
Dr. Damage

Christian was a retired criminal from the South Brooklyn Boys. He aspired to become a Medical Doctor to help the people around him, but he had done too many dirty deeds for the criminal organization. After being brought to a new world, there should be new opportunities, right? But at what cost?

JustaMemer · Fantasy
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32 Chs

The Chosen Path

[What do I pick? I could either be normal and go through the world as a normal person or I could gamble…

Chad would be screaming to take option 2 but…]

Chris had an idea and asked, "Mister, what do you recommend I do?"

The old man sat for a moment and then showed a massive grin.

"Kid, I wholly endorse the second option. Fate is something of a…friend around here."

[Well, he did protect me from that crazy lady, but he almost did it himself…

Wait…when he was about to cast his spell, it was all loud and "blow-ie", it was moving papers off of the desk and all that, but if his daughter was able to cast one almost at will, why all the buildup?]

Chris had thought about most of the recent events very shallowly as they kept happening in succession.

[I am going to ask him directly…]

"Hey, old man. Were you fucking with me earlier with the big light and wind show?" Asked Chris as he leaned across the table.

"Perhaps. What do you choose?" Said the man with a grin.

"Thought so. An old fart like you wouldn't be outdone by his daughter like that."

The man took a second and just smiled.

"I think I will take your advice; I CHOOSE DOOR NUMBER 2!" Shouted Chris as he raised his fist to the sky.

As the old man was looking at the Wheel of Fate, it wasn't moving. He seemed puzzled as to what was stopping it from working. As he was about to give it the ol' Divine Slap, it burst into motion.

The Wheel was spinning so fast it was creating a tunnel of air in front of it.

All of the papers on the desk flew off and the candles were snuffed out.

Chris was leaning on the edge of his seat, scared out of his mind.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Shouted the old man, Chris could barely hear him over the absolute tornado tunnel of wind that was coming off of the Wheel of Fate.

As Chris jumped behind the desk, the Wheel stopped…

All of the force instantly halted under the power of Fate.

Chris poked his eyes up from behind the lip of the desk and he could see a golden light pouring off of the little section that the Wheel landed on…

He got back into his seat and only put half of his butt-cheek on it, just in case he had to hit the deck again.

"Well, lets see what ya' got!" Said the old man as he went for the piece of gold foil.

He ripped the slip of foil off of the Wheel and began to read it.

"Blessing of the Goddess of Life, Zosoi! Kid, this is a great opportunity! This will definitely be a big help; it will allow you to cast healing spells for no mana. A few healing Heroes have had this and they loved it."

Chris was thinking about what he said and asked, "Isn't that really strong? Like, too strong for someone?"

The old man laughed and said, "Kid, there are much more broken blessings on the Wheel. The healing one is really good, but it lacks any attack power…which usually means the healers die when they are abandoned, buuuuuut I wouldn't worry about that…hehe…"

"What kind of Heroes are you bringing here, people are animals…"

The old man took a moment and said, "Uh, kid, you were accepted and you were in a gang which killed you, so how about we keep the mouth from being so "judgy"? Ya' feel me?" Then he winked at Chris.

Chris felt personally attacked.

"I didn't mean it like…wait…let me rephrase it-" Chris was suddenly cut off by the man, "Yadda, yadda, yadda, more spinning please!"

Chris had no words, and thus, he spun the Wheel manually this time. It was like there was gum on the axel that it spun on.

Eventually, enough force was put in it and it got rolling but it began to slow down and then changed directions.

The Wheel was picking up speed in the opposite direction and it was MOVING.

The tornado that messed up the room before was reforming and Chris hit the deck to wait it out.

With the Wheel spinning out of control again, the old man tried to calm it.

Just as before, it stopped.

This time, the golden sheen could not be seen when Chris poked his head out of cover.

It had landed on a black sheet of foil with purple lettering.

The old man had a tense look on his face as he reached to see the result.

"It would appear that your dream has taken a detour…"

The man was standing there with the piece of foil in his hands, and on it was the downfall to Chris' dreams.

"You have received the curse of Razotz…"

He stood there, speechless at the turn of events.

"Kid, fate has something in store for you, and I can't sense it…that's never happened to me before." Said the old man as he began to stare at the ground and rub the foil.

Chris was listening attentively to the man that was clearly powerful, but he felt an itching. It was like his clothes were starting to burn him.

Chris started to scratch his arm, but it would not reach it. Apparently, the itch was deep in his skin.

"Argh! Why am I itching?" Grumbled Chris as he took his shirt off and saw black lines forming on his chest.

"AHHH! WHAT THE HELL????" Chris was clearly alarmed at the new finding and then the old man looked up to see the lines of fate being woven into this child's being.

He raised his hand and casted truly powerful magic, but it did not slow, fate was not obeying.

"Kid! Time to spin, spin again, quickly!" Shouted the old man.

Chris was still itching like crazy and he could feel it getting worse. His scratching was so close, yet so far from the sensation. Eventually he started to use the corner of the desk to scratch is arm and it started to draw blood.

Chris heard muffled speaking, but he was preoccupied with this itching crisis.

The old man walked around the Wheel and slapped Chris on the shoulder, it let out a loud CRACK!

"AHHHHH! WHAT THE FUCK OLD MAN??? I THINK YOU BROKE MY ARM!!!" Shouted Chris as the itching subsided briefly.

"Spin. Wheel. Now." Said the old fart.

Chris walked over and now the Wheel felt a like a normal spinning Wheel…he could just use the one good arm to spin and it would be decent. It was like the gum was gone from the axel.

Chris heaved and gave it a decent spin before walking away and resuming his scratching contest with himself.

"Come on..come on.."

The old man was waiting for the Wheel to speed up when it slowly came to a stop. It was behaving normally.

A plain white slip of paper was the one activated. He pulled it off of the Wheel and read it.

The old man had a face full of confusion, "What the hell is a wildcard?"

Chris was itching against the chair and sliding it all over the room in the background while the God of Fate & Chaos began his call to the mortal realm.

"KID! YO!" Shouted the old man.

Chris kept trying to itch his skin off, but the blood was getting on the rug of…well it was just a normal rug, but it was a nice one.

"CHRIS, HELLO?" Asked the man once more before giving up on input. He just searched for a similar body layout and the room flashed with a bright light before Chris disappeared.

"Goodness me, that was a first. I am going to have to schedule a napping session with Martha after that!" Said the God as he relaxed in his chair and sank down into it while letting out a big "Huff!"