sensei's house is already filled with freeloaders", Airi said straightforwardly. "Come on, I knew you-", Kid was about to say something but Trafalgar stuffed cubbed sugar in Kid's mouth. He hates sweet things after all. While the two are having morning wrestling, Airi took the time to look around. She saw pictures of Trafalgar with his family and a girl whom she guesses was his sister. She looks adorable.

Chapter end.