
Chapter 30: Fierce Tiger Wine! Hulena's Secret Crush!!_1

Translator: 549690339


Luo Yu subconsciously touched his face.

Good grief, it was burning hot!

Hulena frowned, anxiously looking at the man, not knowing what had happened.

Luo Yu was also bewildered now.

Just a moment ago, he didn't think much of it, feeling rather delightful after a little drink, with a mild warmth in his body.

But things were increasingly amiss, his entire body was suddenly overcome with heat, and now it was as if every pore was spewing steam.

His Dantian was even more so filled with an evil fire, shooting straight up.

His throat dried, his gaze swept over to the jade bottle, and his eyes, reddening, instantly glared at the woman.

"Hulena, what on earth did you just make me drink?"

Seeing the man's "fierce" look, Hulena tightened up, speaking pitifully, "There was... there was nothing."

Luo Yu felt a wave of heat assaulting his brain, the nameless evil fire grew stronger, and it seemed as if his blood vessels began expanding at that moment, while his muscles also started to show signs of tensing and swelling.

"Speak up!!"

Hulena, seeing the strange changes in Luo Yu's body, looked worried and hurriedly leaned in closer.

"Brother Yu, what's happening to you!!"

Luo Yu, pressing down the restlessness, said hoarsely, "Cut the crap, tell me what you made me drink!!"

Hulena bit her thin lips, hearing Luo Yu scolding her, her voice becoming anxious and almost tearful.

"It's nothing, that liquor is just a tonic, okay?"

"A tonic? What kind of tonic could have 'toned' me up to this extent!!" Luo Yu's voice suddenly raised, feeling that the situation was utterly absurd.

Hulena explained anxiously, "Brother Yu, actually, I saw you consume so many tonics this morning, so I... I just..."

"Just what, say it!" Luo Yu felt his whole body was no longer okay.

He wanted to transform, to become a beast.

At this point, Hulena had no choice but to come clean.

"I saw you had so many kidney tonics this morning, Brother Yu, and I just thought I could help you deal with whatever underlying issues you're facing, and I knew we have this treasure here, which should be what you need."

Luo Yu felt a suffocating sensation in his chest, almost to the point of coughing up blood with anger.

He could understand the woman's insinuation, couldn't he?

It was as good as saying outright that he had kidney deficiency!

So all along the way, with her hemming and hawing, acting all peculiar, she was bringing him here to find tonics?

"Brother Yu, are you still... are you still okay?" Hulena was at a loss, never having seen such a scene, and it didn't seem like poisoning, did it?

"I was fine before, now I'm not fine at all." Luo Yu glared at her fiercely with red eyes, "Also, I want to emphasize, I, young master, do not have kidney deficiency, I'm fine!!!"

"I know, I know, Brother Yu, what's happening to you right now!"

Hulena was truly panicked now, for the man's heavenly aura had dissipated, now replaced with a wild, agitated breath, looking like he might explode at any moment.

"Still asking what's happening to me, did you really give me a tonic to drink??" Luo Yu snapped.

Hulena's little face was stricken with urgency: "Yes, it was a tonic indeed, my brother bragged to me about it, saying it's even more potent than a complete tonic soup, after a man drinks it, it surges through him with vitality and vigor."

Luo Yu felt darkness before his eyes, understanding everything at last.

So the Martial Soul Hall goddess thought he had kidney weakness, leading him to her brother's secret chamber to steal some medicine? And what's more absurd is that he actually believed her nonsense, drank it all!

And he even thought it tasted good! What was this mess!!

"Didn't he tell you what this thing is for? What's its name?" Luo Yu's throat vibrated.

"My brother told me this stuff is for replenishing the body, man, and its effectiveness was unprecedented, he put in a lot of effort to get it, the label said roaring tiger."

"That's right, my brother mentioned it also has another name, called..."

"What is it called?" Luo Yu's voice was deep, trying hard to suppress the restlessness within.

"Dragon's Head Raising."


Damn, what fitting names—'roaring tiger' and 'Dragon's Head Raising'.


Now he was genuinely "raising his head"!

Not only raising his head but about to explode.

Now Luo Yu could see clearly that the girl in front of him was feigning understanding while being clueless.

It's not surprising, after all—a goddess of a generation, where would she know of men's unsavory practices.

Seeing Luo Yu's body trembling, Hulena quickly reached out to support him.

In the secret room, a single man and a single woman.

As the woman's fragrance closed in, Luo Yu immediately felt like he was about to lose control.


His aura burst forth, the Dragon God Martial Soul manifested, directly overpowering Hulena.

"Brother Yu, what is happening to you!?" Hulena tried to struggle.

A robust masculine scent rushed over, and two arms, strong as iron, bound her, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"What's happening? You tell me what's happening?"

"It's all your doing, isn't it? Shouldn't you be responsible for helping me put out the fire?"

"What?" Hulena's eyes widened, only now realizing there was something wrong with the drink.

"Hiss!" She sucked in a breath of cold air as her brows furrowed and her earlobes felt pain.

There, Luo Yu had bitten her.

"You said, if I sleep with you today."

"Is it your fault, or mine?"


The outer garment was torn, revealing a black undergarment, showcasing her perfect figure.

Hulena struggled but couldn't free herself; she was already pinned down by Luo Yu's Dragon God Martial Soul.

Looking into Luo Yu's slightly crazed eyes.

Hulena resignedly closed her eyes, a single clear tear falling from the corner of her eye.

She really hadn't anticipated this outcome.


A restrained roar erupted near her ear, close at hand.

"Cry, now you know to cry."

"I have been royally screwed over by you."

"Hulena, you owe me big time this go around!!"

Luo Yu fiercely pinched her sleek and shapely long legs.


Hulena felt her body loosen, and before she could open her eyes, she heard the sound of bricks and stones breaking in an explosion.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that a big hole had been blasted at the end of the stone steps, and Luo Yu had vanished without a trace.

She was also wearing a man's coat over her own clothes.

"Brother Yu..." Hulena looked dazedly at the man's coat on her body, with tears still glistening in her eyes.

Her emotions were complex right now.

If she had been afraid at that moment before, now she was filled with boundless worry for the man.

"Who the hell stole from my home."

Angry shouts came as Evil Moon hurriedly scrambled through the wall's breach into the secret chamber.

He was stunned when he saw Hulena.

"Sister, why is it you?"

He looked around and, with bulging eyes, demanded, "Where's the thief?"

Seeing Evil Moon, Hulena's eyes reddened, feeling on the verge of feeling wronged to death.

"Evil Moon!"

"I am going to kill you!!"


Possessed by her Demon Fox Martial Soul, Hulena grew long ears and a fox tail and immediately attacked Evil Moon.

"Sis, stop, what madness is this!" Evil Moon struggled to defend himself, continually getting knocked back, never expecting his own sister to so brutally attack him.

After dozens of breaths, Evil Moon, with a bruised face, said in a plaintive tone, "My home has been robbed, and you're still causing trouble by hitting me."

Hulena's eyes were lifeless as she pouted her red lips, mournfully saying, "All these years, I finally meet a man I like, and now, you've ruined it all!!"

"Huh? What did I do?" Evil Moon was dumbfounded, professing his innocence.

Soon enough, Hulena told him all about what had happened since she had brought Luo Yu into the place.

Evil Moon's jaw dropped, he slapped his thigh, "You... Are you kidding me, sneaking your brother's outsider in?"

His heart shattered, lamenting how daughters never stay home.

"Whatever, as long as you are okay and nothing serious happened," sighed Evil Moon.

Hulena glared at him with teary eyes, "Not serious? Didn't you tell me that thing was for replenishing one's health? Why did Brother Yu react like that!!"

Evil Moon said helplessly, "How could I tell you at that time that the thing was an aphrodisiac!!"

"Aphrodisiac? You're saying that was an aphrodisiac???" Hulena was struck as if by lightning, finally understanding why Luo Yu had been so frantic and in pain.

"That was something I secretly prepared for my master, that old man, using several hundred types of Spirit Grass according to a secret recipe. I was hoping to find a good opportunity to use it to barter with my teacher for treasures."

"Now it's all gone. The potion is all gone," Evil Moon was on the verge of tears.

"Evil Moon, would consuming that make one feel terrible?" Hulena asked vacantly.

Evil Moon replied irritably, "What do you think? That thing isn't the usual sort of aphrodisiac; it has a huge delayed effect. A single sip could turn dry twigs into a raging blaze! Even a Saint would lose his senses, and it's unbearable if not resolved."

Hulena trembled, her delicate body stirring as she caressed the clothes the man left on her, her expression moved.

At that moment, if he truly had done something, what right would she have to complain? After all, it was she who had brought it upon herself.

Yet, Luo Yu had forcefully resisted the instinct and pain; rather than hurting her, he chose to endure great suffering.

Had it been someone else at that time, they might have just taken advantage of her as a matter of course.

Brother Yu... you...

Hulena's pupils contracted, and she covered her mouth, emotionally touched.

"Eh?" Evil Moon curiously said, "What's this I've filled the bottle with again?"

"That's the Spiritual Liquid Brother Yu added back because he didn't feel right taking something for nothing," explained Hulena.

"Ha!" Evil Moon rolled his eyes in pain, "What Spiritual Liquid could compare to my cherished Dragon's Head Raising?"

His voice of disdain stopped abruptly, followed by a stunned gasp of disbelief.


"Is this... Thousand-Year Jade Marrow Spiritual Liquid?"

Evil Moon tried a drop in his mouth and felt his Soul Power surge.

"Damn, it's really Thousand-Year Spiritual Liquid!"

"Sis, did he say this was for me?" Evil Moon clutched the jade bottle tightly, his face radiant with excitement and joy, no longer showing any sign of pain.

"This thing is precious?" asked Hulena in a daze.

"Precious is an understatement; this thing can only be found in the very heart of the Aquipeia Forest. Consuming this bottle could help me improve by at least four levels."

Hulena's already quivering heart was even more astounded, deeply affected.

At this moment, Luo Yu's image was etched deeply into her heart.

"Sister, where are you going!" cried Evil Moon in alarm.

Hulena's graceful figure had already vanished from the room.

At the same time, a series of system notifications rang in Luo Yu's mind.

But he was too distraught to care about them, nearly losing his mind…