
Dr. Damage

Christian was a retired criminal from the South Brooklyn Boys. He aspired to become a Medical Doctor to help the people around him, but he had done too many dirty deeds for the criminal organization. After being brought to a new world, there should be new opportunities, right? But at what cost?

JustaMemer · Fantasy
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32 Chs

What to do?

As Chris sat there, the older man was perplexed.

He asked, "Is that not how you would say it? Wouldn't you do the hand-touch too?"

Chris stared at him, completely befuddled.

After 5-seconds passed, the old man let out a loud "Huff!" then said, "Well, if you aren't going to talk anymore, I guess we are done here."

The old man stood up and began to raise his hands. They let out a terrible sound as they started to glow.

Chris shouted, "WAIT!" and the old man smirked.

The old man said, "WUHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU~" in his MOST offensive old person impression.

The glowing from his hands got brighter and the heat was just enough to make Chris squirm in his chair.

Documents began to lift off of the table and fly around aimlessly.

"MISTER WIZARD, PLEASE, I AM SORRY, I WILL TALK!" Shouted Chris as the old man began to laugh.

The light suddenly went away, a supreme air of confidence befell the room.

The loose documents stopped fluttering, airflow in the room stopped completely, and the candles burned with less fervor in front of this man's display of confidence.

"Tell me, boy. What brings you." Said the old man in a new voice, this time it was much younger, that of a seasoned general.

"I-I-I told you, the blackness…and stuff." Stuttered Chris as he looked away.

The old man sat there with a look of perplexation on his face as he began to cast a spell with no outward effects.

Chris felt a deep sensation, it was like he was in a locker room nightmare in high school.

"Don't look at me!" Shouted Chris as he covered his private parts…that were covered by clothes.

"Interesting…you were telling the truth."

The old man's face now had actual wonder on it. The hint of joyous laughter and celebration at an impossible feat was completely washed away.

The old man suddenly shifted again.

"I apologize for the strange behavior…I don't get many visitors and when you said that you came through the void…well, that's impossible."

The man paused.

"And yet, here you are."

The old man shook his head in disbelief.

"Nice to meet you, Christian Boyd." He offered his hand as if to be shook.

Chris instinctively shook his hand.

They were staring at each other as the shook.

The two sat in silence for a few moments before Chris asked, "What is that creature you keep in a "fishbowl?"

"Martha, yeah, you mentioned one about to eat you…To be honest, I don't know how you survived so long, I mean, most souls would have gotten gobbled up by a horror in seconds. Shoot, when we summon Heroes, we have to use a TON of Divine Grace just to protect them."

Chris sat with an agape mouth.

"You see why it was funny? That should have been a quintillion to negative one chance, but you did it."

The old man kicked back in his chair and placed his feet up on the desk.

"Wait, "Heroes"?" Asked Chris as he relaxed.

"Oh yeah, the people LOVE a good Hero, or 40 of them…"

"40?! Why do you need so many Heroes, what kind of world do you inhabit?"

The old man looked at him with squinted eyes, "We have a FINE world, okay?"

He muttered, "…and they call me judgmental…sheesh…"

Chris was still confused, "Wait, how do you summon them?"

Chris kept going as he was getting excited, "Am I one of Heroes?"

The old man could see the bubbling hope in the man's eyes…

"Naw…afraid not."

The old man hopped up and grabbed his cane. He began to pace around the room while Chris sat in his emotional wreckage.

[Why am I even here? What is the point of coming through the void…just to get fuck-all?]

"Wait, I am still in the world, so this is a new life with magic! This is still great!" Chris hopped up and was about to look for the front door when a heavy hand was laid on his shoulder. It swiftly drove him back into the chair.

"Not so fast, kiddo!" The old man strolled around to his chair and said, "You aren't "technically" in the world…yet."

He continued, "You see, Heroes go through an extensive background check. We don't want any more fuckin' Nazis. But, I have already seen your entire consciousness, it is impressive but not enough to be a Hero and to get to the world, you have to be a Hero…"

"Does that mean I am stuck here? What happens if someone is rejected for being a "Nazi", where do they go?"

The old man summoned a cup of tea and took a sip.

"Ah…well, you would normally be sent back."

Chris was waiting for him to elaborate but he seemed infatuated with his tea.

"And if I can't go back?" Asked Chris in a more annoyed tone.

"Ah…well, to be honest, no idea." Said the man as he took a long sip and finished off the small cup.

He let out a burp and then said, "To be honest, this has actually never happened. I should probably contact my children about this but…it will be fine."

"Do you want to enter the world?" Asked the man.

"Uh, duh, kinda' be what the topic was for the last minute." Replied Chris.

The old man was taken aback again. He said, "Kid, I like you." and proceeded to laugh.

"I know what the conversation was, I just want to be clear. Do you want to enter the world of the living?" He asked in his domineering voice.

"Y-Y-eah, I'd like that." Replied Chris.

The man looked him in the eyes and asked, "Why?"

Chris was shocked for a moment but said, "Because I would like to full fill my dream. I have hurt a lot of people in the past and I should atone for my crime, plus, I like helping the sick. Medicine is very rewarding, even when I get scared."

The God looked at him and asked, "What makes you think you are worthy?"

Chris was getting nervous, he felt the world closing in on him, it was just like the time he was about to die.

He racked his brain and his answer was, "I think I am worthy because I am here…maybe my karma has helped or something?"

"Incorrect. Answer again."

Chris was sweating.

"I uh, I came through the void and got here, shouldn't that mean I get to live?"

The man's voice got deeper as the room fell away, "Incorrect. Answer again, with the TRUTH!"

Chris was thinking. He didn't know the answer, did he do it? Was he someone capable of pulling this off? No.

Chris stammered, "I-I-I don't know…I don't know why I am here, I just AM!"

Chris was sweating and about to faint when the world came back, it was like a PowerPoint transition as the walls fell back into place.

"That is the truth, good job." The man continued like it was nothing for him to rip reality apart.

"So, what is the goal? Wonder the world, heal people?" Asked the God in a silly tone as if he was mocking it.

"Yeah…" Chris replied and looked at the ground.

"Fine plan. I have heard of worse plans, trust me!" He let out a loud laugh as he recalled the man attempting world domination.

The old man sat there, just thinking about his options when his face suddenly lit up.

"I got it!" he said as he clapped his hands and a beautiful woman appeared next to him.

"DAD!!! WHAT THE HELL???" Shouted the woman.

"Sorry sweetie, I just need your help. What should we do with this gentleman?" Asked the old man with a large smile on his face.

"Hmmmmmm, how 'bout we Smite him?" Said the woman as he made a golden light appear in her hands then flicked it.

The light shot at him, but a barrier deflected it as if it was nothing.

"Now, Zosoi, that is rude. We don't Smite guests…most of the time."

The old man continued, "This kid came here through the void, on his own, unaided. He wants to go down to the world of the living to live life, and he wants to be a Healer! Isn't that a great opportunity for you!"

"Uh? Dad, my blessings are not recharged yet, I can't really help the guy…sooooooo, I will be going if that is all you needed."

The old man looked around and let out a sigh, "Yeah, you can go…" and before the sentence was finished, she poof'ed out of thin air.

"Kid, I have two options. Option 1, you go with the standard "base" Hero stuff. The last Heroes got a radar detection ability and some other stuff, or you could go with Option 2. Now, Option 1 could be a lot better. Option 2 would involve spinning the Wheel of Fate."

Chris squinted his eyes.

"Yeah, it is actually like the Wheel of Fortune, weird right?" Said the old man with a chuckle.

Then he asked, "You wouldn't mind if I borrowed a few ideas for the next Heroes, would you? I think doing a Hunger Games type of power selection may be fun…"

Chris was almost horrified.

[Good lord, what is this man doing to the poor Heroes…]

"Anyway, Option 2, right. So, you get 3 spins. It is mostly random with common blessings and abilities, but there are some really good ones and some bad ones.

I want to warn you, there are curses on the board and if you get one, it could be bad…"

Chris sat in contemplation. What to choose?