
Dr. Heart Stealer

Trafalgar Law attempted to leave an immoral life by becoming a doctor. He, who killed a hundred of people in one night, is trying to save lives with the same hands. Airi turned her back and didn't dare to watch him walking away. She was also impressed with her own self. This time, she will not be doing anything idiotic. She's an intelligent woman, a decent one, someone who would prefer to keep gathering back her composure. On the other hand, Trafalgar's chest felt heavy while getting farther and farther away from the lady. Was he expecting her to stop him? Why would she? It's a decision he already risks a lot for. Credit goes for Oda and the creator of the Fan-art

Yel_lue04 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 19: When You Said His Name

Doctor's Office

"Welcome to the Hospice. I am both the owner and one of the resident doctors here", Suga, a beige hair and an onyx-eyed, bubbly looking man introduced.

"Sensei, you look young. How old are you?", Carrot commented. "Thirty-four. I'm turning thirty-five on Friday", he answered with a friendly smile. "Anyways, we also prepared a customized uniform for you. Your president is generous enough to volunteer for three days", Suga stood up and opened a box.

Chopper and Ussop raised the scrub suits. "Oh, we look like nurses as well", Ussop commented. Sanji had nosebleed just imagining Nami and the rest of the girls. "I'll deal with the labor job. I need to carry more weights", Zoro raised his hand. "Where's the kitchen, doctor? I just want to check out", Sanji asked. Airi knew that Sanji just heard a child complaining about the bitter taste of the vegetable. "We'll try out the uniform", Nami grabbed Carrot and Airi. "I'll try it out later. I need to ask about the SOP of the institution", Airi excused.

The rest stayed in the room. "You don't need to go that far. We're just a carefree institution. We allow whatever the patients want to do", Suga explained. "On that note, our president is also the same", Airi nodded. Suga looked at the young lady and thought of something.

"Then, I haven't read through your names, I apologize for that", Suga opened the window curtains.

"Chopper here".





Airi ended up strolling with Trafalgar. She wanted to ask a question.

"That girl is still resting at the hotel. We didn't-", Trafalgar was interrupted by Airi. "It's okay! You don't have to tell me", she flushed in embarrassment. She fastly regained her composure and stopped walking.

"I overheard you talking a while ago", Airi informed. Trafalgar turned to look at her straight face. "How is he related to you? How is A-", Airi was cut off when a pillow was thrown to her head. "You suck at throwing", Luffy laughed while playing pillow fight with a lad named Shigure.

Laundry Area

Carrot and Nami were assigned to wash the blankets. "About your question a while ago", Nami recalled. Carrot was all ears. "Back in middle high, we were all delinquents recruited by Luffy in his so-called gang", Nami laughed when she said the last word. "But unlike the other gangs, we were different. Being with him constantly, we found ourselves reconnecting with the world around us. I was a thief when he found me. Luffy, he... He's just the person who can find something good in a person, no matter how tainted they are. For almost a year, we tag along with his "gang" thing. Regardless of how good-natured our activities were, people couldn't stand the stigma attached to it. We were all expelled and separated into different schools. Luffy ended up in an Academy with a nearby University. That's probably the time he met Law-san. He was reunited with his brother as well", Nami narrated.

"I see. That's why you guys are so close as well", Carrot smiled.

"Being in a gang sounds cool, though", Carrot commented. Nami closed her eyes as she reminisces about the past.

"If I lose here, then I'm a man who can only make this far".

"As long as you're alive, there'll be better things awaiting".

"There comes a time when a man will not run from a fight. That's when his friends' dreams are being laughed at".

"If you're too afraid of making mistakes, you won't be able to do anything".

"We've endured our share of hardships for being nails that stick out"

"It's not that every day that we talk about these certain matters", Nami had a weak smile. "Because of it, we also lost important things", Nami said in a soft voice.

"We weren't there when he was suffering. We weren't able to save him even after all he's done for us".


"Don't run away from me", Shigure caught him and started giving mini-punch. Airi looked at the 10-year-old child wearing the same clothes given by the hospice to the patients. "Let me go now. Your punches aren't painful but stop it", Luffy laughed while feeling tickled.

"There's something I need to tell you", Trafalgar led the way outside.

Water Pavillion

Airi looked around and saw kois from all sides of the man-made pond. They walked up the mini-bridge.

"Teach me how to dance", Airi nearly tripped at the rock in front of her. "You're really unpredictable, aren't you?", Airi sighed and held onto the bridge railing.

"Do it now. I will watch you", Trafalgar leaned on the bridge rails. Airi stared at him for a long time. "Do you need some music, young lady?", an old man suddenly appeared. The two were startled as the man walks out from the bushes. He was carrying a violin with him.

"I was practicing in the garden but some youngsters started to make some noise", Krokus, the old man sighed. The two already knew to whom he was referring. "Are you visitors, a family member of a patient?", Krokus asked. Airi and Trafalgar shook their head in unison.

He sat on the bench and placed the bow on top of the strings. "Shall we get started?", Krokus played a soft and mellow piece.

"Wait. I haven't asked what dance it was", Airi felt fidgety. Trafalgar stood in front of her. "Rebecca-ya and I will visit their hometown on the weekends. She said folks in their place loves to dance", Trafalgar clicked his tongue. "I just had some practice with social dances", Airi stepped closer. She gently raised Trafalgar's hand. . "In dancing, someone is expected to lead it and that's the man. You'd have to offer your hand first for her to take it as a signal that you're inviting her", Airi looked up and saw Trafalgar's straight face while she's dying in embarrassment.

"I know that much", the man responded. "Then, if you do, why don't you just read it or watch some videos", Airi slightly pouted.

"I don't have much time", Trafalgar grabbed on one of her hands and led it to his shoulder.

She can barely match his height. "Then, you sway at the beat of the music", Airi stepped on the side on which Trafalgar followed. "For someone who's tone-deaf, I'm surprised you can still match the timing", Trafalgar commented. She was about to say something but remembered that Trafalgar took her to Marco, took the cat in his custody, have her take the check-up, and even brought her to the cemetery. She just kept her words inside. Airi looked at Krokus who is silently watching them.

"I'll make a turn. Make sure you'll give enough space", Airi informed. Trafalgar did as she instructed. After such time, Airi taught some varieties of steps that the man mastered in such a brief time. While teaching Trafalgar, there was something Airi noticed.

He held her too gently. It was as if he was careful not to break something that is delicate and fragile. And for his eyes, he was cautiously watching her feet.

Krokus clapped his hand. "Well done young girl. You dance like a professional", Krokus praised. "I just mastered it. Ever since I was young, I am constantly brought into social gatherings. Being on the sideline, I watched tons of dances", Airi sat on the bench with the old man. "And also, he's a fast learner", Airi looked away not wanting to see his reaction to her comment. Airi shifted her focus on the man and wonder who he was. He's not wearing any uniform or even patient's clothing.

"What are you doing here as well? Mister. We're from Sen Academy and our president volunteered", Airi was curious.

"I need to stay here because of a certain person. You see, he's quite suicidal so...", Krokus gave a short laugh. "Not to mention this place is somewhere a person is assisted to die", Krokus looked at the pond. They're at the back part of the institution so they haven't seen a patient.

Dining Hall

Sanji started to fill in bowls. The patients all went out of their room to check where the smell is coming from. They were startled to see a buffet in the dining hall.

"It's time for a banquet!" Luffy turned on the radio and started to dance with young and old patients. Zoro drank wine with some old man. Nami and Carrot played with the children. Sanji is busy flirting with the nurse and staff.

Penguin and Shachi saw Trafalgar and waved their hand. Shachi went close and bowed very low. "I was wrong, Captain. Whatever your decisions are, I know you're considering someone else again", Shachi went teary. Trafalgar slapped the back of his head. "Stop calling me that", Trafalgar clicked his tongue.

Airi slightly chuckled but covered her mouth. "What?", Trafalgar asked annoyingly.

Uhm, I finally figured out. He's a nice guy.

Krokus entered as well. He saw a man with a couple of scars on his face playing chess with Ussop. He was put into the spot but there was something in his eyes. He is determined to win the game. Krokus had a weak smile on his face.

"But if people die, no matter how early it is, it would be nice to die with a smile painted on their face", Krokus stepped forward and gave the man advice. Ussop lost in the game.

"Just like, how he did", Trafalgar had some flashbacks.

Chapter end.